Sinonimo di a bias


Prejudice for or against one person or group
prejudice intolerance favouritism partisanship unfairness bigotry chauvinism favoritism nonobjectivity preference inequity discrimination favor favour illiberality tendentiousness inequality injustice narrowmindedness preconception prepossession tilt unjustness narrow-mindedness one-sidedness jaundiced eye parti pris unfair preference partiality predisposition xenophobia ply sectarianism preferential treatment inclination racialism leaning nepotism racism small-mindedness dogmatism predilection bent intolerantness disposition illiberalism narrowness tendency propensity jingoism penchant proneness insularity provincialism opinionatedness onesidedness fanaticism jobs for the boys parochialism sexism illiberalness spin viewpoint myopia isolationism machismo classism affinity ethnocentrism biasedness preferentialism standpoint turn proclivity ethnocentricity disproportion imbalance misogyny anti-Semitism head-set mind-set superpatriotism apartheid patronage racial discrimination segregation racial prejudice blind patriotism old boy network keeping it in the family laddishness liking ageism unrepresentativeness pettiness localism flash hatred iniquity subjectivity unfair treatment wrong inflexibility short-sightedness prejudgement prejudgment racial bigotry blinkered attitude blinkered approach provinciality special treatment sexual discrimination preconceived notion preconceived idea mind trip positive discrimination reverse discrimination angle blinkeredness looking after one's own racial hatred right of appointment power of appointment perspective xenophoby slant nationalism twist racial intolerance monoculturalism monoculture cultural homogeneity monoethnicity social monoculturalism old school tie complexion dislike of foreigners zealotry bellicism race snobbery Anti-Semitism race prejudice race discrimination flag-waving point of view excessive nationalism excessive patriotism excessive loyalty male chauvinism fanatical patriotism ignorance homophobia mindlessness heterosexism bigotness pig-ignorance faith hate Jim Crowism


An affinity or habitual attraction to something
affinity aptitude partiality affection bent disposition inclination leaning penchant predilection predisposition proclivity propensity tendency impulse turn bone favor favour fondness habitude proneness attraction bond thing weakness liking preference genius devices taste appetite fancy love relish desire soft spot inclining druthers hankering susceptibility thirst passion palate cup of tea like shine attachment mind itch appreciation use stomach enjoyment yen love affair gusto prejudice liability aptness longing keenness urge readiness favoritism type favouritism zest wish orientation likelihood habit mindset velleity groove devotion prepossession enthusiasm willingness craving tooth yearning appetency zeal hunger drift custom fixation flash dish tilt slant whim sympathy obsession pleasure will trend fetish mania liking for way preoccupation choice temperament fascination thing for understanding craze hang-up addiction interest appropriateness faithfulness loyalty appetence bag hungriness greed eagerness appetition estimation voracity eye sentiment nature indulgence propension potentiality vulnerability miasm weakness for direction option sweet tooth mind-set loving favorite having as one's type set heart set on need humour list aspiration humor favourite capability idiosyncrasy capacity movement feeling persuasion infatuation compulsion turn of mind fad stimulant golden calf sexual fixation engrossment luck idée fixe crush rapport accord relationship empathy link harmony communion closeness fellowship interrelationship camaraderie chemistry unity simpatico cotton aroha partiality for close relationship fellow feeling for inclination towards like-mindedness good vibrations penchant for fondness for special relationship fellow feeling predilection towards understanding of closeness to hitting it off attraction towards same wavelength lust drive adoration pining ardor ardour ache letch thirstiness jones excitement regard enchantment adulation friendship strong interest avidity tenderness desirousness avidness lustfulness concupiscence devotedness warmth libido besottedness fervor eroticism lasciviousness amorousness prurience hots fervour libidinousness randiness eros lustihood fire in belly nympholepsy openness demand impatience impetus big eyes captivation emotions hope clutch admiration aching doting care feelings want deep affection pick burning selection answer fallback contingency munchies solution reverence go-to admiration for high regard sentiment for amore regard for relationship with feeling for love for friendship with affection for reverence for respect for affinity for intimacy with tenderness for chocolate addiction sugar craving possible course of action salaciousness intimacy respect lechery horniness licentiousness amour involvement amity idolatry emotion carnality lewdness rapture cherishing flame case allegiance worship piety delight fidelity sexuality sensuality ardency lecherousness wantonness sexual desire raunchiness salacity lech sexual appetite romance sexual passion sexual longing biological urge sex drive pruriency sensualism envy aphrodisia animalism the hots wuv luv


