Sinonimo di a shark


A person who engages in cheating or swindling
swindler cheat fraudster trickster hoaxer cheater bilker chiseller sharper dodger defrauder scammer fakir bilk sharpie sharpy chiseler finagler scamster skinner tricker cozener confidence man deceiver con artist impostor grifter charlatan fraud fake hustler mountebank flimflammer crook pretender quack confidence trickster con man rogue sham conman victimizer phoney phony masquerader double-dealer shyster hoodwinker double-crosser bunco artist illywhacker rorter fleecer conniver bunco racketeer hoser rascal scoundrel humbug shicer jockey inveigler decoy faker twister magsman sharp bluff imposter scam artist enticer rogue trader flimflam man confidence operator smoothie rook defalcator hypocrite villain tregetour quacksalver ringer clip artist rip-off artist four-flusher sneak knave dissembler schlenter gold brick confidence woman barricuda joker huckster con exploiter prankster smooth operator counterfeiter slicker deluder counterfeit mechanic forger pseudo actor practical joker bluffer con-artist con woman aggressor bully diddler spiv spoofer bamboozler goldbrick shammer embezzler playactor simulator hoaxster thief clip absconder operator gouger falsifier fast talker impersonator play actor horse trader slippery customer imitator pettifogger empiric mimic scorner plant duper beguiler medicaster mocker confidence artist liar rat snake in the grass betrayer slyboots lugger sharpster pistol dynamo fireball ripoff artist live wire reprobate wretch scamp miscreant devil blackguard good-for-nothing hound picaro spalpeen cur scrote louse dog varlet cad dastard nazi scallywag meanie rotter no-good rapscallion monster baddie bounder baddy beast brute caitiff fiend scalawag scapegrace scumbag heavy vagabond ne'er-do-well evildoer meany savage blighter picaroon wastrel skelm monstrosity hooligan heel lowlife outlaw criminal wrong 'un nasty piece of work bad news black sheep bad egg problem child


A person who is highly skilled or knowledgeable in their field
expert master maestro authority virtuoso ace adept wizard connoisseur hotshot guru maven cognoscente whiz artist scholar crackerjack geek meister proficient dab hand fiend mavin crackajack sharp dab hand past master genius professional whizz pro doyen specialist pundit star buff ninja old hand wiz prodigy fundi grandmaster boffin aficionado champion master hand wonk marvel veteran demon artiste savant wunderkind skilled person doyenne oracle sage brain winner judge obsessive whiz kid old pro one of the cognoscenti rocket scientist alpha geek phenomenon superstar thinker brainiac intellect critic arbiter exponent enthusiast consultant egghead whizz-kid something to write home about something else hot shot something to shout about director conductor grand master cordon bleu talent leader beast old master insider practitioner whizz kid up-and-comer graduate high priest key player resource person top player prima donna real pro scientist whiz-bang doctor powerhouse leading light dilettante aesthete natural magician performer celebrity champ dillettante appreciator esthete aficionada bravura player hot stuff no slouch wonder specialist in authority on expert judge expert judge of arbiter of taste bright spark gifted person bible kingpin professor top dog walking encyclopedia executive top brass boss queen ivory dome Bible big shot city hall kingfish mistress front office brains big cheese textbook law king brass top hand governor exec big wig expert witness czar power elite aristocrat adviser mentor luminary mastermind intellectual philosopher big name heavyweight mogul notable guide bookworm pandit top name guiding light teacher learned person technician dignitary academic VIP mahatma headliner megastar Solomon icon figure public figure old-timer standout personality personage celeb worthy face maharishi name brainbox bigwig light warhorse mind vet stager big noise big gun solon inventor woman of letters analyst researcher man of letters old stager wise person old guard old soldier trooper bellwether fancier nerd ham source counsellor devotee controller counsel advisor idol somebody famous person to be reckoned with very important person captain of industry panjandrum nabob big star well-known person topliner forecaster force power horse's mouth Einstein ruler determiner consigliere counselor leading exponent lord dictator number cruncher influencer longtimer cognoscenti auger cereb commentator retired soldier trouper freelancer experienced person old school self-appointed expert shellback GI sourdough clever clogs shining light learned one old warhorse architect Nestor elder member of a policy unit member of a think tank bluestocking old salt engineer organizer wise man wise man/woman Solon person experienced in something highbrow polymath elite manager wise woman choice spirit master spirit one in a million bookman acca pointy-head rabbi planner learned man learned woman tohunga great hero big kahuna official person of influence top cat character giant lion litterateur illuminati grind augur don tool disciple gnome statesman author legend celebutante learner magnate ikon somebody inspiration deviser originator initiator honcho supremo notability tycoon notoriety biggie person of letters bookish person old soul man of learning wise old man heavy hitter famous name famous person household name person of note important person instigator organiser prime mover intelligence important personage major leaguer cause celebre big fish V.I.P. big wheel


