Sinonim dari the thin

Kata sifat

Having little, or too little, flesh or fat on the body
slim slender lean skinny spare bony slight scrawny svelte underweight lanky rangy scraggy skeletal emaciated spindly undernourished gaunt sylphlike willowy angular cadaverous pinched wasted gangling gangly light meagre reedy underfed anorectic anorexic boney fatless gracile lank lithe macilent stringy ultrathin weedy puny stalky starveling waifish beanpole beanstalk featherweight fragile haggard meager rawboned scraggly starved sticklike twiggy twiglike hollow-cheeked raw-boned skin-and-bones stick-like size-zero spindle-shanked like a matchstick skin and bone thin as a rake like a skeleton as thin as a rake as thin as a reed looking like a bag of bones attenuated narrow gawky fine wiry attenuate wizened malnourished spindling tall shrunken hairline half-starved weak lissom shriveled shrivelled trim slightly built needlelike leggy starving skin and bones paper-thin delicate slim-jim frail small long-limbed like a bag of bones long-legged drawn undersized graceful hollow-eyed fleshless little withered hungry famished awkward stick snake-hipped rattleboned tenuous clean-limbed slinky spidery lightweight atrophied ethereal peaked skeleton wispy skin-and-bone lumbering ungainly elongated very thin pint-sized feeble small-boned deprived of food shadow limber dainty diminutive tiny wan rickety rarefied threadlike consumptive skeletonlike lissome lantern-jawed underdeveloped pygmy uncoordinated inelegant petite Lilliputian undersize dwarfish bantam not heavy shrimpy ungraceful graceless elfin loosely built loosely jointed without an ounce of fat loose-jointed all skin and bones thin as a rail pint-size fun size flexible long wraithlike gossamer sapped taut sinewy stilted extenuated shrunk ill-fed slimline sleek over-thin muscular phthisical agile stark raddled no fat straggling straggly jerky irregular squiggly diminished tapered sharp lithesome aciculate acicular subtle stilt pole airy tapering macerated thin as rail peaky like a rail fit stringbean worn to a shadow loose-limbed not large looking like death warmed up unco bulimic remote faint devastated midget flimsy sickly looking without appetite short ghastly ghostly outside lymphatic etiolated ruined battle-scarred desolate war-torn wrecked sallow meek peewee squat runtish homuncular stunted stubby dwarf shrimp mere a slip of a … dead shadowy improbable unlikely distant corpse-like minute ravaged bag of bones pocket wee dinky smallish toylike subnormal broomstick pocket-size pocket-sized half-pint lightly-built

Kata sifat

(of a fabric) Made of light material
delicate fine flimsy sheer diaphanous filmy gossamer translucent airy ethereal gauzy light lightweight transparent chiffony floaty insubstantial lacy skimpy threadlike chiffon gossamery pellucid tiffany unsubstantial cobwebby deficient fragile gauzelike limpid lucid permeable refined slight subtile subtle ultra-fine very thin see-through gossamer-like wispy feathery frail silky dainty gossamer-thin fluffy soft exquisite transpicuous papery clear fine-spun wafer-thin tenuous silken frothy translucid fine-grained elegant loose floating porous impalpable shimmering vaporous tissuelike crystalline sleazy weightless gauze-like crystal clear paperlike finespun floatable crystal lucent liquid papyraceous powdered quality powdery slender small granular pulverized dusty little minute poor inadequate weak feeble paltry plain graceful cottony chartaceous crystal-clear downy pure atmospheric paper pulverulent pulverous pulverised paper-thin fine-drawn summery frangible superfine cobweb fibrous cobweblike glassy spongy flyaway wisplike nebulous smooth intricate bubbly foamy nice incorporeal cardboard glossy iridescent nuanced detailed vitreous hyaline cellophane flossy buoyant pillowy puffy feather-like gentle recherche choice beautiful fairy rarefied lovely intangible shadowy superficial tacky meager unsound cut-rate rinkydink infirm defective meagre decrepit slapdash eerie filigree ultra-thin frilly open house of cards understandable comprehensible intelligible meshy unambiguous perceptible perspicuous coherent explicit bright direct sharp simple luminous distinct vivid clear-cut luculent fancy ornate lacelike lace-like patterned netlike net net-like straightforward obvious definite clear as day

