Contrario di complete happiness


Opposite of the state of being happy or satisfied
sadness sorrow unhappiness affliction agony anguish broken-heartedness burden cheerlessness dejection disappointment disconsolateness disconsolation dolefulness dolor downheartedness gloominess glumness grieving heartache heartbreak sorrowfulness torment weeping disheartenment dispiritedness joylessness misery plaintiveness sufferance woefulness calamity discontent discontentedness discontentment displeasure dissatisfaction ill-being wretchedness annoyance depression despondency distress grief misfortune despair discouragement gloom haplessness melancholy pain suffering trouble upset woe worry low spirits work seriousness want dislike need discomfort irritation agitation anxiety hate tribulation hatred uneasiness desolation hopelessness blues frustration vexation tragedy disadvantage fear uncertainty disturbance labour labor exasperation hurt doubt aggravation boredom harm apathy mourning angst pessimism pathos disgruntlement disapproval anger dismay lack disquiet melancholia loss moroseness torture failure doldrums dullness hardship forlornness injury distrust hell moodiness chagrin turbulence disgust concern disinclination dreariness indifference malaise solemnity hindrance dumps infelicity unease dysphoria discomposure regret grievance unrest unpleasantness lugubriousness mortification action violence employment activity heavyheartedness mischance poverty the blues bad fortune bad luck worriment bearishness malcontent malcontentment disquietude coolness coldness disaffection disapprobation restlessness disfavour resentment despondence disfavor handicap indignation distaste detriment oppression trial indisposition miserableness dolour bummer pensiveness mournfulness disliking restriction sobriety gravity dourness jinx drama bother fretfulness task chore heartsickness listlessness perturbation horror curse scourge unluckiness ache travail poignancy difficulty nightmare adversity soberness turmoil foreboding impairment nervousness tension deprivation humiliation lamentation apprehension stress privation apprehensiveness stop obstruction check continuation anxiousness dread trauma toil disagreeableness unfriendliness upheaval low aloofness hostility disillusionment lowness impatience irritationer tearfulness querulousness withdrawal symptom disenchantment dismalness excruciation letdown vocation cloudiness dimness disillusion downer drag bore heartbrokenness complaint restiveness uncomfortableness bleakness necessity obligation duty abstinence excitableness mopes heaviness of heart lugubriosity dejectedness control discipline restraint denial blandness bad trip negativity disability heavy-heartedness broken heart the dumps remain stay idle straits doom and gloom criticism castigation condemnation debasement denunciation hell on earth heaviness funk sickness botheration trepidation forfeit asperity bane panic insecurity illness instability regard interest nervosity tremor twinge perplexity commotion ordeal care stir travails austerity unwellness tenderness peakiness loathing plague hoodoo irritant punishment ill-fortune cross immorality hex pest nuisance aversion antipathy impartiality disinterest justice fairness concernment trials drudgery hardness destitution unhealthfulness crossness choler tizzy throe alarum pang emotion alarm diffidence rancour rigour exertion beggary hassle neediness hesitancy unassertiveness edginess jitters desperation suspense presentiment misgiving incertitude tenseness consternation desperateness strain jumpiness fearfulness impecuniousness rigor impecuniosity ailment wickedness disrelish wrath penury disaster ire infuriation umbrage soreness incensement unsureness pique bad break unfulfillment insecureness nonsuccess unstableness blight bad news hard luck ill luck exigency self-doubt rancor total loss losing fruitlessness tough luck shock entanglement tough break body blow contretemps perdition bereavement demise lead balloon havoc dispossession trouncing peril squandering sinking ship bemoaning waste devastation destituteness pasting destruction beating dilemma rue infliction hammering undoing wreckage kick in the teeth hard times mishap quandary poorness knock-back fall rotten luck hard time crisis ill fortune disappearance predicament subordination raw deal cost bitter pill headache


Opposite of vigor or liveliness of style or action


Opposite of the state or characteristic of being full of life, exuberance or energy


Opposite of the state or quality of being ludicrous

Sinonimo di complete happiness

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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