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Comparative for occurring at intervals
unsteadier spottier choppier patchier catchier odder scarcer uncommoner jerkier shakier flakier sparser unlikelier scanter scantier fewer and farther between fickler flightier iffier moodier flukier giddier messier looser recklesser sloppier peakier untidier rougher sketchier bittier chancier shiftier thinner on the ground loster blinder wantoner widerspread laxer violenter scrappier quirkier slipperier wilder crotchetier meagerer wobblier rattier ruggeder meagrer twitchier stragglier shorter-lived bumpier dicier jumpier bouncier topsy-turvier more intermittent more irregular more sporadic more erratic more spasmodic more fitful more episodic more aperiodic more periodical more random more disconnected more cyclical more fragmentary more broken more casual more cyclic more seasonal more infrequent more scattered more isolated more epochal more rhythmic more punctuated more iterant more metrical more rhythmical more uneven more desultory more inconstant more variable more uncertain more rare more inconsistent more unstable more seldom more unfrequent more changeable more unsettled more capricious more scattershot more unusual more volatile more exceptional more disrupted more wavering more unreliable more unpredictable more unequal more convulsive more disturbed more twitching more impulsive more freelance more outside more restless more herky-jerky more unorganized more muddled more inchoate more unconnected more disjointed more disordered more incohesive more incoherent more gaping more uncustomary more limited more aberrated more unaccustomed more aberrant more atypical more abnormal more anomalous more outré more incidental more rarefied more unsystematic more chance more especial more unconventional more uncharacteristic more surprising more unexpected more dynamic more special more specific more particular more exclusive more unorthodox more unwonted more unique more indiscriminate more turbulent more temperamental more eccentric more aimless more whimsical more fluid more vacillating more mercurial more mutable more moving more purposeless more unconsidered more irresolute more undependable more changeful more roving more vagarious more mobile more fluctuant more skittish more disorganized more labile more protean more disorganised more chaotic more arbitrary more wayward more kaleidoscopic more movable more jumbled more undirected more disorderly more confused more helter-skelter more bipolar more all over the place more excitable more irrepressible more up in the air more slapdash more chameleonic more active more elastic more untrustworthy more faithless more careless more unthinking more slipshod more accidental more variational more unfocused more directionless more offhand more uncoordinated more unplanned more higgledy-piggledy more untrue more disreputable more illogical more uncontrolled more flexible more shambolic more incalculable more fortuitous more scrambled more unkempt more dubious more irrational more paroxysmal more disheveled more dishevelled more uncontrollable more undisciplined more contingent more abrupt more mixed-up more unguided more heedless more sudden more thoughtless more discrete more unsteadfast more everchanging more intervallic more systemless more fragmented more checkered more tempestuous more indeterminate more unintelligible more inexact more freakish more unequable more garbled more frenzied more incomplete more promiscuous more stochastic more alterable more non-uniform more progressive more adaptable more piecemeal more versatile more ungovernable more faddish more adaptive more vicissitudinous more suspect more unsound more doubtful more ambiguous more agitated more irresponsible more transformable more indecisive more vagrant more variant more sprawling more bedraggled more ephemeral more transitory more hit-and-miss more inelegant more frivolous more unconscious more spontaneous more devil-may-care more unconcerned more fleeting more momentary more transient more unbalanced more tremulous more meandering more nomadic more perfunctory more cursory more cluttered more littered more lackadaisical more pell-mell more haywire more mussy more tousled more rumpled more hugger-mugger more independent more slap-happy more anarchic more temporary more adventitious more unintentional more flukey more coincidental more serendipitous more related more unwitting more accompanying more contributory more attendant more apropos more circumstantial more concurrent more by accident more ad hoc

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