Sinonimo di to affected


Unnatural or artificial in one's mannerisms or behavior
artificial assumed forced pretended strained unnatural contrived overblown overdone simulated stiff fake feigned hollow insincere labored laboured mock overripe overworked pseudo counterfeit faked mannered phoney unconvincing exaggerated imitation phony pretend superficial bogus mechanical plastic posed pseud stilted factitious false posey sham spurious affectated awkward conceited counterfeited fakey fraud ham hammy imitated melodramatic playacting studied put on put-on deceptive fraudulent hypocritical wooden snide two-faced specious fictitious ersatz self-conscious unctuous double manufactured not genuine fishy lying pretentious Pecksniffian faux misleading forged cod canting constrained duplicitous double-dealing make-believe dissembling not kosher left-handed actorly mealymouthed theatrical pharisaical professed ostensible faithless jivey glib oily unreliable feigning unauthentic deluding smooth pharisaic inauthentic pirate wrong quasi- phoney-baloney phony-baloney grudging smooth-spoken smooth-tongued backhanded uneasy mealy jive lip purported stagy elaborate improvised double-faced campy Janus-faced framed Hollywood plant brummagem queer bent copied delusory crock delusive unspontaneous meretricious synthetic overwrought fabricated supposititious quasi rigid inflexible bound binding conscripted begrudging stringent coercive forcible virtual not spontaneous pseudonymous suppositious won't fly soft shell self-styled not real not legit uncomfortable made-up bland assuming captious caviling cavilling rehearsed so-called nonnatural imaginary seeming apparent avowed surface invented concocted deceitful adopted bluffing shammed falsified impostrous charlatan cheating concealed dissimulated imposturous planned dishonest laborious unrelaxed untrue dummy arty-farty precious hokey manipulated fixed recherche voulu staged untrustworthy untruthful hypocritic far-fetched overly planned simpering apish camp genteel highfaluting chichi airish conscious artsy Tartuffian Pharisaical Pharisaic stuck up gone Hollywood wannabe as it were would-be to all intents and purposes substitute imitative treacherous mimic replica dud invalid man-made trumped-up worthless unreal perfidious disloyal disingenuous reproduction mendacious trick facsimile cynical deceiving hoax made up cooked-up pseudo- shifty sly knavish dissimulating model apocryphal pinchbeck toy quack reproduced weak bad back-stabbing hollow-hearted cooked up unqualified dual supposed non-existent not what it is cracked up to be engineered alleged nominal ostensive semi- flimsy unsound devised adulterine trumped up near reported cunning underhanded artful beguiling backstabbing guileful crafty sneaky foxy tricky double-crossing pirated insignificant falsie copy duplicate copycat non-natural devoid of validity indirect hyped up double dealing ironic ambiguous dubious equivocal paradoxical cryptic enigmatic sardonic null uncertain nonbinding inoperative null and void void illegal nonvalid double-meaning double-edged not binding uncollectible nugatory underhand devious slippery unfaithful slick evasive ambidextrous not candid not frank lacking sincerity with tongue in cheek


Pretentious and designed to impress
pretentious pompous ostentatious grandiose highfalutin stagy posh theatrical hifalutin schmaltzy campy chichi pedantic poncey la-de-da fancy-pants high-minded hoity-toity la-di-da over-elaborate high falutin' high-flown toffee-nosed gone Hollywood haughty conceited proud snobbish superior egotistic arrogant uppity supercilious stuck-up snooty self-important imperious vain overbearing overweening patronizing presumptuous condescending boastful snippy uppish puffed up patronising toplofty vainglorious important lofty bumptious cocky high and mighty cavalier high-hat sniffy opinionated egotistical high-and-mighty prideful self-assertive lordly smug disdainful snotty self-opinionated huffy chesty huffish toploftical assumptive high-handed stiff-necked self-centred inflated self-asserting snobby narcissistic self-centered egoistic egoistical aloof pontifical elitist peremptory swaggering egocentric presuming masterful biggity swollen-headed bigheaded swellheaded biggety self-conceited bragging domineering self-satisfied brash overconfident bloated selfish insolent full of oneself brazen swanky forward autocratic boasting hubristic sententious magisterial immodest stiff self-admiring blustering bold self-serving contemptuous persnickety scornful impudent showy brassy mocking portentous puffy sneering audacious scoffing flaunting cheeky assured bossy complacent consequential highfaluting self-absorbed big-headed jumped up individualistic swollen putting on airs too big for your boots inner-directed pushy exclusive potty aristocratic ritzy self-affected self-righteous self-promoting self-contented self-adulatory self-glorifying self-engrossed self-congratulatory cocksure orgulous artificial precious know-it-all smarty cold-shoulder remote tony self-regarding self-obsessed egomaniacal genteel stuck up wise guy self-loving introverted full of yourself pleased with yourself obsessive personal on an ego trip intimate intrinsic wrapped up in oneself isolated subjective stuck on oneself pontificating strutting vaunting puffed loud obnoxious windy flatulent puffed-up stuffy offensively self-assertive on a high horse prudish swollen with pride ingrained inborn inherent idiosyncratic prim nervy peacockish egomaniac refined priggish straitlaced prissy think too highly of oneself think one is the cat's pyjamas pleased with oneself have an excessively high opinion of oneself think one is the cat's whiskers think one is God's gift in love with oneself think a lot of oneself mannered contrived bullish self-interested dictatorial assuming smart officious lah-di-dah saucy rude flip wise pushful contumelious impertinent unabashed sassy punctilious distingué cliquish snot-nosed full of airs and graces over-refined upper-class unblushing boldfaced pert fresh barefaced procacious cool malapert self-preoccupied self-infatuated self-oriented self-involved inconsiderate inward-looking solipsistic self-concerned smart-alecky uncaring thoughtless unthinking throwing one's weight about self-seeking looking after number one splendid exaggerated grand spectacular magnificent overstated


Involving the use of exaggerated or flowery writing or language
inflated grandiloquent bombastic rhetorical flowery magniloquent pompous pretentious florid oratorical ornate orotund fustian verbose highfalutin turgid grandiose overripe euphuistic purple overwrought elaborate aureate wordy extravagant overdone declamatory lofty prolix ostentatious fancy showy fussy ranting ornamented puffed complex complicated decorated detailed involved hyperbolic excessive exalted overestimated rhapsodical high-flown la-di-da overblown windy tumid high-sounding fulsome stilted rhetoric Ossianic labored laboured arty-farty exaggerated strained over-elaborate convoluted hifalutin magnific theatrical sesquipedalian flamboyant pleonastic gassy actorly flatulent sonorous grand-sounding gaseous stuffy hyperventilated stagy melodramatic long-winded ponderous mannered stodgy high-falutin self-important rotund snobbish high-minded egotistic pedantic prim oratorial eloquent formal bold dramatic overinflated discursive fluent arresting booming elocutionary periphrastic blathering swollen histrionic blustering rhapsodic windbag loudmouthed balderdash big-talking stuffed shirt full of hot air undue inordinate disproportionate overstated immoderate too much overworked over-enthusiastic over-effusive unreasonable overemphasized needless unfair unnecessary gushing effusive sensationalistic forced hyped preposterous OTT O.T.T. overelaborate camp beyond the pale overemphasised highly coloured over the top hyped up a bit much beyond all bounds laid on with a trowel diffuse rambling articulate circumlocutory circuitous redundant silver-tongued garrulous mouthy voluble lengthy tedious palaverous bombast big loquacious tautological logorrheic erudite scholarly boastful Ciceronian epideictic imposing baroque repetitious Demosthenic Demosthenean protracted tortuous long-drawn-out gabby chatty ambagious flashy braggart bragging loud Falstaffian meandering roundabout talky talkative figurative digressive maundering embellished wandering tumescent overlong puffed-up ornamental rococo circumlocutionary logorrhoeic self-righteous majestic impressive elevated heroic lexiphanic superfluous sententious iterative indirect decorative garnished rich luscious overwritten verbal linguistic over-the-top boasting portentous stylistic vague loose waffly tiresome euphemistic shallow superficial breezy waffling fervid impassioned persuasive gesturing vivid forceful gesticulative senatorial noisy expressive intoning important noble stentorian full of verbiage contrived glib vocal grand crass flaunted jaunty vain brazen vaunting garish diffusive profuse long random lavish copious exuberant drawn-out dull large prolonged empty


