Sinonimo di sees in one's mind


To form a mental image or impression of
reconstructs imagines conceits conceives conceptualises conceptualizes pictures visualises visualizes envisages envisions perceives images projects sees fancies ideates visions thinks of conceives of forms a mental picture of forms a picture of forms an impression of builds up a picture of sees in your mind's eye fantasizes dreams depicts builds castles in air fantasizes about dreams about fantasises conjures up dreams up hallucinates fantasies makes up thinks up plans views evokes contemplates features calls to mind conjures up a mental picture of daydreams dreams of conjures up an image of brings to mind creates in your mind divines conjures up a picture of concocts frames schemes creates cooks up thinks contrives thinks about ponders considers infers foresees apprehends ruminates interprets trumps up regards supposes assumes anticipates muses romanticizes beholds reflects believes woolgathers figures romanticises innovates pioneers hatches realizes realises lives in a dream world formulates calls up brainstorms gets the picture conjures up an picture of speculates sparks off sparks gives thought to represents portrays appreciates cogitates objects visualizes mentally depictures entertains the thought of considers the possibility of has in mind guesses surmises conjectures debates entertains reckons suspects predicts gathers meditates construes foretells discovers forecasts conjures cultivates presumes hypothesizes romances moons prophesies augurs presupposes pretends forms thinks likely indulges in fantasy thinks it conceivable has an idea thinks it likely builds castles in Spain previses presages foreshows prognosticates takes builds castles in the air performs indulges in fancy indulges in wool-gathering takes as a hypothesis hypothesises says preconceives trips out sees visions play-acts takes to mean gives free rein to the imagination devises lusts hankers longs pines idealizes craves drafts hopes for thirsts after longs for aims for seeks to sets one's heart on aspires to yearns for thirsts for sighs wishes for wishes to has as one's aim sets your sights on idealises conjures up pictures hankers after desires to hungers for has as one's goal runs up churns out puts up models brews turns out drums up develops throws up thrashs out draws up invents brings arranges grinds out carves out works on strategizes manufactures cranks out tailors outlines puts together throws together cobbles together carries out hammers out coins comes up with draughts determines choreographs lays out decides starts up gets plots obtains

Contrario di sees in one's mind

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