A person who preys on unsuspecting victims for personal gain


A person who is dishonest or a criminal
crook criminal villain rogue lawbreaker miscreant fraudster wrongdoer cheat offender malefactor delinquent outlaw scoundrel sinner culprit felon racketeer knave convict gaolbird jailbird baddy con shyster gangster transgressor hustler grifter chiseller malfeasant conman crim misfeasor gunman terrorist lag yakuza infractor yardbird skelm lifer trusty lighty transport con artist black hat confidence trickster juvenile delinquent young offender armed robber old lag wretch reprobate evildoer thug hooligan ruffian rascal scamp heavy hood evil-doer bad guy bad egg swindler bandit thief robber mugger fraud lowlife trickster charlatan scumbag brute savage hoodlum lout fiend cheater desperado profligate dastard baddie beast devil incorrigible rat bully dog hound creep antagonist blackguard caitiff snake meanie meany maggot rapscallion varlet stinker swine scapegrace scallywag nazi monster scalawag no-good good-for-nothing enfant terrible ne'er-do-well snake in the grass unprincipled person barbarian scum cretin jerk dirtbag weasel vermin slimeball sleazebag ratbag troublemaker animal sleazeball slime perpetrator perp varmint schmuck scuzzball sleaze sadist demon stinkard ratfink scally skunk pig burglar scammer monstrosity bogeyman bioterrorist rapist rorter shoplifter housebreaker hoaxer cyberterrorist trespasser exploiter mobster violator suspect embezzler scamster mug phoney bilker defrauder narcoterrorist ecoterrorist filcher finagler peculator agroterrorist marauder pilferer vandal outcast quack hellhound prisoner tief deadbeat violater derelict scofflaw drifter tearaway immoralist yegg hoon purloiner blackmailer holdupper cracksman muscle phony defalcator fugitive pretender pond scum son of a gun dirty dog nasty piece of work unpleasant person despicable person rat fink con man bad actor guilty party fallen angel black marketeer confidence man guilty person rogue trader smooth operator tea leaf slippery eel person responsible ex-con confidence artist flimflam man bunco artist wanted criminal degenerate tyrant supervillain heel brigand psychopath pirate sociopath vagabond mischiefmaker louse hellion rotter bounder libertine monkey sneak cad liar urchin antihero nointer rake mischief nasty imp mischief-maker evil person nasty person bad character bad news black sheep mean person cruel person wrong 'un bad lot limb of Satan punk plunderer rowdy highwayman yob goon raider tough yobbo gorilla gangbanger roughneck gangsta toughie pillager kleptomaniac prowler toughy plug-ugly hijacker cat burglar owl bruiser looter stealer larcenist footpad pickpocket larcener scrounger moonlighter sniper lifter heister ravager highway robber holdup artist stickup artist porch climber pincher rough clip ned murderer boot boy hitman hoodie chav freebooter sneak thief rioter dacoit tsotsi lager lout spider mosstrooper reaver mafioso scozza bogan cougan worm wise guy gang member roughie extortioner bully boy bovver boy member of the family tough guy cut-throat renegade loser cateran killer pariah inmate snaphance extortionist Mafioso committer coercer casual Yardie second-story worker second-story man spalpeen cur scrote assassin sneakthief blighter buzzard larrikin keelie wastrel myrmidon hatchet man low-life yahoo JD member of the Mafia member of a criminal gang petty thief spoiler ogre public enemy number one malevolent universal foe ransacker agent abuser exile juvie rounder bootlegger cutthroat swashbuckler face recreant devil incarnate captive repeater long-termer gunslinger absconder runaway defacer rustler bravo sharper picaro hitwoman godfather public enemy ladrone bandolero deceiver slicker mountebank wrong number arrestee forager gunwoman wiseguy hired killer professional killer hired gun intruder hard man picaroon rider tobyman gunperson highwayperson destroyer ruiner despoiler wrecker yardie picklock problem child holdup person assailant attacker strong-arm safecracker midnighter toad land pirate extorter profiteer turd sleeveen hit woman hit man pusher dealer mother safe-breaker safe-blower safe-cracker thief errant road agent urger bloodsucker rack-renter young criminal youthful offender punk kid first offender porch-climber poltroon ronion bezonian pauper scullion horror bum looser beggar jagoff cullion pilgarlic ingrate knight of the road graffiti artist hit person cutpurse pickpurse steamer poacher booster lurcher


Showing clever resourcefulness in practical matters, sometimes with guile
