Sinonim dari very tailor

Kata kerja

Make or adapt for a particular purpose or person
adapt adjust fashion fit modify cut shape suit convert customise customize style alter accommodate mould acclimate acclimatise acclimatize attune change condition conform doctor edit gear put reshape trim tune custom-build custom-make design dovetail make mold personalise personalize quadrate reconcile square tailor-make shape up cut to fit make to measure make to order revise reconstruct remodel revamp rework redesign amend tweak improve transform refashion redo recast reorganize restyle refine vary reform reorganise make adjustments to make alterations to readjust remake rearrange reorient remould reorientate regulate remold make over habituate prepare accustom correct rectify rejig revolutionize renovate modulate familiarize arrange reorder reconstitute reconfigure permute revolutionise assimilate integrate acculturate familiarise get used to morph permutate retool reshuffle regenerate rejigger metamorphose season fix set harmonize temper overhaul transmute rebuild mutate transfigure repair harmonise evolve update get accustomed get used upgrade rehash translate develop diversify familiarize with redraft qualify pattern prime align ready harden balance coordinate individualize mend proportion organize acculture orient organise settle individualise domesticate order match gear to rehabilitate renew become accustomed redress transpose transmogrify shift fix up fit in redevelop make ready become seasoned find your feet turn become naturalized come to accept familiarize oneself with become accustomed to recalibrate come to terms with make innovations adapt to moderate affect shift gears warp switch over recondition freshen up align with replace commute adjust to learn to live with make consistent turn around make different tamper with plan produce realign plot differentiate specify size measure dispose process position do over naturalize inure treat become inured make distinctive contrive make appropriate to make fitting to make appropriate for make fitting for become resigned naturalise resign yourself put in position put in place become reinvent soften give a personal touch to bend jack up set straight make specially tamper emendate rewrite alternate review remix shuffle become different reword true up compose train comply correspond toughen transubstantiate alchemize diverge equip dial back phony up make changes to correct mid-course fine tune find one's way around get your bearings make improvements to climatize metamorphosize interchange turn over new leaf turn the tables denature turn the corner stir up change completely refit sing different tune cook refurbish transfer turn upside down switch do up blend follow groom empower coach reconciliate better go along to get along run with the pack roll with punches follow the crowd follow tradition be guided by be conventional follow custom follow convention keep in step follow beaten path swim with the stream make suitable ameliorate emend restore frame sculpt form cast model remedy restructure uplift reclaim sculpture create cure modernise resolve modernize debug conciliate red-pencil bring up to code make better carve hew whittle calibrate enhance key normalize forge block manipulate orientate accord jigger normalise grade sharpen twiddle focus tighten troubleshoot straighten sort roughhew assemble pat crystallise smooth fabricate fine-tune tune up grow accustomed to become used to make agree throw together crystallize mint be in harmony with block out knead be in tune with bring together chisel be in accord with bring into line fiddle with make good put right set right patch up see to put in working order make conform set to rights rephrase move rescript swap progress substitute reverse redraw right retouch change around exchange copy-edit grow sort out move around veer polish touch up rebrand regroup swing transition trade vacillate juggle advance flip-flop shake up swap round reposition clean up change round rethink redistribute metastasize metamorphize redeploy segue clarify transmutate retract expand rejuvenate redispose push fluctuate invert go appropriate download downlink apply scrub go over remaster do again help relocate enlarge reproduce reset iron out spread render tidy up merge produce new version change gears on deal with switch round flip-flop on pay dues control manage yo-yo on turn about truck straighten out play around with jiggle around reacclimate methodize pass transit distort contort rationalize reformat say differently deform reschedule subedit redact remove deconflict change the format rehab barter re-form displace hot rod spring-clean expurgate censor bowdlerize remap re-present budge govern transplant dislocate pull rationalise bowdlerise make an alteration make an adjustment reinforce reuse meliorate perfect enrich predispose pivot revitalize revivify restate return to restitute resurrect raise elevate lift digress drift mix up reenforce bear upon impinge upon have an impact on juggle around become clearly visible as clear up shade overturn slip discuss repeat reiterate go back to revitalise row back paraphrase tone make right pick up digitally remaster do a U-turn on deviate influence clean up your act set the record straight put in order get with it backtrack revert inverse make up for doctor up re-create check about-face do an about-turn on say again state differently inflect eat your words change gradually innovate massage back swerve snap break blue-pencil arrange differently move round make a clean sweep clear out clean out break with past change drastically cause revolution tone down reduce lower curb lessen play down restrain double back alter dramatically put in other words express differently put differently put another way write over recreate restart redecorate prepare for publication make far-reaching changes in make a change change direction break with the past acquaint initiate introduce do over again do from scratch go back to the beginning start again start over undergo a change compute handle concoct work on crunch play oneself in learn about take care of act on work add to optimise administer act with attend to effect add a rider to make conditional add reservations to make additions to classify mix variegate maneuver optimize manoeuvre perform on crack calculate encrypt decrypt hack decipher mine post scan store transmit declassify compress scrape filter fetch archive widen unfold assort mature spread out bring variety to branch out elaborate unroll extend drive emerge thrive flourish proceed head blossom augment prosper ripen continue shoot speed educe derive increase broaden your horizons go forth work out go forward work up move ahead cover ground move onward press on push forward make progress open out push ahead push on make headway make strides march on adapt yourself come of age move forward build up work one's way press forward forge ahead

