Sinonimo di single tool


A device, implement or means used to carry out a particular function
device implement instrument equipment utensil apparatus appliance gear machine contraption contrivance gadget accessory gizmo kit mechanism aid gimmick hardware medium paraphernalia agent tackle vehicle wherewithal agency means weapon whatchamacallit widget doohickey doodad jigger thingamajig invention thingamabob gismo thing machinery engine waldo convenience labour-saving device mod con outfit rig doodah object things motor gubbins materials plant gadgetry setup amenity system structure doobry whatsit gimcrack whatsis construction material piece of equipment black box fixtures fittings facility iron fitment novelty silverware bits ware spoon knife tableware fork dingus bitzer doojigger thingo mechanical device concern business thingummy soldering iron harness components mechanics Rube Goldberg device Heath Robinson device gears automobile bus wheels auto unit motorcar car cogs pulley lever horseless carriage motor vehicle resort creation whatnot arrangement rigging resource article makeshift stuff piece of apparatus piece of hardware moving parts tools implements accoutrements Rube Goldberg invention utensils materiel accouterments supplies putt-putt fan dynamo diesel pot barrel piston turbine transformer cylinder powerhouse horses furnishings accoutrement provisions habiliments dingbat power train power plant rubber band what's under the hood generator fandango van truck innovation jalopy voiture motor car Brass Era automobile Brass Era car brainchild design drive passenger car discovery coinage motorized vehicle origination wrinkle development concoction nicety luxury power source opus fertility original baby motorbus coach busbar omnibus appurtenance comfort help accommodation gasoline engine petrol engine diesel engine electric motor internal combustion engine creature comfort electrical bus loser cruiser digit trunk


A person or group which is used or controlled, usually unwittingly, by another
dupe puppet pawn minion lackey stooge sucker flunkey chump henchman mug patsy peon creature gull pigeon pushover sap flunky hireling jackal poodle idiot lay figure easy mark stool pigeon cat's-paw soft touch instrument victim fool mark subordinate underling dogsbody fall guy sitting duck servant butt yes-man cohort hanger-on schlemiel innocent dummy muggins retainer hostage juggins spaniel toady menial counter sitting target skivvy cog valet doormat manservant footman boob attendant charlie simpleton dill schmuck sycophant parasite vassal fawner flatterer easy target easy touch lickspittle gopher assistant varlet bootlicker putz target brown-noser gofer suck-up weakling cat's paw laughingstock easy game easy prey fair game laughing stock figure of fun mannequin catspaw toy rube myrmidon dolt goof dunce oaf blockhead lunkhead dope sidekick dependant Joe Average easy walkover greenhorn nerd dorba bogan noddle prey glutton recipient glutton for punishment figurehead casualty clown slave steward domestic daily slavey sufferer mouthpiece object martyr focus goat lapdog jerk drudge quarry scapegoat softy softie fish wretch subject gudgeon junior snob helper easy pickings prize sap bleeding heart aunt sally Aunt Sally yes man babe in woods everybody's fool moron imbecile twit nitwit dimwit nincompoop bonehead fathead jackass dullard halfwit birdbrain ignoramus ninny numbskull clot lamebrain donkey clod numpty nit goon berk dork dunderhead pillock bozo prat knucklehead thickhead airhead dumbhead pinhead chucklehead dumbo muppet wally dipstick noodle turkey loon cretin twerp divvy chowderhead clunk noddy doofus lamer dum-dum goofball dingbat pea-brain dip wazzock lummox knobhead clodpole plonker drongo git galah simp galoot coot yo-yo nyaff cluck dumb-bell loggerhead muttonhead mooncalf goofus wooden-head buffoon spud palooka poop gowk sumph alec numskull klutz nong ding-dong dingleberry schlepper gobdaw wiener pudding-head balloon boofhead mompara poon meathead weeny nerk lump tomfool spoony squarehead gink dumbbell zombie yahoo stupid ninnyhammer dodo stupe nimrod mutt cuddy half-wit schlub wing nut clodpoll bubblehead woodenhead deadhead mome dummkopf shlub natural saphead schnook stock ratbag gander golem cuddie hammerhead hardhead meatball know-nothing thicko eejit dim bulb dweeb plank gonzo prick geek booby twonk goose featherhead dumb cluck stupid person ding-a-ling cuckoo silly billy lunatic charley silly nutcase nut duffer weenie brute mampara lightweight lame-brain dumb ox illiterate lout boor clodhopper bungler incompetent lubber blunderer monkey foolish person tosser loser dildo trusting soul scatterbrain Neanderthal kook yokel goop gawk lug hulk rascal butthead bore softhead bumpkin clodpate lamb baboon whipping boy tit pain in the rear pain in the backside pain in the neck pain in the bum witling sacrifice ox beast bruiser setup joke jay cinch tosspot wag zany droll dag buffo simple botcher bumbler amateur bimbo retardate live one bodger joculator antic lowbrow addict dotard prig dumdum drip numptie loony addlepate retard screwball harebrain beefhead bust ignorant slow learner goof ball mental defective dub looby hick hayseed yobbo ape cloth-head Simple Simon stumblebum barbarian yob gorilla bear can-carrier hobbledehoy bosthoon churl scozza oik chav skate cougan joker chopping block another's action boob culprit accused clumsy idiot spoil chased raven underdog quest loot pillage clownlike person merry-andrew Merry Andrew jest sport mockery mock jestee lamb to the slaughter target of derision bird-brain schlep


