Sinonimo di readily swallowing whole


Excessively ready to believe things
credulous gullible green naive trusting dupable impressionable unsuspicious deceivable exploitable overtrusting unguarded unsuspecting artless guileless inexperienced ingenuous unsceptical unwary unworldly callow childlike ignorant immature innocent raw simple trustful unquestioning accepting believing imprudent incognizant nescient uncritical unsophisticated over-trustful over-trusting born yesterday easily deceived easily led easily taken in wide-eyed wet behind the ears as green as grass easy mark readily taken in readily falling for easy susceptible dewy-eyed naif simpleminded unknowing dewy primitive confiding youthful fleeceable unskeptical foolish biting naïve insensible naïf unschooled unstudied aw-shucks unaffected gullable fresh uninformed unacquainted jejune unfamiliar vulnerable exploitive exploitative exploitatory unpretentious unwitting unaware unmindful oblivious silly clueless natural unwise young unpretending unconscious like a babe in the woods optimistic indiscriminating undoubting green as grass overcredulous tender fictile defenceless infant juvenile unfledged tenderfoot adolescent malleable genuine easily influenced easily exploited easily controlled sucker mark fond defenseless virginal uncorrupted virgin cute quaint shallow unjaded plain uneducated untaught countrified Panglossian simple-minded tumbling for taken in kidding oneself swallowing whole taking the bait being a sucker starry-eyed falling hook line and sinker uninitiated idealistic folksy country uncool unartificial clean corn-fed babe in woods superstitious prone to superstition untrained unenlightened in the dark new unconversant open unseasoned unversed untried uninstructed undeveloped unlearned untutored inexpert heedless unknowledgeable unpracticed mindless amateur kid honest childish unaccustomed blind to frank spontaneous illiterate candid rookie verdant benighted unread unlettered uncultivated witless thick dense blind rude unripe unfamiliar with straightforward unintellectual misinformed inept undisciplined sophomoric obtuse uncultured inattentive sincere forgetful unqualified imbecilic unskilled moronic nonliterate cretinous birdbrained deaf puerile unripened unformed unassuming true fledgling deaf to babyish childly prentice without airs unused apprenticed spring chicken wet behind ears careless boyish amateurish inconversant unproven lacking experience analphabetic untested caught napping oblivious to unaffected by impervious to modest fresh-faced in the dark about direct uninhibited unpractised pure unreserved real forthright underdeveloped uninitiate unobservant plain-spoken down-to-earth frivolous neglectful girlish homey straight unbriefed dark stupid unintelligent daydreaming negligent unscholarly unresponsive insensitive transparent dim dumb impervious backward upfront dopey unbaked jellybean crude sophomore dozy not told not informed unaware of out of it out to lunch indifferent to ignorant of unconscious of ill-informed a stranger to unenlightened about slow on the uptake unconversant with not dry behind ears uninformed about inexperienced in strange to unschooled in just starting out unrehearsed inexperience developing junior budding uncomplicated lamblike undeceitful unapprised vernal moist damp wet blank unrefined newly arrived tenderfooted incompetent slow infantile teenage teenaged unpolished gauche savage uncivilized regardless dew-covered first-time provincial rustic parochial heavy with dew unskillful barbarian barbaric unheeding undiscerning unnoticing unrecognizing not knowing impractical dull bread-and-butter boylike unprofessional nonprofessional bush-league corny unadulterated cornball authentic relaxed inerudite catachrestic solecistic disregardful disregarding unselfconscious uncivilised fierce barbarous untamed animal brutish austere atavistic undomesticated vestigial wild jackleg baby-faced half-witted strange out of the loop aimless numb senseless comatose haphazard coincidental undesigned unable to read and write unused to new to nescient of untutored in unaccustomed to fresh to insensible to taking no notice unconcerned by removed from detached from dinkum unforced superficial lost to in ignorance uncontrived airheaded unstudious unmannered uncomprehending daft unperceptive unstilted accountable unconstrained chowderheaded dof glaikit dotish divvy hebete mooning doped unconcerned spacey empty-headed a brick short of a load dead from the neck up as thick as two short planks thick as two short planks not the full shilling pig-ignorant two sandwiches short of a picnic indifferent humble homely free-spoken outspoken not cognizant out cold forthcoming unimposing unobtrusive honest-to-goodness unspoiled unostentatious unspoilt not all there not in the loop in a daze unfeeling apathetic untouched downright up-front blunt inelaborate down easy-going unpresumptuous uncomplex unbeautified discreet prosaic unembellished unambitious free-spirited laid-back self-effacing plainspoken truthful communicative not aware unmoved unimpressible impassive imperceptive freehearted openhearted unacquainted with uninformed of obdurate impercipient unperceiving lay it on the line out-front open-and-shut talking turkey on the level above board fair not afraid to call a spade a spade undissembled straight from the shoulder round not knowing the first thing about uninitiated about innocent about clueless about uninitiated in unknowing of unwitting of not having the faintest about without knowledge green about inexperienced of naive about out of the loop of innocent of mindless of unmindful of up front down home unresponsive to negligent of untouched by insensitive of unmoved by without knowledge of careless of unsusceptible

Contrario di readily swallowing whole

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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