A direction diagonal to the weave of a fabric


The property of not being in balance
imbalance discrepancy difference disparity contrast inequality variation unevenness variance disproportion polarity gap gulf unfairness lopsidedness inequity breach split asymmetry partiality misproportion shortcoming one-sidedness lack of harmony top-heaviness lack of relation lack of proportion divergence dissimilarity dissimilitude distinction diversity inconsistency irregularity imparity variability differential preferentiality discrimination inequation incommensurateness unequivalence lack of balance deviation disagreement incongruity diverseness unlikeness contrariety distinctness shift distinctiveness disparateness departure distance nonconformity incompatibility unconformity aberration otherness opposition dissemblance change divergency fluctuation separation crookedness differentiation nonconformance heterogeneity contradiction diversion mismatch contradistinction break incongruousness incongruence nonagreement bump dent stop hump uncertainty flaw spasm roughness imperfection twist distortion hole bumpiness discongruity exception digression disproportionateness jaggedness conflict misalliance unalikeness comparison irreconcilability contraposition peculiarity particularity anomaly variety alteration idiosyncrasy contrariness antithesis separateness characteristic singularity unorthodoxness bad match lack of congruence coarseness fluidity insufficiency rift inadequacy unsuitableness chasm demarcation segregation dissymmetry skewness division alterity discord mesalliance modification metamorphosis transformation revision amount of difference schism mismarriage divide patchiness inconsonance wide area of difference yin yang discordance clash paradox bad fit repugnancy oppugnancy lack of accord dissonance changeability lack of similarity displacement diversification tolerance mutation curve break in routine turn swerve abnormality deflection departure from the norm discrepance divarication


A view or opinion that is held or expressed
sentiment view opinion belief position attitude feeling thought notion outlook slant judgement judgment persuasion idea mind conviction verdict inclination disposition leaning eye posture tendency predilection partiality penchant propensity inclining point of view way of thinking perspective viewpoint stance standpoint approach mindset angle prejudice thinking perception interpretation orientation vantage point bent philosophy frame of mind predisposition convictions ideas thoughts standing school of thought side reaction direction understanding impression frame of reference feelings sentiments proclivity headset where one is at way of looking at things vein sensibility temperament tune context turn of mind mind-set manner way ideology aspect fashion setting framework argument situation awareness paradigm trend thesis drift tenor stand assessment intuition supposition guise light appearance scope complexion hue line cult faith twist creed shoes spin credo religion denomination views eye view affiliation school tenet certitude order church communion firm belief fixed opinion estimation evaluation theory conception conclusion apprehension concept conjecture hypothesis assumption observation take appraisal analysis inference consideration presumption sense suspicion estimate comprehension reading picture determination appreciation deduction hunch knowledge grasp surmise fancy presupposition guess study contention reflection consciousness insight postulation notice review contemplation discernment assimilation comment speculation recognition choice account image vision examination decision attention intellection cogitation critique rating two cents' worth construal preference commentary explanation option criticism representation election say-so theorem deliberation reasoning cognizance elucidation rumination sight call apprehending postulate meditation say realizing prediction resolution vote beliefs expectation divination conceit grip induction reviewal realising sneaking suspicion reckoning selection realization pick generalization abstraction regard discretion volition excogitation druthers nomination acumen will write-up version choosing picking inkling signification principle answer judgment call value judgment opinions selecting way of looking accepted wisdom considered opinion treatise essay guesstimate generalisation sensation rationalization reason ken discourse crit musing discussion prognosis overview variation taste guesswork feel pan rationalisation funny feeling cerebration realisation say so ballpark figure emotion meaning certainty acquaintance wit instinct notions emotional state facet point suggestion premise clarification mood impulse intimation stereotype alternative inspiration connotation hand gut reaction line of thinking conceptualization response policy gauging liking characterization depiction presentiment rationality preconception vagary caprice liberty reflections finding definition two cents worth broad view gaging reply acknowledgement portrayal guessing color colour conclusions imagining shot deducement ratiocination hold percipience declaration translation prospect look glimpse think hypothesizing theorizing approximations conceptualisation input surmisal stab supposal rendition portrait rendering viewpoints dogma sixth sense mind's eye gut feeling vent wish desire riff flash big idea brain wave acknowledgment plan experience counter portraiture shot in the dark reck hunches guesstimates doctrine suffrage part scrutiny logical reasoning POV way of looking at it diagnosis participation voice logic line of thought ideation points of view introspection cognition comeback feedback theorising ballpark figures rough calculations hypothesising kaupapa franchise designation balloting exposition vox populi article of faith advisement inspection mulling heed debate pondering right of speech examen right of free speech acuity indulgence trust projection personal feeling construction identification forecast calculation recollection surmising acceptation perusal disquisition anatomization exegesis forethought application concentration discrimination rap takedown editorial slam slap put down rave critical essay textual examination flak zapper adoption distinction horizon reach range recommendation decree ruling thought process resolve bet adjudication commitment annotation notation explication range of view purview top of the list fave settlement favourite favour preferment thing first choice priority favorite favor piece notes pronouncements report scholia remarks observations book review recapitulation blurb mention synopsis monograph outline dissertation canvass critical assessment theme abstract redraft acceptance avowal axiom profession admission assent


