Sinonim dari sticks in one's craw

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To bother or annoy someone
nettles irritates annoys vexes irks exasperates riles galls aggravates provokes piques peeves angers bugs ruffles bothers narks upsets infuriates needles displeases miffs gets chafes incenses grates disturbs rankles rasps enrages offends hassles persecutes harasses spites eats frosts rides gripes gravels pesters itches goads affronts frets exacerbates teases roils disgruntles humps bedevils disgusts insults stings niggles gnaws huffs pets stews tiffs puts out hacks off gets to burns up winds up ticks off rubs up the wrong way drives up the wall gives someone the hump hacks you off gets on your nerves rubs the wrong way gets on one's nerves gets across someone wears on gets your goat sets one's teeth on edge maddens antagonizes agitates inflames frustrates embitters excites rouses antagonises drives mad drives crazy gets at tees off bums out makes someone see red drives to distraction gets under your skin sends into a rage gets in your hair drives round the bend makes waves gets on your wick works up tries the patience of troubles worries gets across plagues distresses outrages perturbs torments rattles harries gets your back up discomposes pains makes angry makes your blood boil puts your back up nags afflicts hurts mads discommodes tries besets grates on badgers dissatisfies steams up ires enflames makes somebody's hackles rise gives someone the pip perplexes gives a hard time baits aggrieves makes cross rankles with drives round the twist disquiets wounds burns depresses strains mortifies agonizes flusters oppresses disconcerts molests tries your patience discomfits turns off dismays stresses agonises racks hounds sours puts someone's nose out of joint gets up someone's nose gets your dander up grieves gets someone ruffles one's feathers unsettles unnerves harrows abrades empurples raises your hackles tortures inconveniences disobliges dogs jars on shocks gives someone grief taunts discountenances eats at burdens fazes causes offense taxes disaffects mithers chagrins curses cuts to the quick blights embarrasses acerbates rattles one's cage fires up disheartens umbrages ails jars pursues incommodes excruciates gets your hackles up beleaguers stirs up unhinges cheeses off eggs on pricks devils saddens affects discourages intimidates discombobulates hacks bullies smites jangles nauseates sickens flurries tires injures rattles someone's cage picks on concerns drives bananas puts off drives you up the wall makes you see red crucifies eats away at rubs you up the wrong way gets a rise out of hurts somebody's feelings envenoms confounds poisons chivvies faces alienates incites disappoints browbeats disillusions confronts distracts dispirits tests confuses demoralizes crosses nudges bites crazes wears repels anguishes bores bums discontents heavies slights disrupts besieges grills heckles browns off discomforts zings estranges demoralises fusses throws off balance horrifies makes bitter breathes down someone's neck nags at disses wearies makes discontented makes resentful works on causes suffering to causes trouble to asks for it distempers martyrs makes somebody's blood boil gives a bad time gnaws at wears out makes unhappy gives offence to hits where one lives makes someone fed up hangs up drives nuts exercises prods steams festers chides gets someone's wick henpecks breaks drives insane grinds bristles hazes wigs makes you angry cavils boils arouses nonplusses psychs scandalizes whips up heats up cuts devastates revolts assails causes annoyance to causes resentment to raises hell blows up daunts chills unmans scandalises riles up hits a sour note stresses out mispleases gets on the wrong side of makes an enemy of somebody abashes makes sore loses one's temper starts gets on someone repulses grates upon jars upon obsesses puts on edge sets on edge gets on attacks macerates despoils forays bullyrags noodges wears upon drives you crazy runs up the wrong way keeps on at causes sorrow causes suffering lambastes bleeds mourns causes anguish empoisons jaundices possesses shatters messes pushes one's buttons harms plays dirty eats up makes livid drives you to distraction jerks around messes with pushes someon's buttons victimizes disrespects pushes the buttons of irritates greatly drives you round the twist drives you round the bend thwarts foils works into lather dejects worsens snubs stretches drains saps exhausts terrorizes drives you off your head slurs humiliates sets someone's teeth on edge throws sets off chivies sets on takes a rise out of scares despairs thumbs nose at drives you out of your mind drives out of mind flummoxes tantalizes crabs begrudges grudges interrupts hinders impedes causes disquiet to alarms tantalises makes rancorous venoms acidulates floors fuddles interferes meddles cows hectors wrongs expels victimises hunts beats dragoons exiles terrorises stirs loses patience brings down makes anxious spooks stumps puts down grates at becomes bored has had enough upsets the applecart louses up gets even intrudes upon gives offence treads on someone's toes imposes on breaks one's heart dampens spirits weighs down crushes casts down frazzles hagrides psychs out makes uneasy throws off freaks out weirds out derails bends someone's ear tires out makes demands on makes severe demands on wrings puts a strain on carps at drags down makes it hot for someone makes wretched sticks the knife into puts a damper on makes things hot for someone makes miserable puts into a funk makes blue gets the knife into chastens breaks the heart of causes anguish to singles out shakes up makes nervous puts someone off their stroke puts into a flap throws into a tizz disenchants causes someone to lose their composure throws into tizzy puts on the spot puts in a spot puts to trouble makes it tough gives trouble puts to some trouble fails mixes up cheats grips aliens presses strikes takes visits buffets fails to satisfy gives cause for complaint lets down leaves dissatisfied

Antonim dari sticks in one's craw

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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