Kata sifat

Unconvincing, lacking in substance or plausibility
feeble inadequate poor flimsy insufficient lame shallow unconvincing insubstantial weak implausible superficial tenuous threadbare unbelievable improbable questionable untenable vapid flat inconceivable incredible meagre meager sketchy unpersuasive weak-kneed unsatisfactory unlikely fantastic suspect pathetic unthinkable unimaginable dubious doubtful impossible fantastical incredulous uncompelling fishy unconceivable unsubstantial hard to swallow preposterous won't wash paltry reachy far-fetched full of holes full of it won't hold water ineffectual unreasonable absurd transparent unsound trifling fanciful farfetched puzzling obscure problematic half-baked phony hard to believe beyond belief too much phoney cock-and-bull scarcely credible for the birds ineffective tame hollow faulty slight unrealistic ridiculous specious ludicrous shaky inconsequential staggering mind-boggling unimpressive extraordinary strange incogitable mind-blowing far out difficult to believe unsuccessful inept fruitless futile profitless useless strained vague flawed irrational puny remote ponderous forced laboured nonsensical inconclusive unsubstantiated contradictory nebulous illogical labored spurious incongruous unsustainable invalid unsupportable irreconcilable senseless indefensible false groundless deficient astonishing amazing faltering inefficient unpleasing unsuitable flabby measly not convincing hard to take unreal outlandish infeasible reaching harebrained past belief flakey kooky screwy open to doubt jaw-dropping cockamamie scatterbrained eye-popping flaky cockeyed lamebrained inconsiderable nonrational vain unfounded airy unreasoned inconsequent illegitimate unreasoning fatuous nutty wacky fallacious inappreciable insignificant incomprehensible off the wall self-contradictory unheard-of unknowable unimagined trivial insupposable rare out of the question imcomprehensible extremely implausible extremely unlikely extremely doubtful too little too late extremely difficult to believe not to be thought of won't fly not in the least likely beyond the bounds of possibility beyond reason debatable tall unplausible not likely cock and bull bizarre crazy outrageous wild farcical insane extravagant inane foolish laughable hare-brained mad unworkable queer astounding weird impracticable peculiar risible fabulous phenomenal singular unusual unfeasible odd unique baseless silly dubitable unjustifiable whimsical remarkable pointless exceptional unapt breathtaking asinine loony spectacular suspicious iffy zany unheard of eccentric lunatic unviable exaggerated incoherent elaborate unattainable whacky idiotic insupportable impractical romantic faint slim imbecilic uncommon daft equivocal curious highly unlikely stupid balmy comical prodigious shocking uncertain stupendous cock-eyed doubtable surprising offbeat funny bewildering stunning miraculous off-the-wall barmy off looney wondrous cuckoo kookie make-believe out of the ordinary striking crackpot featherheaded unwarrantable non-viable fabricated dishonest misleading inexcusable unforgivable shady unpardonable unacceptable distorted frivolous sensational unachievable unobtainable contrived puerile unnatural controvertible unsupported goofy imaginary ineffable unrealizable overdone artificial undoable outré unspeakable disputable monstrous grotesque insuperable insolvable unsolvable ungrounded wishful untold unutterable derisory abnormal inexpiable hopeless marginal contemptible assailable weakly insoluble mystifying baffling unordinary defective overwhelming negligible small irresponsible unconfirmed illusory ill-founded visionary grandiose inaccessible dreamlike unthought of oddball outside slender vaporous potty capricious simpleminded tremendous shonky awful awesome portentous wonderful eye-opening sublime undreamed of brainless witless unwise daffy unexpected ill-conceived cockamamy suppositious dotty screwball dippy lunkheaded bubbleheaded batty legendary distant tiny outside chance hundred-to-one amazeballs not on beyond one's wildest dreams frail fragile hardly possible marvellous marvelous beyond the realm of reason way out contrary to reason weak-minded half-witted out of this world idealistic unicorn erroneous overblown foundationless likely unreachable unwinnable embellished untruthful untrue contrary untoward crackbrained hokey unbacked without justification uncorroborated derisible hyperbolic beyond possibility mindless moronic without foundation bleak jerky fool slang tomfool sappy undependable untrustworthy embroidered histrionic arguable unreliable less likely nominal isolated without basis off your head blown up unhinged deranged demented not expected maniacal exorbitant reckless extremely foolish off beam stupidly irresponsible outstanding supernatural impressive awe-inspiring confounding unmaintainable unverifiable unmanageable unsanctionable complicated caricatural slim and none immense lacking substance unwarranted unjustified unbalanced undecided speculative unsettled unsure hilarious meaningless rad indescribable dicey fractional imperceptible diminished minute excessive dodgy wrong arbitrary uncredible derisive over the top unendurable top drawer out-of-this-world inapprehensible undreamed-of freaky inconsistent underhand shifty mysterious O.T.T. a bit much OTT overdramatic high-flown sensationalized rings phony long shot fat chance notable momentous on thin ice touch-and-go problematical murky crooked bent dark disreputable bad uncalled-for unforgettable eye-catching arresting not able to hold water inflated overstated not understandable special unwonted uncustomary noteworthy conspicuous temporary fleeting brief exceeding uncanny extraordinaire unprecedented serious especial unco atypical preternatural unaccustomed aberrated aberrant freak anomalous out-of-the-way mythical unfamiliar uncivilised inordinate unconscionable sensationalised extortionate barbarous uncivilized heavy flash gnarly forby ideal ambiguous irregular not quite right devious not kosher unbelieveable recondite mercurial fancied made-up off beaten path never to be forgotten wackadoodle nonconformist infantile crazy-ass freakish wackadoo chimerical highly coloured imprudent surreal rum funky quixotic quirky weirdo foolhardy pretend invented fictitious fantasied imaginative chimeric phantom fictional notional poetic mythic phantasmal imagined imaginal fairy-tale phantasmic forlorn insurmountable irresoluble last straw shadowy pie in the sky aerial fairy tale kinky blue sky pipe dream fictive castles in the air floating on cloud nine paradoxical irresolvable spaced-out off-kilter out of bounds impervious inexecutable impassable irrealizable short-sighted beyond all reason bird-brained out of all reason inappropriate erratic ambitious illusive different extreme hallucinatory no-way no-go little minimal not possible beyond one faraway far outlying out of sight not a prayer not worth considering like herding cats beyond you scarce

Kata sifat

Having few parts or members relative to the area covered or filled
sparse scattered wispy insufficient scanty scarce thinning dispersed light meager meagre paltry poor bare deficient diffuse inadequate sparing thinly distributed few and far between thin on the ground scant exiguous limited short skimpy negligible slender stingy wanting slim spare lacking in short supply measly shy rare few skimp insubstantial small at a premium low failing piddling too little not enough restricted hand-to-mouth hard to come by sporadic occasional hard to find sketchy slight infrequent inappreciable uncommon too few scrimpy narrow inconsiderable minimal tight modest tiny pathetic miserly trifling barren inconsequential imperceptible flimsy tenuous not to be had like gold dust unfrequent not to be had for love nor money nominal marginal insignificant incomplete little too small bereft incommensurate destitute minimum miserable puny middling weak scrimp straggling lean minute dry unfinished unusual seldom semioccasional unproductive seldom met with low in numbers subtle seldom seen out of the ordinary too little too late infinitesimal unsufficient beggarly pitiful nugatory token shallow diminutive petty confined fractional fragmentary basal missing next to none next to no shabby unfruitful infertile mere truncated threatened shortened laughable feeble lame stunted depleted derisory parsimonious junk stinted exhaustible unqualified short-handed short on low on bush-league mingy faulty imperfect unsatisfactory unample minus drained defective incompetent unfitted incapable devoid less close scarcer than hen's teeth short of out of widely spaced in the minority seldom found barely sufficient scrubby unthinkable unlikely exceptional unimaginable unique attenuated singular subtile isolated magnificent outstanding recherche standout towering rarefied inconceivable unwonted strange remarkable preeminent unheard of attenuate extraordinary

Kata sifat

(of a material or fabric) Having a smooth texture that is gentle to the sense of touch
soft smooth velvety fleecy velvetlike silky fine silken silklike flimsy satin feathery satiny downy flocculent furry woolly wooly fluffy delicate cottony comfortable comfy cosy cozy snug frictionless sleek unwrinkled nonabrasive non-abrasive like a baby's bottom suede-effect fuzzy light airy gossamer gossamery diaphanous hairy dainty floaty shaggy gauzy velutinous lanate exquisite filmy ethereal wispy insubstantial sheer lanose fragile floccose flossy rough transparent nuanced see-through subtle translucent chiffony slight frail cushiony lustrous glossy featherlike silky-smooth shiny elegant linty intricate refined unshorn hirsute furred brushy bristly nice finespun pilose graceful bushy whiskered peachlike peachy detailed tender gauzelike choice wafer-thin fine-spun recherche ultra-fine lacy mossy velvet-like woolen brushed frizzy glassy polished glistening weightless down-covered plumate napped plumose pubescent laniferous pileous tenuous long-haired lightweight woollen pilous stubbly pilate covered with fur cobwebby gossamer-like plush silk luxurious gentle papery like silk pile creamy puffy shimmering threadlike pellucid very thin chiffon tiffany limpid lucid clear frangible fine-grained unsubstantial minute precise neat pretty exact hairline trim petite narrow overnice slim charming tasteful sophisticated minuscule hairsplitting abstruse fine-drawn select dinky rare hair-splitting fair well-made beautiful deft cute precious sweet attractive pleasing comely bonny feeble lovely darling superior delightful