The state or quality of being specious
speciousness bogusness fallacy falseness falsity hollowness inaccuracy phoniness aberration ambiguity artifice casuistry cavil deceit deception deceptiveness delusion deviation elusion equivocation erratum erroneousness error evasion falsehood faultiness flaw heresy illogicality inconsistency inexactness invalidity misapprehension miscalculation misconstrual misinterpretation mistake notion paradox perversion preconception prejudice quirk solecism sophism sophistry spuriousness subterfuge untruth non sequitur quibbling illegitimacy bastardy misconception illusion fallaciousness misbelief myth misconstruction misjudgement bar sinister misjudgment hallucination fantasy mistaken belief mistaken impression false notion faulty reasoning unsound argument misunderstanding incorrectness misreading false impression wrong idea mix-up fault untruthfulness fabrication fiction dishonesty misconstruing misimpression incomprehension fraudulence misknowledge wrongness mistakenness mendacity duplicity false belief fictitiousness confusion deceitfulness hypocrisy lie fraud disingenuousness unveracity confounding misreckoning specious reasoning unorthodoxy old wivesʼ tale unsuitability impropriety unsoundness imprecision wrong belief impreciseness blunder lying perjury truthlessness inveracity kidology erroneous belief wrong end of the stick hole false interpretation chicanery paralogy trickery oversubtleness paralogism quibble fudging excuse casuistics subtlety legalism rationalization rationalisation trick justification unsound reasoning twisting the facts overgeneral reasoning use of fallacious arguments fallacious argument subtle argument taradiddle fable prevarication double-dealing story tale tarradiddle whopper treachery unreality fib porky cheating perfidy misrepresentation sham fake uncandidness fairy tale insincerity canard pork pie


