Sinonimo di in driver's seat


Overbearing, dictatorial or authoritarian
domineering dictatorial imperious autocratic tyrannical despotic authoritarian overbearing peremptory bossy oppressive tyrannous authoritative harsh arbitrary autocratical masterful draconian severe tyrannic commanding strict magisterial arrogant autarchic officious coercive controlling pushy assertive haughty imperial dominant forceful subjugating imperative bullish pushful egotistic insolent regnant high-handed iron-handed iron-fisted high and mighty strong-willed crack the whip on your high horse overweening lordly dominating repressive dogmatic emphatic firm absolute powerful undemocratic demanding insistent anti-democratic heavy-handed imposing rigid determined tough wilful inflexible cruel totalitarian monocratic doctrinaire uncompromising willful tsarist czarist strong unyielding illiberal superior hard merciless brutal confident inhuman resolute exacting ruthless obstinate bullying decisive fierce zealous ironhanded aggressive strenuous steadfast stern single-minded relentless stubborn feisty bold compelling opinionated vigorous dynamic audacious obdurate unbending vehement energetic positive mean cocky pontifical dogmatical adamant absolutist formidable hardhanded pitiless dictative tenacious resolved violent stiff rough intolerant supreme rigorous unwavering effective prominent ambitious leading stringent overpowering reigning transcendent unflinching prevalent blustering hectoring immovable mulish impressive ascendant abusive unrelenting pompous proud opinionative opinioned unjust onerous burdensome heavy inconsiderate murderous rugged self-assertive potent prejudiced prevailing summary committed bigoted disciplinarian Neronian unlimited high-and-mighty competitive uncontrolled staunch spirited biased one-party autarchical fascistic decided self-willed strong-minded self-assured self-confident driving self-possessed pushing muscular in-your-face resounding stalwart persistent inexorable fixed headstrong purposeful persevering intransigent not backward in coming forward intent bullheaded extreme intractable dogged stiff-necked hard-line hardened full-blooded hard-nosed dyed-in-the-wool absolutistic swaggering clamorous crack-the-whip throwing one's weight around ordering bidding overzealous overbusy cocksure presumptuous overproud unaccountable unconstitutional overwhelming crushing undiplomatic insensitive thoughtless sadistic restrictive inhibiting supercilious lording it punitive self-important hardline unfair throwing weight around autonomous unrestrained preponderant cavalier disdainful single-party throwing one's weight about dystopian influential in charge czarlike manipulative exigent predominant convincing predominate supereminent all-powerful downright prime premier prepollent persuasive robust militant stout trying excruciating grievous bitter grim searing unassailable prepotent toxic narcissistic no joke flat-out straight out presiding governing enterprising brassy assured self-asserting hard-hitting no ifs ands or buts remarkable demonstrative surpassing forward ruling gutsy effectual capable able towering efficacious fearless driven competent ballsy titanic unsentimental resilient dauntless nervy stifling pigheaded daring composed collected fearsome invincible poised intrepid go-ahead take-charge tough-minded unreasonable heavy-duty high-powered high-level redoubtable high-octane eminent efficient important fanatical hardheaded uncharitable solid dour callous hard-core hard-hearted drastic dire unforgiving no-nonsense ascetical hardcore by the book hardhearted browbeating ossified austere ascetic unsparing pressing unsympathetic astringent disciplinary grave steely impractical refractory in control indurate recalcitrant ideological excessive self-reliant unpragmatic unrealistic pertinacious self-opinionated mullish cool-headed can-do swivel-eyed one-sided holding fixed views iron-willed stubborn as a mule unswerving challenging punishing taxing settled unfaltering set true definite unshakeable whole-hearted grueling arduous testing laborious constant in earnest implacable determinate bound stable certain unmalleable unalterable bull-headed sure undeviating unshaken inexpugnable unshakable unqualified seasoned killer tall difficult toilsome backbreaking gruelling herculean going bent explicit consistent of fixed views stand pat do-or-die never-failing hell-bent on hell-bent upon bent on bent upon hang tough through-and-through dead set on hard-and-fast pig-headed back-breaking uphill moiling sweaty hefty hellacious effortful grinding very difficult pick-and-shovel Augean

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