Sinonimo di production quota


Amount produced
turnout output production turnover volume yield outturn productivity aggregate product quota amount produced achievement fruit labour manufacturing affair handiwork harvest out-turn work produce labor manufacture thing return accomplishment works gain producing oeuvre profit creation amount making writings solutions take crop quantity produced gross domestic product gross national product result consequence outcome fruits by-product invention end result upshot concoction throughput effect realization revenue realisation origination artefact artifact capacity income takings fabrication incomings offshoot formulation legacy bounty payoff earnings design proceeds commodity productiveness performance gains dividend doing handicraft first fruits issue receipts action end product genesis finished product final result final product bunce gate returns fruitage fruition deed receipt productive capacity outgrowth conclusion corollary aftereffect aftermath development work rate mass production construction repercussion business contrivance flow rate of production service deliverable gross revenue sales outcomes offshoots by-products things results pay-off handwork craft craftwork workmanship writing volume of business services feat brainchild actualization conception innovation act application surplus personal work spin-off triumph article success fulfillment sequel resultant fate spinoff backwash sequence precipitate interest remuneration haul reward fulfilment attainment offspring aspiration derivative execution implementation killing excess lucre percentage payback net boot generation brand child catch gross winnings emoluments pickings financial gain acquisition operating profit split accumulation gross profit net profit pay dirt bottom line gravy composition derivation initiation authorship vintage financial return intake crops reaping gathering garnering gleaning year's growth season's growth annual production

Contrario di production quota

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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