Sinonimo di artistic person


A socially unconventional person, especially one who is involved in the arts
bohemian nonconformist maverick individualist heretic iconoclast loner eccentric deviant boho beatnik counterculturist nonconformer rebel hippy freethinker hippie freak radical dropout longhair artist dilettante gypsy writer free spirit lone wolf enfant terrible lone ranger flower child unconventional person avant-gardist New Age traveler outsider dissenter dissident original oddball misfit unorthodox person weirdo dissentient malcontent free thinker bad boy protester weirdie odd one out screwball kook renegade wackadoo wackadoodle individual rarity odd fish rare bird fish out of water rara avis demonstrator hipster independent liberal offbeat exception outlier skeptic misbeliever nonbeliever independent thinker different breed sceptic extremist one-off New Ager revolutionary odd man out square peg in a round hole round peg in a square hole one of a kind counterculturalist trendsetter oddity peacenik beat pervert crank unconventional thinker independent-minded person unorthodox thinker unconstrained thinker outcast flake gonzo sicko basketweaver rocker character rationalist treehugger odd type infidel libertine oner loser yippie flower person drop-out subversive critic questioner reformer innovator mutineer detractor cynic ruiner non-conformist denouncer image-breaker revolutionist unbeliever apostate separatist schismatic recusant heresiarch sectary seceder swinger night person rule breaker objector sectarian revisionist agnostic atheist non-theist non-believer rejectionist heathen pagan separationist paynim nullifidian militant nihilist disbeliever miscreant disputant opposer insurgent activist recreant idolatress idolater doubter secessionist opponent tergiversator doubting Thomas withersake protestor agitator insurrectionist picketer social justice warrior SJW freedom fighter humanist complainer giaour gentile nonworshiper protestant deist scoffer profaner misanthrope materialist pessimist heterodox thinker insurrectionary refusenik schismatist protest marcher disruptor progressive fanatic leftist zealot traitor deserter defector picket red socialist ultra crazy diehard turncoat firebrand avant-garde ultraist rioter revolter anarchist Bolshevik Bolshevist Judas quisling serpent double-dealer betrayer double-crosser backstabber snake backslider rat renouncer deconvert

Contrario di artistic person

Music ♫

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