Sinonimo di to be issue


A topic in dispute, or up for debate
matter subject topic concern point question affair case controversy dispute situation business circumstance contention argument bone of contention goings-on matter in question matter of contention point at issue point in question point of departure proceeding puzzle talking point theme thing can of worms item occasion subject matter problem consideration motif thesis focus idea proposal detail particular content gist text substance aspect proposition thread essence matter at hand motive feature discussion fact point of contention principal object field of inquiry motion area under discussion specific difficulty undertaking object material concept thought theorem core factor event element field of reference facet respect debate task query challenge complication particularity field resolution enigma area regard quandary predicament keynote conundrum dilemma title study puzzlement matter in hand piece of information hot potato transaction direction enquiry grievance inquiry chapter class meat reference mystery characteristic bearing premise relation connection minutia message thrust line bother knot perplexity incident stuff scenario evidence development determinant contents category nut football through-line story article report account nicety datum trouble focus of attention subject of thought minutiae state information news blurb entity pointer deets circumstantial instance part extent difference notion scope obstacle hurdle exigency form portion body interest beef sticking point knotty problem conflict tricky issue grounds for war live issue sore point sensitive issue apple of discord disagreement altercation tender spot tricky problem quagmire catch snag division responsibility leitmotif head hole mire crux stumper lookout moot point worry jam pickle catch-22 hitch pitfall province preserve obligation funeral baby bailiwick pigeon headache palaver beeswax personal concern sense drift meaning import significance tenor purport burden signification spirit intention intent implication pith bottom line heart denotation connotation view kernel vein nitty-gritty meat and potatoes heart of the matter nub name of the game centerpiece centrepiece bull's-eye interpretation strain angle nuts and bolts nuance root nucleus marrow inference sum moral end net pivot nubbin score main point viewpoint quintessence significancy takeaway acceptation punch line salient point main idea flavour flavor intimation summary sum and substance main theme central idea central theme important point plot suggestion lesson character conception mood belief supposition storyline tendency purpose postulation conceptualization theory picture precept statement basis trend course aim opinion center philosophy force relevance context centre subtext conceptualisation line of reasoning kicker accepted wisdom understanding intendment long and short nature of the beast take away general meaning key point ideas definition implications essentials design precis abstract synopsis worth value way conclusion path outline essential point central point general intention focal point important detail key detail main thing key element principle keystone inclination run evolution tone nature action sound bite sequence cornerstone mainspring undertone brass tacks domain realm sphere undercurrent insinuation most important fact standard linchpin overtone train of thought component course of thought talk adage teaching maxim subcurrent basic idea defining characteristic essential feature policy line essential element attribute position story line arena sector sermon truism moralism saying hidden meaning fine point allusion secondary meaning dictum rule apophthegm proverb motto aphorism epigram saw perspective ingredient info technicality data slant trait specification point of view effect anecdote gnome axiom vocabulary itemized information gen dope low-down lexicon frame of reference contextual relationship presumption discernment cogitation perception sentiment hypothesis full meaning abstraction full text intellection mental picture mind's eye knowledge fool notion mindset soul upshot short general picture


A situation that requires resolution
problem difficulty predicament adversity bother complication dilemma grievance obstacle pitfall quandary trouble barrier dispute drawback hassle headache hiccup hindrance hitch impediment plight snag vexation worry catch difficult situation handicap hurdle mess obstruction pickle rub stumbling block tight spot catch-22 gremlin mix-up muddle question mark source of difficulty source of trouble thorn in one's side thorn in the flesh trammel vexed question fly in the ointment hornets' nest hot potato monkey wrench in the works spanner in the works setback disadvantage downside botheration weakness defect limitation hazard scrape inconvenience holdup nuisance facer doubt bar block burden check crimp deterrent question drag glitch flaw clog minus disbenefit can of worms disputed point gotcha embarrassment point at issue delay gimmick joker fault uphill detriment booby trap land mine misfortune count crunch squeeze disagreement hot water perplexity box encumbrance shortcoming restriction inhibition worriment fetter bugbear cramp stop manacle interference chain holdback restraint imperfection balk curb shackles stoppage let aggravation deficiency brake knot blockage bug liability cumber barricade bind millstone prob negative discouragement entanglement baulk ill road block upset distress case tribulation challenge pinch consequence trap matter sticking point stumbling stone downfall to-do hamper blockade stone in one's path mishap puzzler snare failing habit spot negative aspect interruption teething trouble unseen problem the rub snafu tangle lack banana skin debit strike hold-up incommodity disability damper hang-up evil weak point weak spot uncertainty reservation annoyance pest irritant query trial pain peeve exasperation irk frustration ruffle thorn aggro bore nark bane quagmire pain in the neck pain in the bum pain in the rear pain in the backside source of irritation source of annoyance fair cow hair shirt stricture shackle prohibition retardation wall retardment impairment load bottleneck disablement disorder dead weight red tape millstone around your neck constraint impedance hampering albatross ball and chain baggage monkey wrench prevention bone of contention blocking straitjacket cumbrance preventive con hangup impasse deadlock deal-breaker rein disincentive checking arrest gridlock hardship cross lock excess baggage inhibitor traverse jam-up blank wall bond complaint fetters bonds opposition harm congestion bump mountain to climb penalty circumvention roadblock chains psychological baggage millstone round someone's neck slowing handicapping pale glass ceiling demerit small difficulty circumscription confinement hobble yoke railing fence occlusion privation affliction afterdeal bad other side of the coin flip side dissuasion bad news cross to bear Achilles heel millstone round one's neck jinx disaster area conundrum dodge ploy joker in the pack trick puzzle wile determent monkey on back saddle debt duty guilt defensive measures defence defense leash preventative bridle limit sabotage intervention foot dragging suppression bridling curbing repression shackling baulking cramping fettering holding back stifling smothering stopping halting thwarting quashing foiling interdict putting an end to putting an stop to balking embargo nipping in the bud sublimation downer bummer comedown pity down disappointment letdown shame