Kata sifat

Made of thin or poor-quality metal
tinny cheap flimsy inferior insubstantial shoddy low-grade poor-quality tawdry trashy cheapjack gimcrack jerry-built rubbishy tacky tatty poor worthless mediocre bad wretched execrable substandard lousy grotty third-rate duff ropy rubbish second-rate terrible miserable bum rotten junky inadequate pitiful common crummy sad low-rent trumpery shabby below standard crude el cheapo deficient abysmal below par abject appalling atrocious awful dreadful dismal unsatisfactory insufficient lamentable deplorable unacceptable frightful dire diabolical pants schlock cheesy schlocky coarse sleazy cut-rate bargain-basement direful egregious lame subpar tenth-rate imperfect defective naff faulty paltry a load of pants bush-league cheap and nasty bodger cheapo nasty punk below average two-bit dime-a-dozen tinhorn base run-down not up to much dissatisfactory suboptimal makeshift gaudy under par average meretricious weak sauce pitiable half-pie dud cheap-jack grubby junk no great shakes cruddy ratty sorry not much cop cheapie kitsch scroungy lemon dime-store a dime a dozen Brummagem bottom-rung twopenny-halfpenny two a penny entry-level pinchbeck brassy low-end second-class rinky-dink tattered rickety ramshackle indifferent badly built kitschy tasteless vulgar ropey commonplace low-quality end-of-the-pier brummagem thrown together piss-poor unpleasant disagreeable uncomfortable horrible hateful second-best wanting off wrong wack ill bush sour strictly for the birds of a sort pathetic poorly useless contemptible second class from hunger slipshod dilapidated plastic low dingy scruffy broken-down seedy pretentious inglorious mean low-down sub-par off-color not up to snuff disappointing weak feeble valueless crumby craptacular middling lacking less-than-stellar not up to scratch not up to standard hopeless woeful poxy abominable chronic laughable disgraceful inept horrendous very bad incompetent God-awful unsound offensive distressing ineffectual ineffective horrid grim disastrous subnormal shocking sucky flawed gross odious objectionable pits loathsome not up to par vile godawful hideous repulsive dodgy no good hostile shameful ordinary hellacious revolting foul distasteful calamitous leaving much to be desired displeasing rough meagre amateurish beastly regrettable unexceptional unworthy repugnant unfortunate pedestrian sickening meager detestable good-for-nothing inefficient downmarket poorer stinking grievous piddling adverse disgusting trifling unsuitable critical repellent unfit nauseous despicable hack obnoxious unfavorable ghastly poor quality abhorrent déclassé the pits insignificant unfavourable negligible dirty grave unfriendly nauseating inexpert repellant trivial ugly scandalous noisome horrifying not good enough intolerable incapable undesirable yucky counterproductive harsh negative impotent forbidding untoward gruesome antagonistic disconcerting outrageous inimical awkward troublesome inhospitable inappropriate garbage unspeakable obscene rancid excruciating amiss unsightly damnable damaged careless insufferable icky grody inapt second rate bungling disapproving unsympathetic ignoble unimportant severe inefficacious powerless petty disquieting measly sick a dead loss disreputable troubling desperate bitter disturbing clumsy unimpressive alarming inauspicious horrific stressful inconsiderable scurvy scabby scummy difficult hairy evil fulsome noxious unsatisfying perilous threatening injurious unhappy unsettling unpalatable torturous crass damaging ominous inconsequential dishonourable dishonorable inexpedient contrary unskilful monstrous improper cruel heartbreaking nightmarish sordid harrowing worrying infelicitous fraught parlous unbearable impaired tragic reprehensible unproficient bleak pointless futile raffish godforsaken unavailing meaningless for the birds indefensible limited galling unproductive nugatory unseemly unsuited negligent unusable inutile failing bogus nothing sterile unprofitable profitless barren unessential waste abandoned harmful restricted adversarial slapdash uncultured crook unstable off-colour discomforting worrisome irksome adversary showy off colour knocked together lowbrow unsophisticated little unsuccessful untimely agonizing daunting traumatic perturbing worse out of sorts hamstrung feckless disadvantageous sneaking garbagy opposing disavowing discouraging unflattering uncomplimentary unrefined serious dangerous hard unlucky wanky distressful agitating doleful unpropitious catastrophic inopportune brutal garish minimal tormenting grisly macabre troublous frightening unwelcome no-account impermissible inadmissible antipathetic prejudicial jaundiced jerrybuilt senseless tremendous broken painful tragical gloomy unqualified discreditable reject insupportable unpromising afflictive downer bummer naysaying counter low quality derisory undistinguished uncouth rude hurtful agonising empty unfitted impolite mournful opprobrious depressing uninspired unsavory ridiculous unappealing uninviting inconvenient from hell disgustful loathly unladylike malapropos ungentlemanly ill-advised graceless silly no-good very poor grungy unseasonable affecting uncool minor-league minor league ill-disposed unsavoury scurrilous stinky irremediable raunchy small potatoes god-awful inproficient drossy unable to do something for toffee under the weather of low quality out of order of poor quality not satisfying fumbling ne'er-do-well corny cheeseball reduced piteous not so good slovenly lesser puny sparing inappreciable dicey tricky throwaway well below par twopenny wet melancholy inexcusable risky precarious acute hazardous unforgivable backwards tough dissatisfying hellish rebarbative oppressive stupid sickly invalid weakly unequal under-strength austere shlock shlocky preposterous niggling picayune chicken minute footling piffling peanut nominal piddly slight pimping vicious impoverished stark pitiless ruthless savage oppressed merciless low-class unfashionable insalubrious cataclysmic tinpot underwhelming rugged minor destructive unpardonable unconscionable sinful foolish trying blameworthy overwhelming dolorous exceptionable tinselly not cutting it maladroit poverty-stricken onerous ignominious immoral heinous iniquitous wicked run down dubious unreasonable questionable burdensome unable to do something to save one's life anticlimactic sinister blah poopy heavy condemnable out flashy rueful absurd ludicrous foolish-looking unjustifiable dour taxing less than ideal sparse slender unfulfilling inacceptable not good erroneous diddly criminal down at heel not much chop disparaging ailing bathetic uninteresting brash stiff irredeemable irretrievable inhuman not cricket beyond the pale won't do half-baked not on over the fence not quite the done thing not the best bad news fallacious de minimis Mickey Mouse tardy late unadvantageous discommodious opposed inadvisable off-form not oneself disillusioning unwell weighty beyond contempt flash tinsel glittering loud searing cheerless found wanting not acceptable bereft too little not okay scant morbid murderous in poor condition hardhanded botched fumbled backbreaking falling short queasy treacherous not all it's cracked up to be flamboyant flaring glaring jazzy screaming blatant obtrusive sporty glitzy flaunting chintzy brazen hefty nauseated rough going leaving a lot to be desired catchpenny sombre unnerving discomposing solemn somber humourless annoying humorless sober irritating mortifying upsetting dumbed down low cost unskillful unable cack-handed ham-fisted lacking ability unskilled uncultivated ill-mannered vexatious lurid sedate unendurable small-time fruitless no use saddening afflicting yukky unbecoming indecorous not know one's arse from one's elbow vulnerable losing not equal to ineligible naive unequal to the task out of your depth frail butterfingers inexperienced disqualified unequipped not up to it not up to dependent hollow boorish uncivilized anguished heartrending unlovely unpleasing concerning sorrowful uncongenial chaffy vain null banal nickel-and-dime of no benefit bootless unfructuous to no avail menacing undignified unbefitting indelicate roughneck unmannered clodhopping incult oafish unpolished cloddish churlish lowbred illiberal uncivilised rough-hewn brutish slobbish mannerless fair unmannerly ill-bred nerve-racking nail-biting heart-rending gut-wrenching off-putting heart-breaking extremely bad nerve-wracking foreboding out of place unfitting indiscreet passable moderate so-so festy malfunctioning perverse incongruous incorrect inapposite unapt yucko gnarly medium not worth a hill of beans incomplete non-functioning inoperative run-of-the-mill tolerable middle-of-the-road ill-constructed rowdy out of keeping inelegant malodorous indecent in poor taste ruffian ungodly scratched buckled torn not working cracked warped deformed workaday everyday adequate very unpleasant ill-suited sick-making unremarkable prosaic lackluster lacklustre unexciting buggy not functioning knackered run-of-the-mine OK forgettable run-of-mine immaterial bog-standard vanilla amateur fair-to-middling injured unhealthy on the bum abnormal blemished gone wrong unfinished in disrepair seconds on the blink unreliable ill-fated out of the way in bad taste not so hot of no consequence nothing to write home about plain vanilla not very good

