Sinonimo di spinning one's wheels


Producing nothing of value
fruitless futile useless vain unproductive unsuccessful ineffectual pointless abortive barren profitless unavailing ineffective bootless idle inefficacious unprofitable wasted in vain needless unrewarding worthless empty hollow otiose unfruitful unprolific gainless to no avail to no effect unavailable for naught wild goose chase valueless hopeless purposeless nugatory failed meaningless impotent to no purpose senseless insignificant trivial of no use inutile inadequate thwarted counterproductive non-successful aimless inefficient sterile feckless unimportant inept trifling doomed inconsequential unfructuous impractical foiled paltry weak unsatisfactory null irrelevant incompetent lame powerless frivolous inoperative unremunerative bungled feeble without rhyme or reason inexpedient thankless unusable unhelpful good-for-nothing of no avail insubstantial purportless frustrated lost junky unpurposed wasteful Sisyphean without success inferior no dice poor pathetic baulked unable botched indecisive petty defeated disastrous footling chaffy balked dysfunctional expendable insufficient impracticable losing unnecessary no use vapid no-good for nought on a treadmill self-defeating not worth the candle hamstrung waste anticlimactic dry misfired lacklustre forceless withered uncreative unyieldly nonproductive incapable nonfunctional forlorn unworkable void stymied inane unfunctional uninspiring banal miserable lackluster delusive hindered stonewalled obstructed scrap mindless stillborn unreasonable blocked nothing spoilt ruined spoiled stupid disadvantageous negligible pants unreal lifeless motiveless unsubstantial not effective a dead loss redundant superfluous vacant no good messed up unuseful casual of no value fouled up not useful difficult unfulfilling uneconomic failing bungling maladaptive miscarried unimpressive scant frustaneous unlucrative negative dysregulated goalless pyrrhic slow lazy self-sabotaging nonsensical absurd unsuitable specious self-destructive unsalable groundless unserviceable throwaway unreturned resultless exhausted unneeded objectless cheap nonpractical adverse unconstructive dead not fruitful insane fatuous dull cramped broken inoperable insipid no good to gundy not worth it baseless boring unmeaning unsound drifting wandering helpless impossible of no earthly use nongermane stale rambling unfounded not helpful adrift not needed time-wasting uninteresting no-win puny misleading slight unnotable delusory Pyrrhic lacking foundation ill-fated bleak tedious arid flat commonplace going nowhere in vicious circle not a prayer without grounds not serious without foundation not pertinent dreary monotonous drab unstimulating prosaic humdrum unachievable vacuous unfilled clear beyond remedy despaired of deficient listless lustreless unessential wanky trashy measly defective silly wretched poxy rubbishy piddling unanimated muted spiritless rubbish bogus meritless mediocre abandoned ignoble limited unfit of no benefit two a penny not much cop defeasible innocuous neutralized apathetic tame neutralised no-go flaccid unfeasible unattainable illogical wild inconsiderable inapplicable infeasible effete unrealistic wishy-washy inconvenient nonviable improbable minute characterless picayune otherworldly spineless foolish ivory-tower soft won't fly Mickey Mouse out of the question unrealizable weakling weak-kneed non-viable minor inactive piffling romantic quixotic niggling chicken irrealizable little unwise speculative abstract theoretical unpractical unnegotiable lousy unviable unbusinesslike immaterial starry-eyed chimerical off no-account non-functioning of no consequence of no great concern second-rate of no account meek weak-willed nominal nerveless invertebrate ridiculous milk-and-water wet namby-pamby piddly pimping craven silent not working inadmissible peanut inappropriate derisory pusillanimous beyond hope incommodious idealistic wanton unreliable limp-wristed peripheral crazy supine dinky small incidental not having a prayer with no chance of success superficial fiddling de minimis light nonessential uncalled-for nickel-and-dime uncalled for small-fry of little consequence of little importance no great shakes small-time not worth mentioning of no importance low-ranking rotten uninformative parlous insincere unpromising visionary ill-considered far-fetched ill-thought-out cock-eyed not in use out of use turned off out of service unasked half-baked crackpot clueless abject drossy despicable contemptible base nonconstructive witless indiscriminate designless thoughtless irrational careless awkward irresponsible irresolute luckless minuscule bush-league minor-league uncelebrated lightweight lesser secondary obscure infinitesimal inappreciable carefree undoable desultory brainless random indolent ill-suited unsuited slothful imprudent insuperable floundering undirected haphazard unambitious undesirable detrimental unassertive not worth considering not proper wanting not good enough unequal improper unqualified shiftless cowardly gutless timid fickle passive like herding cats impossible to carry out flimsy junk unadvantageous inconsistent incompatible inapt hit-or-miss dithering faltering ludicrous preposterous wimpish frail wimpy weakened unenterprising laughable risible timorous wavering indeterminate vacillating undetermined fallible unexceptional ordinary chicken-hearted corruptible yellow lily-livered hemming and hawing waffling yellow-bellied undependable faint-hearted yielding unsure average common typical plain mundane bland unremarkable undistinguished usual unmemorable pedestrian extraneous easily led unexciting routine unnoteworthy vanilla normal trite pitiful middling uneventful uninspired imbecilic cockamamie idiotic cockamamy derisive comical frothy workaday nondescript everyday shoestring tinpot zero zilch zip indifferent barmy daft asinine hare-brained whatever non-essential pettifogging neither here nor there of no moment not worth speaking of beside the point twopenny-halfpenny low priority joshing gelastic camp embarrassing outrageous campy farcical diverting beggarly run-of-the-mill so-so subsidiary pitiable a dime a dozen dime-a-dozen common or garden bog-standard garden-variety nothing to write home about middle-of-the-road nothing special plain vanilla garden variety bog standard sorry for grins of little account

Contrario di spinning one's wheels

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