(figuratively) All one's lineal descendants
children offspring descendants posterity progeny young brood spawn successors kin lineage progeniture seed heirs family scions sons or daughters youngsters babies fruit of one's loins get kids fruit scion descendant child litter stock offshoot successor heir sons and daughters produce chip off the old block quiverful son daughter little ones sprogs breed succession fry pup generation issues flesh and blood junior tots sons daughters kiddies race hatch binary clone begats offshoots relation relative lineages heiress begotten kiddiewinks clutch son and heir unborn inheritor infants cub later generations next generation chicks nest ankle-biter infant youngster munchkin shaver bairn tot nipper pickney little one tacker kiddie chit lad toddler brat chick sprog kid babe flock generations to come years to come line heredity afterbear product baby spin-off babes tinies bambino nippers fruit of someone's loins nearest and dearest ankle-biters rug rat babe in arms tiny tot school puppies cubs piglets kittens set of offspring juvenile minor youth newborn wean teenager girl adolescent boy whippersnapper schoolgirl neonate schoolboy stripling young one fledgling young person young lady laddie young woman young man young adult suckling tiny kiddiewink teenybopper lassie teen moppet sprat bud chap urchin whelp squirt lass kiddo youngling kiddy sprout guttersnipe nursling littlie hobbledehoy innocent cherub little doll nestling mite pubescent little angel anklebiter preschooler little darling tyke small fry imp lamb preteen


(medicine) The outflow of a bodily fluid
emission ejection emanation outflow outflowing stream torrent cascade deluge discharge disgorgement drain drainage escape excretion expression exuding outpouring rush secretion venting welling debouchment effluence effluent efflux effusion exudation flood flux leakage outflux outrush overflow trickle well up jet flow gush spurt seepage leak outburst surge outpour spout exhalation spate oozing effluvium current issuance shedding ejaculation diffusion drip exodus ooze radiation transmission release course leaking motion production emergence tide sweep percolation storm giving off run squirt gushing dribble hemorrhage haemorrhage effluxion inundation river fountain voidance spill flowing outbreak eruption explosion pouring exudate spasm paroxysm seeping ebb movement egress emerging issuing springing drift outfall sewage waste flowing out slip loss streaming depletion passage utterance roll swirl circulation burst progression pollutant spring progress continuance continuation continuity wind tideway undertow pollution runoff liquid waste bilge water fit attack gale blaze upsurge ebullition access flare-up splurt flurry welling up blast flash flare flush boutade gust hurricane blow-up bleeding flutter drop wave agony flicker seeping away bursting rapid loss break upheaval rapture blow frenzy succession string trickling fury leaching filtration sweating blowup detonation scene spritz trail infiltration transudation extravasation breakout bout onset occurrence volley case seizure turn spell siege


(rare) The result or outcome of an event or events
result outcome consequence effect conclusion culmination eventuality aftermath corollary end finale net result product aftereffect after-effect development end product end result fallout fate fruit outgrowth payoff pay-off ramification repercussion upshot backwash causatum denouement precipitate sequel resultant sequence child by-product spin-off reaction event side effect offshoot follow-up reverberation produce termination implication chain reaction impact matter of course ending fruits sequelae concomitant response backlash out-turn waves knock-on effect legacy aftershock follow through can of worms reverberations yield success situation occurrence phenomenon incident sequent turn of events circumstance realization follow-on footprint creation pursuance realisation happening influence trail wake work profit impression derivative derivation finish flak derivate mark spawn imprint materialization ripple labor handiwork output labour bearing harvest branch reflex extension ripple effect materialisation descendant knock-on carry over offspring completion climax working hangover future continuation destiny destination weight byproduct afterglow innovation unfolding evolvement cutover movement blowback side reaction complication externality inference induction deduction aftercome payback power lot dole doom due analogy scar result of function bottom line reward action benefit return deserts delayed response final outcome trickle-down effect flow-on effect advantage significance final result fruition payout returns spinoff affair brand crop artifact artefact gain amount residual remainder results effects residuum transition newfangledness novelty improvement revolution onrush transubstantiation production change formulation commodity thing origination fabrication contrivance manufacture concoction construction invention revelation surprise twist transpiration eventuation stage achievement design handicraft accomplishment deed productivity craft outturn doing adjunct auxiliary craftwork feat workmanship triumph fulfillment fruitage attainment finished product final product act fulfilment amount produced bounty emergence followup sequela outcomes by-products things offshoots first fruits dénouement consummation afterclap oeuvre vestige relic remnant emanation echo deliverable works appendage leftover heritage quantity produced writings connection annexe annex remains residue actualization brainchild art conception application huge impact subsidiary product wave handwork genesis article performance supplement complement skill coup exploit undertaking enterprise job aspiration execution implementation personal work artisanship handcraft trade opus craftsmanship vocation calling métier craftship profession ability artwork effort volume vintage stroke of genius positive result master stroke quota intake turnout aggregate crops garnering gleaning reaping gathering production quota year's growth annual production season's growth