Kata sifat

Having a displeasingly thin, metallic sound
tinny jangling metallic jangly jingling jingly plinky harsh high reedy ringing shrill jarring dissonant raucous grating squeaky small faint weak feeble soft low cracked high-pitched discordant rasping strident cacophonous hoarse guttural unmelodious unharmonious croaking brassy screeching raspy penetrating squawky ear-piercing ear-splitting piercing grinding clamorous tumultuous sharp riotous scratchy squawking croaky gruff stridulant growling growly clashing creaking tuneless stridulous caterwauling earsplitting unmusical noisy astringent blaring off-key out-of-tune out-of-key rough inharmonious husky throaty gravelly coarse rusty gravel loud thick unmelodic dry deep unvocal unpleasant blatant horrisonant boisterous absonant rugged screechy deafening irritating annoying vexatious atonal inappropriate stertorous unsuitable disagreeable disharmonious inharmonic stridulatory out of place maddening clangorous clanging incongruous booming thunderous offensive hard forceful vociferant vociferous obstreperous displeasing irksome braying incompatible rough-sounding grotesque unaesthetic creaky turbulent shrieking flat piping uneven ragged jagged sour acute intrusive disharmonic harsh-sounding stridulent strong craggy stentorian shrieky head-splitting brittle monotone monotonous droning stentorious wild gular jugular inarticulate glottal sepulchral scratching croupy breathy whispering indistinct persuasive vocal baying rabid fierce ferocious rowdy cacophonic immusical ill-sounding clinking bell-like resounding resonant rocky explosive convulsive furious infuriating snarling abrasive lively lacking harmony at variance at odds uncongenial out of keeping treble shattering air-rending squeaking whistling tickly acrid glaring unrelenting rigid severe uncomfortable bitter disturbing disagreeing bleak asperous grim unlevel exasperating rankling galling paroxysmal volcanic blustering forcible buffeting tough harsh sounding niggling tiresome aggravating troublesome out of tune knockabout argute vociferating yowling yawping yauping clamant insensitive vexing ill suited rough-and-tumble not smooth conflicting contrasting scraping steep cragged unbearable upsetting uncharacteristic screaming crying scurrilous loudmouthed vulgar obtrusive carrying penetrant crisp clearly audible pointed entering puncturing clear-cut infiltrating permeating all-pervading forcing ingoing edged going through passing through

Kata sifat

Pale from illness or fatigue
peaky drained ill pallid pasty pasty-faced poorly sick anemic anaemic ashen ashen-faced ashy bad bloodless colorless colourless gray grey indisposed unwell whey-faced cadaverous corpse-like crook ill-looking sallow washed out liverish nauseated nauseous pale peaked pinched queasy sickly wan deathly pale funny off off colour out of sorts peculiar rough under the weather ailing awful crummy down drawn dreadful emaciated grotty lousy not oneself punk ropy rotten run-down seedy sickened sickly-looking terrible unhealthy unsound wabbit below par etiolated off-color peakish peelie-wally peely-wally run down as white as a ghost as white as a sheet green about the gills not up to par in poor shape like death warmed up bilious in bad shape waxen white queer chalky infirm weak not well deathlike milky diseased chalk-white debilitated under par blanched sapped in poor health faint ghostly deathly not very well bedridden dizzy feeble giddy not in good shape bleached not up to snuff livid frail lymphatic sick as a dog haggard whitish jaundiced lightheaded washed-out laid up off-colour in a bad way waxy tired-looking light-headed doughy ghastly valetudinarian groggy infected invalid tired woozy on the sick list white as a sheet green lurid dull paled mealy squeamish wheyfaced impaired fatigued rocky afflicted laid-up unfit invalided fair iffy sickish enervated queerish qualmish white-faced listless suffering delicate bummed disordered feverish white as a ghost laid low at death's door exhausted leaden rundown alabaster spectral languid insipid cream queazy unhealthy-looking light-coloured ghostlike low pukish faded light-colored grim hospitalized incurable the worse for wear rickety hospitalised confined out of action looking as if one has seen a ghost under medication on sick list out of condition feeling awful feeling rotten broken down down with slightly unwell not up to the mark horrible yellowish ugly failing mean ropey unsightly weary worn-out characterless qualmy reeling not yourself jaundiced-looking unstable uneasy pearly light wasted off one's feed lacklustre lackluster watery yellow muddy greenish-yellow off form strange discoloured dying languishing gaunt anaemic-looking achy hypochondriacal in pain decrepit not a hundred percent sick as a parrot forceless depressed worn discolored ineffectual ineffective in bed wasting enfeebled declining out of commission dragging shaky tottering in bad health hors de combat confined to bed got a bug knackered not so hot imperfect wretched defective not healthy wobbly not feeling well seasick in ill health out of shape in poor condition in a decline carsick trainsick airsick travel-sick uncomfortable upset worn out not feeling up to snuff uncertain restless dubious unsettling troubling odd suffering from motion sickness concerned unsettled doubtful fidgety suffering from altitude sickness creamy ivory green around gills waxlike milk-white fair-skinned light-skinned running temperature a wreck got the bug feeling terrible off one's feet

