Sinonimo di more anti intellectual


Comparative for indifferent or hostile to cultural or intellectual ideas
crasser ignoranter uncouther coarser vulgarer rougher ruder grosser cruder commoner lower wilder ruggeder impoliter rawer clumsier awkwarder louder baser unholier simpler gawkier meaner unseemlier gruffer ornerier earthier crueler viciouser stolider rowdier denser obtuser wickeder ungainlier profaner raunchier lowlier humbler ignobler more philistine more uncultured more tasteless more boorish more uneducated more bourgeois more uncultivated more unrefined more unsophisticated more materialist more commercial more barbarous more unenlightened more oafish more savage more brutish more barbaric more primitive more uncivilized more inartistic more lowbrow more uncivilised more uninformed more unpolished more ill-bred more ill-mannered more yobbish more thuggish more uncivil more illiberal more incult more lowbred more churlish more rustic more raffish more insensible more slobbish more provincial more inelegant more plebby more heathenish more natural more benighted more unmannered more bearish more plebeian more discourteous more cloddish more clodhopping more unmannerly more illiterate more clownish more classless more indelicate more swinish more bad-mannered more ungodly more insensitive more impertinent more disrespectful more ungentlemanly more unsavoury more graceless more indecorous more unladylike more parochial more tactless more ocker more lubberly more cantankerous more lumpish more inurbane more unsavory more low-born more ungraceful more gauche more idolatrous more ungracious more irreligious more godless more bungling more troglodytic more unfeeling more callous more unpoised more countrified more untamed more merciless more brutal more inhuman more atheistic more agnostic more agrestic more imperceptive more undiscriminating more doltish more faithless more unbelieving more heretical more hoonish more loudmouthed more thoughtless more obnoxious more uncontrolled more unconscionable more mannerless more outrageous more unaccomplished more backward more ungallant more disgracious more ungenteel more offensive more improper more foul-mouthed more heavy-handed more uncalled-for more low-class more middling more proletarian more working-class more second-rate more lower-class more undistinguished

Contrario di more anti intellectual

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