Indication of source or origin of a product, typically government or military


An unfortunate condition or event
misfortune trouble affliction adversity disaster tribulation hardship calamity catastrophe setback mishap tragedy difficulty trial blow misadventure problem misery burden woe reverse accident failure sorrow mischance debacle bummer worry disappointment cataclysm harm nuisance contretemps knock whammy inconvenience cross loss anxiety ill annoyance disadvantage discomfort casualty crunch infelicity visitation unpleasantness dole unluck mishappening bad luck ill luck stroke of bad luck tough luck reverse of fortune bad break bad news rotten luck hard luck evil chance evil fortune bad trot upset trauma hassle travails reversal distress suffering pain torment reversal of fortune vexation heartache blunder hitch drag downer mistake glitch delay complication obstacle hiccup hindrance impediment ill-fortune ill fortune obstruction defeat holdup double whammy hold-up body blow knock-back stumbling block one in the eye piece of bad luck kick in the teeth bit of trouble grief irritation disquiet hazard pileup smashup total unhappiness agitation sadness smash collision car crash crack-up fender-bender stack-up wrack-up rear-ender drawback ordeal downfall curse encumbrance impasse barrier hurdle travail headache discouragement holdback slip handicap snag albatross trammel crimp inefficacy error wretchedness persecution heartbreak miscalculation block cramp bafflement oppression shock torture crucible crisis care rigor vicissitude hell hardness asperity buffet wronging danger jam dolour stress clutch poison rigour hurting nakba jinx skids catch-22 hang-up bitter pill cross to bear fly in the ointment spanner in the works monkey wrench hard time rainy day hard times hard knock ill-luck hard knocks dire straits trials and tribulations harsh conditions stroke of ill luck deep water hell on earth pain in the backside pain in the rear evil eye the worst can of worms pain in the neck pain in the bum kiss of death tough situation check lapse rebuff comedown regress bath regression slowdown backset foil bottom about-face flip-flop unfortunate development drawing board whole new ballgame agony anguish load strain scourge struggle privation blight bother bane hurt austerity ruin straits ruination unluckiness nightmare apocalypse need labor labour destitution injury grievance wreck exigency collapse upheaval hot water drain toil deprivation crash drudgery evil emergency poverty penury haplessness millstone infliction want exertion test bale waterloo weight unfortunateness lack dolor untowardness uphill battle plague harshness grind damage meltdown severity tough break battle devastation difficulties fiasco tumult indigence excruciation rack frustration plight impoverishment rout neediness pickle curtains gauntlet holocaust tension destruction strait fire beggary bad thing demands mishanter gantlet impecuniousness impecuniosity scrape abyss crux painfulness aggravation difficult task jolt non-success tall order pressure depression holy mess unholy mess uphill struggle tough grind tough assignment humiliation unfortunate incident doom bad experience severe test trying time undoing sad event faux pas dreadful thing awful thing terrible thing endeavor effort endeavour detriment disease slog commotion mischief boo-boo ill-treatment breakdown necessity ills long haul hard work cumber angst failing pinch malice disturbance disbenefit condition pest martyrdom throe mischanter sordidness jar cruelty letdown drama passion lack of success Gehenna murder horror calvary heat thorn in the flesh punishment inclemency intolerance obduracy roughness crucifixion down dud devastating blow ticklish spot blue ruin challenge disorder lot big trouble stormy seas ill chance urgency repulse turnabout vanquishment conquering difficult time unpredictable outcome troubles retribution pestilence cancer stroke confusion derangement outburst traumatization difficult going hard going farce flood fall bad fortune quandary predicament canker strife vengeance penalty trials heavy blow havoc peril grievous blow dilemma duress conflict rotten break devil's own luck hard cheese raw deal fatigue rough going serious accident desolation pressure cooker act of God irritant burdens exertions fell stroke quagmire extremity shit show rough situation hell in a handbasket botheration hydra exasperation besetment knot muddle thorn in one's side bad day barricade sweat deadlock mess stew nervous tension pressure of work brutality financial distress Herculean task overthrow ruthlessness embarrassment harassment rough seas inhumanity savagery a stew a jam a scrape a spot a hole a fix dead end a pickle unseating deposition ousting vanquishing conquest toppling overturn end elimination shame debasement annihilation disgrace death relentlessness nemesis Waterloo labefaction exactingness trip destroyer omission last straw loss of power stumble misstep bad omen flaw fumble final straw fault subversion toughness acerbity severeness


A difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation
predicament dilemma fix difficulty plight pickle quandary jam trouble mess bind hole mire quagmire corner spot crisis impasse scrape muddle emergency box rattrap perplexity swamp strait exigency imbroglio jackpot hardship pinch puzzle situation pass juncture state clutch condition circumstance vicissitude rigour rigor asperity deadlock soup position drag tight spot hot water tight corner awkward situation difficult situation sticky situation rabbit hole sticky wicket deep water catch-22 problematic situation hang-up how-do-you-do bad news kettle of fish rough go problem catastrophe disaster extremity calamity setback upheaval adversity conundrum cataclysm tragedy entanglement distress blow complication fiasco chaos debacle tribulation disorder disarray failure drama havoc hell crash mishap shambles turmoil collapse horror scourge devastation depression apocalypse dire straits hard times sad state critical situation tricky situation sorry condition no-win situation spot of bother train wreck big trouble hell on earth unfortunate situation worst-case scenario reversal of fortune car crash tight situation bother equation pretty kettle of fish potential crisis fine kettle of fish urgent situation emergency situation situational problem botched situation meltdown stew misfortune tinderbox reversal misadventure pressure urgency trauma stress reverse ruin blight confusion whammy shock monstrosity hassle affliction desolation embarrassment holocaust bomb woe trial shipwreck disorderliness messiness bust heavy blow serious problem vicious circle hot potato big problem double trouble stroke of ill luck double bind ticklish situation uncertainty comess tangle spot of trouble bit of bother headache conflict complexity poser cleft stick mix-up difficult problem embarrassing situation can of worms hot seat hard nut to crack embarrassing problem mare's nest catch bad situation dog's breakfast difficult choice with nowhere to turn complicated situation troublesome situation indecision diffict situation discomfiture straits facer jumble crunch between a rock and a hard place squeeze desperate straits involvement hot spot knot quicksand stuckness impediment snafu snarl troublesome problem snake pit Gordian knot unpredictable situation complex problem Pandora's box hornet's nest hitch nuisance source of trouble thorn in the flesh snag spectacle stalemate bewilderment doubt commotion fuss incident state of perplexity up a tree state of uncertainty delicate situation scene disturbance business tension occasion melodrama affair adventure row fracas sensation thrill excitement farce to-do tear-jerker


A very young child or toddler
tot child baby infant youngster kid toddler bairn babe nipper bambino newborn youth neonate juvenile sprog kiddie brat wean cub shaver chick suckling tacker squirt munchkin teenager adolescent stripling bud cherub minor nursling sprout urchin moppet offspring whippersnapper littlie tyke progeny teen teenybopper mite anklebiter nestling preteen pubescent little one ankle-biter young one tiny tot little angel little darling rug rat little doll small fry small child young 'un tiny pickney lad youngling kiddo whelp chap babe in arms daughter boy sprat kiddy chit kiddiewink preschooler young child laddie bundle of joy son tad crawler papoose preemie angelface schoolboy junior fledgling boyo callant boychik boychick sonny shaveling girl young person young man guttersnipe bantling innocent newborn child young fellow descendant scion heir spawn successor lass schoolgirl hobbledehoy imp dumpling under-five preschool child young'un fruit of one's loins young adult young little child bundle crotch fruit crib lizard biter young woman young lady lassie lamb babby curtain-climber carpet ape crumbsnatcher carpet rat rug ape lineage seed pup children generation fry babies get produce stock fruit posterity rascal ankle biter female child litter family issues brood lighty outjie tots progeniture scamp binary clone successors scions kids babes tinies little ones kiddies nippers sons sprogs daughters monkey newly born child tiny baby young baby new baby ankle-biters sons and daughters tearaway little dear pretty child cupid innocent child lovable child amoretto putto punk puppy tadpole knave gamin cadet runt buck master well behaved child beautiful infant half-pint little shaver little guy young shaver dog woman underage preadult fellow preadolescent subteen preteenager joey hoodie chav sweet sixteen buster champ sunshine prepubescent my lad my boy ben sibling fils pupil sapling student youngie dependent juvenile delinquent snotnose kid little kid male child son and heir


Persons relating to family, ancestors or relatives


The process of coming into existence or prominence
emergence start birth inception beginning dawn rise arrival appearance coming origination advent materialisation materialization development surfacing occurrence materialising materializing evolution arising emanation blooming blossoming cropping up popping up springing up turning up manifestation presence introduction incoming appearing representation debut presentation entrance exhibition display unveiling actualization growth showing up coming into view onset origin genesis launch outset commencement dawning source incipience incipiency alpha nascence nascency inauguration fountainhead conception baseline kickoff initiation opening creation spring threshold day one morning infancy roots get-go git-go cradle starting point advance foundation germ fount visitation birthplace nearing beginnings well formation font approach early stages accession fons et origo root apparition institution seeds seed seedbed looming fountain founding oncome mainspring embryo seat radix first appearance head nativity outbreak coming on outstart egg principle kick-off happening landing naissance basis reception establishment onfall onrush vision taking place drafting incorporation starting antecedent stem generation commencing heart cause well spring organization formulation induction installation set-up gestation setting up constitution design construction origins causality etymology causation nucleus early days very beginnings organisation wellspring parent progenitor agent provenience ingress occasion embarkation entry opener inspiration inducement provenance forging derivation approaching reaching coming into being motive connection author generator determinant pupilage youth childhood incunabulum nonage immaturity minority well head early stage advancement progress progression blast off square one early years first phase early life embryonic stage formative years initial stages git go drawing near imminence coming nearer forward movement encroachment horse's mouth coming near place of origin breeding place ultimate cause unfolding word go