Devotion and enthusiasm for something, often to extremes
fanaticism passion enthusiasm eagerness keenness fervour devotion ardor ardour zeal fervor fervency fondness fixation ardency avidity love verve vigor vigour dedication devotedness monomania passionateness fandom obsessiveness partiality infatuation madness overenthusiasm over-enthusiasm single-mindedness energy fire vehemence spirit intensity strength force forcefulness zealousness zest fever gusto liveliness excitement drive intenseness earnestness determination fervidness fierceness violence warmth power vivacity dash pep dynamism vim emotion relish spiritedness zip heat potency go motivation push vitality fury get-up-and-go appetite life brio exuberance animation vivaciousness depth zing punch ebullience oomph pizzazz initiative assertiveness feeling fieriness welly frenzy conviction ferociousness commitment avidness activity impatience mania feverishness pzazz ferment white heat ferocity sparkle effervescence sprightliness enterprise buoyancy hunger thirst fizz lust stamina sap ambition virility spunk elan esprit severity magnitude wildness readiness resolve emphasis desirousness élan feistiness aggressiveness impetuosity activeness urgency alacrity excess concentration ecstasy tenacity extremity doggedness tension strain strength of character fire in the belly strength of mind obsession craze degree level aspiration application vibrance desire interest wholeheartedness willingness rapture exhilaration gaiety mirth resoluteness fortitude steadfastness grievousness seriousness flare joyfulness zap flame glow joy action keen interest longing pitch extreme red heat acuteness weightiness might volume anxiety high pitch deepness nervousness vehemency sharpness tenseness voraciousness vigorousness intense desire insistence agitation forcibleness vociferousness forthrightness outspokenness turmoil restlessness delirium unrest uproar furore flush distraction flap furor rage hysteria deliriousness rampage burning up running a temperature febrile disease the shakes inclination pluck perkiness taste yen kick moxie bounce juice ginger hardihood snap sincerity gumption pepper panache gas starch beans vinegar steam perseverance hustle intentness bang toughness tuck birr endurance committedness militancy diligence dazzle dispatch bustle what-it-takes stick-to-itiveness high spirits vibrancy spark cheerfulness high-spiritedness zestfulness happiness jauntiness flair briskness peppiness lustiness robustness confidence brilliance bounciness boldness muscle jazziness light-heartedness enjoyment joie de vivre delight vim and vigour style merriment jollity chirpiness flourish pleasure stylishness puissance flamboyance ambitiousness impetus exertion cheeriness breeziness impact pertness heart showpiece aggression radiance powerfulness purposefulness guts punchiness colour color self-assurance purpose virtuosity right stuff resolution bite quickness scintillation éclat mettle vividness brightness effectiveness elation pyrotechnics effort imagination spontaneity joviality resource optimism resourcefulness buoyance creativity inventiveness incentive blitheness daring momentum spring dazzling display good humor audacity good humour leadership clout capability stuff sinew venturesomeness lightheartedness adventurousness self-motivation jazz will power go-getting fire in belly what it takes vengeance affectivity sentiment get up and go strong emotion affection swagger display flamboyant confidence aim intrepidness bound bob grit airiness adventure sassiness charisma elegance resilience glitz impressiveness beef spryness delectation stimulus nimbleness motion richness fascination light operativeness efficiency resources efficacy ostentation exhibitionism intent vim and vigor joyousness boisterousness cheer satisfaction bliss point balls great enthusiasm splendour merriness good cheer lustre being pulse bloom jolliness full of life humour humor gameness inspiration striving sunniness originality luster heartiness irrepressibility ingenuity vital spark life force motive carefreeness gladness bravura splendor calenture have-a-go attitude impellent imaginativeness burning passion sense of purpose cleverness soul wits blithesomeness hope sanguineness positiveness bullishness emulation yearning hankering itch ability talent weakness turn on pep talk courage gladsomeness playfulness alertness intrepidity snappiness movement spunkiness elan vital stir hustle and bustle moroseness persistence entrepreneurial spirit a sense of purpose love of life innovativeness being full of the joys of spring friskiness good spirits quick-wittedness backbone thrust native wit self-reliance spirit of adventure firmness pertinence pertinacity pertinaciousness constancy decidedness decisiveness tenaciousness faith will firmness of purpose mightiness acceleration physical energy horsepower athleticism brawniness brawn brute force muscularity grunt thew potence driving force weight firepower potential nerve physical ability