Kata sifat

Inadequate, substandard or, not satisfactory
unsatisfactory deficient poor unacceptable dissatisfying inferior bad deplorable disagreeable disappointing displeasing inadequate insufficient lousy mediocre pathetic substandard unsuitable unworthy weak defective faulty imperfect lacking terrible bush crumby crummy dissatisfactory ill impermissible inadmissible inappropriate insufferable intolerable lame off paltry punk sad sour suboptimal subpar undesirable wack wanting wretched wrong amiss damaged disconcerting disquieting distressing disturbing junky regrettable rotten schlocky offensive no good not good enough not up to par below par bush-league not up to scratch not much cop no great shakes for the birds leaving a lot to be desired awful dreadful appalling atrocious shoddy abysmal lamentable second-rate rubbish dire duff execrable pitiful miserable useless rubbishy dismal low-grade pants frightful diabolical trashy cheap ropy poxy third-rate sorry hopeless a load of pants woeful worthless horrible low-quality shabby laughable not up to snuff low-rent grotty contemptible bum chronic bargain-basement disgraceful abominable unsound below standard schlock coarse nasty direful common flawed objectionable second-class crude two-bit God-awful cheapjack under par very bad cut-rate sub-par pitiable trumpery meagre gimcrack egregious meager distasteful unpleasant sleazy below average junk cheesy shocking el cheapo horrendous sucky odious pits middling inept obnoxious repugnant tenth-rate incompetent lemon subnormal tawdry dodgy abject leaving much to be desired repulsive poor-quality disastrous horrid low base average godawful feeble dime-a-dozen ordinary loathsome exceptionable disgusting tatty beastly abhorrent cruddy amateurish foul bodger unwelcome shameful indifferent not up to much poorer jerry-built unexceptional pedestrian vile repellent revolting out of order reprehensible detestable mean hideous sickening gross from hunger hack insubstantial déclassé the pits good-for-nothing ghastly downmarket obscene nauseating grim unfit nauseous hellacious less-than-stellar stinking tinny unwanted loathly disgustful unfortunate tacky ineffectual beyond the pale hateful despicable insupportable repellant piddling impaired noxious unseemly calamitous incomplete unbearable scant limited damnable sketchy tinhorn piss-poor low-end second rate garbage icky careless half-pie cheap and nasty grubby dirty grievous short restricted failing ineffective improper trifling inconsiderable inexpert scandalous unreasonable noisome unimpressive ugly valueless unsatisfying unhappy measly minimal negligible rancid unqualified sick yucky censurable insignificant trivial scanty unspeakable inapt upsetting unpalatable not acceptable rude not up to standard unsavoury unfulfilling troublesome unfinished grody annoying difficult unsavory off-putting strictly for the birds not okay unpleasing rebarbative poor quality negligent of a sort less than ideal bungling slight incorrect awry inefficient poorly evil fulsome harmful rough invalid inappreciable unskilful incapable impotent little scummy scurvy ratty scabby sparse broken heartbreaking scarce out outrageous inapposite uncomfortable reduced horrifying flimsy astray unequal gruesome twopenny-halfpenny catastrophic malapropos unbecoming excruciating too little fallible shy indecorous reject not on end-of-the-pier afflictive haywire opprobrious irritating found wanting skimpy cheapo uncool weak sauce unappealing uninviting patchy dishonourable dishonorable exiguous unfitted not cricket derisory rudimentary rare infrequent downer bummer bereft not enough partial scurrilous indefensible stinky irremediable fallacious erroneous ill-favored not working tragic affecting unpopular injured marred out of line minus ill-favoured not quite the done thing in short supply too little too late minor-league minor league thankless inexpedient of poor quality god-awful small potatoes not satisfying unrewarding fruitless of low quality out of sorts off-colour crook off colour not ideal less than satisfactory less than optimal unideal slovenly wet throwaway puny commonplace desperate twopenny brummagem petty naff sparing tinpot tricky ropey worse low quality stupid poopy unproficient wanky second-best dilapidated dislikable not cutting it cataclysmic melancholy sneaking hellish undistinguished uninspired invidious off-color cheapie under-strength second class a dime a dozen raunchy diddly blah bad news grungy not good not the best sick-making bogging poison underwhelming unstable sickly weakly powerless cheap-jack ridiculous absurd ludicrous foolish-looking silly rueful finite shlocky unsightly sordid godforsaken seedy shlock incommensurate off-form from hell blameworthy overwhelming mournful dolorous anticlimactic too few confusing dreaded disliked too much unattractive run down unample drained too small dry devoid destitute inconsequential not oneself under the weather warped unsaleable unsellable bathetic uninteresting small unwished-for a bit off a bit much a bit thick over the top scratched torn blemished inoperative cracked deformed at a premium tenuous dubious questionable not much chop disillusioning unsought unlikable inconvenient shunned to be avoided outcast out of place bothersome detrimental loathed adverse incommodious disadvantageous unwished for scorned uninvited rejected unsubstantial ailing askew problematic down at heel tiny lean malfunctioning immature condemnable short of out of inacceptable undeveloped inexact determinate basic circumscribed defined miserly definite measured in a state of disrepair vicious faultful bottom-of-barrel dud disfigured not functioning few bugs falling short in poor condition OTT irrelevant troubling not right horrific worrisome irksome discomforting set diminished immaterial unallowable won't do over the fence half-baked out of commission severe unsettling forbidding agonizing traumatic stressful perturbing daunting torturous needing scrappy not all it's cracked up to be humourless harrowing sombre unnerving humorless discomposing distressful sober doleful bitter agitating mortifying harsh solemn somber gloomy lurid sedate hairy tormenting worrying grisly troublous unendurable frightening fraught vexatious macabre nightmarish depressing grave unassembled undersupplied underprovided untoward prohibited precluded disallowed forbidden inapplicable monstrous tragical yukky cruel saddening awkward afflicting hurtful galling hostile concerning agonising anguished sorrowful heartrending painful uncongenial unlovely outta gas third string second string second fiddle impertinent unadmittable not allowable not make it censored unadmissible excluded not cut out for barred ill-timed banned unsuited nerve-racking nail-biting heart-rending heart-breaking gut-wrenching extremely bad nerve-wracking mistaken false confused perverse adrift incongruous unapt infelicitous graceless inaccurate craptacular beside the point not appropriate not germane crooked unfair erring unlawful glitched up piteous wicked ignominious unlucky unfavourable ruinous unfavorable degenerate ignoble cheerless afflicted forlorn heinous inopportune joyless devastating disreputable squalid moving immoral low-down black unscrupulous unprincipled nefarious unethical comfortless dark unpropitious filthy illegal discreditable scungy ill-fated touching deceitful ill-advised plaintive dishonest depraved vulgar desolate alarming malodorous destructive cursed fetid putrid hapless iniquitous unsportsmanlike low-minded ill-starred poignant festy yucko fatal criminal foetid sinful beggarly underhanded corrupt tearful suffering distressed inauspicious serious stirring too bad deadly bleak cataclysmal tear-jerking sneaky villainous deceptive unappetizing ruined damaging no-good fateful crippling shattering disheartening snide luckless smelly forsaken doomed unprosperous rank acrid skanky polluted mephitic jinxed underhand in a bad way out of luck shady pongy whiffy despisable currish smudged bedraggled befouled smutty miasmal sullied bemired dusty unclean uncleanly draggled grimy funky muddy stained mucky besmirched blackened niffy dingy begrimed soiled olid unholy ungodly meanspirited on the nose disdainable disrespectful malicious malevolent undesired thoughtless untimely shameless critical callous degraded dreary compassionate arousing commiserative excessive crying ruthful treacherous dissolute unpromising damning malignant indecent crass debased over-the-top drab parlous tremendous flagitious unrighteous degrading sullen morose drear slimy bent illegitimate to be pitied illicit not the done thing hard-hearted fearful irretrievable barbarous foul-smelling evil-smelling crushing discouraging depressive impoverished sepulchral indigent glum scary fearsome terrifying dejected inhuman intimidating formidable ominous redoubtable bodeful hair-raising spine-chilling terrific knavish savage merciful stricken shattered burdened pained troubled unsuccessful star-crossed desolating well below par stark blithering irregular indiscreet worst heart-wrenching out of bounds flaming dangerous pressing crucial fiendish grieving low-life infernal accursed confounded blue urgent extreme derisible unkind ill-chosen narrow-minded spiteful disconsolate agonized risky precarious acute hazardous perilous drastic infamous diabolic murderous felonious lawless footling annihilatory devastative tortured racked agonised dread gnarly unjustifiable inexcusable sinistrous baneful baleful portentous exigent reprobate indictable scoundrelly transgressing very unpleasant despondent stupefying oppressing fierce scowling ruffianly blackguardly roguish scarring ill-omened ill-boding pernicious blighting earth-shattering messy fraudulent unfriendly heartstopping lethal mortal beseeching imploring commiserable entreating supplicating uncharitable not wanted thievish malfeasant regretful rascally insensitive startling staggering stunning astonishing grewsome bewildering amazing nightmare lowest of the low rock-bottom the dumps slipshod demoralizing extremely upsetting demoralising untrustworthy deathly surprising unsporting crafty derogatory discourteous dastardly inconsiderate unbefitting glaring cowardly ungentlemanly double-dealing culpable peccant maleficent irredeemable sly cunning devious wily provocative impudent affronting insolent humble servile slavish menial dissipated funereal morbid Machiavellian cheating shifty conniving designing calculating guileful tactless injudicious dreich lugubrious saturnine injurious unadvantageous heartless inequitable shrewd deceiving unsportsmanly wounding provoking slighting insulting amoral perverted vindictive a pity sunless plutonian tenebrous lonesome elegiacal tenebrific elegiac not quite the thing slick scheming unfeeling uncaring coldhearted unsympathetic good-for-naught no-count meritless no-account tough unconscionable debauched cold-blooded despiteful not nice sadistic inhumane ill-natured malign catty brutal virulent Cimmerian poverty-stricken uncivil vexing impolite unmannerly grovelling humiliated subservient meek groveling deferent hangdog self-effacing ill-gotten Janus-faced below the belt against the rules vitiated wanton impure venal inimical undue ill-suited ill-considered mercenary faithless perfidious hard catastrophal bribable beyond contempt