A reason or set of reasons given in support of an idea, action or theory
argument case reasoning assertion logic polemic claim contention reason argumentation explanation rationale defence expostulation grounds questioning vindication account accounting evidence excuse justification rationalisation rationalization reasons thesis declaration demonstration dialectic plea apology defense pleading proof line of reasoning valid point basis pretext mitigation premise extenuation apologia story cause why and wherefore motive palliation alibi song and dance thinking expedient wherefore motivation sense cop-out foundation cover pretence pretense whitewash why rationality cover-up get-out mitigating circumstances ostensible reason underpinning syllogism validation inducement coverup line deduction good reason subterfuge fabrication whys and wherefores factor point cover story authority subject ratiocination answer hypothesis thought process line of thought occasion front train of thought process of reasoning chain of reasoning raison d'être fish story thought analysis ground apologetics warrant interpretation antecedent intellection cerebration cogitation supposition proposition theory exoneration exculpation advocacy support suit calculation dialectics wisdom mentation approval philosophy footing rationalising reckoning rationalizing syllogization principle statement evasion whyfor just cause whatfor routine disguise logical thought logical basis postulation apologism apologetic meaning connection confession groundwork backup prologism call base bedrock sake mental gymnastics good sense school of thought presumption the why and wherefore remonstrance allegation action absolution deductive reasoning fish tale right out endorsement explication upholding whitewashing palliative acquittal good excuse copout appeal good explanation promotion excusing explaining response insistence on reasonable grounds jive apologising retort apologizing return cleanup testimony fair reason good cause reasonable justification dossier data whole idea brief sour grapes the big idea the whole idea way around summary of the facts goal purpose intention aim incentive impetus objective end target design object causation causality exposition instigation source genesis origin driver inspiration causal agent driving force principal element chief ingredient intent plan ambition aspiration mission desire pretension dream need idea holy grail determinant stimulus provocation hope ideal wish Holy Grail necessity focus bourne bourn thing function consideration influence scheme catalyst stimulant stimulation carrot grail mark expectation root mainspring determination spur direction causativeness view ulterior motive impulse incitement spring enticement persuasion stimulator drive vision resolve agenda hidden agenda score to settle object of the exercise end in view reason why requirement prompting obligation assurance count details elucidation score germ drift use end goal duty supporting evidence where one's heading instigator fillip project significance prospect desideratum consequence good point proposal premeditation scope end purpose ax to grind promoter persuader mind nirvana destination plot terminus desired result good argument well-founded argument final cause big idea good case point well taken motivator encourager interest encouragement concern something in mind preoccupation fount incitation beginning fountain generator resolution care urge lure bait sweetener boost momentum yeast attraction end game insistence exhortation allurement douceur premium temptation motivating force hidden motive chief reason chief motive impelling cause prime mover motive force vested interest object of desire special interest shot in the arm come-on fate karma destiny interconnection connectedness cause and effect


The expression of a thought, feeling or idea through speech or words
vocalisation vocalization expression announcement argument articulation assertion asseveration commentary communication declaration definition delivery diction elucidation emphasis enunciation execution explanation exposition formulation idiom interpretation intonation language locution mention narration phrase phraseology phrasing pronouncement remark rendition speaking speech statement style term utterance vent verbalization voice voicing word writ choice of words set phrase turn of phrase uttering proclamation dissemination venting broadcast mouthing circulation publication spreading promulgation publicizing publicising setting forth example revelation talk pronunciation ventilation verbalism recitation wording discourse disclosure divulgence airing parlance conversation talking recital jargon vocabulary vernacular exclamation words tongue vociferation elocution comment ejaculation observation report communiqué interchange cant sound argot accent doublespeak dialect palaver prose broadcasting saying raising tabling presentation discussion intimation lingo testimony annunciation spiel affirmation testimonial account intercourse bulletin profession averment way of speaking verbal expression narrative protestation rundown charge assurance aside expounding description allegation relation affidavit avowal expression of facts reckoning expression of views blow-by-blow dictionary slang signal terminology patois brogue lingua franca gibberish lexicon breathing sounding vocalism divulging writing manner langue means of expression converse interaction divulgation demystification outing way with words opinion clarification coherent speech transmission exposure submission proposal debate mooting publicity reporting reflection way of putting things propagation notification thought publishing rant peroration reply thesis oration sentence noise note response advertisement release evidence patter notice edict briefing prediction advice dictum acknowledgment news exposing acknowledgement picture manifesto presentment idiolect vocalizing tone manner of speaking speaking style dialog dialogue prattle form of expression way of talking manner of talking mode of expression vocalising expressing mother tongue oral communication vocal expression double talk native tongue