Having or arousing feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia, typically in an exaggerated and self-indulgent way
sentimental soppy mushy mawkish corny sloppy schmaltzy cloying drippy maudlin saccharine slushy sugary sappy gooey soupy cheesy novelettish emotional cutesy syrupy sickly sugarcoated weepy spooney spoony fruity sticky icky twee romantic treacly cornball overemotional wet touching gushing hokey sloshy effusive gushy tearful nostalgic lachrymose soapy sweet jejune pathetic moving inane demonstrative poignant tender dreamy simpering idealistic overacted impressionable passionate softhearted tragic insipid vapid languishing moonstruck depressing melancholy sad silly plaintive dismal rosewater visionary lovey-dovey over-sentimental tear-jerking sick-making chocolate-box toe-curling heart-rending hearts-and-flowers sugar-coated dewy-eyed three-hanky Mills-and-Boon soft-hearted three-hankie bathetic sobby soft affectionate loving precious tacky oversentimental honeyed ingratiating sickening candied trite teary feeble nauseating banal oversweet sickly-sweet over-emotional self-pitying fulsome enthusiastic ebullient rhapsodic excessive extravagant exuberant expansive hagiographical overdone unreserved unrestrained lyrical adulatory unctuous lavish oleaginous hagiographic overenthusiastic oily over-effusive hyped up over the top OTT over-enthusiastic laid on with a trowel smarmy fawning sycophantic obsequious flattering toadying smooth servile bootlicking suave glib generous slimy slick profuse exaggerated grovelling immoderate insincere inordinate buttery prodigal sucky encomiastic appreciative superfluous cajoling groveling smooth-tongued liberal ample subservient acclamatory eulogistic cringing actorly theatrical dramatic wholehearted crawling worshipful reverential lionizing hypocritical wheedling unlimited lionising smug highly favourable saponaceous mealy-mouthed overflowing overgenerous greasy encomiastical extreme smooth-talking silver-tongued honey-tongued Uriah Heepish all over someone sleek deferential blubbery hammy voluble sickly sweet supple coaxing abject extensive glowing over-appreciative laudatory cloyingly sweet over-the-top rapturous complimentary truckling toadyish too much gross self-effacing creeping magniloquent bombastic grandiloquent canting coarse sanctimonious admiring flannelling blarneying gratifying sweet-talking soft-soaping touchy-feely uninhibited unconstrained outpouring vociferous free-flowing copious prolific abundant unstinting exorbitant slavish extortionate humble plentiful riotous galore blandishing undue high urbane teeming open-handed luxuriant bountiful rave needless unwarranted sky-high unreasonable unnecessary disproportionate plausible opulent swarming sumptuous abounding aplenty bounteous profusive openhanded plenty plethoric overextravagant steep fancy-pants slippery crawling with no end a dime a dozen alive with thick with phoney overweening intolerable unconscionable creamy pinguid creepy phony brown-nosing uncalled for self-abasing arse-licking smooth-spoken apple-polishing outré forelock-tugging ass-kissing


Cheap, showy and gaudy in nature or appearance
tinsel showy flashy loud gaudy flamboyant garish glitzy flash ostentatious tawdry brash splashy vulgar ritzy tasteless meretricious swanky pretentious extravagant obtrusive cheap ornate kitsch conspicuous fancy trashy overdone theatrical brummagem superfly gimcrack dicty plastic specious OTT superficial pinchbeck over-elaborate bling-bling over the top tinselly swank fancy-pants grandiose glittery bling classy dashing noisy pompous peacocky tony razzle-dazzle actorly kenspeckle commanding striking bodacious prominent catchy noticeable eye-catching grabby marked pronounced arresting bold remarkable emphatic brilliant dramatic crass flaunting chichi flaunted flaring sporty fussy exhibitionistic uptown splurgy gay spectacular jaunty resplendent sensational opulent glaring snazzy histrionic splendiferous overwrought jazzy sumptuous screaming luxurious high-flown arty-farty mod posturing tacky Daliesque gimmicky cheesy twee crummy corny camp clinquant common artificial glittering chintzy lurid kitschy raffish blatant brazen glamorous bright crude naff tinselled prestigious Brummagem in bad taste florid colorful brassy violent illustrious harsh nauseating tatty sickly distasteful unattractive bilious colourful over-bright catchpenny glorious magnificent impressive cheap and nasty distinguished star-studded expensive nifty pizazzy pizzazzy fakey sparkling cheapjack rubbishy worthless in poor taste offensive sleazy cheap-jack twopenny-halfpenny glossy exciting dazzling coarse gross trumpery pizzazz pzazz frou-frou gussied up putting on the ritz


Tending to ask questions or to investigate, typically for information or knowledge
curious inquisitive probing questioning quizzical enquiring inquiring interrogative investigative querying scrutinising scrutinizing enthusiastic examining inspecting fascinated interested intrigued keen agog eager excited moved attentive captivated gripped riveted absorbed engrossed intent enticed focussed focused stimulated enthused entranced hooked inspired ambitious desirous inspirited roused ardent avid impressed inquisitorial beady-eyed rapt into attracted drawn mesmerized caught predisposed spellbound obsessed sold lured taken touched mesmerised earnest snoopy nosy responsive awakened fired all ears gone occupied struck sympathetic open burning with curiosity on the case eat sleep and breathe enthralled dazzled snowed awestruck stunned awestricken overwhelmed aroused bewitched besotted enamoured enamored fond crazed smitten mad keen on enthralled by devoted to passionate about struck on mad about fixated by addicted to hooked on riveted by interested in enamored of attached to enthusiastic about mesmerized by twitterpated by attracted to nuts about turned on gone on crazy about bewitched by besotted with infatuated with hungry for fascinated by intent on smitten with eager for sweet on love-struck by enchanted by charmed by hung up fond of captivated by wild about obsessed with taken with enamoured of beguiled by partial to gripped by in love with intrigued by passionate fanatical infatuated devoted intense dedicated to potty about dotty about preoccupied fixated hypnotized monomaniacal hypnotised deep single-minded hell-bent preoccupied with preoccupied by obsessive about hung up on wrapped up in single-minded about engrossed in caught up in stuck on possessed by wild on immersed in wild searching crazy nuts analytical impassioned immersed consumed zealous really into addicted potty engaged fervid fervent lost distracted in love buried involved concerned busy queer caught up fanatical about sunk in taken over wrapped up absorbed in up to one's ears up to here heavily into up to here in taken up head over heels focused on locked in tied up involved in dialed in wound up deep in thought having a one-track mind happy beguiled transfixed very keen on drawn to tantalized tantalised lured by enticed by guided to dotty dedicated daft exploratory charmed entertained nutso investigatory penetrating hot for fanatic rabid staunch vehement big exuberant piercing inclined hyped thorough mad on discerning researching discriminating prying attached intrusive prepossessed fixated on wackadoodle wackadoo paranoid neurotic interfering meddling meddlesome nosey officious in the grip of taken up with snooping busybody spying eavesdropping nebby impertinent peering forward speculative poking asking over-curious over-interested nosy-parker nosy-parkering big-eyed


Affected, influenced or changed by something


Moved or overwhelmed by an emotion or event
stricken overcome overwhelmed emotional dumbfounded flabbergasted gobsmacked moved struck overawed taken blown-away bowled over knocked for six stunned speechless astounded amazed dazed incredulous disturbed choky defeated buried verklempt swamped bowled-over overthrown swept off your feet unable to continue run-over at a loss for words confounded staggered stupefied surprised astonished bewildered nonplussed flummoxed shocked taken aback startled thunderstruck floored dumbstruck awestruck disconcerted aghast shell-shocked open-mouthed bemused confused stumped agape perplexed awestricken awed shaken addled dismayed shaken up blown away wide-eyed befuddled dumfounded unnerved openmouthed discomposed bushed bedeviled fogged befogged breathless lost for words bedevilled puzzled marveling marvelling wondering benumbed dopey pixillated pixilated spacy spacey zonked addlepated muddleheaded punch-drunk raddled spaced-out dizzy silly slaphappy mixed-up spaced muzzy punchy dopy struck dumb goggle-eyed caught on the hop caught on the wrong foot bamboozled thrown mystified baffled distracted muddled agog fuddled beat buffaloed at sea jolted wonderstruck thrown off balance at a loss filled with astonishment filled with amazement filled with wonder filled with awe shattered abashed rendered speechless alarmed frightened unable to believe your eyes in amazement taken by surprise unable to believe one's ears spellbound awe-stricken left speechless in awe in shock thunder-struck addle zonked-out discombobulated flustered discomfited frozen numb intoxicated rattled fazed disoriented lost clueless in a dither troubled uncertain beaten vexed mazed at sixes and sevens wildered had their heads messed with uncomprehending besotted made to scratch their head confusticated foxed lost at sea gravelled got graveled thrown off caused to be at a stand dumb stuck nonplused licked knocked knocked out knocked sideways