shrewd astute clever canny cunning intelligent perceptive discerning smart wise judicious sensible crafty prudent sharp wily artful sly acute sagacious knowing savvy perspicacious devious scheming insightful subtle foxy guileful keen calculating tricky sage slick discriminating alert designing ingenious sapient brainy cagey cute observant slippery beguiling streetwise pawky underhand hardheaded argute dodgy cagy heady profound deep fly smooth suss accurate disingenuous farsighted probing astucious calculated inside quick-witted sharp-witted clear-eyed clear-sighted hard-boiled heads-up long-headed on the ball far-seeing media-savvy in the know on the inside wised up on top of up on penetrating rational quick percipient thoughtful practical bright sound sneaky Machiavellian politic deceitful brilliant reasonable shifty conniving intuitive dishonest enlightened unscrupulous knowledgeable pragmatic experienced logical duplicitous sensitive incisive piercing treacherous circumspect careful genius insidious shady deceptive realistic informed sane commonsensical skilful whip-smart resourceful skillful discreet double-dealing slim adroit levelheaded down-to-earth aware crooked sober learned dexterous erudite dextrous cautious quick on the uptake well-advised manipulative commonsense underhanded nimble razor-sharp intellectual sophisticated matter-of-fact ready worldly-wise Janus-faced intriguing unprincipled businesslike expedient street smart level-headed fast nimble-witted good tactical carny quick off the mark analytical deft critical dishonourable street-smart dishonorable vulpine cheating fraudulent considerate untrustworthy hard provident scholarly reasoned unsentimental rapier-like able worldly vigilant exceptional inventive cool well advised shonky mature understanding fine common-sense apt imaginative supersmart immoral two-faced ultrasmart penetrative seasoned foresighted advisable wary unethical plotting cultivated hyperintelligent adept mean hardened gifted reflective unidealistic no-nonsense analytic cultured well-founded tactful gnostic objective desirable strategic sneaking delicate pragmatical masterly snide clear grounded educated hard-headed justified well judged furtive philosophical contriving well-reasoned bent tough dirty agile trenchant solid quick-thinking responsible dubious witty earthy full of insight utilitarian commonsensible evasive capable just unromantic unfantastic real sharp as a tack hard-nosed frugal contemplative roguish considered corrupt well-grounded reliable proficient refined cerebral well thought out stealthy balanced having been around fiendish with both feet on the ground thinking diplomatic unfair responsive downy well-informed safe disreputable whiz arch urbane precocious firm leery cogent well-thought-out traitorous coherent active valid heedful sharp-sighted with great knowledge showing great knowledge well reasoned unprovincial delusive secret as sharp as a tack snidey razor-edged knife-like opportunistic not born yesterday quick on the trigger quick on the draw searching selective thrifty economical tough-minded sharpened genuine tasteful deceiving misleading insincere judgmatical judgmatic expert lying seemly illegal hard-bitten rogue dependable creative handy enterprising serpentine sentient chary guarded cosmopolitan skilled razor-like ratiocinative truthful secretive insighted sophic gingerly conspiratorial greasy keen-witted parsimonious watchful unsporting forethoughtful illicit artistic captious bluffing dissembling elusive illusory surreptitious unwasteful true finely honed lucid covert clear-thinking conversant unsportsmanlike polished competent joined-up penny-pinching philosophic deductive exact nifty low-down crazy like a fox open-eyed iffy clandestine knavish proven cheap polite precise visionary awake conscious thorough prosaic prompt neat together wide awake attentive well-judged below the belt suspicious not missing a trick nobody's fool cluey gracious courteous well grounded all there thinking twice playing safe knowing how many beans make five tuned in with all one's wits about one hedging your bets knows what's what with one's feet on the ground ear to the ground exquisite einstein intent premeditating real-life factual healthy razor sharp mischievous impish appropriate concise deliberated tricksy controlling malicious satisfying dinkum succinct punchy crisp pithy advantageous recommended beneficial profitable sussed adult crazy like fox satisfactory exacting detailed complex original decent estimable cynical conspiring receptive lively alive acuminous hep gainful worthwhile lifelike naturalistic natural cogitative amoral perfidious opportunist unreliable witted wry delusory wise to qualified cutthroat unconscionable no fool innovative with it fitting stinky robust unemotional exploitative swindling hoodwinking defrauding rascally irresponsible dicey unfaithful resolute intractable cognizant swift PDQ brisk having fancy footwork having smarts slimy to the point effective effectual well balanced efficacious mean-spirited appreciative prescient sly like a fox deviant