Kata sifat

Weak or lacking in strength
frail feeble infirm weak delicate slight debilitated enfeebled wasted weakened decrepit puny crippled incapacitated sickly slender ailing asthenic doddering down-and-out effete enervated faint ill languid low poorly prostrate prostrated sapped soft softened tender unsubstantial unwell wimpish wimpy shaky tottering weedy brittle dainty fishy fracturable in poor health shatterable shattery spindly tenuous unsound wispy fragile flimsy rickety unstable weakly insubstantial wobbly light unsteady tottery exhausted insecure precarious unhealthy helpless ramshackle wavering failing lame strengthless rocky anemic anaemic faltering jerry-built unsafe tired fatigued breakable spent drained indisposed aged weakling spineless wishy-washy wonky weary vacillating doddery diaphanous emasculated out of shape teetery airy vitiated sick unfit makeshift weak-kneed fine sensitive trembly vulnerable etiolated gimcrack broken-down sapless limp shoddy old elderly senile anile lightweight nerveless sluggish invertebrate scrawny meager wet laid low pathetic meagre poor characterless worn out badly built gossamer languorous limp-wristed thrown together flagging depleted namby-pamby long in the tooth unenthusiastic debile irresolute gauzy dilapidated faded milk-and-water unbalanced lacklustre lackluster flabby powerless sheer sensile halting exposed undermined transparent gossamery filmy cheap floaty feathery perilous unnerved deteriorated declining devitalized hazardous dodgy unreliable see-through disintegrating frangible translucent broken decaying crumbling rattletrap ethereal gentle fluctuant gossamer-thin rumpty half-hearted defenseless papery inadequate paltry dangerous damaged defenceless out of condition out of gas wafer-thin in poor condition drooping small hindered encumbered hampered crook bedridden forceless indecisive superficial uneven valetudinarian nesh susceptible in declining health yielding diminished burned out easily damaged rendered feeble withered atrophied deteriorating wilted haggard degenerative ravaged teetering down stricken impotent washed-out rundown dotard dying sinking reduced bland invalid shilpit played out superannuated dizzy unguarded unprotected below par defective on its last legs trembling wavy wiggling unsure out of sorts lifeless insipid derelict ancient senescent paralyzed done in rusty run-down paralysed rotten insufficient woozy dopey flat meek loose paperlike gauzelike wisplike nebulous lackadaisical waiflike listless passionless lusterless anodyne not solid not safe not robust papyraceous tepid silky cobwebby unexcited uninterested washed out gone to seed without energy on the ropes chartaceous unwilling imperfect tumbledown ruinous ultra-fine gossamer-like unsecured in bad shape past it chiffony silken unconvincing timorous rachitic shacky shambly geriatric tumble-down paper blasé over the hill no spring chicken apathetic injured timid spiritless loosened slack slackened lax relaxed transpicuous translucid untrained paper-thin ultra-thin moderate mild tame hurt fibrous tiffany cobweb endangered immature rootless wounded lily-livered faint-hearted low-key falling to pieces bad disabled stiff bruised sore finespun at risk handicapped maimed battered deformed game physically challenged

