Sinonimo di delivery boy


A person carrying information to another
messenger courier agent envoy runner emissary ambassador delegate intermediary legate bearer mediator minister carrier page herald express nuncio harbinger crier gofer forerunner postman commissionaire detachment detail dispatcher post precursor prophet schlepper go-between errand boy message-bearer dispatch rider message-carrier flag-bearer errand girl delivery person errand person representative deputy proxy factor internuncio conveyor liaison attorney broker commissary surrogate plenipotentiary negotiator consul rep porter shipper diplomat commissioner transporter spokesperson depute procurator assignee deliverer estafette medium haulier servant conveyer delivery service hauler intercessor middleman intermediate drogher avant-courier scout arbitrator mail carrier letter carrier referee beast of burden interagent spokesman delivery woman delivery man interceder messenger boy spokeswoman dealer stand-in mouthpiece front entrepreneur intermediator member nominee vicar matchmaker officer accredited messenger collector attaché chargé d'affaires aide pursuivant attache hired gun special messenger point of contact agent general lawyer chargé dispatch bearer message bearer message carrier biker gopher intelligencer carman minion lackey assistant transferor exporter shipping agent carter importer mover provider bringer conciliator peacemaker interposer frontman proclaimer buffer dogsbody adviser reporter announcer catchpole substitute alternate viceroy regent senator appointee replacement pinch hitter member of Congress people's choice town crier bearer of tidings honest broker mediary linkperson linkman linkwoman capitoul ambassadress ambassador plenipotentiary ambassador extraordinary backup executor understudy papal nuncio legation consul general link contact lieutenant special envoy minister plenipotentiary subordinate underling executive administrator contact woman interdealer broker contact person liaison officer contact man arbiter intervenor dignitary official military attaché negotiant statesman organ fixer middle person cutout instrument channel connection vehicle influence trustee handler manager advocate middleperson diplomatist tactician peacekeeper politician expert promoter functionary actor abettor steward proctor principal factotum cabinet member public servant PR expert civil servant business manager public relations person

Contrario di delivery boy

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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