A particular item or object
article thing item object unit commodity device artifact artefact gadget implement product utensil contrivance gizmo instrument stuff accessory contraption doobry doodah doojigger gubbins minutia piece trinket accompaniment apparatus bit component dingus doodad element entity fragment knickknack matter member module part substance thingo thingy widget curio dojigger jiggambob material mechanism nicknack something thingamabob thingamajig thingamajigger thingumabob thingumajig thingummyjig whatchamacallit whatsit doohickey oojah oojamaflip thingummy doo-dah piece of merchandise what's-it what's-its-name whatdoyoucallit what-d'you-call-it body piece of matter being individual asset chattel reality integer existent individuality possession ingredient constituent ornament scrap solid relic bauble gewgaw geegaw novelty gaud work of art manufactured object objet d'art archaeological find manufactured article item owned organism existence quantity presence person creature ens subsistence single singleton life form real thing model exhibit machine object on display appliance invention convenience gimmick export import piece of equipment aid amenity waldo specialty property ware produce vendible belonging stock line speciality service outfit resort piece of apparatus creation mod con agent whatnot Rube Goldberg invention piece of hardware arrangement rigging resource equipment tackle gear medium construction makeshift type of produce article of trade machinery jigger kit paraphernalia hardware engine gismo labour-saving device rig means whatsis motor gadgetry system structure vehicle black box things materials plant appurtenance gimcrack setup bitzer components mechanics facility agency gears transformer piston cylinder turbine weapon Heath Robinson device Rube Goldberg device power train moving parts what's under the hood hickey fixtures fittings iron fandango harness fitment wherewithal cogs silverware knife tableware fork bits spoon hoojamaflip whatsitsname whatshumacallit hoobajoob concern business mechanical device soldering iron automobile bus wheels auto motorcar car innovation clockwork pulley lever brainchild design motor vehicle horseless carriage coinage discovery nicety luxury origination putt-putt pot fan dynamo diesel barrel powerhouse horses ministry way wrinkle development concoction instrumentality process comfort help accommodation opus baby fertility original power plant rubber band appendage feature attachment fitting creature comfort organ tools implements accoutrements utensils materiel accouterments generator supplies furnishings accoutrement fixture provisions habiliments dingbat petrol engine diesel engine gasoline engine electric motor internal combustion engine fixed object


A tool resembling a spade with a broad blade and typically upturned sides, used for moving coal, earth, snow, or other material


A means of attaining an end, especially one that is convenient but possibly improper or immoral
expedient stratagem trick device manoeuvre scheme ploy ruse move means contrivance dodge artifice tactic measure method machination plan resource maneuver resort recourse medium step substitute plot way instrument stopgap expediency makeshift fetch refuge lurk instrumentality invention solution course of action appliance mode system option course possibility agency alternative contraption amenity convenience opportunity service benefit provision aid utility potential facility shift wile gambit game strategy gimmick subterfuge initiative stunt action program programme tack procedure design intrigue feint fake line of action approach creation craft policy evasion act angle idea proposition twist deed purpose project wheeze pattern arrangement concern imposture jest secret counterfeit deceit fun fixture sport knack sleight flimflam play jig juggle shenanigan wrinkle operation proceeding setup game plan plan of action master plan effort deception equivocation hoax innovation coinage brainchild concoction practicality make-do expedience movement motion slant fabrication formation switch path road line shifting plans wiles loss-leader shtick progress attempt wangle caper set of tactics apparatus publicity device eye-catching novelty promotion control gizmo gadget catch widget originality creativity ingenuity wits imagination inventiveness subversion scam fix draft booby trap practice draught covin secret plan blueprint secret scheme ground plan hoard worth capability wherewithal store source support surrogate substance stockpile riches property ability wealth capital assets talent stock cleverness reserve relief fortune quick-wittedness cunning plan improvisation craftiness trap finesse cabal cunningness chicanery racket loophole legal action nest egg clever move kicker resourcefulness intention deal suggestion proposal disposition thought undertaking formula tactics recipe scenario submission animus methodology treatment projection big picture


