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Superlative for having one or more principal veins, especially of a leaf
boldest gutsiest nerviest hardiest bravest pluckiest rashest recklessest foolhardiest spunkiest ballsiest riskiest peppiest gamest brashest grittiest pushiest doughtiest smartest stoutest feistiest sturdiest wildest sportiest jauntiest breeziest liveliest swishest showiest dapperest gayest keenest swankest crustiest brassiest saltiest cockiest cheekiest hastiest toughest manliest strongest steeliest pertest coolest sauciest unwisest powerfullest unwariest sassiest briskest sprightliest friskiest sparkiest freshest staunchest iciest worthiest foolishest chirpiest wisest stupidest silliest surest gaudiest flashiest firmest flippest pepperiest steadfastest violentest craziest highest-risk widest open maddest perkiest giddiest lippiest airiest pizzazziest springiest pizazziest snappiest neatest jazziest raciest zippiest scattiest ambitiousest mouthiest cutest nimblest extremest daftest wackiest calmest dippiest dottiest brightest flightiest bounciest quickest swiftest speediest bubbliest directest freest uppitiest joyfullest rudest crankest tranquilest patientest merriest jolliest most daring most adventurous most audacious most enterprising most venturesome most dashing most adventuresome most emboldened most venturous most intrepid most courageous most daredevil most fearless most spirited most valiant most temerarious most heroic most valorous most dauntless most confident most gallant most swashbuckling most stalwart most resolute most gutty most devil-may-care most dynamic most madcap most unshrinking most dangerous most hazardous most heedless most positive most headstrong most overbold most heroical most lionhearted most assured most decisive most carefree most exciting most dareful most aweless most risk-taking most aggressive most restless most presumptuous most overconfident most mettlesome most death-defying most go-ahead most ungoverned most uncurbed most greathearted most undauntable most manful most stouthearted most stylish most debonair most dazzling most bantam most exuberant most flamboyant most animated most romantic most raffish most buoyant most attractive most energetic most elegant most urbane most impulsive most exclusive most rousing most striking most vivacious most alert most obtrusive most impudent most smart-alecky most stout-hearted most indomitable most determined most imprudent most incautious most unabashed most chivalrous most impetuous most precipitate most tenacious most unblenching most unfearful most thoughtless most noble most irresponsible most brazen most careless most rock-ribbed most ill-advised most harebrained most headlong most injudicious most unalarmed most hotheaded most unfearing most shameless most ill-considered most vigorous most spartan most unconsidered most indiscreet most unshakable most unthinking most macho most fiery most vital most furious most impavid most frightless most desperate most unguarded most passionate most ostentatious most breakneck most nerveless most high-spirited most active most defiant most irrational most sporting most improvident most impertinent most familiar most redoubtable most assertive most slapdash most frenzied most insuppressible most premature most immature most enthusiastic most insolent most puissant most herolike most self-assured most uninhibited most unheeding most irreverent most frivolous most precipitant most negligent most inconsiderate most ill-conceived most regardless most swaggering most persevering most rakish most startling most eye-catching most ill-judged most unspeakable most resilient most undismayed most dogged most roisterous most forceful most superhuman most unapprehensive most unworried most unconcerned most virile most orped most cavalier most rumbustious most fortitudinous most flippant most undisturbed most impervious most gingery most ardent most mettled most outrageous most unsafe most gung ho most disrespectful most crackpot most driven most animate most kinetic most impractical most senseless most frantic most progressive most lawless most radge most crackbrained most smart-aleck most facetious most erratic most life-threatening most thrilling most inattentive most mindless most chaotic most malapert most spontaneous most heinous most monstrous most anxious most scandalous most scatterbrained most inconstant most divvy most honourable most honorable most collected most atrocious most worried most distracted most entrepreneurial most misguided most light-minded most disorderly most composed most extemporaneous most instinctive most capricious most hurried most gumptious most uncontrolled most uncareful most unsmart most controlled most intuitive most unplanned most whimsical most involuntary most go-getting most high-powered most emotional most sudden most unprompted most freakish most effervescent most immodest most imperturbable most self-confident most overfamiliar most vibrant most boisterous most helter-skelter most unpredictable most offhand most abrupt most abandoned most overweening most barefaced most cool-headed most impassive most unflappable most unexpected most superficial most perfunctory most hectic most forthright most ebullient most cheerful most zestful most frolicsome most overassertive most unemotional most relaxed most overfriendly most gamesome most frolic most irrepressible most brazen-faced most peart most brass-necked most self-assertive most excited most bright-eyed and bushy-tailed most full of beans

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