A published statement or the act of revealing something
release announcement reporting broadcast disclosing news publicising publicizing airing breaking broadcasting bulletin circulation disclosure dissemination divulgation exposition publicity publishing revealing revelation story distribution divulging exposé proclamation propaganda publication transmission announcing communication declaration imparting issuing notice notification posting printing purveying spreading statement advertisement briefing dispatch newsflash offering propagation ad advert flash leak handout putting out report divulgence message communiqué scoop delivery account narration piece promulgation exchange item telecast pronouncement conveying exposure presenting tidings relay making known conveyance circulating article presentation information news flash word uncovering conferring rundown telecasting mention headlines cable telegram press release diffusion sending note transfer impartation detail passing on narrative notifying chronicle handing on document telling newscast brief description picture communique info intelligence recital write-up hot wire commentary blow by blow spread news item transmittal news report news summary record admission version outline summary relation history tale opinion address wire digest paper update confession résumé précis betrayal unveiling discovery reportage dope skinny advisory lowdown advice testimony column feature chronology granting enlightenment copy dispensing furnishing distributing provision heads up low-down supplying official statement what's happening the dope giving out handing out transmitting bruiting dissipation what's going down elucidation front-page news news release analysis news coverage commentaries newsworthy item rescript letter coverage alert official communication breaking news expression missive epistle memorandum unearthing memo intimation headline gen annunciation scandal edict recitation prediction uncos paragraph giveaway blurb exposing instruction transferring testimonial details dossier dirt knowledge hearsay data rumor score transference materials comment literature specification itemization eye-opener tiding the goods rumour particularization reports documentation latest documents passing out deliverance doling out yielding movement passage remitting chatter giving utterance assertion inside story surprising fact surprise fact news broadcast news bulletin news update news hour dispersion break programme program acknowledgment supply issuance calendar transfer of funds remittance discharge assigning allocation dispensation allotment apportioning administration alloting division dispersal apportionment squeal leakage partition sending out rationing partitioning acknowledgement tip unveilment impartance ventilation revealment exposal snitch make tip-off blow-by-blow self-disclosure particulars file correspondence facts figures statistics delineation review specifics input goods material gossip evidence sitrep results records background notes numbers conclusions findings files compte rendu chapter and verse brass tacks deets whole story procès-verbal buzz tattle papers documentary drum line tidbit titbit communiqué proof talk survey scuttlebutt status goss features tittle-tattle status update breakdown overview study archives archive poop set of data memorandums set of values baseline set of results abstracts return fuel compilations ammunition summing-up directive overall picture advisement writing mail fax insight phone call email warning excerpt text pipeline ideas petition counsel observation clues erudition directions learning illumination guidance ammo memorial what's what clue inside dope bottom line feedback hot tip inside information word to the wise like it is proceedings transactions transcripts minutes


A final part of something, especially a period of time, an activity, or a story
end conclusion close ending finish resolution finale termination completion climax closure consummation culmination denouement stop cessation expiration outcome result arrest arrestment closing discontinuance discontinuation epilog epilogue halt shutdown stoppage windup adjournment cease coda consequence curtain cutoff desistance determination endgame expiry finis homestretch lapse retirement shutoff surcease terminus breakup capper check closedown desuetude execution peroration realisation realization sunset twilight upshot accomplishment achievement fulfilment fulfillment grand finale mop-up omega payoff perfection sign-off wind-up wrap-up end result bottom line closing stages final word last part last word pay-off success period end of the line stopping point attainment target stay offset suspension stopping interruption finishing pause winding up halting break standstill ceasing breaking off fruition freeze dissolution curtains running out last act intermission downtime abeyance demise swan song deadlock finalization disruption lapsing grinding halt screaming halt death wrap final scene final act tail end bitter end cutting short finalisation interval respite cancelation breakdown dispersal hiatus limit rest breather separation disbandment stalemate abandonment curtailment impasse layoff cancellation discharge gridlock winter summation logjam letup standoff time-out screeching halt break-off failure solution wait winding-up delay concluding stand last crowning final stage dead stop dead end Mexican standoff final curtain carrying out effectuation full stop sewing up polishing off checkmate end piece coup de grace final stages severance blackout gap suppression disjunction discontinuity tie-up withdrawal swansong curb veto outro eventuality alternation abortion cesser interlude completeness hips integration occlusion blockage final period final thoughts term clarification unravelling lull brick wall roadblock ballgame disbarment wane final point last stop afterpiece closer chaser button blow-off cut-off unraveling discontinuing folding cloture cleanup breathing space end-stage end-stages time out shutting pass actualization actuality performance summing-up finishing point dénouement cut-off point crowning glory hole shutting down closing down liquidation capping perfecting summing up last stage inaction final part to a finish doing it to a T kibosh crumbling collapse communication breakdown desisting remaining hesitation block terminating deterring holding implementation end of the road destruction crackup settlement disbanding disintegration fag end run-in dismissal scattering effecting autumn decline recess remission disestablishment disunion observance tag end back end deciding redemption silence evaporation defunction release disappearance let-up discharging postscript time off break-up disposal split-up winding down appendix victory mate defeat finial tailpiece


