Sinonimo di make additions to


To slightly modify, especially of a statement by adding reservations or conditions
qualify modify adapt alter amend change add to make conditional add a rider to add reservations to revise improve adjust rework edit revamp tweak refine square convert transform tailor fit shape reconcile refashion redesign restyle remodel customize fashion vary reconstruct reshape condition suit redo readjust reorganize prepare bend metamorphose put reorganise make customise doctor make adjustments to make alterations to make improvements to reform correct fix enhance remedy repair rewrite update better ameliorate rectify rephrase copy-edit recast rescript redraft emend reword perfect enrich upgrade meliorate red-pencil debug help mend clarify redraw rebrand raise elevate set right lift right put right pay dues make up for renovate restore overhaul redress remake fix up recondition recalibrate make over renew regulate sort out make good resolve make better refurbish straighten out cure polish remould put to rights touch up reorient deal with reorientate remold retouch develop shift modernize revolutionize evolve patch up rehabilitate mold rebuild regenerate rearrange reorder revolutionise clean up modulate modernise mould retrieve rejuvenate transmute transfigure rehash mutate heal settle do up replace set to rights permute reconstitute solve rejig put in order tune emendate fine-tune refresh scrub affect harmonize switch redevelop boost make right morph turn permutate retool transpose reinforce temper harmonise interchange moderate reconfigure shape up reshuffle rejigger dial back turn around fiddle with revive revivify revitalize uplift iron out advance balance resurrect revitalise set translate diversify transmogrify pick up brush up mitigate clear up clean up your act freshen up rehab bring up to code patch sort make different bring up to date see to face-lift tune up beef up grow metastasize move metamorphize benefit progress segue streamline retract reverse contemporize reclaim transition ease realign transmutate service tighten launder cultivate go over attune swing vacillate swap substitute veer augment reenforce innovate tidy up troubleshoot freshen redecorate stimulate set the record straight promote review alternate straighten arrange warp change gears on reanimate flip-flop order strengthen do over set straight commute flip-flop on control tamper with refit yo-yo on switch over shift gears assuage make changes to hone smarten up make innovations spruce up smarten retread remediate fortify attend to step up jazz up brighten up finish subedit redact expurgate censor bowdlerize say differently technologize optimise optimize bowdlerise remap pass transit become reinvent reset reindustrialize transubstantiate diverge alchemize fluctuate make an alteration make an adjustment avenge get with it restitute metamorphosize juggle play around with jiggle around remaster recompense reward straighten up denature cook transfer become better facilitate bolster aid turn things around stir up fettle build on maintain fine tune phony up correct mid-course turn the tables turn the corner change completely sing different tune turn over new leaf turn upside down govern set up put back together make as good as new restore to working order get something working go straight do justice make amends for compensate for check cut transcend excel work on change for the better improve on take care of square up massage save sustain paraphrase tone groom tidy appreciate amplify increase further diagnose untangle delouse unscramble unravel manipulate blue-pencil row back re-create forward inflect predispose beautify eat your words about-face do a U-turn on do an about-turn on accommodate conform calibrate doctor up write over rationalize re-equip repaint prepare for publication rationalise normalize make tidy posh up make smarter tart up doll up make neater neaten spruce gussy up tone down reduce lower curb lessen play down restrain gloss bear upon impinge upon have an impact on jigger align coordinate organize put in other words express differently put differently put another way normalise sharpen twiddle quadrate focus grade organise remove errors sleek civilise explain slick civilize smooth round restructure make a change influence bring into the twenty-first century bring into line put in working order tailor-make make conform remix shuffle become different tamper fine vitalize get the latest version of change around work the bugs out of resuscitate make improvements round off give a face-lift finish off put finishing touches on kick-start rekindle reawaken reproduce recharge make clear sharpen up recreate rewaken reinvigorate rewake refreshen re-establish invigorate treat inspirit exhilarate envigorate produce change radically reestablish restart relieve medicate alleviate give a shot in the arm raise from the dead give a shot in the arm to breathe new life into complement heighten palliate salve supplement deepen aggrandize allay cleanse nurse dose make well endow parlay exalt intensify build treat successfully make whole restore to health minister to make healthy pad pyramid spike up sweeten build up jack up hike up add value run up make richer hop up soup up flesh out

Contrario di make additions to

Music ♫

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