Characterized, or marked, by much busy (or stressful) activity
wild overcome frantic frenzied overwhelmed delirious incredulous mad overawed struck stunned distraught frenetic furious hysterical maniacal manic nuts rabid uncontrolled violent berserk crazed crazy deranged feverish overpowered devastated beside oneself destroyed in a frenzy not knowing what to do with oneself fierce intense ferocious tumultuous turbulent forceful fiery raging passionate agitated hectic vehement explosive energetic strong unrestrained uncontrollable excited tempestuous spirited heated convulsive raving hyper intemperate powerful rough flaming fervent impassioned overwrought out of control impetuous hot zealous fanatical fervid stormy emotional chaotic ardent insane torrid boisterous volcanic perfervid extreme lively aggressive cyclonic enthusiastic vigorous paroxysmal fraught animated harsh rampant passional hard severe unbridled heavy burning potent hammer and tongs volatile knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts riotous busy hot-blooded unruly keen strenuous forcible blazing hyperactive charged worked up restless fevered bang-bang ungovernable confused red-hot brutal active corybantic blustering warm tough deep eager vicious swivel-eyed incandescent blistering demonstrative inclement consuming hellacious intensive religious superheated exciting demented wired panic-stricken excessive keyed up desperate unhinged savage warm-blooded immoderate overwhelming flipped out rampaging acute fast and furious excruciating unchecked bustling distracted emphatic unglued unscrewed unzipped impulsive in a tizzy shook up nervous destructive eventful distrait freaked out hysteric berko overexcited neurotic overpowering heartfelt blustery profound earnest dynamic dreadful almighty terrible uncurbed glowing cruel trying frightful resounding ghastly exquisite excitable fearsome in a state fearful on the rampage stirring devastating disordered full beside yourself bitter inflamed high-strung angry weird zonkers inhuman biting flustering irrepressible madhouse wigged out hot under the collar burdensome weirded out hot and bothered uninhibited spazzed out in a stew at wits' end brisk dithyrambic distressed heavy-duty hot-tempered anxious action-packed postal off your head full-blooded rugged worried hopped up abandoned ebullient vivacious obsessive overactive maddened lunatic messianic assertive bloodthirsty disturbed fuming murderous great nutty unmanageable determined concentrated spasmodic grim vibrant buzzing demonic mettlesome maniac sharp grievous thundery thunderous howling squally inordinate resolute hotheaded arduous storming oppressive moving eloquent poignant high-pressure stimulated precipitate headlong high-powered inspiring hotblooded expressive thrilling affecting quickened headstrong flipped in a panic temperamental aroused unfettered typhonic choppy blunt intensified onerous exhausting rash very upset batty barmy stirred up taxing steamed up unsettled punchy bumpy out of one's mind like one possessed zoolike hot-headed around the bend knock-down drag-out roaring at the end of your tether mercurial full of force overzealous searing gale force hardhanded full on hard-hitting in-your-face pulling no punches running amok dangerous rioting full-on madding phrenetic unconstrained unrepressed outlandish dominant blind plucky irresistible confusing cataclysmal cataclysmic tiring exacting noisy unpredictable demanding challenging interesting noteworthy unbalanced demoniacal unquenchable unstoppable all out bursting committed assiduous dedicated steadfast allegiant null agitable upset laborious mighty all-powerful crushing fired up impatient gusty sectionable bothered troubled menacing windy insuppressible at the boiling point euphoric testing unsparing incoherent perturbed radical rattled discomposed flustered swirling freaky high psychotic up short-fuse highly strung revolutionary hog-wild on fire babbling irrational concerned revolutionist tireless stormful muscular fanatic heightened marked tormented bleak muddled penetrating piercing vivid unqualified shattered bigoted wearing imperious rowdy raucous thrown elevated avid enthused melodramatic harassed verklempt pained disagreeable nonplussed addled overemotional sentimental emotive hallucinating light-headed rambling wandering unreasonable disarranged lightheaded aberrant deviant bewildered hallucinatory deviate turned out firm stiff bullying ultra gung ho all-consuming deep-seated true blue deeply felt mental worked-up wrought-up bad inhospitable hostile uncomfortable discomforting ruthless rigorous rebel rampageous out of your mind callous threatening terrorizing pugnacious punishing agonizing urgent peppery painful enraged ruinous ape like a chicken with its head cut off pitiless barbarous thuggish sadistic merciless barbaric amok coercive agonising outrageous flurrying all-out overenthusiastic unforgiving jumpy jittery hyperexcitable skittery fiddle-footed fluttery spooky skittish hyperkinetic flighty heartless homicidal bonkers bananas festive unfriendly forbidding unpleasant austere comfortless extremist terrorist rumbustious spare bats nutsy woolly wooly jungle hassle crowded barro crackers crook porangi out of one's head out of one's skull uptight demoniac terrorising radge rip-roaring panicky very busy very active up the wall through the roof off the deep end hearty in a lather off the air off your rocker out to lunch wanton like Piccadilly Circus hell broke loose pandemic exuberant pervasive cut-throat panic-struck wound up humming rousing zestful rife proliferating extravagant epidemic runaway in a flap het up in a tizz excessively active happening alive kinetic buzzy thriving zesty full of life go-go peppy astir flourishing electrifying merry having kittens spreading like wildfire widespread out of hand mass in a cold sweat abubble full of activity abuzz aboil last-minute in a flat spin unnerved unrestrainable incensed possessed seething carried away driven to distraction in a fit out of one's wits


Marked by or showing careful attention to set forms and etiquette
ceremonious formal dignified solemn stately civil courtly courteous deferential imperial imposing precise exact punctilious regal ritual correct decorous deliberate measured nice proper rigid starchy stilted majestic scrupulous stiff grandiose imperious pompous seemly just so slow-moving stiff-necked conventional prim staid unbending stuffy unsympathetic aloof inflexible reserved remote unfriendly starched haughty detached unapproachable withdrawn official austere reticent serious unsocial taciturn forbidding undemonstrative uncommunicative unforthcoming antisocial unresponsive restrained polite straight arrow stand-offish strait-laced keeping people at arm's length by the numbers cool cold distant frigid frosty unemotional standoffish dispassionate offish indifferent icy unfeeling chilly unsociable passionless wooden impersonal unwelcoming emotionless cold-eyed cold-blooded sedate gelid composed collected placid self-controlled glacial unconcerned unclubbable asocial standoff solitary dry uncompanionable buttoned-up impassive stony bureaucratic secretive close businesslike self-contained calm sober uncordial chill clinical hostile uncongenial clammy phlegmatic antiseptic brittle hard-eyed inhibited lukewarm guarded unloving unsentimental unenthusiastic quiet inhospitable shy retiring supercilious reclusive disdainful apathetic diffident modest eremitic wintery bashful demure cautious misanthropic wintry coldish affectless grave mild tranquil frozen arctic serene ceremonial unruffled backward depersonalized gray grey unpassioned gentle peaceful noncommittal matter-of-fact close-mouthed imperturbable cold-hearted ritualistic colourless depersonalised colorless soft-spoken unflappable somber steady together possessed coolheaded unperturbed self-restrained untroubled traditional recollected undisturbed unworried strictly business sombre steely flinty self-possessed self-composed unsmiling cool as a cucumber stolid mannered stern severe uninterested stoical impassible stoic numb incurious passive controlled repellent neutral uppity cold-shoulder proud cold as ice impartial unshaken uninvolved mean-looking laid back thick-skinned hard-boiled stuffed-shirt uptight orthodox boring unmoved unaffectionate contained distinguished ornate elaborate august genteel off unexcitable stick-in-the-mud unamicable ungenial insolent annoyed offended impudent impertinent procacious offhand hesitant insociable arrogant unaffable portly forced spiritless unexcited grim unkind hardhearted callous dour stuck-up unneighbourly inhuman stony-hearted fierce uncaring put on airs unnatural labored laboured uncharitable unhappy unneighborly hateful depressing respectable featureless uncolored straight faceless candid equal nondiscriminatory abstract anonymous poker-faced careful soulless monolithic gruff intimidating strained artificial priggish down-to-earth grounded pacific louring insensitive ardorless impervious impotent unromantic loveless unrelaxed ungentle stark lowering rough cold turkey rugged conscionable observant overconscientious formalistic lifeless snooty lofty hard-hearted on ice stuck up cold fish lone wolf putting on airs silent introverted dumb closemouthed private laconic shrinking timid constrained retired snobbish Olympian tight-lipped media-shy self-effacing