An instrument consisting of two jaws, closing by a screw, lever, cam, or the like, for holding work, as in filing


A carpenter's tool for boring holes longer than those bored by a gimlet


A specialist in a particular branch of study, especially the humanities
scholar academic intellectual savant professor pundit bluestocking egghead authority bookworm expert highbrow intellect learned person mastermind mind polymath sage acca bookman pandit pointy-head rabbi augur brain critic disciple doctor don gnome grind illuminati litterateur philosopher researcher scientist specialist teacher woman of letters man of letters bookish person wise person person of letters thinker genius brainiac boffin geek nerd rocket scientist Einstein master intellectualist wizard academician whiz brainbox walking encyclopedia longhair student prodigy Solomon guru double-dome bright spark clever clogs wonk mahatma fellow lecturer know-it-all wiz wise man swot whizz theorist theoretician tutor Nestor instructor maharishi educator pedagogue sophist mentor lector intelligentsia reader Brahmin pedagog adviser bibliophile maestro brains doubledome maven solon statto trainspotter anorak fundi university teacher analyst learner ideologist talent cerebrum psyche head spod clever person Poindexter casuist buff propeller head alpha geek logician braintruster preceptor expositor university lecturer metaphysician dialectician metaphysicist theorizer epistemologist philosophizer consultant doyen intelligent person avant-garde docent speaker weenie educationalist candlewaster college tutor senior common room speculator hypothesizer dreamer pedant Ph.D. master-hand gifted child dork pupil cognoscenti auger cereb commentator Th.D. literato college teacher trainer scholastic dink truth-seeker philosophy self-appointed expert illuminato schoolman learned one member of a policy unit member of a think tank one of the cognoscenti booklover bookwoman theoriser seeker after truth elder wise man/woman Solon man or woman of letters man or woman of learning erudite person book lover avid reader wise woman deep thinker Doctor of Philosophy experimenter Doctor of Theology college lecturer literary scholar belletrist wordsmith literary craftsman educated person learned man learned woman tohunga guide statesman investigator guiding light old soul man of learning wise old man analyzer fieldworker tester clinician field researcher


Plough or plow


To work on or shape with tools


(slang) To drive or ride in a casual or leisurely manner
drive motor ride spin travel bowl automobile rush race speed shoot fly dash career tear run bolt zoom scoot hare scurry buzz blast hurry careen belt zip pelt chase hasten barrel scuttle hurtle bomb bustle bundle whisk whirl trot blaze breeze rocket hustle blow course hie jet hurl rustle sweep streak cannonball rip nip jump highball step ram hump bucket wing boogie clip post shift hightail hotfoot it crack on go like the clappers move go proceed bowl along roll along charge stampede cannon whizz flash gallop zap scud scramble whip spurt plunge lunge barrel along push go like the wind burn rubber rush headlong go hell for leather go like a bat out of hell dart sprint scamper scutter leg it go like lightning get a move on fleet wheech get the lead out whoosh make haste scorch step on it swoop bound cut along whiz spank along hightail it beetle lay rubber get cracking spring haste skip go fast make tracks hotfoot rattle along flit shake a leg jog dive accelerate pound steam speed up roll put on some speed quicken expedite burn fling hurry up move quickly fast-track put your foot down flutter rage skedaddle trip boil beat it lose no time tear along dispatch whip along really move get your skates on fuss lope skirr double leap jogtrot skitter stir dogtrot be quick bullet canter skim beeline spur lash amble vroom surge press on dust flee bestir break press pace get moving sail make time belt along bomb along smoke go like a bullet move along go like a bomb cover ground step on gas go quickly patter swoosh skite roar catapult kite storm go briskly push on step lively flow stream gush waltz pass outstrip run fast plough cascade go rapidly drive fast leave scat vamoose split slip away be off like a shot retreat pour march hop along step along rush around gear up bowl over gather momentum go all out yeet whish burst sally put foot tear up the miles go like greased lightning go at breakneck speed pass by tear out progress move forward move rapidly go by stir one's stumps hop it steamroller railroad blitz buck run like mad plunge ahead run off bug out run away express flood sloosh tumble turn on steam make short work of dig in get a wiggle on make a run for it plow rush at waste no time whip around not lose a minute take wing clear out go away move fast make it snappy get on it pump move apace make oneself scarce launch oneself throw oneself go headlong


