Sinonimo di doesn't care


Having an indifferent or apathetic manner or attitude
apathetic indifferent unconcerned uninterested disinterested unresponsive phlegmatic uncaring unenthusiastic lukewarm pococurante blasé insensible bored uninvolved impassive unemotional listless lackadaisical emotionless cool lazy lethargic dispassionate sluggish passionless detached cold unfeeling stolid passive torpid unmoved undemonstrative languid stoical inert stoic numb impassible affectless flat unambitious supine callous untouched what the hell dispirited wimpy Laodicean non-committal moony laid-back draggy don't give a damn could care less cold-blooded couldn't care less unmotivated half-hearted blah droopy aloof nonchalant casual insouciant careless heedless perfunctory inattentive incurious offhand complacent uncurious unimpressed dismissive not giving a monkey's unaroused cavalier spiritless slothful lifeless indolent dull idle heavy inactive distant enervated dry wooden remote lackluster frigid languorous lacklustre calm reserved leaden slow shiftless slack limp drowsy sleepy impersonal weak laggard tired dopey unenergetic tepid comatose slow-moving lymphatic withdrawn expressionless deadpan stony weary insipid dilatory neutral tame glacial matter-of-fact uninspired vacant dead dormant insensitive feeble frosty easy uninspiring unenthused irresolute unenterprising inexpressive unsympathetic restrained unflappable bland imperturbable cursory unexcitable leisurely somnolent lagging characterless unimpassioned unaffected stagnant toneless slumberous chill procrastinating dreamy fatigued loafing unsociable standoffish chilly boring carefree plodding offish unbending poker-faced feckless blank regardless heartless unruffled snoozy monotonous unfriendly drab hollow prosaic unexcited sober workshy tedious uncommunicative relaxed unhurried reticent energyless lax unwelcoming tardy self-controlled stiff antisocial muted unclubbable slow-going static ponderous asocial hebetudinous standoff controlled cool, calm and collected good-for-nothing unapproachable superficial unanimated negligent dawdling measured creeping languishing irresponsible incompetent collected subdued buttoned-up hard-hearted crawling cold-eyed uneager placid serene desultory icy colourless out of it inept colorless deliberate snaillike faint sleepyhead uninteresting delaying nebbish moderate loitering halfhearted unsentimental tortoiselike postponing dreary unimaginative clinical unexciting vigourless wearisome humdrum mundane vapid otiose quiescent formal stony-eyed hardened dallying impervious impartial mechanical easygoing fainéant obdurate stand-offish solitary debilitated composed unexpressive nothing annoyed offended impudent impertinent procacious insolent having spring fever uncommitted worthless nowhere immovable nonemotional laid back aimless inhospitable lacking energy unindustrious reluctant jaded exhausted flagging unloving unaspiring blahs sickly infirm pining inefficient gradual slow-footed slow-paced shirking work-shy self-contained unbothered taciturn do-nothing tranquil rational dim unwilling motionless equable untroubled narcotic businesslike indecisive lustreless sedate forbidding unperturbed negative unimpressible unimpressionable stupefied lousy lumpish still bovine off commonplace unmindful uncordial unworried benumbed effete world-weary quiet uncompassionate damp objective unthrusting unassertive dozy no-account devil-may-care without energy no-good stony-hearted not interested soulless happy-go-lucky vigorless clammy stupid stuporous spent vanilla sangfroid bone idle cold-hearted gelid staid oblivious thick-skinned brittle antiseptic austere paralyzed paralysed yawny unpassioned abstract sluggardly lacking in energy remiss prosy spacey heedless of cold-faced undistinguished take-it-or-leave-it nonplussed hard-eyed level-headed logy faineant spaced-out neurasthenic asthenic hard-headed inhuman along for the ride lacking vitality hard-boiled neb ho-hum run-of-the-mill pokerfaced indifferent to unmoved by unresponsive to straight-faced steely empty catatonic unaffectionate contained unconvincing trivializing close unforthcoming secretive guarded unlively Olympian resigned philosophic glazed mopish unmodulated unvarying lame weakly trivialising bloodless desensitized groggy uninquiring not enthusiastic useless absent abstracted sleeping blasé meager paltry reptilian desensitised not give a tinker's damn ne'er-do-well depressed unfazed removed unbiased unprejudiced glutted unreceptive sodden latent motivationless unconvinced meagre numbed asleep cloyed unreliable soporous soporose ineffective inscrutable insusceptible out ardorless inhibited rigid repellent cold-shoulder loveless impotent unromantic blithe drugged meek glassy senseless anesthetized indurated unpurposed wild effortless flippant disimpassioned haughty breezy inexcitable ineffectual discontented supercilious unstirred laodicean hibernating disdainful low unrevealing undecided uncertain hesitant unresolved slacking evading pretending just watching the clock not giving a damn ice-cold inanimate unceremonious anaesthetised vegged out out cold sombre somber unthinking sketchy stone-faced out to lunch dry-eyed undismayed lacking in vitality stone-cold devoid of feeling devoid of emotion unanxious couldn't-care-less wishy-washy don't care untouched by unaffected by unsusceptible lighthearted slaphappy gay lightsome debonair hurried fleeting brief summary passing token hasty quick down world-worn sluggard drained sleepyheaded mooney drippy immune insensitive of unkind hostile hardhearted heavy-eyed deaf not bothered at ease forgetful self-centered undisturbed blind undaunted self-centred improvident drony resting shot directionless resolute slipshod rapid slovenly half asleep without a care in the world not giving a toss ambitionless flaccid fruitless futile immune to insensate impervious to stubborn unyielding oblivious to sapped shattered pooped tired out wearied worn out weakened beat kaput lacking in ambition sensible practical realistic pragmatic commonsensical unmindful of proof against deaf to lumbering dead tired outside unidealistic factual hardheaded earthy going through the motions phoning it in walking through it pragmatical apathetic towards plain straightforward accurate unconcerned about exact unvarnished lusterless unembellished nonchalant about uninvolved in unenthusiastic about incurious about distant from truthful gentle steady uninvolved with turned off detached from literal offhand about going through motions bored by aloof from bored stiff lukewarm about phlegmatic about feasible unrushed labored laboured tortoise-like comfortable undemanding unagitated pedestrian uncreative unadorned dragging leaden-footed snail-paced snail-like dillydallying pokey poking poky joyless lank undistorted unembroidered two-dimensional faithful laggy lollygagging late behindhand serious naked coldhearted marble imperceptible down-to-earth no-nonsense straight-thinking with both feet on the ground cool-headed unmoving stretchy going with the flow rolling with the punches

Contrario di doesn't care

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