Easily offended or shocked, especially by sexual matters
prudish prim puritanical Victorian formal niminy-piminy old-maidish priggish prissy schoolmarmish starchy strait-laced stuffy moralistic puritan bluenosed demure goody-goody governessy mimsy narrow-minded nice-nelly old-maid overmodest overnice proper schoolmistressy squeamish straightlaced straitlaced artificial austere bigoted conventional fastidious finicky genteel Grundyish illiberal mincing narrow offish overexact precise pretentious rigid rigorous scrupulous severe simpering square stern stiff stilted uptight prim and proper strict straight staid smug conservative pompous fussy fuddy-duddy nice stick-in-the-mud sedate tight-laced Pecksniffian respectable decorous precious old-fashioned sober moral self-righteous punctilious of the old school sententious sanctimonious shockable censorious pernickety holier-than-thou seemly decent particular polite snobbish overparticular ladylike po-faced pedantic self-satisfied choosy ceremonious correct square-toed conforming meticulous nit-picking solemn refined fogeyish goody-two-shoes virtuous reserved overscrupulous ascetic forbidding pietistic pious fanatical disapproving hair-shirt spartan prude Pharisaic abstemious abstinent hypocritical complacent vain timid pi stodgy epicene straight-laced god-fearing unctuous PC blue-nose cleanly good dapper upright stickling ceremonial spic-and-span spruce wooden dignified snooty mannered starched timorous niggly politically correct goody two-shoes namby-pamby stiff-necked posh impersonal overcautious serious conformist earnest humourless fusty patronising ostentatious patronizing condescending distingué old-fogeyish self-important arrogant supercilious humorless dry as dust magisterial important puffy la-di-da old-womanish becoming befitting gentlemanly discriminating fit right picky suitable modest mannerly fitting dainty demanding honourable orthodox honorable discerning sensitive critical done courteous exacting inflexible fine in line comme il faut by the book meet comely de rigueur by the numbers well-mannered finical pure persnickety sharp choosey keen selective perceptive faddy fussbudgety faddish finicking perfectionist acute careful hypercritical nitpicking delicate overdelicate hard to please over-particular difficult to please impossible to please nit-picky courtly civilized civilised civil appropriate polished gracious elegant cultured stately sophisticated cultivated urbane well bred well-bred couth distinguished composed well mannered accepted apt acceptable noble somber chivalrous standard gallant sombre tactful traditional diplomatic majestic dispassionate graceful gentle calm well-behaved presentable customary approved tasteful usual collected tranquil placid unruffled imperturbable cool restrained unflappable imposing imperial suave steady together possessed impressive grave grand coolheaded respectful unperturbed untroubled imperious regal recollected undisturbed unworried aristocratic classy self-composed self-possessed cool as a cucumber apposite official OK charming pukka august compatible in good taste deliberate respected congruous done thing affable superior accomplished debonair venerable exact unshaken discreet highbrow proud well behaved deferential magnificent portly just so educated womanly protocol in order politic boring seasonable kosher prudent okay ritual au fait smart impeccable admirable magnanimous creditable sublime measured suited unexcited stylish royal developed right stuff businesslike felicitous applicable fitted grandiose congenial consonant timely consistent pleasing worthy pretty pacific grounded tip-top top-notch lofty prescribed welcome happy slow-moving exalted genial cordial obliging pleasant kind the done thing well-respected high-class well-placed upper-class down-to-earth fair lordly kingly considerate thoughtful hard-boiled self-controlled set forced complaisant eminent in keeping mandatory required compulsory highfalutin' great nifty labored laboured unnatural obligatory well spoken soft-spoken well brought up well-spoken strained self-respecting frigid unrelaxed icy fixed bourgeois traditionalist suburban parochial regulation normal Pooterish doctrinal Biedermeier dogmatic small-town button-down bien pensant unbending unsympathetic aloof remote unfriendly detached haughty withdrawn unsocial reticent antisocial unforthcoming unresponsive undemonstrative unapproachable uncommunicative taciturn straight arrow keeping people at arm's length stand-offish


(of a quality or result) Achieved or maintained by careful and deliberate effort
studied deliberate calculated considered knowing planned intentional conscious premeditated purposeful measured reasoned advised wilful aforethought designed thoughtful prepense willful voluntary volitional weighed careful contrived prepared willing examined investigated studious mannered artificial feigned forced guarded labored laboured strained overdone overworked plotted reviewed thought-out self-conscious well-considered thought-about thought-through gone into intended purposive done on purpose preconceived witting willed pre-planned prearranged set thought out in advance contemplated purposed strategic unforced judicious determined well-thought-out well thought out predetermined wanton designful prudent thought out deliberately planned rational on purpose meant computed aimed cold-blooded meditated preconcerted reasoning reflective responsible informed proposed cogent lucid methodical circumspect sensible justified intelligent commonsense predestined contracted anticipated scrupulous rigged planned out learned fixed thought through well advised well-founded well chosen sober pondered provident tactical sewn-up politic well thought-out laid-out set-up schemed predesigned framed up predeterminate express organized organised diplomatic shrewd scheduled projected carefully chosen selected with care cunning well-planned outlined prospective cat-and-mouse estimated with forethought rehearsed optional discretionary open elective discretional unenforced unconstrained non-compulsory non-mandatory permissive uncompelled spontaneous independent unprescribed free-willed controlled freely gratuitous wished autonomous unasked not required chosen elected unbidden opted with intent at your discretion up to the individual open to choice programmed expected slated envisioned promised due targeted required destined pinned arranged set up hoped-for asked for counted on wished-for in the making on the docket according to a plan entrepreneurial cognizant mindful wary meditative aware planful cut-and-dried steered marked directed preset preplanned settled agreed cut and dried inevitable encoded established in advance inexorable pre-decided arranged in advance precogitated forethought decided beforehand pre-established bound pre-agreed doomed


Insecure with oneself
self-conscious shy embarrassed uneasy timid bashful retiring awkward nervous sheepish uncomfortable diffident anxious insecure edgy modest tense strained timorous shrinking stiff shamefaced inhibited discomfited uncertain unnatural gauche stilted unsure blushing artificial mannered ill at ease aw-shucks ill-at-ease out of countenance unsure of yourself like a fish out of water apprehensive reserved hesitant introverted unconfident unassertive meek abashed withdrawn coy reticent constrained ashamed troubled restless fearful nervy uptight jittery unrelaxed disquieted worried antsy mousy unsettled out of place on edge disturbed self-doubting perturbed jumpy discomposed humble upset distressed quiet unassured reluctant doubtful wary passive lacking self-confidence not self-assured lacking confidence self-effacing on tenterhooks fidgety bothered unquiet forced demure humiliated fazed twitchy discombobulated hung up distrustful suspicious backward laboured vexed recessive contrived labored approval-seeking guarded introvert submissive chary cold rabbity tongue-tied lacking assurance faint-hearted not confident lacking in confidence red-faced blushful unassuming discomforted attention-seeking validation-seeking permission-seeking silent disorientated weak unforthcoming disoriented bewildered fretful tormented agitated unobtrusive rattled overmodest laborious lacking social skills doubting verecund recoiling easily embarrassed unpresuming mim stressy mincing shaken perplexed strange high-strung lost in turmoil angry annoyed galled chafed unpoised undemonstrative wooden unresponsive passionless shamed faltering humbled skittish controlled distant cool stand-offish aloof flushed restive mousey demeaned scary tremulous on pins and needles fainthearted chagrined reddening turning red flushing hangdog fearsome hinky goosey keyed up dithery atwitter queasy het up queazy aflutter flustered pusillanimous discountenanced debased quivery disconcerted prudish restrained blush to think of stammering stuttering distraught muddled repressed soft-spoken cautious reclusive standoffish uncommunicative taciturn close-mouthed secretive close offish uncompanionable self-restrained dumb frigid unapproachable formal private icy solitary eremitic closemouthed misanthropic mild laconic conventional prim sedate serene composed collected gentle ceremonious peaceful noncommittal placid self-contained media-shy tight-lipped unsociable detached remote self-controlled unspeaking mum mom clammed up dummied up indifferent unconcerned uninterested incurious discreet casual uncurious disinterested dark nongregarious thoughtful inward-looking socially inhibited unwilling close-lipped tight-mouthed dried up wouldn't say boo to a goose wordless speechless mute voiceless untalkative muted nonvocal not talkative struck dumb hushed zipped unable to get a word out closed up inarticulate buttoned up at a loss for words not saying boo bereft of speech silentious lost for words unheard saying nothing unfriendly unemotional chilly retired snobbish Olympian


Affectedly coy or ingratiating


Deliberately or affectedly playful and teasing
arch mischievous roguish impish puckish waggish devilish rascally wicked playful sly prankish tricksy knavish scampish teasing elvish leprechaunish pixieish naughty frolicsome pixie pixy flippant elfin cheeky saucy artful pert knowing coy cunning wily tongue-in-cheek sportive ludic coquettish elfish kittenish flirtatious espiègle whimsical flirty frisky skittish jesting jokey jocular humorous joking frivolous facetious jocose jaunty light-hearted amorous in fun in jest inviting dallying raffish rakish provocative flighty lively witty spirited amusing funny seductive pixilated implike come-hither gamesome droll comical merry cute demure vampish philandering comic sprightly chucklesome bantering lighthearted high-spirited gay giddy unserious tongue in cheek elven elflike flirting pawky pixie-like foxy tricky pixyish misbehaving mysterious disobedient slick deceiving crafty beguiling sneaky fun troublemaking mischief-making jovial casual devil-may-care offhand fiendish fresh joshing laughable silly pleasant wisecracking capering satirical wry for a laugh as a joke good-natured to tease free and easy full of mischief putting one on pulling one's leg not serious entertaining coltish enticing risible flip glib jolly spoony libidinous clowning snappy jocund bubbly mirthful cheerful joyous blithe larkish come-on vivacious frolic superficial fun-loving diverting hilarious ridiculous ludicrous sidesplitting farcical rib-tickling side-splitting hysterical wacky humoristic comedic zany hysteric antic uproarious riotous screaming priceless absurd clever killing campy camp smart sparkling slapstick rollicking scintillating inane good-humoured good-humored gelastic quick-witted boffo a scream for grins preposterous engaging fatuous crazy daft gleeful rich sharp sportful quick larky senseless fay hysterically funny light smart-alecky sharp-witted flakey flaky killingly funny smart-aleck happy a hoot a laugh too funny for words ironic gagged up non-serious nonserious eccentric shallow clownish ribald odd screamingly funny cheery laughing blithesome sunny festive quirky quaint off-the-wall oddball bright joculous daffy a barrel of laughs brilliant crack-up riot quizzical laffer fanciful cocky sassy inappropriate intelligent keen original penetrating perky exuberant wanton ingenious wise impertinent sarcastic sardonic piquant epigrammatic piercing zippy peppy highbrowed snazzy tactful profound racy nimble-witted cutting quick on the draw quick on the uptake frolicky loony jerky goofy fool dippy fool-headed nutty batty gump dizzy screwy goofus rude irreverent impudent dismissive disrespectful precious cutesy smarty-pants a card a caution fool around crazy shtick Mickey Mouse breezy mincingly clever lippy laugh-a-minute full of beans off the wall funny ha-ha ha-ha funny interesting enjoyable delightful pleasing enchanting pleasurable charming agreeable cheering gratifying novel gladdening gut-busting cut up