A change in temperament or circumstance, especially sudden
turn change shift swing switch trend adjustment move shifting deviation digression movement transformation adaptation conversion course drift variation veering alteration changeover direction modification passage repositioning tack tendency sea change mutation metamorphosis revision transmutation transition variance development about-face transfiguration reversal revolution permutation correction transmogrification difference remodeling diversification remodelling reconstruction modulation translation vicissitude diversity break innovation advance turnover tempering variety refinement addition amendment reformation reshaping transubstantiation makeover rearrangement novelty compression distortion contraction surrogate evolution turnaround recasting realignment renewal reordering flip-flop progression revamping refashioning reworking flux reorganization remaking fluctuation upheaval redoing rowback rebuilding restyling departure renovation path bend yaw rejigging readjustment remoulding reorganisation remolding about-turn reshuffling swerve renewing deflection mid-course correction U-turn gradation progress growth specialisation regeneration vagary jump metastasis leap innovativeness specialization newfangledness improvement reverse alternation mutability swap crossing turning point transit passing downturn switchover transposition vacillation redirection change of direction procession metanoia operation process motion retraction oscillation stirring wavering substitution stir change of fortune bearing heading line track aim tangent sweep divergence diversion displacement nonconformity distinction tolerance nonconformance unconformity oblique course point of sail exception dissimilarity inequality curve break in routine aberration abnormality dissimilitude departure from the norm review fixing revise exchange accommodation switch-over advancement rectification restructuring changing amelioration betterment reform tailoring originality overhaul freshness enhancement transfer newness rise editing shake-up uniqueness emendation revamp re-examination rewriting qualification turning redraft interchange redrafting refitting rephrasing rethink restoration rehabilitation evolving rectifying maturation evolvement rehab origination repair rewrite radical change recentness mending customization arrangement converting reassessment maturing modernization reconsideration re-evaluation redistribution regrouping replacement organization reappraisal clarification customisation overhauling rationalization refining crossover rewording growing customizing fruition reshuffle rebirth copy-editing retrospect altering organisation maturity customising rationalisation transfigurement revolutionizing metasis flowering redaction ripening shakedown unconventionality coming-of-age morph unfamiliarity buildup revolutionising expansion revisal furtherance modernity reclamation strangeness surprise weird crazy sport oddity creation oddball original revolutionary change turning around enlargement break with tradition dernier cri newfangled contraption last word rendering beautification cosmetic treatment acclimation varying variability restriction reforming reassembling rotation manipulation relocation redecoration rethinking adaption rapid transition transspecific evolution redesigning drastic shakeout repetition adoption refurbishing reorganizing remake reorienting nuance updating refurnishing reorientation natural process volte-face resolution resolving unrest reorganising cross quantum jump major change marked transformation total change sudden change quantum leap roaming wandering born again handover order disposition presentation sorting grouping combination redesign redevelopment tweak polishing enhancing improving creativeness unusualness creativity imaginativeness modernism see the light afterlight updation reediting polish recension reexamination homework retrospection rescript fall modifying go over subediting modernness break with the past regulating regulation selection reconstitution version perm alternative repeated rotation relegation thinking over cutover new thing macroevolution bowdlerization expurgation censoring censorship unfolding transference assignment moderation setting correcting extension amending tuning edit blossoming emergence complete change recapitulation conferral conveyance allocation reallocation unraveling burgeoning elaboration flourishing tweaking jiggering twiddling redress shake up advancing blooming fresh look summary another look cession bestowal new measures new methods shift of emphasis new devices organising shaping organizing repairing balancing fitting unrolling unravelling remedy fine-tuning second look abdication update attachment boost working out patching up increase capability ability addendum adjunct coming and going rate of replacement a fresh look surge increment adulthood ontogenesis ontogeny upgrade augmentation promotion melioration breakthrough gain upswing rally upgrading elevation enrichment forwarding heightening embellishment raising face-lift meliorism upbeat cultivation civilisation preferment step up civilization upturn change for the better kaizen


