Sinonim dari put a spoke in someone's wheel

Kata kerja

To thwart or obstruct someone in the execution of some design
foil frustrate thwart cause havoc put a spanner in the works put a wrench in the works wreak havoc check curb prevent block obstruct restrain circumvent checkmate stop hinder stymie impede baulk baffle defeat hamper balk scotch derail scupper dash counter snooker discomfit outwit nobble put the mockers on foul up do for put paid to upset the applecart disappoint cramp forestall beat ruin spoil smash crimp put the stopper on bilk upset stand in the way of nip in the bud root give the slip put a stop to put the kibosh on cross louse up crab oppose halt trammel bar repulse mess up snafu take down cook someone's goose play off suppress queer someone's pitch spike someone's guns neutralise hold up take wind out of screw up nullify traverse repress neutralize take the wind out of your sails confuse stultify shipwreck confound contravene debar cause setback repel squash scuttle counterplot deter obviate rattle get the better of blank overturn undo put end to beat down invalidate parry take wind out of sails bury cripple queer halt in its tracks throw a spanner in the works throw monkey wrench in throw a monkey wrench in the works inhibit delay control retard stem govern regulate discourage play for time bottle up bottleneck moderate reduce choke bite back staunch hold in put a brake on terminate interfere with rebuff muffle squelch hold down smother choke back contain swallow pull in withhold rein in hold back hold bridle limit interrupt keep under control slacken pace constrain rein pause fight back brake counteract bring to a standstill keep in check cut short stem the flow of stifle keep a lid on slow down tame keep back arrest avert stave off fetter head off ward off restrict avoid encumber handicap hamstring hobble fend off cumber shackle stall prohibit handcuff stonewall intercept clog hang up preclude defend against disrupt put an end to shut out hold off hog-tie evade cramp one's style manacle embarrass short-circuit tie up escape forfend get in the way throw a monkey wrench in the works of sidestep skirt deflect stump set back get in the way of slow steer clear of destroy quash wreck overcome elude divert interdict curtail bork interfere circumnavigate entangle bypass put the lid on rule out cut off dodge help duck dish resist sabotage anticipate pre-empt clobber bind turn aside keep at bay be a hindrance to keep off give a hard time shut off shut down puzzle crush negate throw get out of subvert mystify dampen chill cancel annul nonplus flummox conquer weaken extinguish preempt corner suspend undermine discontinue keep lid on forbid shun disconcert inconvenience save destabilize ditch impair sandbag eschew remit shake sap shelve rebut demolish intermit debilitate spike faze nix give the run around destabilise be beyond get in before shirk second-guess provide against choke off get ahead of chain beat someone to the draw beat someone to the punch keep from happening beat someone to it pick off drag your feet put off steal a march on get around brush off close off force back push back beat off put to flight drive away see off turn away beat back fight off thrust back bring to an end drive back turn back send packing countermove worst offset buck withstand finish finish off crash juke unsettle devastate sink act against throw a curve stave torpedo desist cease fend shatter suffocate confront miss vanquish triumph gain bring to a close make an end of burden muzzle shunt freeze dam crool banjax defy blight blow obscure lick bring an end to inc commandeer forefend cloud pigeonhole dead-end postpone strangulate saddle with affect disturb detain retardate cheat tamper influence dash one's hope box in throw a spoke in the wheel of defer protract wreak havoc with hang fire trouble discommode jam incommode conflict be early prorogue keep burst bubble put the brakes on take out of play be one step ahead of act in advance of prepare for head off at pass put the damper on put a damper on put on hold stay confine prolong damp shove aside let cool slow up put on back burner subdue disempower render null and void knock down force off chase away keep away keep at arm's length stand off drive off throw cold water on bog down throw a monkey wrench into pour cold water on put back back off hold off on bring to screeching halt make late hold over damage threaten outlaw enjoin ward demoralize attenuate quell turn off end rout emasculate bewilder demoralise soften botch challenge keep in perplex put on brakes minimize undercut lessen detract from chip away minimise diminish drag through the mud crack down on clip one's wings queer the pitch of poke full of holes stamp out dumbfound snuff out discombobulate wipe out clamp down on get rid of slap down bamboozle fox shortcut floor gravel outflank maze wilder force away stagger obfuscate outmanoeuvre outmaneuver flee lose bring up short be all Greek to find a way round get round find a way around get past work around be too much for put at a loss end-run go around scape outrun body-swerve stay shy of fly weasel out of shy slip away from shake off give the slip to run from slip through the net throw off the scent run around get away from escape from run away from shuffle out of double get away finesse give the runaround shuck slip through your fingers tie leash weigh down tie one's hands

Antonim dari put a spoke in someone's wheel

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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