Sinonimo di cryptical


Having a veiled or uncertain meaning
deep obscure mysterious abstract cryptic inexplicable mystifying obfuscated vague abstruse baffling confounding confusing enigmatic enigmatical esoteric recondite shadowy unexplained arcane bewildering clandestine cloaked clouded mystic occult odd peculiar puzzling secret shrouded unclear unintelligible veiled ambiguous double-edged elliptic elliptical equivocal fuliginous nebulous opaque sibylline hermetic hermetical Delphic inscrutable impenetrable unfathomable incomprehensible dark murky profound perplexing hidden complex difficult uncanny mystical complicated cabalistic concealed hard secretive oblique covert cabbalistic involved unknowable oracular strange unaccountable sphinxlike little known unexplainable hard to understand hazy intricate uncertain indefinite indistinct indecipherable heavy beyond comprehension coded as clear as mud clear as mud subtle fathomless involuted doubtful dubious tenebrous evasive insoluble recherché black cloak-and-dagger involute rarefied indeterminate incalculable dense foggy private over one's head inexplicit inexact furtive imprecise orphic acroamatic wildering unknown amphibological surreptitious incognizable impossible to understand out-of-the-way paradoxical apocryphal Delphian magical stealthy Greek to me sphinx-like clear as dishwater shifty out of your depth beyond one weighty serious metaphysical indirect tough intense inner weird curious ungraspable hypermetric ulterior indiscernible insolvable bizarre beyond understanding undiscoverable unsolvable subliminal funny queer mysterial ineffable reticent discreet unrevealed unnatural unsolved teasing stickling stumping uncomprehensible anagogic knotty secreted debatable above your head unsettled vacillating cagey subjective too deep uninterpretable riddling convoluted undetermined undefined indistinguishable little-known misleading inconceivable illegible technical incredible illogical indecisive borderline far-out non-committal open to question periphrastic prevaricating circumlocutory suspicious inconclusive circuitous not easily understood ill-defined blank contradictory elusive equivocating duplicitous questionable blurry muddled roundabout gnomic confused unreadable unexplicit open muzzy fuzzy disreputable undercover two-edged impassive deadpan unemotional emotionless expressionless inexpressive poker-faced unexpressive underhand dispassionate vacant underground hush-hush conspiratorial sneaky closet backstairs impossible to interpret underhanded sneaking stealth sly sneak privy in ambush on the QT surprise unenlightened hugger-mugger behind someone's back behind-the-scenes backdoor unseen covered top-secret hole-and-corner unresolved undecided ambivalent unsure in doubt up in the air arguable open to debate pending unconfirmed sketchy blurred deceptive dubitable unspecific deceitful loose woolly yet to be decided wooly iffy open to argument unanswered irresolute dim in limbo chancy muddy tricky incomplete noncommittal intangible problematic ongoing speculative moot in question non-specific devious double disingenuous fraudulent rough to be decided in a state of uncertainty faint approximate fallacious general illusory elusory false cloudy obfuscatory imperfect bleary broad stonewalling sophistical casuistic unestablished weak unpredictable unascertained casuistical unfixed unconcluded blear unfinished undependable dodgy unspecified open-ended hesitant wavering in the balance up for grabs in a state of limbo hinky polysemous polysemic polysemantic multivocal dual formless amorphous shapeless unsound at issue dishonest insincere remote impressionistic concerned troubled worried anxious apprehensive disquieted generalized unformed unstructured unshaped structureless undisclosed twofold problematical superficial nebulose unfinalized cursory two-sided cheating gray grey hanging inadequate perfunctory some kind of generalised obscured approximative estimated slippery controversial sweeping unfocused ballpark incongruous backhanded open for discussion yet to be settled up for discussion not yet settled cunning shuffling improbable absurd inconsistent impossible disputed intentionally misleading unforeseeable dissembling disputable suspect vexed meaningless doubtable muffled squishy careless sloppy inarticulate incoherent contingent dicey pendent jumbled waffling not definite touch-and-go betwixt and between not decided garbled conflicting self-contradictory ironic anomalous oxymoronic in no man's land good and bad fugacious transient indescribable phantom shy fleeting greasy imponderable transitory insubstantial tenuous volatile evanescent slurred mumbled spurious hesitating sitting on the fence abeyant unfamiliar unidentified faltering unheard of unproven undiscovered blurred round the edges specious coarse-grained delusive senseless scrambled delusory unlimited wrong inaudible Greek all Greek to me inaccurate misty gauzy pale deceiving mock beguiling deluding inexhaustible indeterminable innumerable wide pseudo distorted misrepresentative unstraightforward distracting mistakable demagogic catchy

Contrario di cryptical

cryptical Idioma

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