Kata kerja

To make arrangements or preparations for
arrange plan organise organize schedule determine devise fix prepare decide set settle blueprint chart choreograph construct design frame project shape adjust budget calculate draught draft establish resolve scheme contrive coordinate direct manage quarterback lay out map out scheme out fix up pencil in prepare for settle on strategize about agree on get ready work out agree to jack up make plans for set up make arrangements for make preparations for set stage shape up iron out come to an agreement come to terms make plans come to terms about pull things together formulate appoint designate choose select name decide on draw up specify concoct make develop equip program programme lay fit figure put together make ready conceive edit outline fit out ordain produce ready confirm stipulate estimate prep conclude furnish groom prescribe set out think up arrive at plot out make up list itemize fashion decree compose craft orchestrate strategize supply finalize outfit adapt accoutre assemble resolve on itemise allot prearrange provide pick finalise assign agree decide upon turn out lay on come to a decision about make a decision plan ahead come to a conclusion come to a decision plot hatch delineate brew engineer propose create intend spread cut cook up dream up work something out define think ahead limit clinch preset think out nail close cinch complete cost style think through achieve seal rig out solve work account map detail settle upon compute predict nail down set a date for block out cost out make provisions make financial arrangements arbitrate adjudicate adjudge call the shots authorize prime poise indicate authorise hypothecate train brace sketch out rule on rough out season qualify fortify trace out forearm provision fabricate array form arm warm up arm oneself gird up one's loins pave the way get set gird cast perfect accouter stock gear allocate endow anticipate impose work up kit instruct dictate get up build up rig lay down fix on kit up kit out fit up slap together smooth the way fill in make provision agree upon put in order come to an understanding see eye to eye make an arrangement

Kata kerja

To train or instruct someone for a role or task
groom train coach instruct drill teach prepare educate tutor prime school ready condition nurture make ready guide direct discipline inculcate cultivate indoctrinate inform develop brief shape mould improve verse edify lesson form advise upskill mold clue put in the picture rehearse put someone through their paces lecture work hone foster update advance show lead lay it out for drum into give lessons to let in on manage give instruction to show the ropes exercise tell notify prep enlighten rear elevate uplift better breed supply with facts give information to give the lowdown clue up clue in give the low-down fill in gen up give character bring up familiarize equip initiate familiarise break in explain acquaint counsel ground mentor fit qualify season brainwash illuminate wise up give lessons put through the grind apprise clear hip habituate pilot steer sharpen din something into catch up acquaint with keep posted lick into shape familiarize with fill in on clarify clue in on put through the mill gen up on give instructions give the facts put in the picture about arm promote support regiment warn alert make aware base demonstrate practise predicate introduce rest tame practice harden inure orientate make familiar with hang expound supervise describe explicate point out instill inform about civilize mature homeschool civilise inspire illumine illume impart instil imbue care for make fit demonstrate to whip into shape make something clear to make conversant with sensitize sensitise communicate implant catechize teach information clue up on equip with pound into open eyes polish up give the gen about give the low-down on give a grounding in teach school improve mind shepherd make experienced walk through show the way influence orient tell about update on notify of inform of advise of apprise of give counselling offer opinions give hints caution give counsel offer suggestions preach make recommendations give guidance give direction give someone tips give instruction give pointers give advice give directions give rundown give a rundown give information about tip off give the rundown on show the lay of the land clue up about give the gen on bring up to date on keep up to speed with give the gen disclose

Kata kerja

To arrange systematically
organise organize arrange classify codify group marshal order systematise systematize catalogue compile sort tabulate assemble catalog categorise categorize list standardise standardize structure array constitute dispose file index prioritise prioritize regulate shape systemize collocate marshall methodize mold mould pigeonhole range regiment adapt compose consolidate control correlate fit formulate inventory triage adjust combine construct curate fashion fix harmonise harmonize settle straighten draw up lay out put in order put straight sort out line up straighten out knock into shape lick into shape whip into shape form orient stand muster distribute gather rank seat prepare shepherd set out spread out set up place position align class sequence grade set situate assort locate separate digest type rationalize plan establish design peg compartmentalize relegate distinguish compartment set in order put compartmentalise break down rationalise tidy pose schematize devise institute frame contrive rate space straighten up chart deploy display alphabetize present police spruce log line orientate allineate put to rights spruce up put together put in line project shape up tighten up pull together make uniform exhibit bracket posture tabularize register enumerate figure clarify size designate divide suit graduate label place in formation put out bias place in order set forth set in line form up station put into position set into position coordinate assign summarize even collate condense collect space out place at intervals move apart set apart neaten pattern streamline summarise code normalise regularize manage regularise normalize formalise conduct right formalize gather together bring into line even up make parallel put in rows arrange in line make straight put in columns make even put away draft outline police up clear the decks fix up put in good shape draught dress aim get into rows fall in get into columns put into order slant direct angle pitch steer intend turn face

