Sinonim dari wickest

Kata sifat

Superlative for having a lively or cheerful manner or character
jauntiest liveliest sprightliest merriest peppiest perkiest friskiest bubbliest cheeriest breeziest happiest sunniest bounciest briskest joyfullest brightest jolliest pertest chirpiest snappiest pizazziest pizzazziest jazziest springiest gayest zippiest playfullest spriest sparkiest zappiest freshest sparkliest boldest airiest gladdest sportiest lightest raciest easiest nattiest trimmest flippest showiest sprucest agilest nimblest zingiest sauciest sassiest keenest blithest robustest strongest healthiest hardiest sturdiest finest fittest toughest powerfullest lustiest halest intensest soundest flushest feistiest heartiest spunkiest zestiest quickest crankest eagerest gladsomest pepperiest gamest smartest winsomest wildest mirthfullest cantiest wittiest vividest best brashest grittiest sharpest fairest busiest wantonest youngest larkiest cleverest wholesomest sexiest pluckiest bravest gutsiest fastest newest archest naughtiest funniest silliest neatest ruggedest dewiest creamiest rosiest ruddiest clearest dapperest fanciest glitziest hottest highest smiliest swiftest wonderfullest excellentest jumpiest wickedest headiest wholest mellowest ballsiest punchiest richest tangiest tartest tastiest supplest coyest tricksiest slaphappiest spiciest highest-octane pushiest steeliest cutest rowdiest justest squarest honestest steadfastest noisiest cheekiest shallowest unruliest dizziest giddiest flirtiest handiest loudest drollest astutest acutest brainiest quickest off the mark pleasantest wriest tenderest callowest greenest friendliest gassiest most animated most vivacious most energetic most spirited most active most cheerful most buoyant most vital most exuberant most upbeat most effervescent most ebullient most animate most frolicsome most kinetic most mettlesome most jovial most gleeful most blithesome most chipper most gamesome most impish most jocose most peart most rollicking most sportive most devilish most perk most venturesome most high-spirited most bright-eyed and bushy-tailed most full of beans most vigorous most swinging most lightsome most vibrant most dashing most genial most aware most alert most scintillating most jumping most hyper most fairylike most rocking most dynamic most strapping most athletic most able-bodied most blooming most thriving most zestful most indefatigable most forceful most forcible most gingery most virile most hale and hearty most go-getting most effective most driving most enterprising most persuasive most efficient most enthusiastic most frolic most carefree most fiery most joyous most lighthearted most coltish most skittish most ludic most irrepressible most mischievous most jocular most roguish most happy-go-lucky most passionate most waggish most ardent most stimulating most exciting most excited most elated most relaxed most debonair most prankish most antic most devil-may-care most alive most frolicky most jocund most larkish most mobile most boisterous most bustling most festive most youthful most confident most potent most unflagging most determined most rested most restored most industrious most insouciant most energised most fay most sportful most elfish most frivolous most puckish most high-powered most unwearied most bushy-tailed most bright-eyed most like new most moving most fun most courageous most dynamical most daring most easy-going most valiant most vehement most euphoric most stalwart most strenuous most dazzling most emphatic most exhilarating most fearless most brilliant most colorful most colourful most exceptional most entertaining most impassioned most zealous most rousing most happening most abuzz most hopping most astir most easygoing most childish most elastic most jokey most aboil most comical most amusing most elvish most good-humoured most good-humored most excitable most ambulatory most demoniac most motile most kinematic most aggressive most locomotive most relieved most unused most florid most undimmed most stimulated most unfaded most glowing most verdant most casual most fervent most jubilant most outgoing most reinvigorated most informal most avid most salacious most psychedelic most jazzlike most burning most dramatic most fluid most heated most beatific most ecstatic most blissful most occupied most electrifying most turnt most breathless most awake most untroubled most flamboyant most gentlemanly most sportsmanlike most optimistic most dexterous most eventful most dextrous most deedful most remarkable most striking most magnificent most marvellous most rapid most outstanding most marvelous most hopeful most positive most bullish most sanguine most amiable most unthinking most hilarious most glittering most laid-back most nonchalant most easy-breezy most affable most radiant most resounding most coquettish most motivated most poignant most distinctive most pungent most piquant most resilient most expansive most rascally most fascinating most rakish most convivial most unconcerned most free and easy most offhand most flirtatious most intrepid most peaches-and-cream most sportsmanly most considerate most generous most decent most laid back most unfatigued most untired most hard-hitting most functional most self-assertive most valorous most gallant most audacious most tenacious most heroic most reasonable most honorable most evenhanded most honourable most roisterous most rumbustious most resolute most mettled most indomitable most rambunctious most robustious most trivial most superficial most flippant most functioning most raucous most unrestrained most uninhibited most swashbuckling most scatterbrained most demure most empty-headed most serviceable most operative most operational most diligent most sporting most jesting most utile most rollicksome most thumping most whimsical most humorous most intelligent most hyperintelligent most supersmart most juvenile most utilitarian most well-oiled most perceptive most comic most chucklesome most sharp-witted most quick-witted most bantering most unserious most extroverted most girlish most boyish most immature most tongue in cheek most laughable most satirical most facetious most tongue-in-cheek most childlike most fresh-faced most pubescent most sociable most bombastic most personable most gregarious most vernal most inexperienced most likable most extraverted most congenial most talkative most social most young at heart most cordial most likeable most fabulous

Antonim dari wickest

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