Sinonimo di subtle distinction


A minor or fine distinction or detail
nuance suggestion implication hint overtone suspicion nicety subtlety trace distinction shade tinge detail refinement touch modulation shading variation gradation tone dash note shadow soupçon fine distinction fine detail subtle difference shades of grey intimation undertone whiff smack whisper flavour vein flavor connotation bit breath insinuation streak tincture smidgen scintilla colouring undercurrent impression taste aura coloring drop glimmer subcurrent sprinkling feeling smattering pinch speck air tad splash element flicker atmosphere inference spot indication sense shred dab strain association murmur crumb inkling little lick nip smidgeon tang vibrations tenor meaning echo vibes trifle spark jot reference iota spatter ray smell modicum vestige sign dram scent subtext ounce fine point hidden meaning particular small amount innuendo significance idea trickle buzz driblet secondary meaning particle scruple mite snap ace skosh shot sprinkle allusion tot strand nib savor savour difference degree trait thread graduation variety sip essence intension undermeaning aroma hum rumor rumour mumble tiny amount oval mouthful convention ghost molecule morsel imputation semblance low tone mental association mental connection notion evocation trend footstep train of thought cue wind clue reminder finer point punctilio drift tendency fragment step peanuts slot aspersion spoor slur propensity crosscurrent current riptide inclination pull flow stream eddy tide direction ambiguity aside snippet record tittle memento residue proof token minimum hidden feeling scattering point dribble double entendre fact smidge grain specific dollop seasoning squirt part particularity few drops minutiae datum small point scrap atom whit stim scantling fraction dot fleck piece snip granule sliver little bit mote shaving jot or tittle patch nugget flyspeck nubbin portion droplet chip chicken feed minim gleam dose shard sample drop in the bucket slice chunk lump splinter snatch flake hoot bite small quantity tiny piece segment sniff share flash skerrick butt fig moiety whoop syllable continental rap scoosh durn darn stub stump specimen glimmering tiny bit extract cast smitch sparkle measure end hair nucleus parcel excerpt division item section pittance ort small piece scale small bit tiniest bit inch spoonful hunk paring glitter quantity soupcon glint faint sign stitch odour any odor smithereen infinitesimal small portion small change small potatoes next to nothing seed diddly squat niggle stroke speckle least bit snort footprint footmark evidence relic spit arc beam thimbleful glow minute cantlet mixture shake powdering dust admixture amount smudge reminiscence wisp faint appearance glimpse signal smear blob glob slip tatter gob trivial amount not enough miniscule amount wee bit spit in the sea drop in the ocean blot brush tidbit peck some slightest bit small degree tiny part bubkes doodly-squat diddly-squat beans doodley-squat bupkes picayune spice eyelash squeeze temper small thing a small sum a trifling amount a trifling sum a paltry sum ambience ambiance recreation redolence elicitation recall pinpoint mark halo patina karma mood intonation climate inflection breadth hairsbreadth nimbus gobbet mottle blotch dapple pip eyespot splotch pin hairbreadth millimeter inflexion representation period twinkle millimetre whisker shine niff twinkling wink blink hair's-breath draft draught glance shimmer inhalation fume dime song slave wages hay shoestring quality faint smell brief smell pension inadequacy insufficiency nothing chump change ration allowance manner feature two cents very little pin money characteristic character attribute mannerism a shoestring nickels and dimes an insufficient amount a tiny amount a very small amount subsistence wage small allowance stamp side quirk eccentricity trademark virtue hallmark aspect habit custom idiosyncrasy peculiarity affection foible lineament fingerprint

Contrario di subtle distinction

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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