dangerous undependable vigorous mercurial curt wired straight deliberate forearmed seasonable judicial inspired well a good idea mendacious collusive false unhonest true-life treating with kid gloves conciliatory grown-up bland suave hip smart as a tack genial well-read well read well educated talented equipped fly-by-night smart as a whip innovational trailblazing fertile originative Promethean elaborate innovatory serious abstruse recondite clued-up tuned-in gentle cool-headed sparing well-prepared pioneering esoteric weighty arcane well informed respectful sympathetic miserly economic with-it deviceful hermetic hermetical not to be trusted particular forehanded hostile salty ornery snaky hang tough stand pat locked in tough nut acroamatic occult orphic abstemious scrimping economizing serious-minded consequent softly-softly kid-glove saving prepared tight fastidious nasty fair stingy thinking outside the box full of common sense two-timing despicable discriminative base trustworthy au courant selfish materialistic grasping blasé economising cloak-and-dagger hidden veiled hole-and-corner back-alley hugger-mugger shrouded indirect low contemptible discriminatory discriminational differential in one's right mind worldly-minded avaricious greedy covetous vile fishy murky backstairs sordid having all one's marbles callous self-centered self-centred disenchanted uptown power-loving mondain accomplished plausible justifiable veridical faultless collected unquestionable certain veracious synthetic credible infallible trustable reasoning penny-wise steady-going masterful ignominious virtuoso aesthetic nice practised errant obliquitous erring gimmicky oblique cowardly rotten ungentlemanly beggarly shameful squalid practiced rigorous substantiated secure confirmed errorless sure corroborated colorable meticulous sincere impeccable inerrant validated verified well versed in the ways of the world worldly wise been around crack ace nefarious efficient under the table choosy picky individualising opinionated individualizing choicy esthetic finical select eclectic persnickety fussy finicky scurvy shabby detestable paltry foul unpleasant worthless professional certified defensible maintainable definite defendable calculable explicit supportable tenable sustainable empirical cognitive open stringent empiric faking one out playing politics put on not straightforward playing games execrable illegitimate abject inequitable ignoble unlawful wretched sleazy grubby unsportsmanly wizard reserved measured reticent apprehensive with good taste recognized faithful kosher sanctioned significant orthodox legit canonical reputable recognised sorry lame lousy deplorable scummy currish scungy mindful tentative conservative hesitant impressive scabby ratty bravura suspecting scrupulous restrained precautious workmanlike low-minded wicked keeping a weather eye on all ears walking on egg shells keeping on one's toes handling with kid gloves on the lookout belt-and-braces with reservations watching one's step watching out walking on eggs legal tried-and-true on your toes with eyes peeled taking it slow on the qui vive on guard on the watch habile not cricket off-color ill-gotten out of order against the rules on-target letter-perfect clear-cut dead-on spot-on nippy fleet nimble-fingered finely judged having know-how having good hands stable steady feasible composed right moderate honest practicable viable honourable dispassionate honorable calm suitable proper possible upright workable functional doable controlled even-tempered clearheaded plain correct serene achievable ethical imperturbable self-possessed equable equitable unruffled normal realizable temperate unmoved poised accomplishable legitimate trusty usable methodical useful moral serviceable applicable realisable cool, calm and collected attainable unworried relaxed unflappable righteous virtuous impartial constant straightforward right-minded confident understandable within the bounds of possibility within the realms of possibility fit well-adjusted sedate well-balanced conscientious unimpassioned at ease within reason useable likely systematic principled fair-minded unadorned steadfast unperturbed unfailing believable mundane consistent conceivable unwavering advised acceptable due unprejudiced coolheaded organized unbiased unfazed convincing tried equal evenhanded unbothered unflustered rightful unagitated organised unswerving possessed well adjusted laid-back clear-headed level impersonal unpretentious compos mentis thought-out self-controlled of sound mind able to think clearly authentic probable dull flat incorruptible deliberative orderly deadpan dry simple determined working actionable unexcessive unextreme literal lifeless unvarnished unembellished unimaginative comprehensible articulate sober-minded actual warranted thought through respectable modest staunch clean uncreative imaginable applicative upstanding loyal plainspoken operative accepted square noble calmed pedestrian emotionless humdrum within reach undisturbed stolid academic assured substantial