An unjust, dishonest, or immoral act
wrong injustice crime sin offence grievance injury misdeed infringement transgression trespass violation abuse bad immorality inequity infraction iniquity bad deed disservice error evil evildoing ill outrage peccadillo tort unjustness villainy atrocity bad act bad action illegal act malefaction malfeasance unlawful act blunder cruelty damage delinquency discourtesy harm hurt imposition indecency inhumanity insult libel malevolence miscarriage misdemeanour misdemeanor misdoing mistake offense oppression persecution prejudice raw deal slander slight spite turpitude unjust act faux pas foul play wrongdoing fault breach scandal abomination wickedness felony unfairness lawbreaking misconduct shaft lapse vice enormity depravity corruption vileness criminality misbehaviour affront barbarity misbehavior monstrosity obscenity baseness mischief heinousness illegality horror atrociousness maltreatment debt malpractice impropriety badness brutality act of wickedness lawlessness sinfulness unlawfulness contravention peccancy disgrace evilness indignity dereliction negligence failing indiscretion act of brutality act of savagery immoral act infamy caper delictum delict racket fast one hideousness desecration depravedness diabolicalness ruthlessness railroad viciousness encroachment nefariousness dirty deal evil-doing hit assault mortal sin violence foulness criminal act unscrupulousness act of cruelty job fall from grace iniquitousness illegitimacy ill-treatment case savagery mischievousness wrongness unkindness clandestineness illicitness ruin sellout shame dreadfulness detriment crying shame monstrousness wantonness murder fiendishness grievousness snub cruelness heartlessness savageness impiety pity devilry antisocial behavior barbarism slip knavery violation of the law infraction of the law breach of the law debasement e-crime cybercrime guilt mistreatment bad behaviour unrighteousness personality slap in the face dirty deed kick in the teeth neglect act of violence ill treatment improper act sordidness rottenness naughtiness dissolution degeneracy shamefulness dishonesty wrongfulness awfulness break sneak ghastliness frightfulness gruesomeness mercilessness shortcoming profanity blasphemy evil behavior suppression tyranny repression omission perversity horridness grisliness indulgence impingement solecism disfavour vandalism deviltry peccantness mischief-making repulsiveness bad turn miscue slipup act of dereliction act of misconduct ill turn arson rape robbery burglary evil deed exploitation disfavor charge sacrilege breach of conduct veniality deed foul dirty pool profanation perversion erring unlawful activity affliction calamity moral transgression blow catastrophe shadiness crookedness ungodliness odiousness egregiousness outrageousness reprehensibility evil act act inhumane act malversation godlessness act of evil dodginess evil action criminal offense miscreancy breaking of the law pits bummer drag misfortune massacre killing act of barbarity inequitableness unreasonableness inequality excess misdeeds sins faults travesty of justice offences offenses turn mismanagement manipulation tough luck rotten hand bad rap bum deal rum deal rotten luck ill fortune slur manhandling wrong use provocation bullying taking advantage torture epithet wronging slap barb dig aspersion brickbat hitting mishandling beating molestation defilement cut sarcasm dis dart diss poke roughing up rough handling ill use rough treatment injuring impairment striking spoiling doing over interference indecent assault assaulting beating up gird name barbarousness truculence sadism shockingness inhumanness put down left-handed compliment backhanded compliment villainousness villianousness outrageous behavior


To bias or skew in a particular direction or interpretation
prejudice distort influence weight color colour sway warp skew twist bend predispose poison turn prepossess make partial slant falsify misrepresent manipulate garble angle pervert fudge misstate affect persuade misreport misinterpret cook misrelate alter spin change doctor quote out of context put a spin on take out of context jaundice convert impact impress mould misquote mold bring round fake touch belie orient incline induce disguise reach strike move muddle convince steer inspire faze misrender mistranslate brainwash stretch mangle con lie snow talk round overstate confuse prevail on impact on phony up trump up win over have an effect on present shape give a bias to misattribute quote quote incorrectly coerce impel condition transform give a slant to dispose give a false impression of embitter disillusion taint give a particular slant to inveigle beguile make biased modify put words in someone's mouth injure mar aggravate disaffect make partisan upset throw prevail upon talk into envenom impair strain parody overwhelm hit exert an influence on conceal travesty guide sell control overcome motivate prompt palter cheese adulterate embroider build up blarney pirate blow smoke promote give a false idea of prevaricate miscolor give a false account of embellish cloak dress pass off overdraw exaggerate cover up beard puff make resentful make bitter mask equivocate stir weigh nobble crack hook carry conduct impress on exert influence on emotionally move prevail over make an impression on hit hard have an impact on shake up strike at suck in lead by the nose soften up tell on twist one's arm work on put across turn one's head deteriorate whitewash curve scam mislead deceive misconstrue tinker with tamper with interfere with rig fiddle massage fix corrupt fiddle with juggle forge debase vitiate contort amend degrade defile bastardize contaminate bastardise subvert meddle with mess about with obscure fabricate demean abase deprave cheapen magnify debauch spoil dilute profane foul pollute pad demoralize lessen maneuver manoeuvre prostitute canker engineer finagle airbrush weaken trick demoralise cook the books gloss over jumble tamper counterfeit blur slur put the wrong slant on invent mutilate mix up twist around misarticulate flimflam diddle contravene salt four-flush traverse gloss deacon fib overdo dramatize enhance varnish hyperbolize patch gerrymander swindle revamp edit revise rework dress up fake it frame up turn out turn outwards arrange trim rearrange shuffle cover disrupt undercut destabilize destabilise romanticise dramatise romanticize cook up veil occult suppress blanket shroud hide screen enshroud curtain put on an act arrange fraudulently change round make changes to make adjustments to make alterations to elaborate on perform magic cut alloy desecrate blot out paper over doctor up mock up lace infect sully devalue disgrace shame metamorphose putrefy switch splay brutalize bestialize depreciate adapt mongrelize brutalise mutate drag down hack machinate transmute deform recast make impure exploit finesse cheat circumvent outmanoeuvre morph bilk dupe jockey mastermind bamboozle wangle outmaneuver defraud find a loophole in fudge with exploit a loophole in snooker game


