Sinonim dari to be judgemental

Kata sifat

Prone to making (critical) judgements about others
critical carping cavilling hypercritical censorious overcritical captious disparaging condemnatory disapproving caviling rejective faultfinding negative pejorative pharisaic judgy self-righteous judgmental fault-finding reproachful deprecatory niggling reproving pass-remarkable scathing quibbling pedantic denunciatory nitpicking nit-picking criticizing condemning unfavourable derogatory pernickety picky unfavorable contemptuous hair-splitting castigatory severe criticising accusatory pettifogging harsh belittling censuring finicky cavillous hairsplitting accusing slighting damning nagging withering abusive denouncing vituperative overnice stern hard to please demeaning demanding full of reproof nice unsympathetic reprobative complaining griping punctilious fussy bellyaching calumniatory cynical cutting whingeing reprobatory scornful over-censorious over-particular insulting disdainful deprecating persnickety nit-picky over-exacting scolding overscrupulous denigratory uncomplimentary nitpicky depreciatory detractive dissatisfied defamatory derisive contumelious slanderous libelous libellous detractory exacting exceptive sarcastic degrading derogative decrying derisory depreciative denigrative sneering damnatory fine subtle disappointed overrefined proscriptive querulous admonitory grousing grouchy moaning grumbling over-rigorous over-strict unforgiving frowning discouraging upbraiding whining grouching overexacting debasing unpleasant boot-faced disapprobatory culpatory reprehending reproaching chiding severely critical bleating berating accusive displeased slating hostile knocking kvetching invective mithering chuntering accusatorial rude irreverent disadvantageous detracting sniping dyslogistic downgrading difficult to please discontented impossible to please irritable crabby trivial testy perverse thorny unfair contrary unjust touchy cantankerous peevish petty acrimonious petulant cross tricky very critical overparticular meticulous perfectionist fastidious humbling diagnostic discerning biting discriminating analytical lowering critic trenchant sharp penetrating particular choleric satirical uncharitable offensive dismissive unflattering snide epithetical damaging minimizing catty minimising ultra-critical scurrilous opprobrious mocking disrespectful jeering insolent maligning malicious scoffing vilifying discrediting injurious hurtful nasty vitriolic calumnious deprecative humiliating vulgar traducing vituperatory sniffy spiteful ridiculing taunting supercilious condescending caustic scandalous sardonic denigrating reviling scurrile scurril truculent snotty mud-slinging full of contempt mortifying haughty jibing sarky arrogant shaming foul depreciating cheeky snooty patronizing vicious obloquious aspersive patronising calumniating abhorrent unfriendly mean diminishing deflating shameful proud undignified ignominious affronting disgraceful bitter snobbish unworthy dishonourable discourteous inglorious blasphemous uncivil dishonouring cheapening teasing abject acerbic unkind wounding personal virulent uppity pillorying contemptible menial muckraking lampooning violent obnoxious unmannerly snidey dishonorable slurring cavalier venomous mordacious infra dig impertinent superior bringing shame defaming hateful castigating false misrepresentative antagonistic malevolent dishonoring despiteful adverse cool untrue low dirty offending corrosive high and mighty malign despicable overbearing egotistic on your high horse sharp-tongued shrewish insinuating wretched corrupting unbecoming snarky ill-natured defiant familiar intrusive discreditable lying maledictory backbiting scandalmongering perfunctory smearing ranting poisonous flip fresh maledictive sassy impolite nervy aspersing aspersory unenthusiastic dimissory bad cocky crusty gally smart abrupt brusque surly blunt curt gruff short ungracious libeling excoriating libelling disgracing injuring hurting abasing vile malignant smart-alecky out-of-line poor for the birds rough bad-mannered ill-mannered lordly aloof repulsive insensitive inconsiderate politically incorrect offhand hoity-toity unhelpful indifferent untoward imperious hifalutin prideful lofty highfalutin blistering undermining disobliging invalidating obstructive ribald infamous salacious indecent scabrous groundless obscene coarse gross uppish inimical rejecting contemning averse high-and-mighty despising antipathetic scouting repudiating toplofty raunchy vituperous smutty lewd outrageous filthy shameless fierce devastating savage brutal unsparing searing vexatious vain audacious Rabelaisian stinging barbed ferocious scorching abrasive troublesome destructive snippy bold turning up your nose at looking down your nose at foul-mouthed snarling coruscating acidic burning hard temperamental cold-shoulder hard-nosed acid cruel sulphurous scalding sulfurous extremely critical

