Sinonimo di makes one's hair stand on end


To greatly offend, shock or outrage


To frighten greatly
terrifies alarms frightens scares horrifies panics petrifies scarifies spooks terrorises terrorizes affrights alarums appals frights intimidates scares witless shocks startles appalls awes chills dismays fills with fear freezes frightens to death paralyses paralyzes scares to death strikes terror into stuns stupefies paralyses with fear scares stiff fills with terror frightens someone out of their wits frightens the life out of gives someone goose pimples scares someone out of their wits scares the hell out of scares the life out of frightens the living daylights out of gives one the creeps makes one's flesh creep puts the fear of God into scares the bejesus out of scares the living daylights out of scares the pants off sends into a cold sweat strikes fear into throws into a panic makes someone shake in their shoes throws into a blue funk frightens out of your wits makes one's blood run cold scares the pants off of daunts unnerves perturbs agitates disturbs discomforts scares away puts the wind up curdlea the blood makes teeth chatter disconcerts cows disquiets upsets worries fazes deters shakes discourages unhinges disheartens repels demoralizes stiffs demoralises chills to the bone scares off freezes your blood gets the wind up throws into a fright flusters rattles ruffles unmans consternates depresses perplexes gives someone the heebie-jeebies chills to the marrow scares someone half to death makes someone jump out of their skin browbeats bulldozes astounds surprises scares the daylights out of makes someone jump out of his skin bullies unsettles bothers discomposes troubles torments distresses throws threatens harasses hectors menaces discomfits vexes gets to plagues freaks out distracts makes nervous harries shakes up coerces psychs out concerns pressurizes confounds bewilders puts off blackjacks throws off balance flurries fusses ails bullyrags badgers distempers frazzles persecutes bogarts subdues undoes derails hagrides overawes pesters takes aback abashes pressurises strong-arms tyrannizes dragoons nonplusses mau-maus weirds out leans on picks on pushes around confuses railroads buffaloes irks annoys gives a turn exercises tyrannises domineers makes anxious discombobulates jolts floors embarrasses makes jump discountenances makes afraid oppresses bugs irritates psychs flummoxes pressures forces hassles compels makes uneasy frets afflicts hounds pothers goads blusters rides roughshod over uses strong-arm tactics on gives someone a fright haunts saddens makes someone's hair stand on end bludgeons strikes terror in disappoints mystifies overwhelms bedevils inspires panic in teases mistreats aggrieves besets sickens dominates abuses throws into a tizzy turns on the heat nags scares silly pushes enforces tortures throws into a tizz overbears stirs up makes waves pushes about drives away puts heat on frightens away warns off gives a hard time chases off inhibits knocks for a loop impresses becomes horror-struck becomes horror-stricken freaks flabbergasts blinds someone with something frightens off springs staggers takes your breath away makes fearful destabilizes unbalances baffles incommodes makes worried stampedes moves unquiets gives a shock gives someone a jolt blinds destabilises puts chill on pains rouses jars traumatizes springs on makes restless makes fretful makes flesh crawl baits pursues dejects mortifies unstrings traumatises muddles addles throws into disarray uncalms discommodes steamrollers pulls the rug out from under pulls the rug from under fills with panic bowls over puts out stresses heckles puts out of countenance rattles one's cage puts someone off their stride rousts throws off taxes knocks props out throws a curve puts into a flap molests accosts issues threats to whips around scares hell out of utters threats to strains causes someone to lose their composure chivvies despairs beleaguers besieges burdens impels importunes tests needles tries weighs down chafes constrains tears tantalises duns tantalizes presses obliges grieves holds a gun to one's head bosses about bosses around lords it over puts the chill on twists one's arm puts through the wringer hustles prods brainwashes causes anxiety to displeases flushes maltreats subjugates influences persuades lies heavy on sweats out gnaws at inconveniences angers offends hurts manhandles victimizes prevails on rides roughshod puts the squeeze on works on puts under an obligation fast-talks brings pressure to bear on puts the screws on puts pressure on walks heavy acts on press-gangs uses pressure on despotizes repulses peeves misuses overpowers dispirits narks wounds miffs indisposes revolts brutalises victimises brutalizes mishandles flips crazes turns incapacitates debilitates cramps disgusts ticks off gets at winds up eggs on fires up flips out ill-uses messes over ill-treats puts down walks all over kicks around plays the heavy with treats harshly gets across lays up bums out gets someone turns on keys up hacks off nauseates makes a scene rocks the boat gives someone grief frustrates gets on your wick hurts somebody's feelings gives someone the creeps dashes dumbfounds chagrins puzzles disillusions disenchants disgruntles makes shudder makes someone want to throw up makes your gorge rise knocks for six knocks sideways lets down fouls up screws up fills with consternation messes up

Contrario di makes one's hair stand on end

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