Sinonim dari spin round

Kata kerja

To pass and go round (something)
round circle compass orbit circuit circumnavigate encircle girdle ring circulate begird circumvent encompass gird skirt go around go round move round pivot round revolve round rotate round turn round travel round whirl round sail round circumscribe enclose surround environ embrace wreathe inclose hem in fence in bound confine loop border edge blockade envelop fringe enfold invest cincture enwreath close in wall in shut in cut off beset besiege engird belt rim lock in contain hedge in move around ring round form a barrier round form a ring around seal off halo cover band enring form a ring round revolve around circumambulate revolve gird in coil circumduct ensphere tour circle round beleaguer delimit siege trap enwreathe throng inundate enclave box in close around limit margin lay siege to close in on encase outline verge fly round sail around fly around travel around pen block pen up pen in wrap hem fence swathe hedge corral enwrap swaddle sheathe coop cloak enshroud drape involve immure shroud frame impound fence off flank cage embower bind cocoon cordon off close line mew up separate off veil box up circumfuse bower intern include wall lap mantle restrict close off mure isolate segregate seal embosom enswathe coop up mask protect girt girth mew hold lock up partition off enwind wrap up engirdle block off fold engulf imprison encage closet house muffle pound kettle shut off bosom roll obnubilate tape off rope off immerse rail in screen off curtain off clothe quarantine blanket trim conceal shut hurdle demarcate jail fix hide guard shield separate screen gaol straiten case define envelope demark delineate pall wind keep bandage comprise terminate shut up set incorporate hold captive mark off embody comprehend subsume put inside consist of take in roll up bundle up engross span be made up of be composed of mark out tie lock something in be bounded by secure defend coil around cordon something off partition incarcerate writhe around lace furl capture box safeguard ward fend forfend bulwark fortify pave absorb shelter twine camouflage mount entwine press grab cinch clinch cut turn off rail cage in hold in gyrate go travel keep under lock and key bear hug divide up section off carry entail number leaguer frame in set in a frame stop halt establish wheel constitute determine comprise of have amount to account for attack assail assault congregate pack bundle inwrap package decide specify mob form a barrier around hinder constrain stipulate identify designate settle classify infold work over work on come at from all sides shut something off distinguish prescribe gift-wrap detail mark obscure restrain curb set the limits of set the boundaries of set out lay down stake out set bounds to trammel bar hamper prelimit hold back swarm round throng round crowd round wrap around nail down cover up overlay superimpose overspread mew in wall off muster set upon fall upon

Antonim dari spin round

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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