Kata sifat

(of a person) Making others work hard or meet high standards
demanding perfectionist trying uncompromising clamorous critical dictatorial disapproving fussy importunate intractable judgmental obstinate rigorous strict tiresome tough cavilling difficult exigent fractious hard harsh imperious inflexible insistent nagging overbearing overexacting querulous stringent troublesome unaccommodating unamenable unbending unmanageable caviling cavillous censuring disparaging faultfinding firm hairsplitting hardheaded hypercritical needy obdurate overscrupulous possessive quibbling sticklerish stiff stubborn unflinching unreasonable unsparing carping censorious cynical demeaning serious tyrannical high-maintenance fault-finding hard to please hard to satisfy over-exacting hard-line over-censorious over-particular over-rigorous over-strict picky captious finicky overcritical pedantic pernickety niggling hair-splitting rejective nit-picking pass-remarkable nitpicking fastidious particular unyielding pettifogging overnice exceptive sarcastic exacting severe negative choosy finical persnickety nice unrelenting grim boorish rigid pitiless inexorable irascible resolute immovable dogmatic oppressive prickly crotchety ornery disputatious chippy disputative bloody-minded deprecating criticizing criticising irritable crabby touchy cantankerous peevish nitpicky trivial testy perverse very critical petty thorny acrimonious unfair contrary petulant unjust cross tricky punctilious overparticular meticulous scolding critic humbling diagnostic judgy calumniatory reproachful belittling trenchant sharp discerning cutting penetrating biting contemptuous choleric condemning withering discriminating derogatory analytical satirical lowering stern

Kata sifat

Sanctimonious, self-righteously, or hypocritically pious
holier-than-thou goody-goody sanctimonious self-righteous smug pietistic self-satisfied priggish religiose complacent Pharisaic pious squeaky-clean artificial high-hat judgmental pietistical pompous preachy simon-pure snobbish superior unctuous unco guid moralistic moralizing Pharisaical moralising hypocritical Pecksniffian pi sententious pharisaical prudish prim puritanical starchy strait-laced prissy Victorian stuffy old-maidish schoolmistressy schoolmarmish Grundyish canting pharisaic insincere Tartuffian to keep up appearances churchy too good to be true mealy-mouthed for form's sake false didactic proper homiletic homiletical sermonic governessy mimsy shockable niminy-piminy affected pretentious noble supercilious hoity-toity egotistical haughty dogmatic pontifical sermonizing stick-in-the-mud fuddy-duddy square moral god-fearing virtuous prim and proper straight-laced nice PC puritan sermonising politically correct goody two-shoes narrow-minded tight-laced stiff narrow pedantic censorious vain formal rigid severe genteel conventional straitlaced straightlaced bluenosed nice-nelly uptight demure overnice strict austere staid bigoted old-maid stern precise fastidious overmodest po-faced decorous square-toed straight precious goody-two-shoes overscrupulous conservative old-fashioned ascetic of the old school forbidding disapproving fanatical spartan hair-shirt epicene namby-pamby abstemious conforming abstinent decent seemly respectable ladylike sedate fussy particular sober earnest serious solemn squeamish blue-nose spic-and-span polite spruce meticulous wooden correct cleanly good dapper upright dignified stickling ceremonial nit-picking ceremonious choosy stilted overexact simpering mincing scrupulous offish rigorous finicky illiberal

Kata sifat

Brief, concise, and to the point
sententious brief laconic terse aphoristic compact concise epigrammatic pithy succinct apothegmatic capsule compendious crisp curt elliptic elliptical gnomic monosyllabic pointed short summary telegraphic thumbnail axiomatic abounding censorious critical disapproving judgmental meaningful pretentious condensed short and sweet to the point breviloquent compendiary synoptic incisive compressed abridged abbreviated clipped boiled down sparing in a nutshell lapidary economical shortened snappy potted summarized contracted truncated sharp tight perfunctory abrupt summarised cut to the bone in a few well-chosen words rapid quick curtailed little witty precise small brusque tart trenchant neat blunt taut economic in few words cursory lean close finely honed snippety recapped precipitate compacted rehashed run-down outline concentrated abstracted comprehensive clever amusing piquant quick-witted epigrammatical limited summarizing meaty pungent ingenious summarising marrowy gruff run-through apophthegmatic short and to the point epitomized epitomised snippy fast uncommunicative hurried hasty shortened form decreased making a long story short well tuned diminished expressive significant cogent ephemeral unprolonged lessened in well-chosen words honed effective swift decurtate abbreviate short-and-sweet down to brass tacks curtate transient bare not protracted cut short exact cryptic clear-cut edited cut reduced shorter trimmed pruned shrunk precised cropped cut down synopsized bare-bones pared down cut-down memorable catchy straightforward controlled distinct skeleton slimmed-down encapsulated digest essential censored sketch bowdlerized stripped down expurgated well structured slimmed down bowdlerised edited down

Antonim dari to be judgemental

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