To make (someone) disposed to do something
incline influence persuade induce sway prompt move lead impel drive convince predispose dispose make prejudice affect turn govern tend verge bring around make of a mind to make willing inspire motivate condition determine urge stimulate direct encourage cause tempt actuate adapt prepare compel prime instigate bring incite give force animate bend activate impress indoctrinate strike teach cultivate provoke impress on prevail on bring round get entice trigger enkindle prevail effectuate draw make expectant make you of a mind to cajole win over prevail upon talk into convert coax inveigle coerce talk round brainwash push argue into press rouse sell prod twist someone's arm stir sell one on goad satisfy reason lure gain wheedle put across manipulate work spur get around coax into get somebody on your side spark pressurize pressure argue pressurise stir up twist one's arm bring round to the idea of spur on make a believer propel nudge inspirit touch occasion control arouse excite bribe dragoon counsel impassion exhort effect advise intimidate browbeat promote suborn prick lean on suck in sting procure bulldoze hook constrain needle gain confidence of wheedle into whip up bring to reason bring to senses work over lead to believe change mind prod into put pressure on fire up bring home to prove to egg on nag into quicken set going crack seduce change bring over charm win round gain somebody's support win around make see the light make someone see the light show someone the error of their ways show one the error of their ways budge assure rally elicit energize incentivize evoke steel invigorate overcome gain one's confidence reassure hearten uplift impact empower vitalize exhilarate galvanize embolden put mind at ease demonstrate to cause to feel certain dispel someone's doubts reason someone into believing dispel doubt make certain put someone's mind at rest impress to sell to galvanise refresh incentivise envigorate energise help necessitate incentify goose steamroll squeeze soft-soap exert influence on sweet-talk draw in cajole into put someone up to something cheer on hint to pep up boost up pump up suggest to corrupt soften up put the squeeze on work on exploit jockey play steer finagle beguile buy square swing work upon fix secure someone's support buy off grease palm get at nobble pay off oil someone's hand harass importune steamroller assail pull strings with obligate oblige railroad hound propagandize enlist proselytize colour produce create proselyte propagandise proselytise plague sandbag oppress besiege talk beset muscle engender cut any ice with bring pressure to bear on make yourself felt with carry weight with bring pressure to bear upon generate put the heat on put the screws on come at trouble torment blackjack insist on have someone do something vex enforce use strong-arm tactics on plead with win argument cause to believe get round pressurize into reason someone into press someone into turn somebody on to pressure someone into convert to lead to do wear down color prove yield beget spawn inflame kindle precipitate invoke inflict pique wreak breed end in draw on trigger off give rise to touch off catalyse bring about make happen bring on be the cause of begin lead to spark off contribute to result in catalyze translate into drive on put up to rev up root on