Emotionally upset or distressed
cut up sad distressed unhappy miserable upset saddened heartbroken devastated distraught troubled grieved hurt dismayed traumatised traumatized in a state in a bad way depressed dejected mournful despondent grieving anguished down despairing sorrowful doleful melancholy woeful broken-hearted inconsolable grief-stricken dolorous woebegone desolate brokenhearted cheerless wretched heavyhearted heartsick afflicted gutted downcast forlorn disconsolate tormented glum downhearted crestfallen sorrowing dispirited crushed suffering hurting cast down down in the dumps pained agonized sorry rueful morose weeping blue bereaved joyless mourning low-spirited agonised disheartened sullen discouraged tearful gloomy perturbed bothered melancholic disappointed heavy-hearted sombre somber broken choked droopy hangdog heartsore low overwhelmed overcome with sorrow heavy with grief down in the mouth angst-ridden displeased bitter wailing dolesome concerned disconcerted disturbed bewailing bemoaning anxious discombobulated uptight dismal tortured aching shook antsy bugged hopeless irked solemn lamenting in low spirits lonesome overcome harrowed lonely racked with pain chap-fallen all torn up tragic shook up racked with suffering wounded plangent lamentable funeral deploring pining mortified bad sick as a parrot shattered lugubrious plaintive regretful gray companionless in a blue funk lorn grey saddening bereft painful pathetic pitiful pitiable poor abject worthless piteous comfortless spiritless dreary powerless calamitous depressive helpless heartrending bummed in the pits mirthless down-and-out elegiacal bleak heartbreaking downtrodden long-faced drear sour hapless disillusioned discontented dissatisfied disgruntled shaken vexed ruffled disquieted unnerved agitated discomposed disenchanted harassed flustered aflutter wrecked discountenanced plagued frustrated discomfited chagrined miffed jumpy in a tizzy haunted in pain spooked unglued strung out persecuted bummed out in a stew beaten let down unsatisfied taken down worsted vanquished as sick as a parrot aghast baulked chapfallen objecting balked shot down worried aggrieved emotional tristful down-hearted demoralized demoralised teary weepy burnt burned wistful sore contused in doldrums in tears in grief in the dumps pessimistic funereal dull depressing saturnine black in despair grim morbid oppressed defeatist ruthful dark elegiac desperate dire dispiriting godforsaken oppressive cold murky darkening tenebrous tenebrific chill plutonian sepulchral dreich sunless cloudy mopey Cimmerian fed up sick at heart lachrymose drab distressing drearisome uninviting austere unwelcoming resigned disheartening dour dim inhospitable dingy bare stark bland clinical moody sunk draggy dejecting uncomfortable impersonal listless wintry jarring wintery institutional bowed down destroyed singing the blues sobbing crying shocked whimpering blubbering suicidal snivelling racked greeting blubbing larmoyant grievous weary sniveling howling close to tears in sorrow in mourning down in dumps negative full of sorrow long-suffering out of sorts down-in-the-mouth unfortunate cheesed off weighed down unconsolable triste languid sulky on the verge of tears dysphoric cast-down languorous at the end of your tether angry annoyed cross intimidated deplorable fraught stunned grumpy browbeaten daunted sick dolent affecting sapped poignant sorry for yourself heavy luckless bleeding harrowing dragged brooding devitalized deflated downbeat strained down in mouth pensive in distress crummy down and out uneasy careworn ailing in anguish discouraging doomed sinister at wits' end defeated brassed off ripped torn-up discontent in the doldrums unmitigable frantic unable to be comforted beside oneself with grief unable to be consoled prostrate with grief on a downer horrible foreboding ominous languished ground down having the blahs crabby having blue devils anxiety-ridden sensitive teary-eyed mawkish maudlin gut-wrenching base Eeyorish mentally defeated griefstricken damp remorseful up the creek without hope no-win cynical strabilious with tears in your eyes atrocious stricken apologetic bummed-out worn down hag-ridden can't win not a prayer in the soup in shock at end of one's rope worn out emotionally scarred afraid guilt-ridden blubbery bawling moist watery wet


Being easily influenced (especially of young people)
impressionable susceptible persuadable pliable suggestible malleable influenceable receptive responsive pliant open sensitive gullible susceptive vulnerable ingenuous trusting credulous naive exploitable mouldable perceptive impressible affectable feeling plastic sensible sensile sentient easily influenced easily led wax-like yielding amenable tractable compliant biddable manageable docile manipulable persuasible accommodating submissive governable adaptable obedient complaisant cooperative controllable acquiescent suasible moldable open-minded soft swayable acceptive meek bendy accessible weak like putty in your hands formative ductile flexible supple transformable go-with-the-flow acceptant willing easy easily swayed broad-minded open to suggestions pervious open to new ideas well-disposed ready to consider new ideas willing to consider new ideas inexperienced welcoming interested unsuspecting friendly favourable agreeable bendable pushover prone waxen tame favorable innocent tender ready weak-willed putty in one's hands rolls with punches well disposed wide-eyed feeble-minded over-trusting over-trustful easily deceived easily taken in easily taken advantage of readily taken advantage of easily persuaded sympathetic convincible obliging unformed submitting frail spongy easily tempted encourageable developmental shapable shapeable elastic developing unwary gullable inclined given defenceless growing predisposed nonresistant emotional disposed waxy movable defenseless easily handled unassertive humble conformable obsequious dutiful passive workable deferential foundational seminal creative immature servile sycophantic dewy-eyed wide open fall for subdued game able to be influenced thin-skinned easily moved sitting duck highly strung at risk out on a limb law-abiding approachable pusillanimous spineless weak-minded changeable yellow-bellied without guts weak-kneed