untroubled established well organized intelligible neutral regular unembroidered undistorted phlegmatic unaffected disinterested peaceful recollected limpid unshaken placid nonpartisan staid straight-thinking tranquil easy cold well-argued indifferent concrete obvious bookish utile befitting meet nondiscriminatory uncolored self-composed self-assured unbigoted mentally sound right-thinking tangible felicitous able to reason clearly right in the head even-handed true blue open-minded on the level clearly stated always there in possession of all your faculties bona fide graceful proportional well-proportioned symmetrical uncompromising forceful soulless congruent prudential mentally stable harmonious mild constructive supported decisive earnest common-sensical settled plain-spoken aforethought contemplated studied benign sobersided relevant real-world sensical whole lettered earth-bound hardboiled common introspective weighed investigated premeditated examined well considered conventional meaningful in one's best interests lasting durable non-decorative hard-wearing long-lasting deserved unconfused computed prepense studious formal ruminative pensive sound of mind sturdy unexcitable identified rock-solid egghead well-expressed well-presented operational merited having all marbles medium even warm comfortable checked regulated curbed muted ruminating deliberating apparent authoritative rocklike mentally healthy in good mental health reachable obtainable well-structured well presented well expressed official well chosen thought-through thought-about based on hard data based on hard facts assertive manageable operable copper-bottomed schooled literate scientific strong wear-resistant admissible making sense standing to reason procurable acquirable telling condign good as one's word to be counted on carrying the load go-to meditative unassuming thinkable performable chilled earthly potential having both feet on the ground securable humble have one's feet on the ground flawless watertight unassailable equanimous nonchalant repressed nonplussed quieted disimpassioned easygoing soothed suppressed supposable tutored widely read well-taught unfeigned uncontrived accessible utilizable utilisable ordered self-confident gettable folksy open to reason self-restrained meditating de règle desired becoming suited pretty enduring patriotic dedicated dutiful independent without favor unslanted disconnected uninvolved nondiscriminating on-the-fence detached nonpassionate nonaligned not turn a hair as cool as a cucumber at peace cool as cucumber have one's act together sure of oneself keeping your cool keeping a stiff upper lip keeping one's shirt on based on good sense methodic with one's head together with all one's marbles in possession of one's faculties utilized used exercised earned under the sun holding water holding up holding up in wash got it together standing up structured within the realm of possibility unimpeachable well-deserved of use creditable adapted correlated related experiential tested highbrow comprehending instructed having a good head on one's shoulders know how many beans make five having no flies on very smart foolproof guaranteed get-at-able systematized coordinated requisite comprehendible apprehensible cogitable presumable conjecturable down to earth rustic informal innocent pure saintly applied utilised moralistic happy true-blue wide-awake Argus-eyed tentie tenty bearable tolerable inconsiderable ultrapractical non-theoretical brought to bear hands-on enforced quality tried and true above suspicion as good as one's word sure-fire worthy of trust tried and trusted up front full of integrity fly right straight-up boy scout never-failing rock solid to be trusted tried and tested down home disciplined existent uplifting edifying well deserved well earned candid manifest positive unequivocal within possibility elevated evident humane very stoic naked cold-blooded impassive apathetic prosy discernible veritable perceptible distinct non-erotic improving worthy non-violent chaste egalitarian high-principled non-excessive within limits within due limits unambiguous systematised verifiable demonstrable appreciable material undeniable certifiable uncoloured all right proportionate high-minded with your wits about you spirited bright-eyed and bushy-tailed clued-in on one's toes good hands exemplary on the stick on the job clued up vital heads up cricket indisputable indubitable substantive absolute undoubted unmistakable categorical non-partisan well ordered well regulated well run squeaky-clean apple-pie measurable palpable striking observable patent anti-discrimination above board fair and square with no axe to grind non-discriminatory fair shake even-steven square deal on the up and up without fear or favour fair-to-middling capable of being trusted invigorating well defined envigorating hygienic honest-to-goodness helpful perceivable open-faced clean-cut in the pink quantifiable de facto clean-living hale and hearty ruddy in fine feather fresh-faced wholesome well documented well thought-out sanitary detectable straightened out squeaky clean sure-enough blooming ideal perfect expected predictable predicted forecast anticipated inevitable workaday civil foreseeable unsurprising noncommittal likeliest ordinary everyday on lookout having foresight not rash to be expected only to be expected what one would expect par for the course on the cards not unexpected utility most likely


