Sinonimo di more unskilful


Comparative for not having or showing skill
clumsier awkwarder unhandier cruder ruder uselesser unfitter sloppier shoddier badder weaker poorer foolisher ungainlier feebler lousier faultier greener klutzier bummer duffer frailer wretcheder wacker lamer paltrier crummier punker sourer crumbier rawer newer ignoranter younger fresher callower unworldlier rookier gawkier wilder dewier unriper awfuller terribler rottener sorrier miserabler ropier woefuller direr pitifuller poxier more bungling more inept more inexpert more amateur more amateurish more inexperienced more maladroit more unpractised more unprofessional more unskilled more untrained more gauche more ham-fisted more unsophisticated more cack-handed more ham-handed more unworkmanlike more unskillful more incapable more unqualified more ineffectual more substandard more inefficient more unfitted more unable more inapt more unproficient more inadequate more ineffective more dilettante more dilettantish more wanting more jackleg more deficient more unco more hopeless more butterfingered more slipshod more unequipped more lacking more graceless more pathetic more slapdash more lumbering more heavy-handed more unapt more undependable more oafish more muddled more clodhopping more bush-league more unsuitable more unpolished more unaccomplished more insufficient more unsatisfactory more ineligible more inefficacious more impotent more unreliable more defective more powerless more shambling more talentless more insipid more careless more ungraceful more second-rate more worthless more uncultivated more half-baked more mutton-fisted more inelegant more unequal more unpracticed more untalented more imperfect more dependent more unsuited more naive more vulnerable more uncool more unacceptable more dissatisfactory more wrong more bush more off more ill more incapacitated more helpless more unversed more unschooled more unconversant more innocent more unacquainted more immature more uninformed more undisciplined more unaccustomed more undeveloped more unprepared more untaught more unfamiliar more verdant more sophomoric more uneducated more unused more lay more menial more wide-eyed more manual more hapless more blue-collar more negligent more ill-equipped more unenlightened more unrehearsed more unlearned more underdeveloped more sciolistic more unartful more incompatible more unlicensed more untamed more illiterate more primitive more out of one's element more ordinary more youthful more emerging more virginal more unformed more puerile more unripened more juvenile more dreadful more atrocious more disgraceful more laughable more deplorable more frightful more abominable more execrable more diabolical more lamentable more abysmal more appalling more chronic more rubbish more pants more egregious more broken

Contrario di more unskilful

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