Sinonim dari tip one's hand

Kata kerja

Admit that one has committed a crime or done something wrong
confess acknowledge admit reveal declare disclose allow divulge concede grant profess avow confide prove affirm agree assert confirm make known manifest own up admit guilt attest aver blurt out cough discover evince own up to sing accept blame accept responsibility blow chirp come clean cop to fess up finger fink leak make public narrate plead guilty post relate snitch squeal tell all unbosom oneself unload vent weasel be completely honest 'fess up let on tell all about tell the truth bring into the open bring to light clue in come out dump on humble oneself level with rat on sound off spill the beans spill your guts spit out blow the lid off come out of the closet get off your chest make a clean breast of open your heart make a clean breast make a clean breast of it make clean breast of let the cat out of the bag self-declare self-disclose self-divulge self-report self-respond make a clean breast of things go public with spill your guts about spill the beans about tell talk blab grass give the game away inform express squeak betray spill tell on blow the gaff grass on split on let slip admit to confess to utter acknowledge that shop tell the truth about come clean about carry the can squawk crack rat dish reveal all speak up speak out unbosom reveal everything tell a secret blow somebody's cover divulge information reveal information disburden give it up tell the facts explain lay bare bare dish the dirt confide in spill all open your mouth confess all admit to one's sins put your hand up to something incriminate oneself implicate oneself make clean breast admit to one's crimes acknowledge information admit to one's actions split out with it let your hair down tattle stool tip inform on tell tales give away turn in

Kata kerja

To reveal or disclose a fact or information
unveil reveal expose disclose divulge uncover tell unmask bare spill betray discover uncloak unbosom spring give away lay bare let on about bring to light come out with lay open let it all hang out leak break crack make known make public bring into the open smoke out show display exhibit confess declare broadcast unearth let out impart manifest communicate let slip present blab publish air demonstrate blurt out let on expose to view proclaim admit unfold let the cat out of the bag release put on view evince unclothe put on display put on show out show up let drop mouth indicate flash announce pass on report inform relate blow wide open bring out into the open brandish flaunt blow the lid off produce disport go public with debunk undress publicize bring out open up nail open acknowledge bespeak feature tattle promulgate squeal showcase publicise narrate babble parade launch unshroud say suggest catch out confide set out take the lid off squeal about give the game away dig up spill the beans set forth own up blow the whistle on fess up spill the beans about cough up utter recount detect describe blurt disseminate stage recite vouchsafe unclose portray blow concede mention make plain denude roll out put on own allow cough recognize state sport intimate unburden grant explain find out bewray gossip illustrate pass sing be evidence of make clear prove allow to be seen introduce talk blow the gaff signify represent show off call out lay out give out avow recognise come clean open to view spill the beans on trot out pull the plug on tip off spill your guts about give an account of tell all about take the wraps off get off your chest blow the gaff on let in on strip identify highlight show evidence of turn up share unrobe detail entrust trust relay unroll give up strut array pour out disburden slip transpire trickle come clean about open up on excavate unburden oneself get out come out go public on bring to notice spill all confide in tell all nake provide details signal specify bring forward bring into view demo profess to make clear leave unprotected supply offer unfurl deal in bring to view deliver arrange put before the public flourish tell of hold up to view agree whisper register advertise advertize make manifest make obvious crack wide open expose information accept accede breathe affirm symbolize denote read realize assent market appreciate confirm hint buzz insinuate let fall acquiesce concur make a clean breast go into details realise own up to make a clean breast of 'fess up come out of the closet yield spill your guts cop to symbolise point to pin down point at designate point toward point out wield project speak transmit unload on spill to crack to distribute televise open your heart lay the gaff lay it on bend an ear share a confidence rehearse chronicle voice clarify go public blow the whistle let your hair down elaborate depict vocalize verbalize offer for sale explicate charge acquaint chart enlighten apprise enunciate delineate articulate advise convey brief familiarize put on the market make available put on sale paint spin decipher resolve elucidate verbalise express familiarise retail verse level clear vocalise sketch weave spell out clear up clue in catch up fill in leave word call upon tell on keep posted put before give evidence of spit it out give facts reel off wise up break the news overshare

Kata kerja

To suggest or indicate something indirectly or covertly
hint suggest insinuate imply indicate intimate infer allude signal connote cue leak expose mean mention whisper broach angle adumbrate remind foreshadow hint at allude to give a clue drive at get at give an inkling tip off refer to allude to the fact drop a hint give someone to believe give someone to understand touch on bring up make a reference to the fact refer to the fact tip the wink let it be known say in passing let out of bag put flea in ear lead up to signify denote reveal evince manifest refer point to convey the impression make out demonstrate show purport impute ascribe convey betoken point communicate bespeak say indirectly give a hint be a sign of display express impart declare warn import represent intend evidence implicate clue betray advert give away point toward make reference to the fact be evidence of inform propose draw inference air assert rumor rumour affirm approach the subject of introduce the subject of lead to make overtures about make advances about leave evidence leave tracks leave trace presuppose spill the beans let the cat out of the bag give someone an inkling of tip someone the wink about evoke reflect exhibit tell of proclaim predict spell foretell speak of announce spell out bear witness to attest be an indication of testify to conjure up advise symbolize shadow symbolise typify promise occur smack of illustrate cite remind you of call up bring to mind summon up caution introduce call to mind lead to believe put someone in mind of put one in mind of put you in mind of be redolent of point in direction of make you think of steer forewarn prompt argue tip designate talk about clue in give the low-down advert to make give the idea make reference make allusion mention in passing refer in passing mention en passant speak briefly of make a passing reference make an allusion to offer peg finger lead tab tag name lead to the belief lead you to believe give the impression put down for be symptomatic of button down draw attention to put one's finger on pin down be a symptom of prove stand for add up to point at point out flag up predicate entail mark flash disclose have overtones of have undertones of have an aura of give a feeling of be associated with have an atmosphere of say make known contemplate aim design establish have in mind register shew specify portend pinpoint witness wink carry bear signpost speak broadcast bear out serve as evidence of gesture towards read uncover promulgate showcase publish make clear feature present brandish involve

Antonim dari tip one's hand

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