A piece of work, specifically defined within a profession


Money that is gained or acquired
take revenue earnings income profit dividends drawings proceeds profits remuneration returns turnover yield gain gains receipts spoils takings cash flow commission pay payoff pickings winnings bottom line wages bunce gate gross money received payments received purse return gate money holding net incomings interest dividend lucre gravy reward receipt emolument split harvest benefit salary wealth killing payback percentage financial gain pay dirt surplus accrual means rewards stipend accumulation benefits get product annuity output royalty produce accruement box office resources net sales acquisition turnout outturn boot net profit operating profit gross profit financial return score goods cleanup taking business buck gross revenue riches capital bounty haul crop catch payment received perquisite advantage return on investment fruits credit stock acquirement fund comings in revenue stream products fruit avail results handle result till cut financial returns finances gate receipts rake-off excess booty attainment gainings whack divvy buildup share emoluments ill-gotten gains Mammon velvet production slice of the cake compensation cash wage avails assets honorarium livelihood take-home pay take home payment paycheck pay envelope packet gross pay net pay recompense fee allowance hire reimbursement handout consideration fees requital remittance defrayment pension take-home advance loot plunder swag handouts meed vail pittance bread bacon indemnity stipendium volume perks honoraria groceries balance hand-outs sales fringe benefits pay packet piece of the pie revenues volume of business takes incomes turnovers yields award gates price subsidy nets pays rate sum bottom lines payoffs cash flows alimony down refund amortization amortisation outlay expense defrayal part acquittal pay-off


To supply or distribute for use
distribute supply circulate disseminate allot assign allocate apportion deliver dispatch dispense furnish administer afford appropriate bestow consign deal out endow give give out grant hand out provide provision diffuse disburse dish out disperse divvy up dole out fit out fit up fix up give away kit out mete out offer pass around pass out present stock begive partition ration send shell out yield pay out mete share out parcel out hand over divvy share prorate lot pass round confer deal divide up portion measure out hand award hand round divide out donate entrust proffer inflict serve designate impart feed admeasure split up gift portion out turn over ration out contribute accord devote divide apply purvey vest earmark parcel allow enforce impose exact pass slice dole cut lay on bequeath transfer appoint spread out spread discharge equip extend tender quota proportion budget produce convey transmit make available shower endue send out give round cut the pie set aside kick in fork over pass on dispose of pony up put up come through vouchsafe wreak put forth come up with put at someone's disposal measure award to provide with allocate to allot to assign to dish up commit delegate trust leave intrust confide commend repose recommend commission authorize place remit put authorise hand down put in charge of give over invest bless favor cough up fork out indue favour bear advance accommodate chip in grace relinquish pledge volunteer fulfil render fill stump up pitch in fulfill provide for ante up meet surrender bring lend satisfy pay submit present with cater for lodge be adequate for find throw in give to confer on cater put forward cater to support sustain free fit answer release will bequest cover lavish stake line up inject subscribe subsidize sacrifice deploy ply dower register subsidise make over give a donation of part with give up make a donation of sate gift with furnish with free up lay out sweeten the pot let someone have enter be sufficient for grant access to fit the bill for send in hand in be good enough for be enough for avail clear loan organize lavish on bestow to venture add credit spend expend fund sponsor let oneself in for bring forward enable prepare cede sub pay in advance supply on credit sweeten the kitty empower procure show organise accommodate someone with let lend-lease oblige permit shark hold out arm fork up pay up enhance begift maintain finance sell relegate place at disposal hold out to loan shark draw solicit land achieve manage give an opportunity lay at one's feet store invent give in lay down turn in lay on one minister observe follow handle propose table implement process get hold of think of deal in suggest equal match comply with adapt to be enough suffice for serve the purpose measure up to come up to adhere to match up to be sufficient keep up with adjust to qualify for be adequate be responsible for drop have introduce moot raise cater in trade in regale load satisfice satiate surfeit refer air proposition put out carry out make good on carry through live up to put in set forth make a pitch heap do your part get it up make a contribution of feed the kitty pass the hat make a gift of give of get in the act put into devote to put oneself down for donate to endow with deliver the goods come across pile keep supplying devolve lay settle pertain belong bestow on grant to put in the hands of invest in entrust to slip supply with