In a state of nervous excitement or anxiety
overwrought agitated tense distracted distraught frantic excited overexcited wired hysterical uptight desperate frenzied nervous neurotic upset anxious distressed edgy fidgety jumpy on edge beside oneself jittery panicky restless worked up feverish heated hectic highly strung hyperactive keyed up nervy overactive twitchy wrought-up adrenalized in a state stressy strung out swivel-eyed tooshie wound up crazy emotional excitable fired-up freaked-out het up high high-strung hot-and-bothered hyper keyed-up overstrung overwhelmed spent stirred stressed strung-out strung up tired touchy under a strain uneasy unstrung weary worked-up worn wound-up beside yourself throwing a wobbly flipped out in a tizzy in a twitter out of your mind steamed up all shook up hot under collar at the end of your tether worried apprehensive troubled perturbed antsy in a flap in a tizz unquiet frightened disturbed ill at ease fearful dithery aflutter toey insecure scared queazy queasy all of a dither atwitter hung up bothered windy having kittens in a state of agitation flustered strained hinky goosey fretful on tenterhooks in a state of nerves in a stew wrought up squirrelly spooky discomposed alarmed all of a lather like a cat on a hot tin roof shaken shaky on pins and needles in a sweat disquieted dismayed afraid in a twit concerned unsettled all of a doodah disconcerted spooked ruffled rattled in a dither in a cold sweat a bundle of nerves in a panic trembling unnerved annoyed bricking oneself flurried shocked vexed in suspense worried sick shook up hurt uncomfortable grieved shaking febrile terrified choked irked in a flat spin hot and bothered like a cat on hot bricks quaking in a fluster unrelaxed startled restive sad saddened irrational irritable aghast fraught discombobulated anguished horrified hassled disappointed confused clutched tormented under stress gutted discountenanced muddled unglued inconvenienced panic-stricken irritated waiting for the axe to fall stressed out in a tiz-woz waiting with bated breath with your heart in your mouth fretting afflicted overanxious aroused fevered petrified inflamed panic-struck quivering harassed unhappy terror-struck sensitive daunted angstful solicitous horror-struck bugged angsty beset horror-stricken terror-stricken timorous scared to death scared stiff a wreck hot under the collar hysteric provoked frozen frit thrown white-knuckled riled angered like a fish out of water tortured plagued blue shot to pieces in a funk worried stiff nervous wreck in a blue funk having butterflies in the stomach bundle of nerves with one's stomach in knots broken up put out cut up shaking in one's shoes bummed out frightened out of your wits scared out of your wits in a pother moved flushed intense skittish animated roused frazzled aquiver fractious frisky creepy unrestful overemotional unreluctant flighty hyped-up afire atingle hyperexcited worrying angry histrionic aggravated miffed pained falling apart pestered careful asea fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting anxiously waiting nervously awaiting zipped up hot juiced up exacerbated harrowed displeased chagrined mortified dispirited traumatized harried agog discomfited devastated embarrassed impatient watchful shivery taut intimidated avid fazed suspicious dreading at fever pitch emotive crushed heartbroken cowardly timid wrung in a spin obsessive compulsive manic sweating bullets a basket case cowering open-mouthed all agog with bated breath pusillanimous cowed terrorized affrighted self-conscious offended fretted afeared chicken yellow feart stunned terrorised all nerves in turmoil on the qui vive traumatised shattered in awe having cold feet alarmed at faint-hearted scared witless running scared apprehensive about intimidated by shaking like a leaf fixated unstable oversensitive phobic fluttery low pressured stirred up in a lather verklempt unzipped wounded abnormal unhealthy paranoid funky frightened to death broken-hearted shell-shocked emotionally defeated strung-up hag-ridden come apart at sixes and sevens in disorder psyched out all torn up amazed emotionally charged hesitant maladjusted tearing one's hair out in a frenzy injured damaged inhibited disoriented aberrant deviant erratic disordered obsessed under pressure up the wall white knuckled impaired basket case shy mousy tremulous uncertain brittle shrinking scary spineless fearsome lily-livered irresolute trepidatious mousey wriggly squirmy fainthearted skittery easily frightened gutless diffident retiring unsure wiggly itchy bashful spiritless craven awkward wet tentative weak jerky nail-biting feeling anxious weak-kneed soft out of place yellow-bellied recreant chicken-hearted unassured unconfident sissy restlessly moving chicken-livered unsteady wary active fidgeting doubtful rabbity tossing and turning spookish skitterish stir-crazy very nervous angst-ridden twittering indecisive dithering wavering vacillating nerve-racking stressful swithering mouselike faltering unnatural gauche Delphic unpoised nerves on edge blushing all wound up withdrawn caught up easily agitated strict conventional cautious graceless all of a flutter exasperated disorientated champing at the bit distrustful abashed weak-willed unmanly boneless pigeon-hearted turbulent unpeaceful bewildered spasmodic fitful old-fashioned half-hearted easily scared weakling on the defensive strange perplexed lost foreboding mistrustful numb butterflies jellyfish unheroic stiff wimpish wimpy candy-assed having cabin fever mentally unsettled dastardly chickenhearted poltroon jiggly gun-shy having stage fright biting nails having a funny feeling coy poor-spirited in fear and trepidation very scared pushing the panic button have cold feet numb with fear reluctant unassertive milk-livered goose-bumpy pathetic wakeful meek impotent insomniac squeamish temperamental sheepish characterless nerveless miserable awake unsleeping impetuous insomnolent irascible submissive passive alert volatile paralysed with fear vigilant wretched disconsolate dejected despondent depressed fiery moody without sleep wide awake wide-awake quivery attentive sleepless morose heavyhearted broken melancholy sorrowful doleful bitter dolorous desolate inconsolable cheerless lacking confidence lacking self-confidence eccentric lacking in confidence lacking assurance self-doubting not self-assured not confident grieving despairing weeping down bereaved wrecked mournful heartsick rueful hurting hyperexcitable mercurial passionate tempestuous hyperkinetic mourning haunted woeful shook agonized dolesome frozen with fear paralyzed with fear sorrowing woebegone in pain heavy with grief bewailing persecuted bemoaning wailing agonised racked with suffering suffering aching overcome with sorrow racked with pain grief-stricken brokenhearted


Experiencing or marked by overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement
intoxicated euphoric exhilarated ecstatic elated enraptured elevated enrapt entranced giddy heady rapt rapturous rhapsodic rhapsodical dizzy excited high sent stimulated infatuated absorbed captivated concerned delirious galvanised galvanized interested moved piqued quickened turned-on beside oneself extremely happy overjoyed delighted happy on cloud nine thrilled over the moon joyful joyous transported blissful jubilant exultant gleeful in seventh heaven animated stoked blissed out in raptures enchanted on a high walking on air enthusiastic frenzied on top of the world wrapped cheerful orgasmic tickled pink wild in high spirits cock-a-hoop flying high carried away jovial jumping for joy glad inspired jolly peppy tickled fervent upbeat hysterical sunny delightful enthused ravished cheery exalted pleased corybantic looking good beside oneself with joy wigged out beside oneself with happiness floating on air in transports of delight buoyant roused merry exuberant contented aroused peaceful lively pleasant chirpy gratified convivial laughing up content gay blessed perky chipper light sparkling playful blest mirthful blithe can't complain floating beatific full of beans emotional crazy in a frenzy on cloud seven in transports at ease delirious with happiness tickled to death wild with excitement in a frenzy of delight in heaven impassioned charmed flushed overwhelmed ardent fascinated passionate beguiled bright bewitched enthralled spellbound filled with joy ebullient zestful exhilarative energized high-spirited energised frantic in paradise in rhapsodies enamoured enamored distrait distraught hysteric agitated distracted explosive emotive fervid proud Corybantic flying cheered drunk beside yourself overwrought puffed up hopped up set up fired up providential sober poised measured collected composed pacific possessed commodious effervescent welcome wonderful pleasurable enjoyable pleasing heartwarming fantastic eager jocund vivacious desirous amusing optimistic glowing humorous winsome boon boisterous hilarious satisfied chuffed gladsome carefree riotous grinning uproarious larking jumping radiant festive grooving encouraged excitable willing enlivened engaged great motivated lighthearted zippy smiley saturnalian paradisiacal sanguine zingy paradisiac rousing well thankful zappy rollicking blithesome fulfilled rosy paradisal untroubled fun hopeful paradisaical frolicsome rocking rejoicing beaming triumphant paradisaic gung ho inclined electrified craving sportive smiling comfortable entertained magical easy unruffled hushed unflustered sedate unworried unperturbed hung up avid amenable athirst hungry agog impatient bursting disposed solicitous awakened longing pining ambitious sparky appetent keen thirsty restive Panglossian geeked hankering greedy hepped up hopped-up covetous feel-good starry-eyed rip-roaring in good spirits as pleased as Punch as happy as a clam as happy as a sandboy light-hearted rose-colored as happy as Larry fun-loving in a good mood like a dog with two tails tumultuous bright-eyed and bushy-tailed alive good aflame self-possessed at peace jazzed pumped-up overexcited mad dreamy athrill in exaltation turned on pleased as punch very happy pumped raring voracious anxious antsy juiced hot nuts zealous spirited yearning energetic champing at the bit itching bouncy keyed up chomping at the bit dying fanatical intent ready vehement bubbly stirred psyched keen as mustard desiring wholehearted jaunty breathless dedicated aching sprightly vigorous ready and willing dynamic raring to go active peart restless earnest mad keen psyched up crank devoted as keen as mustard worked up irrepressible charged intense full of life committed gagging breezy wishing frolic gamesome unrestrained atingle animate afire feverish vibrant expectant nutty rowdy unruly wishful juiced up on tenterhooks disorderly driven rumbustious on fire rambunctious raucous as merry as a grig obsessed dying to bright and breezy heated determined hot to trot rarin' to go titillated waiting with bated breath uncontrolled desirous of vital assiduous thirsting fierce fiery uplifted activated diligent inspirited gloating airy hoping itchy hearty wacky frisky mettlesome in suspense of good cheer pert zesty game stirred up alive and kicking full of vim and vigour perfervid industrious noisy on pins and needles conscientious warmblooded grasping exulting passional potty acquisitive crowing lawless rabid glorying forceful clamorous daft touched prideful alert flipping desperate insatiable prepared termagant warm brisk impetuous triumphalist very keen on intent on red-hot influenced itching for turnt dying for vociferous obstreperous pumped up pizazzy bouncing springy snappy kinetic jazzy racy spanking pizzazzy brash unbridled rowdydowdy amused gone on geared up romping out of control all agog cranked up feeling one's oats on edge dashing set on bent on with bated breath full of fun happy-go-lucky on the edge of your seat in a hurry hankering after amped-up uncontrollable approving compulsive aglow ablaze fired hyper very keen curious edgy triumphal started celebrating raving tingling tingly amped very enthusiastic untrammeled untrammelled aggressive proactive bullish banzai chafing straining restored refreshed revitalized dotty nutso infatuated with devoted to enamoured of hot for smitten with daring burning lusting cottonmouthed juiceless sapless take-charge can-do bold extremely enthusiastic bubbling very excited revitalised set ripe scintillating all a-gog full of the joys of spring open-mouthed doing handsprings bone-dry habitual unreluctant diehard fain tantalized unqualified in love with enamored of hooked on ravenous consumed with desire self-driven spunky jumping up and down straining at the leash coltish grateful flattered privileged partial to crazy for wild for tantalised bugged gaga minded dry as dust self-starting swaggering gallant kooky zany full of enthusiasm boastful gotta have revelling favourably inclined victorious reveling predatious up for on for in the mood of a mind pysched up skittish chafing at the bit unsatisfied intemperate unfilled rapacious insatiate awestruck amazed honoured honored riled up ludic kittenish frolicky gladdened diverted effusive wanton with an appetite covetous of in need of lusting after with a yen in want of frothy gushing jocular jumpy wicked larkish prankish full of get-up-and-go full of joie de vivre enchanté jocose def in trendy groovy now mod hep downtown with-it cool hip made up very pleased pleasantly surprised like a child with a new toy quick smug vivid anticipatory go-go roisterous waiting expecting vitalized rough knockabout wigged-out awaiting anticipating agape anticipant robustious au courant abandoned watchful apprehensive undisciplined transfixed astounded roistering anticipative vigilant brawling hell-raising looking for waiting on over-the-top wanting lustful envious prehensile amorous aspiring longing for hoping for keen on anxious for yearning for ambitious for eager for aspiring to ready for willing for avid for hopeful for aspiring towards keen for greedy for ravening for thirsty for craving for wishing for hungry for


