Sinonimo di prosperous looking


Having a stylish or refined appearance
sleek smart chic fashionable sharp snazzy voguish dapper dashing swank trendy modish natty slick elegant snappy cool hip spiffy classy fly sassy dressy ritzy schmick flashy fancy beautiful stylish fresh fine flash debonair polished sophisticated tasteful steezy refined graceful smooth well groomed well-groomed wealthy-looking chichi showy a la mode in vogue in fashion in swish happening designer trendsetting groovy bling nifty fancy-pants now mod jazzy uptown upscale with it dressed to kill on fleek high-class attractive pleasing spruce stunning spivvy spiffing dandy contemporary modern funky exclusive tony swell kicking kicky supercool big dap new ostentatious pretentious urbane latest modernistic rakish au courant all the rage à la mode dressed to the teeth in the mainstream bang up to date up to the minute ultra-modern well turned-out up-to-date up to date handsome exquisite plush cultivated luxurious cultured grand opulent sumptuous charming discerning lovely courtly majestic stately swanky artistic dignified distinguished delicate suave comely aesthetic nice esthetic comfortable poised appealing with good taste gracious discriminating harmonious fastidious restrained fit sensitive becoming fitting pretty glamorous gorgeous jaunty aesthetically pleasing classical precise quiet unobtrusive splendiferous subdued posh pure in good taste chaste unaffected gratifying rich trim swinging splashy pizazzy pizzazzy trig bright loud flamboyant swagger colorful gay as if one had just stepped out of a bandbox colourful classic select choice noble decorous genteel ornate dainty rare affected ornamented august well-bred well-dressed recherche well-designed aristocratic overdone stylized superior

Contrario di prosperous looking

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