Sinonimo di free of sin


Abstaining from extramarital, or from all, sexual intercourse
chaste pure virginal decent innocent modest virgin celibate immaculate moral uncontaminated unsullied virtuous incorrupt intact maidenly undefiled unwed vestal wholesome abstinent decorous maiden nunlike self-denying self-restrained uncorrupted unmarried guiltless proper sinless clean continent demure elegant good G-rated quiet refined simple upright austere restrained unaffected controlled faithful impotent inexperienced intemerate monogamous neat prudish squeaky clean subdued unblemished pure as the driven snow impeccable stainless righteous impeccant pristine spotless faultless blameless perfect untainted white uncorrupt irreproachable holy untarnished inculpable honest cleanhanded exemplary angelic unoffending sackless lily-white free of without guilt not guilty whiter than white squeaky-clean without sin as pure as the driven snow unimpeachable clear honourable honorable above reproach flawless ethical unstained upstanding worthy in the clear noble above suspicion respectable reputable meritorious just nice saintly irreprehensible scrupulous model admirable laudable praiseworthy crimeless right beyond reproach right-minded high-minded guilt-free uncensurable principled unspotted ideal estimable without fault uninvolved unpolluted angelical commendable lawful correct unspoilt pious incorruptible law-abiding true seamless picture-book absolute picture-perfect letter-perfect indefectible clean-living unblamable punctilious licit legal legitimate safe trustworthy seemly beyond criticism excellent anti-corruption straight dutiful moralistic paradigmatic classic sterling quintessential platonic undamaged bueno prototypical classical neato all right batting a thousand not too shabby not bad dignified not to blame equitable whole clean-cut untouched morally correct copybook outstanding free apple-pie consummate exceptional charitable sound self-righteous conscientious spiritual unobjectionable stand-up distinguished noble-minded characteristic typical illustrative representative unflawed unspoiled unerring unmarred cleared exonerated artless natural angel-like reliable dependable untouchable unassailable clean-handed having clean hands not responsible highly respectable unsoiled free from guilt free from blame redoubtable unexceptionable gleaming shining snowy non-sexual friendly unwemmed chase polite innocent as a lamb fine high-principled without blemish rectitudinous conscionable respected inoffensive unmarked uninjured unimpaired unhurt harmless truthful peaceful professional saintlike godly lofty imitable archetypal archetypical textbook definitive chivalrous aboveboard exquisite exact precise in good taste esteemed gallant magnanimous applaudable favoring obedient balanced elevated right-thinking unbribable incorrupted square courteous kosher very good highly regarded dapper alright goody-goody precious accurate errorless ten aces infallible A-okay note-perfect fleckless free from sin calm serene tranquil at peace cultivated tractable well-behaved sanctimonious on target irreprovable salt of the earth true-blue guileless beautiful fair reproachless favouring religious prim lenient sportsmanlike saving dinkum sportsmanly absolved exculpated untroubled unblighted unprofaned inviolate lovely snow white straightforward proud God-fearing entrancing adorable lily white wide-eyed devoted reverent impartial matchless deserving philanthropical devout philanthropic godlike creditable peerless edifying uplifting lovable beatific enchanting adorbs wet behind ears babe in woods improving non-erotic non-violent pure as driven snow sanitary open invigorating helpful ruddy sane normal practical open-faced sensible together fresh-faced envigorating hygienic commonsensical blooming let off free to go free of blame off the hook scot free all there hale and hearty in fine feather in the pink

Contrario di free of sin

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