To have affected or changed the outcome of
influenced governed modified shaped shope transformed altered changed manipulated molded predisposed adjusted amended converted reshaped shifted bore upon borne upon born upon had an impact on impinged upon moulded reworked revamped redesigned edited rewrought revised tweaked adapted refashioned modulated tempered renovated remade remodeled redid restyled remodelled moderated made over morphed regenerated reconstructed reorganized remoulded retooled rehashed tailored regulated reordered translated redressed improved became different commuted reviewed reoriented fashioned turned around redrafted reconciled made alterations to shuffled reorganised rewrote recast refined remixed revolutionized warped tampered reconfigured rejigged made innovations remolded arranged reorientated made adjustments to reconstituted readjusted emendated freshened up tampered with reworded ordered rejiggered diversified rectified made different replaced reshuffled revolutionised rearranged tuned permuted alternated varied metamorphosed turned transmuted transfigured mutated switched transposed transmogrified corrected fit customized reformed interchanged doctored overhauled customised redone moved evolved updated put rebuilt emended developt developed set rephrased conditioned repaired transubstantiated transferred upgraded made recalibrated accommodated attuned fixed up switched over fitted alchemized fixed fixt conformed suited rescripted reversed cut shapen set right acclimatized swapped veered restructured rewritten harmonized acclimated swung mended reconditioned rethought harmonised acclimatised fine-tuned tailor-made realigned substituted redeveloped renewed debugged diverged rehabilitated squared put right retouched applied appropriated downloaded rendered reset downlinked permutated exchanged sorted out moved around touched up flip-flopped changed around progressed calibrated remedied traded deviated bettered righted regrouped modernized backtracked swerved retracted polished prepared settled red-penciled red-pencilled metamorphosized fluctuated transitioned become quadrated swapped round changed round shaped up cleaned up become different dialed back vacillated modernised turned upside down turned the tables swang swungen repositioned putten redistributed familiarized redirected budged made an alteration made an adjustment juggled straightened accustomed redeployed wheeled balanced habituated metastasized metamorphized enhanced pivoted personalized ameliorated inverted backpedalled backpedaled wrought worked segued sheered advanced rejuvenated sidetracked cured bent bended aligned deflected refurbished reconsidered designed whipped digressed redisposed organized rebranded passed jiggered relocated transmutated composed qualified diverted remastered dealt with managed merged restored reproduced refitted redrawn redrew scrubbed made good controlled snapped snapt reclaimed tightened sorted put in position resolved produced new version organised doubled back changed your mind flip-flopped on changed mind had second thoughts set aside yo-yoed on personalised put in other words put in working order set to rights tidied up made changes to set the record straight made to order focused reverted put in order shifted gears processed cut to fit switched round patched up about-faced changed direction found your feet changed one's tune stirred up put differently made improvements to changed opinion custom-made put another way brought up to code changed gears on straightened out differentiated ironed out fiddled with focussed put in place familiarised shifted one's ground set straight grew grown shook up shaken up becomed becomen became undergone a sea change did up played around with jiggled around done up underwent a sea change removed positioned reused rerouted displaced abated determined returned to rationalized restated patterned clarified computed decided formed crunched had an effect touched made an impression exerted influence had an influence dislocated pulled bartered transplanted pushed curved reiterated subedited discussed blent blended repeated rescheduled planned redacted drifted paraphrased reinforced distorted methodized reacclimated wound meandered treated contorted winded integrated did again gone over done again went over orientated toned biased afflicted reached impressed agitated biassed zigzagged looped classified overturned slipped twisted introduced initiated acquainted revivified revitalized recanted concocted re-evaluated worked on assimilated handled reappraised reassessed reevaluated said again bowdlerized stated differently expurgated censored transited spring-cleaned styled restituted resurrected hacked calculated encrypted cracked deformed matched detoured weaved decrypted recalled trucked inflected channelled channeled generated reenforced acculturated domesticated normalized made ready trimmed rehabbed touched on born on whirled deciphered departed snaked swayed reneged geared checked reformatted complied coordinated seen to saw to uplifted averted innovated aged matured ripened massaged dovetailed reinvented scanned played down added a rider to done over made consistent cleaned out mined posted made specially passed around custom-built redecorated returned become accustomed to changed the format inclined got accustomed become naturalized picked up paid dues helped learnt about lessened played oneself in expressed differently hot roded plotted optimized sung a different song bowdlerised made additions to proportioned rechannelled backed down backslid directed made a right made conform changed completely turned aside sang a different song blue-pencilled offled cornered did an about-face did over revitalised deconflicted headed off attended to graded found one's way around denatured changed the course of manoeuvred did a U-turn on stored normalised got used corresponded yawed administered brought into line done a U-turn on oriented juggled around curbed made a left familiarized with become seasoned shaded done an about-face hung a left rechanneled eaten your words sized re-formed weighed into made a clean sweep lowered made conditional retraced restrained doctored up added reservations to made right changed drastically troubleshooted backed off archived said differently inversed impacted reneged on compressed contrived moved round fetched remapped turned off turned over new leaf ate your words made far-reaching changes in cooked effected digitally remastered caused revolution thought better of made better re-created disposed prepared for publication scraped performed on twiddled optimised measured underwent a change learned to live with come to accept backed transmitted cleared up filtered familiarized oneself with become clearly visible as did an about-turn rationalised maneuvered reduced blue-penciled mixed up recoiled hung a right did a U-turn come to terms with arranged differently troubleshot tuned up declassified channelled away corrected mid-course sharpened done a U-turn undergone a change done an about-turn cleaned up your act altered dramatically done an about-turn on unsaid decided against turned the corner toned down changed gradually did an about-turn on made to measure cleared out backtracked on withcalled gone went gone back to went back to woven wove withdrawn withdrew taken care of acted on took care of sang different tune sung different tune re-presented wrote over written over drawn away drew away broken with past broke with past got with it holp holpen gotten with it backslided took a bend taken a bend backslidden added to acted with became clearly visible as broken with the past broke with the past got used to gotten used to became seasoned came to accept gotten your bearings came to terms with became naturalized got your bearings became accustomed to took back gone back on taken back backed out of went back on done an aboutface did an aboutface broke broken brake