Kata sifat

Not to be trusted or relied upon
suspect doubtful dubious questionable dodgy suspicious fishy queer shady odd debatable disputable doubtable dubitable equivocal problematic problematical shaky untrustworthy funny iffy shonky incredible open potentially dangerous potentially false pseudo ridiculous suspected thick unbelievable uncertain unclear under suspicion unlikely unsure not kosher not quite right open to suspicion unreliable flimsy shifty disreputable open to question open to doubt unsubstantiated weak unsound murky arguable dishonest tenuous unscrupulous unsupported moot undependable irregular dark mysterious controversial corrupt unconvincing slippery sketchy unsettled underhand chancy contentious ambiguous devious dishonourable fallible indeterminate dishonorable indefinite nebulous unfounded speculative indecisive unproven controvertible unconfirmed fraudulent unresolved bent crooked implausible strange unethical seedy scandalous tricky open to debate unsavoury inglorious deceptive specious rocky risky defective spurious wrong assumed unsavory deceitful vague conjectural presumed undecided hypothetical disputed negotiable issuable potentially illegal suppositious in doubt contestable contingent insecure criminal unsafe up in the air not dependable open to discussion duplicitous inaccurate improbable sly peculiar snide theoretical furtive sneaky academic ungrounded dicey unreasonable untrue suppositional groundless guileful unverified far-fetched incorrect mistaken false erroneous unsubstantial untested fragile borderline enigmatic precarious supposed cryptic inconclusive putative hazy ill-founded clouded flakey unstable flaky sham notional suppositive of dubious character academical theoretic wide of the mark off-target in dispute double-dealing vexed postulated in question presupposed at issue not definite up for grabs shadowy nefarious crafty unprincipled insubstantial unlawful illegal secret mootable puzzling negligible unapt macabre trustless untrusty disbelieved potentially dishonest unspecific insignificant paradoxical challenging undetermined unconcluded treacherous irresponsible disloyal two-faced off yet to be decided sub judice unknown baseless unwarranted far from certain unpredictable inexact phony pending confused farfetched vulnerable unusual unjustifiable unestablished unjustified unattested uncorroborated different phoney in the balance in limbo in no man's land touch-and-go flawed not validated perilous untrusted imagined illogical foundationless without basis invalid nonvalid without foundation faulty feeble of doubtful honesty too much out of line rings untrue won't wash conjectured untenable not reliable nonrational illegitimate unreasoning irrational unreal imaginary not backed up by evidence hollow sophistic mysterious-looking funny-looking queer-looking dishonest-looking strange-looking guilty-looking concocted conditional conjecturable refutable provisory guessed made up presumptive casual assumptive stochastic proposed pretending underhanded unbacked casuistic inconsequent inconsequential easily threatened easily destroyed easily broken sharp rogue incongruous falsified fallacious fake hard to believe fast disputatious divisive delicate sensitive contended difficult polemical tentative emotive provocative tendentious polemic abstract inferred awkward debateable contested debated hot notorious heated surmised postulational ideational guesstimated figured reputed guessing surmising under discussion hot-button based on guesswork on a hunch on a long shot unprovable apocryphal marginal undefined occult obscure not obvious under examination under advisement

Kata sifat

Having a pitch or frequency at the upper end of the auditory range
shrill high-pitched high piercing screeching sharp ear-piercing penetrating piping shrieking ear-splitting strident acute air-rending intrusive loud shattering squeaking squeaky strong treble whistling screechy squawky argute blaring blatant cacophonous clanging clangorous deafening discordant earsplitting harsh jarring metallic noisy raucous stentorious shrieky grating soprano squawking rasping dissonant rough hoarse gruff stridulous unmelodious stridulant scratchy unmusical clamorous rank rancid putrid malodorous reeking smelly husky falsetto croaky shrilly clarion brassy croaking unharmonious raspy tumultuous boisterous stertorous gravelly penetrant permeating stridulatory throaty high-frequency gravel rusty coarse inharmonious guttural jangling grinding vociferous vociferant obstreperous riotous forceful clashing growling caterwauling growly pervasive infiltratory penetrative clear thunderous booming head-splitting vibrant pellucid stentorian soaring fluting bright tinny carrying maddening cracked irritating annoying vexatious thick ragged scratching croupy breathy indistinct dry whispering uneven baying persuasive vocal creaking tuneless astringent jangly fierce rabid rugged ferocious out-of-tune out-of-key off-key yowling yawping yauping clamant vociferating explosive convulsive furious paroxysmal turbulent volcanic blustering stridulent forcible buffeting infiltrating crisp clearly audible pointed all-pervading entering forcing puncturing clear-cut ingoing edged going through passing through scurrilous screaming loudmouthed vulgar crying obtrusive absonant atonal braying