To corrupt, or to prove harmful or destructive to
poison corrupt degrade debase pervert warp vitiate subvert deprave demean cheapen debauch abase deteriorate bastardise bastardize demoralise demoralize lessen profane prostitute canker defile taint color colour prejudice undermine turn jaundice embitter sour pollute contaminate sully spoil lower harm desecrate dishonor dishonour brutalize devalue foul damage ruin brutalise violate bestialize blight tarnish blemish abuse impair injure disgrace smirch despoil mar chasten shame stain distort soil tar befoul blaspheme adulterate besmirch humble infect trash deface blacken discredit darken touch make degenerate influence weaken twist lead astray depreciate hurt sink bemean skew worsen bend take down cast down envenom destroy humiliate vandalize outrage sway animalize vandalise smear belittle reduce blot disparage dilute predispose treat with disrespect mortify demote alloy prepossess diminish lower the status of drag down reduce in value drag through the mud reduce in quality make partial weight rot degenerate seduce unhallow antagonize consume rust inflict misuse commit sacrilege cripple corrode wreck upset do wrong disrupt undercut destabilize destabilise mongrelize debilitate devaluate stigmatize depress downgrade stoop descend scourge ulcer sore brand denigrate antagonise empoison reduce the status of crawl waste away subjugate betray deform ravage disfigure waste dump on lower someone's status lower someone's dignity water down bring down bring low be detrimental to go bad cast a slur stigmatise give a bad name blot your copybook pull down go to hell make sick live in the gutter treat sacrilegiously trample on tamper with derogate dehumanize dehumanise slant put down cut down to size bring shame to shoot down tear down take down a peg run down cut down induce persuade convert incline impress dispose make biased make partisan embarrass abash crush deflate subdue defame discomfit take down a peg or two put someone in their place show up make someone eat crow squash own put to shame make someone eat humble pie chagrin snub reflect badly on bring into disrepute make a fool of show in a bad light give a black eye undervalue break flatten besmear quash ridicule cause to lose face make ashamed bring shame on give a bad name to settle someone's hash minimize slander minimise declass slur discountenance expose confuse bump reproach disfavor disfavour disconcert mark down drag through the mire detract from bring shame upon put in a bad light bring discredit to make lose face take the wind out of your sails blacken the name of get the better of have the last laugh on bring dishonour to deign condescend denature lower in rank lower in status lure demolish relegate scandalize spot sell out make uncomfortable make someone feel ashamed dismiss cow be untrue to oneself beat down disregard deride disrespect scandalise attaint mock libel tame abandon one's principles let down take apart succumb silence overcome squelch set back revert lose face put away strike dumb reduce to the ranks kick downstairs bust tar and feather pop one's balloon make eat dirt put one away take to bits take to pieces bring down a peg make one feel small cut to the quick decrease put in one's place force to eat humble pie disrate lower oneself lower yourself debase oneself be reduced demean oneself debase yourself attenuate fix someone's wagon devalorize be reduced to demerit bench disappoint annoy write down write off slam pan blister wither rip vanquish downplay confound affront rattle faze fluster displease nonplus vex horrify appal appall harass worry vilify play down control malign get one's comeuppance take the wind out put out of countenance cause to feel small calumniate discipline censure insult mudsling deny suppress restrain compromise disesteem punish cast aspersions on do a hatchet job on ruin the reputation of pooh-pooh bring into disfavour destroy someone's credibility damage someone's reputation blacken someone's name get under control


To bias (the odds) towards a particular outcome


To assort according to type, category or class
range classify class group rank categorise categorize grade codify order bracket organise organize sort type arrange catalogue file pigeonhole peg place array assort compartmentalise compartmentalize designate distinguish distribute index marshal marshall relegate separate size systematise systematize tabulate compartment digest dispose graduate label line list rate allineate catalog draw up lay out break down assign methodize systemize brand divide typecast button down tab evaluate tag put down as compile put structure value triage sort out size up mark fix collocate characterize regiment inventory characterise put down for chart valuate judge regard gage score gauge put in order alphabetize line up log coordinate name formulate allot stand set out collate figure correlate sequence assemble standardize regulate identify stereotype set shape prioritize position standardise settle reckon prioritise estimate establish tabularize sectionalize register present enumerate suit specify calibrate split be select pick summarize stage condense collect include summarise code stagger conjecture calculate guess call suppose make assess hold consider part appraise account allocate segregate ticket gather together docket consign stratify administrate choreograph match number proportion measure mark down put into sets rank out put away take measure arrange in order prepare plan phase direct frame design manage divide up arrange in a series constitute mould fit compose tailor consolidate adapt control construct harmonise harmonize fashion combine straighten mold adjust curate put straight straighten out lick into shape knock into shape whip into shape define describe sticker stamp style partition ghettoize slot ghettoise type cast regroup focus organize systematically colligate subcategorize portion reclassify put together recategorize bring together record enter post enrol inscribe enroll book specialise insert put down specialize esteem deem view count surmise adjudge weigh believe guesstimate determine compute assay weigh up sum up reckon to be guess at deem to be set at mark down as hold to be make of think to be price judge to be put a value on think of set down look upon find to be look on consider to be

Contrario di a bias

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