Kata kerja

To decorate or make more attractive
do decorate adorn embellish ornament style trim array beautify bedeck bedizen blazon caparison color colour deck drape dress emblaze emboss enrich fancify festoon furnish garnish grace paint paper adapt furbish renovate shape wallpaper doll up do up fancy up glitz up gussy up pretty up deck out tart up trick out prettify enhance dress up furbelow garland engarland gild do out get up spruce up wreathe bejewel swathe emblazon set off fix up bespangle titivate embroider improve jazz up hang cover brighten bedight smarten accessorize beribbon befrill prank accessorise primp brighten up prink spiff up smarten up loop thread glamorize gem lard glaze wreath elaborate polish ornamentalize add ornament to rig make beautiful add the finishing touch to fit set revamp redecorate glamorise remodel rig out fringe hem spangle edge ribbon make up varnish slick up zhoosh ginger up frill finish perfect overdo amplify overstate enlarge zhoosh up fudge aggrandize add bells and whistles give details add finishing touches dress out crown preen braid pretty stud touch up border suit equip slick make pretty make attractive tidy trig plume pipe form constitute flesh out mense supplement complement gentrify fix attach augment fasten complete add to stencil customize modify mod tassel stitch sew show off go with accent bind rim give something a facelift sweeten put make-up on tart oneself up do oneself up befringe purfle candy gloss add on add ornament coat pimp out pimp up work pattern cross-stitch quilt knit disguise sugar-coat window-dress camouflage sprinkle dot catastrophize exaggerate star light customise weave pattern begild aureate engild overlay wash tinsel whitewash plate aurify glitter clothe brush comb arrange smooth sequin garb costume robe groom freshen expand on enlarge on apparel prepare admire fuss spruce spiff invest habit accoutre freshen up prink up toilet garment turn out vesture gown fit out enrobe put on your gladrags fuss over fig up be in full fig put on your best bib and tucker get dressed up trig up trick up attire outfit clad tog dud trap out tog out suit up tog up dude up

Kata kerja

To design or plan an approach for a given task or project
develop devise brainstorm draught draft carve out come up with conceive concoct contrive cook up formulate lay out outline put together brew bring conjure up decide draw up dream up drum up hammer out innovate invent make up plan plot put up start up throw together throw up trump up work on arrange coin determine envisage envision frame hatch imagine model picture pioneer ponder project ruminate run up spark speculate strategize visualise visualize choreograph get obtain spark off carry out churn out cobble together crank out grind out manufacture thrash out turn out think of think up form design create construct produce forge craft work out make compose originate prepare scheme fabricate mastermind evolve build engineer fashion shape organize map out cast excogitate organise work up establish blueprint machinate map lay set up assemble mould mold get ready discover cogitate strategize about scheme out orchestrate vamp conceive of dope out budget hit on sketch ready generate think out set out chart codify bring about whip up erect conspire plan out contemplate intrigue calculate figure out line up bring forth adapt dream sketch out codetermine fit block out build up work execute effect prep ad-lib fix groom elaborate vamp up make ready conceptualize propose intend sculpt weave introduce set down conceptualise uncover moot stumble upon define carve detect find write compile consider institute initiate study constitute deliberate inaugurate affect influence weigh plan ahead conceit ideate author accomplish guide spitball perpend architect knock out spawn gather collate systemize marshal systematize realise realize purpose mint bear fangle hash out supply edit adjust equip raise regulate condition remodel mind mix connect join anthologize sort out accumulate amass combine collect link reconstruct outfit furnish accoutre perfect bring into being release grow modify convert knock off draw up a layout of make a drawing of make a map of draw up a plan of make a representation of toss off issue appoint endow anticipate educe derive premeditate slate mull over become systematise piece together rustle up marshall bring together mass-produce pump out trot out bang out forecast detail represent get up settle on fit out jack up smooth the way fill in think ahead make provision put in order quarterback rough out fix up steer meditate chalk out trace bargain for fix to rough in lay in provisions reckon on make arrangements figure on improvise fake it play it by ear head trip get off manage wangle maneuver manipulate finesse finagle negotiate compass manoeuvre succeed shift pass achieve play games swing work it succeed in jockey swing it angle find a way engineer a way wrangle hit upon

Antonim dari very tailor

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