To have been persuaded based on available information
led caused induced prompted persuaded moved swayed influenced motivated conditioned drove predisposed compelled inclined made convinced disposed impelled biased biassed brought determined forced gave incited inspired instigated provoked brought round enticed got impressed on prevailed on stimulated triggered urged drew effectuated enkindled made willing prevailed obliged mobilized encouraged pressed goaded spurred propelled pushed coerced prodded galvanised invigorated mobilised roused directed emboldened sparked envigorated enthused galvanized imposed on actuated spurred on oriented excited aroused stirred fired up stirred up animated egged on inflamed pricked piqued inspirited activated agitated drave driven druv prest whipped up electrified put up to lit a fire under fomented quickened worked up awakened fired energized exhorted wakened generated energised fired the imagination of fired the enthusiasm of kindled enlivened rallied leaded impassioned nudged needled sicced set on put a bomb under keyed up sparked off revved up set going stung vitalized promoted vivified exhilarated whipped incentivized thrilled whetted waked tempted titillated pepped up innervated got someone going drummed up turned on gotten going got going engendered raised pressured abetted startled started hounded kick-started solicited challenged filliped braced spiked egged fanned livened up worked wrought primed jump-started set procured increased gingered up countenanced constrained innerved zipped up touched off juiced up set in motion set off called forth acted as a stimulus to jazzed up amped up put in motion rooted on livened woke woken besought beseeched revived refreshed strengthened jolted shocked attracted revitalized evoked gladdened prejudiced courted fostered badgered catalyzed prepared initiated disturbed resuscitated elicited created heartened brewed riled drawn fermented pressurized hooked harassed coaxed reanimated reactivated bestirred charged fueled fuelled dynamized dug intoxicated picked grabbed touched dragooned buoyed bullied revivified allured wooed reinvigorated awaked lit up cheered up reminded chivvied favoured favored nurtured indoctrinated brought out rousted exalted pressurised brought about made alive made you of a mind to lured made wild vivificated brought into being cultivated brought around taught buoyed up astonished worked into lather agitated for made expectant fanned the flames of stunned cheered got to invited frightened breathed new life into summoned called into being pumped up brought on acted as a incentive to whomped up acted as an incentive to precipitated fired with enthusiasm struck issued dispatched geed up entreated agitated against revitalised spirited up elated heated up informed bended bent made of a mind to lashed prevailed upon het up flirted with drove on governed commanded triggered off sprung whetted one's appetite impressed left the door open to wound up asked for talked into commoved driven on rooted bucked up catalysed brought on oneself called for zapped given stricken drew forth drawn forth gave life to given life to sowed the seeds of sown the seeds of gotten gat awoken awoke gave the incentive to given the incentive to gave a shot in the arm gave someone a kick given someone a kick given a shot in the arm gotten to shaken up sprang grew grown shook up gave new life to given a buzz gave a buzz given new life to made to happen begged for led to made happen


To have caused or brought about through action
created caused triggered effected initiated instigated produced incited induced provoked gave rise to generated introduced led to precipitated promoted prompted set off brought about brought to pass elicited engendered evoked inspired kindled sowed the seeds of triggered off bred contributed to enkindled fostered hatched made for occasioned stirred up whipped up established developed started originated instituted effectuated found founded catalysed made set up catalyzed brought on invoked brought formed commenced began executed designed built organized launched engineered crafted enacted set down constructed set in motion embarked on forged organised materialised fashioned realised actualized constituted moulded installed materialized machinated composed assembled realized setted put in motion authored fabricated cast pieced shope erected rendered rigged brought into existence secured shaped brought into being inaugurated put in place knocked up knocked together germinated molded did exercised stimulated aroused sparked off called forth awakened excited activated roused raised brought out resulted in fired wakened summoned up stirred educed fomented touched off rallied given rise to animated recalled conjured up waked worked up called into being spawned spurred revived awaked brought forth set going called up rekindled inflamed summoned yielded begat begot begotten whetted fanned enlivened vivified translated into drew forth drawn forth culminated in compelled ended in encouraged sparked motivated developt finished in extracted instilled called to mind set on brought back put one in mind of brought to mind fired up advanced woke woken conjured recollected cultivated reawakened piqued mustered worked wrought abetted quickened awoken awoke bestirred actuated entailed made possible evinced terminated in drawn out drew out drave driven druv drove yolden yold involved resurrected called drawn drew agitated meaned meant extorted moved brewed fermented influenced spelled extraught redounded to set on foot set afoot added up to made to happen pulled contrived keyed up made happen thought back to thought of set in beared recaptured egged on begun done sown the seeds of drew on drawn on resuscitated furthered reanimated refound reexperienced invited remembered played a part in planted lodged implanted manifested necessitated renewed amounted to played a role in echoed recreated suggested opened accomplished achieved had a hand in impelled exacted picked rediscovered thrilled made up attained pushed forward opened the door for obtained derived impassioned galvanized inspirited sharpened fetched reignited goaded urged started up cooked up drummed up turned on oiled the wheels of procured primed carried off caused to happen kick-started resulted had a part in helped conduced contributed caused to occur started the ball rolling caused to appear prodded revved up breathed life into invocated brought off pushed whomped up had the effect of started off forwarded suscitated bore reminded pulled off galvanised produced as by magic borne spurred on built up carried through expedited conduced to called upon reminded you of brought up given gave was a factor in added to been a factor in were a factor in got things rolling gotten things rolling sown sowed alluded to burnt up gotten smoking got smoking burned up been responsible for were responsible for been partly responsible for was responsible for was partly responsible for holp holpen were partly responsible for broke in broke the ice broken the ice broken in took back taken back


To have instigated the curiosity or attention of someone
interested attracted appealed to drew engrossed excited fascinated intrigued tempted captivated entertained enthralled lured snared tantalized titillated amused aroused concerned distracted engaged gripped hooked involved perked up pleased pulled touched mattered to mesmerised mesmerized moved riveted rivetted tantalised turned on beguiled bemused caught one's eye diverted enchanted grabbed immersed piqued absorbed absorpt aroused one's curiosity bewitched captured one's imagination engaged one's attention floated someone's boat held held one's attention lit someone's fire occupied preoccupied sat up tickled someone's fancy whetted one's appetite arrested busied enwrapped consumed obsessed threw enmeshed enraptured mired assimilated connected lost charmed spellbound allured entranced hypnotized hypnotised delighted magnetized magnetised enticed bedazzled transfixed dazzled seduced ravished wiled caught up thrilled wowed witched raptured bowled over swept off feet tickled pink killed overwhelmed enamored holden gratified carried away held spellbound drawn transported impressed gladdened ensnared enamoured tickled stimulated stirred won amazed won over knocked out knocked dead caught captured awed astounded slayed invited infatuated sent overcome tickled your fancy put under a spell struck stupefied wooed staggered satisfied astonished held your attention held the attention of overawed floored exhilarated fixated cheered intoxicated dumbfounded inveigled solaced monopolized elated beset stunned regaled rapped induced roused delectated inflamed enslaved caught the eye of held in awe hit the spot led on tickle to death monopolised made a hit with slew slain electrified provoked employed influenced dazed disported engulfed overpowered baited persuaded overjoyed courted compelled inspired controlled appealed overcame vamped made happy roped in pulled in brought in whetted the appetite of swept someone off their feet stricken teased bewildered took your breath away blown away taken your breath away blew away possessed contented haunted betrayed pleasured solicited gained seized decoyed fixed fixt misled hounded elevated kindled rejoiced deluded filled tormented recreated plagued humored humoured indulged quickened subjugated enlivened subdued beckoned tranced relaxed arrided fulfilled took taken ensorcelled fractured soaked made your mouth water cast a spell on bid scintillated put the whammy on steered preyed on your mind tied up put 'em away pleased greatly turned someone on left speechless tickled to death sucked in put under magic spell put horns on caught your eye kept busy hit on sent into raptures caught hold of sparked whetted wakened stirred up given pleasure to kept taken up maintained took up gave pleasure to called coaxed entrapped charged galvanized deceived trapped petrified enveloped endeared cajoled uplifted heartened palpated besotted befooled grappled gorgonized prompted jubilated exulted got going surprised inclined warmed rooted paralyzed paralysed wheedled buried psyched fired animated sent into transports got lost in had a grip on drawn attention mousetrapped become lost touted struck dumb riveted the attention of aroused curiosity turned one's head freaked out inspirited exerted influence on got picked up made a fool of hogged applied cracked up led astray nurtured come on blinded attended bound comforted owned ecstasized called forth took aback cornered brought joy to psyched out signed had an impact on indicated gladded partied gave a buzz asked agreed with filled with delight bedevilled voodooed flirted with switched on galvanised swept you off your feet subjected laughed it up made content dangled a carrot in front of agitated gone over big had a hold on shilled got someone going made merry made someone feel good obtained led up garden path grabbed the attention of become an obsession with brought around kept amused buoyed up demanded wrapped up scored with rooted to the spot tossed a party kept someone hanging on suited secured had a get-together brightened up drew attention went over big grooved summoned taken aback refreshed pumped up warmed the cockles of the heart kept hanging ate up knocked 'em dead turned someone's head given a buzz brought forth interested greatly exerted a pull on treated to elicited gave someone a kick tolled stricken dumb lost oneself in commanded given someone a kick upped on kept alive cheered up preyed on bucked up eaten up tricked tickled the fancy of aroused the curiosity of kept up conned bedeviled besotten argued into came on forspoken forspoke bade gotten gat bounden sewed up became lost sewn up blew your mind blown your mind got under your skin own gotten under your skin gave a party given a party given someone a thrill gotten going gave someone a thrill done it for someone did it for someone gave great pleasure to given joy to given someone a charge gave joy to given great pleasure to gave someone a charge broke one up got one's jollies gotten one's jollies broken one up got one's kicks gave someone pleasure gave a lift given someone pleasure given a lift gotten one's kicks thrown yourself into threw yourself into absorbed yourself in taken control of taken over took control of became an obsession with took over


Past tense for to take on an affectation


(somewhat rare) Past tense for to be a regular patron or visitor of


(rare) Past tense for to have an attraction to or feel affection for someone

Contrario di to affected

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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