Sinonimo di center of activity


The effective center of an activity, region, or network
hub heart center centre epicentre epicenter focus base capital core nucleus hotbed locus axis marketplace mecca nexus seat centrepiece centerpiece kernel place central concentration cynosure headquarters home house navel backbone bedrock cluster eye middle nub omphalos point root belly essence foundation linchpin magnet pith polestar ground zero nerve center nerve centre focal point breeding ground centre of activity centre of attention center of attention center of attraction centre of attraction happy hunting ground where it's at pivot crux gist meat sum substance marrow bosom cornerstone central point bottom line keynote net quintessence midpoint bull's-eye basis meat and potatoes nitty-gritty thick nubbin interior highlight depths midst kingpin fulcrum deep depth soul matter body powerhouse quick central part best part sum and substance focus of attention climax inside HQ main feature high point high spot essentials fundamentals basics spirit essential part basic nuts and bolts brass tacks heart of the matter coal and ice main idea stronghold bastion prime focus point of convergence destination mainstay birthplace hinge keystone breast mid star epergne essential prerequisite hive sine qua non requirement stuff origin site station command post spot central component blood location situation source whereabouts heartland cradle ganglion internals raison d'être seed spark principle embryo premise germ gravamen most prominent element centre of interest burden most important part bullseye centre of operations spotlight gut target anchor driving force beginning bud bones heartstrings stress H.Q. upshot piece bit morsel atom part control center control room command post bull's eye forefront showpiece emphasis attraction intrinsic nature inner space rallying point hot spot significance medium halfway halfway point mean thrust import betwixt and between in the course of at the core of halfway through at the heart of mass underpinning mainspring main importance ABC weight bulk main ingredients basic principles generality staple whole majority brunt total groundwork flagship tenor heft material substructure preponderance chief main part long and short key feature main event jewel in the crown pride and joy major part principal part lion's share better part greater part

Contrario di center of activity

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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