Sinonim dari remaining amount

Kata benda

The result of the subtraction of one number or quantity from another
difference remainder balance rest excess extra remains residue residuum outstanding amount leftovers surplus leavings remaining quantity remnants overspill overflow remnant remaining part remaining number odds and ends what's left others rump superfluity vestiges vestige dregs wreckage overplus number left over those left quantity left over part left over additional people additional material extra people extra material additional things extra things part that is left over number that is left over bottom of barrel quantity that is left over residual leftover scraps butt trace relic stub oddment hangover carry-over wreck waste garbage ruins salvage refuse heel stump fragment tail end junk detritus obverse the rest of debris end fragments flotsam pieces ashes oddments rubble orts scrap piece lees fag end bit shred relics bits legacy rubbish litter miscellany survival bits and pieces dross traces shell crumbs part shambles ruin trash hull skeleton mélange end piece offcuts dog end jumble particles mishmash patchwork hodgepodge notions melee medley rags sundries assortment motley rummage novelties knickknacks etcetera olio potpourri mixed bag loose ends this and that sundry items miscellaneous paraphernalia bits and bobs inheritance crust offcut rest of notion etceteras carryover hulk holdover mess heap portion particle strip frame scrapings sweepings odds and sods rejects cast-offs spoil wrack havoc last part sunken vessel sunken ship castoffs shards wastage crackup mincemeat skids segment tip projection base nubbin sediment grounds part leftover sublimate overage precipitate settlings scourings slag deposit parings silt sewage scum filtrate shavings leaving snippet sliver off cut end of a line

Antonim dari remaining amount

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