To contribute or add (a quality) to
lend add give provide grant supply afford bestow confer contribute furnish impart offer accord present bring donate accommodate allow entrust extend hand out inject lend-lease let oblige permit stake trust loan shark lay on one yield hand over leave put up fork out shell out bequeath transmit turn over loan pay result in commit advance cough up dish out consign hand will pass deliver transfer devote vouchsafe pony up ante up lay out make over stump up give over render produce credit pay out sub pay in advance supply on credit come up with cede accommodate someone with endow relegate confide assign create generate spend delegate commend convey expend devise demise repose recommend vest intrust disburse leave with share induce bring about engender splurge outlay drop bestow on leave in one's will hand down confer on hand on leave to pass on leave to by will legate lavish patronise allow to look after let out patronize sign over aid put into hands of make trustee store put into the hands of command squander provide use of be generous with allow use of invest dissipate waste put in spend money part with put out use up give and take award gift surrender proffer relinquish pledge volunteer slip supply with chip in kick in gift with provide with let someone have give out give away furnish with present with allot allocate dispense tender apportion purvey give up dedicate distribute pitch in apply sacrifice devolve designate favor provision favour reserve dole out appropriate earmark consecrate make available throw serve cast give to endow with pay up send endue lay on throw in concede present to issue save direct feed abdicate bless set aside set by grace indue come through vest in award to submit let go of resign fix up equip bequest set subsidize come across with subscribe spare level subsidise place charge refer turn in reach bear trot out lay down invest in give up to entrust to allot to donate to shoot assign to set apart grant to lay dart kit out put forward cater get rid of sponsor renounce enable empower bind obligate dower deal remit lodge appoint prepare task arm put forth toss chuck lavish on lay aside accord to venture make a donation of give a donation of bung flash honour with commission stock depute sweeten the pot sweeten the kitty minister abandon consign to circulate register impart to dispatch favour with pass down show make a donation pass to administer decorate with fork up fork over make with alienate make a contribution hold out place at disposal send on allocate to hand out to make a gift of put in someone's hands do your part mete out hand round deal out fit out avail engage prescribe arrange put at someone's disposal vow make something over to someone do forfeit waive forbear forgo forsake replenish fund settle up put release deduct lose reward divert restrict provide for ante cede to yield to treat bestow to decree pertain belong settle deposit unload redirect come across accede maintain keep foot the bill organize deliver up enter give over to contribute to crown channel acquiesce give in free give out to extend to vouchsafe to bless with run by bring forward put aside pin disinherit probate disherit invest with buck let oneself in for render up send in ply speculate sell disseminate giving honor authorize deed change reassign alien entrust with put in the hands of gamble risk defray the cost of prorate parcel out portion sanction accredit qualify license entitle licence impart with settle on immolate deliver to offload dump rig out warrant certify sink in pay for plough in pick up the tab cut off foist hand over to saddle burden aim instate target ascribe have a whip-round club together deal in outstretch organise dish up nurse enhance begift lay at one's feet hold out to give an opportunity disperse fit up begive pass around divvy up diffuse ration partition pass out decentralise decentralize afford to distribute to bequeath to apportion to authorise charter cater in trade in convey to transfer to plate up set out ladle out commit to heap on back sign finance autograph ink line up endow in spoon out set down let off drop off serve up honor with render to hand to fob off be handed down palm off underwrite give authority cater to exchange promise enrol second give money enroll buy contribute towards signature offer up forward include pose stick out hold forth chip into make a subscription pitch into stretch out reach out sign up get it up make a contribution of get in the act feed the kitty pass the hat give of put oneself down for tack on add on make a deal

Contrario di a shark

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