Fail to keep up with another or others in movement or development
lag delay linger dawdle loiter dally trail idle saunter straggle tarry hang back shilly-shally crawl creep decrease diddle dillydally dilly-dally diminish dither drag drop fail fall back fall behind flag lallygag lollygag mope poke drag behind ebb slacken trail behind wane falter hobble inch jelly limp lounge move slowly plod procrastinate retard shuffle slouch slow stagger stay tail trudge bring up the rear not keep pace be behind drop back drop behind fall off inch along put off slow up lose strength get no place fast drag your feet wait pause bide remain hang around filibuster rest stall temporize stop temporise lodge hesitate hang about hang round take your time goof around stop over stay put lose time take one's time warm a chair hold the phone waste time kill time while away time mark time amble vacillate hang fire hum and haw potter lag behind fritter away waver drift be indecisive play for time equivocate use delaying tactics go at a snail's pace play a waiting game loaf prevaricate meander haver swither trifle wander defer ramble putter goof off hold back fool around traipse kick the can down the road take too long stroll skulk loll fluctuate stonewall hedge halt postpone traik ooze mosey adjourn pussyfoot around hover go slowly be slow potter around toddle potter about roam potter round horse around gain time rove hang out sit around beat about the bush be dilatory buy time drag your heels put off doing something let the grass grow under one's feet blow hot and cold laze slack burn daylight fiddle about piddle fritter away time pass the time take one's own sweet time while away the time take time shirk totter be long be tardy hem and haw wait around tergiversate hang on mooch about mooch around diddle-daddle be evasive stick around mooch stray follow fritter time away palter balk shamble slough dabble lurk kick about sit tight kick around prolong protract shlep along scrounge around bum around poke along boondoggle baulk drag along tag along walk slowly tag along behind not keep up drag oneself goldbrick cool pass time sit on one's butt stall for time avoid committing oneself use Fabian tactics avoid making a decision postpone action defer action let something slide take a raincheck be undecided suspend action hold off fool with while away trifle with play games with fool about nose snail promenade perambulate stravaig maunder walk tramp hike streel tromp draggle tootle bimble pootle cease stump ankle take a stroll take the air trill go for a walk sashay go for a stroll take a walk percolate discontinue break creak along limp along desist creep along hang heavy wear on advance slowly appear to pass slowly slow down go on too long go on and on distract divert become tedious deliberate interrupt break off put on hold reflect stop what you're doing take ten take a breather let up pull up come to standstill have a breather catch one's breath break it up sideline call time take five shake stop briefly take a break suspend think twice take a breath avoid the issue beat around the bush hold over


To make, create or manufacture, usually from components or raw materials
manufacture make form produce build construct create fabricate assemble fashion process forge shape compose frame mould prefabricate engineer mass produce mass-produce model turn out accomplish carve cast cobble complete execute machine mill mold prefab put together synthesise synthesize fudge together throw together erect contrive knock together develop set up confect craft raise invent design put up make up generate fit together bring about found sculpture devise churn out establish concoct piece together knock off originate piece rear structure knock out constitute build up sculpt cobble up yield throw up formulate hew join work cook up do whip up hammer out knock up sketch beget spawn bring out render draft finish fit cut elevate plan reconstruct draught set compile block out prepare fix cobble together draw up superstruct put out actualize bring into existence effect jerry-build connect paint arrange for draw cultivate carpenter edify propagate compound evolve procure harvest architect unite stamp melt melt down heat up provide sew run up fix in position join up weld consummate scheme pattern outline perfect project trace plot eke out brew patch together whip out implement hatch rig up rustle up draw up a layout of make a drawing of make a map of draw up a plan of make a representation of patch up sew up hammer whittle chisel spit out lump together pull together draw together brainstorm mix organise organize release issue dream up crank out pump out bang out grind out trot out whomp up write smelt bring to pass cause to be bring into being effectuate give rise to catalyze coin institute invoke draw on get going catalyse vamp sketch out hash out author conceive arrange begin machinate knead adapt ready adjust manipulate launch introduce start commence edit bring together choreograph think up lay out instigate initiate discover bring on rig ply mount style throw malleate pound spin delineate recount narrate tell fix together innovate adumbrate relate gather collate systemize marshal systematize pioneer beat skeleton rough thumb finger unfold beat into shape anthologize sort out accumulate amass combine collect link rough out revolutionize comprise diagram systematise marshall weave affect realise set in motion enact secure embark on realize germinate materialise engender install set down exercise inaugurate put in place put in motion instal materialize bring advance drum up decide conjure up start up carve out come up with translate into determine block tailor condition usher in pen indite trim crystallize mint roughhew pat suit accommodate crystallise smooth doctor conform come out with father conceive of kick off spearhead modernize sing verse rhyme induct start out modernise ring in revolutionise score poetize ghostwrite put down note down coin a phrase set type clef put pen to paper time comp script ghost scribble orchestrate push pencil supply calculate chart lay equip outfit prep furnish budget accoutre blueprint groom appoint endow anticipate work out get ready make ready work up map out get up settle on fit out jack up make provision strategize about smooth the way scheme out put in order fill in

Contrario di single tool

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