Kata kerja

(usually "thin out") To make or become less dense, crowded, or numerous

Kata kerja

To decrease in strength or intensity
blunt deaden dull reduce lessen diminish moderate ease soften allay assuage decrease relieve alleviate temper numb abate soothe mollify benumb attenuate dampen desensitise desensitize damp undermine calm dilute appease muffle cool slake sate cauterise cauterize obtund hebetate tone down take the edge off water down put a damper on mitigate lighten extenuate contract weaken lower sap palliate make lighter enfeeble subdue constrict adulterate devaluate offset shrink deflate debilitate dissipate vitiate cripple rarefy enervate disable shift put off empty unload jettison throw out uplight levitate unburden take eradicate facilitate reduce weight remove disburden free pour out disencumber change comfort cut down ameliorate make less take a load off upraise check quell stifle cushion curb suppress restrain quiet smother still relax help depress lull lenify tranquilize modify control tranquillize quench damp down placate repress pacify curtail qualify take the sting out quieten overcome retard slow inhibit sweeten impair compose buffer devitalize mute minimize restrict de-escalate dwindle contain minimise gentle slacken deplete settle wind down take the bite out hold back incapacitate paralyze paralyse extinguish exhaust tire smooth limit downsize satisfy stop absorb silence crush mellow soft-pedal ease off stay hinder put an end to pour oil on let up on depreciate cut degrade stun erode remit stupefy unnerve prostrate ebb subside torpefy halt destroy handicap wane ruin waste dispel dent drop downscale squash hush dam freeze stem knock out drain etiolate block wreck discount staunch anaesthetize modulate squelch get rid of quash cut back stanch anesthetize knock down salve kill regulate arrest prevent chill out cut off settle down pour cold water on cool off rein in dampen down throw cold water on keep in check taper address improve commute mask revise excuse narrow decrement dulcify make smaller reduce the force of loosen satiate tame prune diffuse fix up blanket drown injure wear away roll back peter out wear down reduce the effect of sedate restraint indulge fulfil gratify dial down truncate abridge slash sicken take sting out patch things up disempower lay off take pressure off calm down rein pipe down gruntle daze stultify narcotize drug tail off fill surfeit make nice put a stop to pare down bring to a standstill withstand oppose resist make weaker play down render insensitive dullen dismiss banish make less strict make less formal ease up on fulfill eliminate chill immobilize indispose drive away chase away put to rest square drive off defend against shield against safeguard against protect against lullaby fade becalm mar fatigue cool out bridle constrain rock to sleep infrigidate take it easy stroke die down reassure balm freshen quiet down ally frost take the edge lay back fall cease put a lid on make less intense put damper on spoil put the lid on emasculate make feeble unhinge knacker make weak shatter lay low master govern mess up harsh stabilize immobilise delay lick detain resolve pad demilitarise save neutralise smooth out rescue recover clear the air stabilise neutralize defuse take the heat demilitarize brighten quieten down put down keep a lid on clamp down on crack down on keep the lid on hold in check get under control nip in the bud slap down snuff out do in wear out cure counteract stunt decelerate impede punctuate succor succour console vary solace liss interrupt bankrupt hold up stall set back obstruct bring an end to bring aid to aid break up make something bearable bring respite to bring aid take load off assist keep back mire hamper lag retardate dispirit impoverish interfere with back-water loiter hit the brakes lose speed postpone procrastinate embog slow down choke reef put the brakes on lose steam let down flaps get in the way of bog down keep waiting anchor it overwhelm trouble ail break dishearten demoralize deject subjugate dismay discourage upset shake sadden oppress daunt pauperize humble perturb defeat chagrin bother weary abase distress overpower weigh down demoralise cast a pall over bum out bear down on cast down beat down bring to ruin liquidate bring down wipe out make destitute decimate bleed dry ruinate clean out

Kata kerja

To diminish in intensity or severity, especially gradually
recede decrease diminish dwindle abate decline moderate shrink contract subside fall lighten grow less wane let up fade ebb slacken drop off erode remit drop ease taper off relent ease off attenuate tail off grow smaller get less taper pall drop away sink lower flag desist quieten weaken de-escalate die down die off go down come down nosedive slump plummet waste away peter out fall away minify lessen drain away impair crop cut abridge blur drain soft-pedal amputate ratchet down close phase down clip cut back become smaller roll back slack up slow down wind down die out take the sting out take the bite out die away reduce fall off shrivel plunge become less get smaller wither depreciate waste disappear evaporate narrow quell condense shorten decrement downsize settle devaluate constrict minimize temper deflate minimise collapse dry up curtail trail run low vanish wear away wear down slack off narrow down fizzle out make smaller trail off slacken off come to an end fade away take a nosedive downscale depress dent deplete curb quiet descend dip decay deteriorate degenerate crumble restrain check soften droop retrench abbreviate extenuate grow crash close out rachet down slim wrinkle tumble dive compress cool off settle down calm down lose edge knock down pare down tone down make less turn down fade out fail telescope go through the floor go downhill hit the floor compact tighten squeeze nose-dive straiten constringe capsulize capsule fall short scrimp go downwards become lower get lower lose ground take in make narrower get narrower become narrower end pass exit pass away cease to be become obsolete wear off become extinct be no more disappear from the face of the earth cease to exist

Kata kerja

To choose or gather
cull choose select pick take cherry-pick elect handpick name prefer tag discriminate mark optate opt for sift single out winnow plump for pick out decide determine decide on settle on go for fix on appoint resolve conclude opt nominate designate make a selection settle upon pick and choose help yourself figure adopt specify stipulate favour set favor see fit peg cap pitch on plump on exercise choice make a choice pin down hand-pick skim off hive off cream off vote vote for return vote in put in judge tap accept settle admit ballot receive choose by ballot put in power vote into office decide upon go down the line cast one's vote for establish agree on fix assign identify arrange indicate ordain decree allot make a decision come to a decision agree prescribe take up arrive at fix upon embrace finger make fancy confirm desire plump distinguish sift out resolve on commit oneself to make your mind up come to a conclusion employ recognize install delegate commission detail tick finalize define recognise schedule point out impose instal elect to choose dictate like authorize make up your mind on denote discriminate between come down in favour of authorise rule finalise lay down make a decision on make a choice on cinch make up one's mind incline towards sort out pull out come to a decision about have as a favourite lean towards think more highly of lean toward be partial to like better show favouritism towards cotton to have a preference for come to an agreement mark off have a bias towards treat with partiality hold in higher regard side with go in for check off recruit want to make a choice to feel disposed to advance come to narrow down predestine coopt limit move for design prearrange set aside make choice include allocate call for end up settle for cast want wish forechoose clinch solve work instruct nail close complete spot achieve seal declare announce fix up elect for work out cite make a selection on pinpoint make the choice of see fit to make the decision to set a date for differentiate assign the part to give the part to weigh brand place nail down call the shots locate agree upon short-list ID constitute propose tab classify slot determine on order give the nod ponder deliberate on take a stand on come to an agreement on reach a decision on come to a decision on consider come to a conclusion on require command peach isolate point to put one's finger on put down for sign up take on mark out flag up recommend direct enjoin cross pronounce set down formulate promulgate set apart demand particularise write prescription make provision for guide write a prescription for particularize check stroke dot sign line arbitrate adjudicate adjudge pick on pluck out hypothecate aim tick off reach plan purpose agree to rule on guess surmise conjecture mediate poll award will settle on a plan of action arrive at conclusion have in mind come to decision come to agreement reach a conclusion have the intention reach a decision reach decision commit oneself form opinion have final word draw a conclusion make up your mind end with come to conclusion cast the die go down line take a stand call shots

Kata kerja

To remove or wear away by friction

Antonim dari the thin

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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