Sinonimo di easily taken advantage of


(of a person) Easily influenced by feelings or emotions
susceptible gullible naive vulnerable ingenuous persuadable trusting unsuspecting credulous impressionable responsive sensitive unwary acquiescent amenable defenseless defenceless exploitable given gullable inclined influenceable prone pushover receptive swayable tractable adaptable disposed emotional innocent manageable nonresistant predisposed ready soft suggestible susceptive tender easy impressible movable dewy-eyed fall for wide-eyed wide open over-trustful over-trusting thin-skinned easily deceived easily led easily taken in out on a limb easily moved highly strung sitting duck at risk readily taken advantage of malleable compliant pliable biddable pliant unsuspicious dupable yielding docile accommodating easily influenced trustful open manipulable cooperative governable obedient deceivable complaisant unguarded foolish fleeceable believing persuasible agreeable submissive accepting suasible inexperienced unsceptical unskeptical biting unsophisticated controllable flexible liable childlike mouldable accessible like putty in your hands unworldly simple formative likely meek green willing moldable open-minded unquestioning supple go-with-the-flow transformable bendy wet behind the ears perceptive subject tending exploitative exploitatory exploitive pervious apt guileless sympathetic acceptive plastic affected uncritical obliging minded ductile exposed fain easily swayed unknowing likely to get apt to get likely to have at risk of born yesterday as green as grass in danger of getting with a tendency to get putty in one's hands rolls with punches unformed easily persuaded convincible spongy naïve bendable overcredulous submitting developmental reactive confiding artless fictile undoubting enthusiastic eager partial conformable law-abiding overtrusting clueless tame genuine easily exploited easily controlled given to naif raw primitive simpleminded dewy jejune aw-shucks developing easily handled easily fooled able to be influenced green as grass growing defenceless against prepared approachable sentient sensile affectable sensible feeling foundational immature seminal creative biased prejudiced welcoming wax-like endangered interested friendly favourable not unwilling acceptant permissive favorable in the mood of a mind subject to conquerable vincible attackable verisimilar beatable penetrable assailable broad-minded uncorrupted soppy unrealistic teary-eyed sentimental sinless callow pure undefiled idealistic dovelike open to suggestions well disposed open to new ideas easygoing easy-going well-disposed in danger on the cards ready to consider new ideas willing to consider new ideas bent compassionate charitable clement ignorant gentle pardoning moderate mild indulgent benign merciful pampering liberal temperate lenient unburdensome mollycoddling humoring spoiling excusing light condoning deludable lax forgiving unoppressive forbearing devoted humouring silly sucker mark easy mark tumbling for taken in kidding oneself swallowing whole taking the bait being a sucker falling hook line and sinker deferential passive dutiful unresisting unassertive obsequious resigned assenting servile subservient subdued orderly respectful disciplined well-behaved humble duteous tolerant teachable milky complying good ingratiating obeisant bootlicking polite game consenting patient conciliatory lamblike unresistant workable assentive agreeing approving peaceable docious self-effacing amiable tolerating resistless unprotesting longanimous uncomplaining restrained nonresisting peaceful quiet civilized under control well behaved courteous civilised well-mannered conformist consentient assentient accordant compromising tameable sycophantic tamable acceding conforming toadying amendable trained untroublesome convenient willing to compromise helpful non-resistant acquiescing open to change solicitous rolling with punches controlled reverential concurring mannerly regardful generous Uriah Heepish seemly attentive venerating onside supportive decorous loyal faithful observant non-resisting honoring sheeplike hearsome honouring good-natured good-tempered companionable useful eager to please eager to help forthcoming non-violent well-trained well disciplined timid well trained in one's pocket in one's power in one's clutches good-humoured good-humored nonviolent ruly wrapped around finger on a string at beck and call in accord in agreement spiritless glad to be of assistance calm well mannered tranquil at peace slavish self-abasing spineless grovelling supine unassuming honest domesticated obeying bowing down comformable abject giving-in groveling kowtowing subordinate menial surrendering placable lowly fawning trainable disciplinable handleable mellow under the thumb under one's thumb cool honourable righteous correct honorable usable complacent laid-back solid high-minded proper worthy moral virtuous lawful ethical principled right-minded weak-kneed easily manipulated clean-living upstanding upright decent respectable straight just above board

Contrario di easily taken advantage of

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