To formally send out or put into circulation
publish announce broadcast release air declare deliver disclose communicate disseminate divulge make public proclaim produce promulgate purvey put out reveal spread bring out get out impart post print propound publicise publicize report send out state utter churn out put in circulation bruit about bruit abroad circulate make known advertise advertize trumpet blazon enunciate transmit annunciate sound herald distribute give out blare placard blaze flash propagate bring to public attention bring to public notice leak pronounce spotlight drum feature tell expose say unfold gazette notify propagandize have printed call put in print propagandise let it be known splash put about shout from the rooftops give notice of blazon abroad spread around pass the word issue a statement about be passed around noise abroad break present bare unveil spill celebrate indicate promote splatter flourish renown pass decree inscribe depict describe boast toot endorse make official blow wide open out exchange carry pass on advance immortalize bill immortalise spot press-agent headline extol soft-sell billboard skywrite cry pass around bandy about mention express stipulate display specify register raise awareness leak out go the rounds come out put it on record come out with make it known hard sell put on the map write up play up make a pitch for run travel diffuse move spread about get around get about move around make the rounds intimate preconize blast tweet spring set forth sound off run off at mouth read out assert convey affirm inform show maintain relate recount profess avouch avow aver admit asseverate claim advise allege blab attest voice warrant contend narrate recite tout explain uncover betray signal swear exhibit insist protest argue bruit relay articulate apprise give away confess acknowledge hype discover let slip testify purport give an account of suggest let out acquaint detail lay down unmask chronicle set out vent babble guarantee puff expound delineate let on about let in on certify ballyhoo signify verify pitch unbosom confirm let on fill in clue in let drop let the cat out of the bag propose open up lay bare spout blurt out call attention to rehearse plug market enlighten blurt testify to bear witness to submit raise vow pledge chart peddle hold portray predicate spruik push represent flog flaunt sell boost corroborate brief flack authenticate sponsor trail substantiate huckster keep posted circularize hint tell of let know alert put forward witness evidence vouchsafe merchandise wise up shout out circularise introduce break the news run with talk about vouch for document hype up bring out into the open give a puff to spell out bang the drum for be evidence of give publicity to give a plug to beat the drum for speak call out evince spill the beans state publicly advocate wire cable list verbalize reassert reaffirm familiarize spiel teach itemize cite give notice write summarize talk share catalogue provide details vouch stump particularize verbalise illustrate popularize instruct mark give support give the facts preach summarise itemise uncloak offer prove inform of manifest elaborate verse clear hand on warn praise trailer demonstrate validate popularise uphold flag up speak of blurb familiarise go public with catch up concede let fall bring into the open set down catalog make known to apprise of betoken particularise reel off bespeak make a pitch beat the drum build up get off your chest lay out get on soapbox for soft sell blow the lid off spread abroad swear to blow the gaff give evidence crack up bear witness hawk bark espouse intone moot showcase project beat the drum about give details of pass round shout record ejaculate exclaim sound loudly preview acclaim bugle proliferate make plain jabber promise scream put into words ring out ring up get across get through send put on the airwaves run off at the mouth burst out cry out burst out with utter suddenly transfuse conduct transfer package knell cover outline ventilate judge put on the air vocalize adjudicate rule disperse bear whisper mainstream formulate establish insist on press buttress cough posit charge emphasize breathe give advance notice stress package as reiterate denote imply debunk undress nail adumbrate spin paint show excerpts of come clean about go public on repeat insinuate confide buzz unburden clarify ostend give the show away dish the dirt give the game away ordain show up be proof of bear out attest to be a monument to subscribe retail level vocalise sketch gossip weave emphasise bring out into open put cards on table take the lid off get out of your system give the low-down take the wraps off give advance notice of be emphatic give details bring word on bring word communicate information account for reflect pontificate mouth bring to light blow the whistle on unclothe unearth explicate blaze abroad shout from the housetops get on a soapbox spread it around shoot off one's mouth give an account enumerate say quickly predict mean unload on spill to crack to leave word call upon lay open tell on put before give facts radio telephone open your heart lay it on share a confidence lay the gaff bend an ear decipher resolve elucidate point to foretell spell spit it out caution squeal about spill the beans about frame tabulate give evidence of lay down the law clear up be a sign of be an indication of numerate note see usher in cue debrief tip off send word pass out champion define designate back recommend circumstantiate identify epitomize instance embellish name recapitulate encourage supply analyse quote epitomise individualise analyze specialise individuate individualize seal put in the picture acquaint with send word of alert to depose draw up specialize point out ratify invoke aggrandize get down to brass tacks fly speck quote chapter and verse report on sweat details be specific about tick off vindicate traffic in own adjure campaign for soapbox constate sing asservate give proof of countersign give credence to provide evidence of stick up for throw your weight behind back up sustain depose to get behind deal in cross heart say so make familiar puff up cry up tell all about own up declare publicly acknowledge publicly talk up accustom to hip make conversant talk big make out swear on bible swear up and down act as if get on soapbox blow hot air make aware of prime on ground in advise of make a public declaration of instruct in clue teach in school in indoctrinate in educate in brief as to get up to date habituate give information about intro keep up to date initiate into fill in on knock down get together give the gen about clue up about clue in on give a rundown of fix up make aware run by gen up on give the low-down on put in the picture about make somebody aware of make familiar with keep up to speed with


To result or be derived from
result derive arise culminate emanate emerge ensue eventuate evolve follow grow proceed rise stem accompany develop start be a consequence of be brought about by be brought on by be caused by be due to be taken be the result of come about come forth have its origin in originate in be consequent on be got be had be produced by supervene on spring appear originate flow materialize materialise crop up surface come transpire occur happen come up dawn turn up begin loom come into existence pop up form spring up come to light arrive take place come into being take shape come into view present itself commence come out unfold come to pass come from become visible break descend be born manifest actualize turn out come into sight show befall head bob up eventualize reveal itself upspring germinate set in birth become apparent show up make an appearance expose itself supervene erupt betide pass hap come after present oneself pour accrue put in an appearance come off take form engender crystallize crystallise be set in motion uprise sprout foment spring from chance pan out burst out stem from fall out manifest itself go down hove into view heave into view make the scene be seen become evident blow in be revealed take effect come on the scene enter into the picture spawn hatch succeed extend exit start off flourish attend derive from issue from peek spread out be bred be caused be generated have its origin hail from be brought about peep propagate enter be appear partly appear slowly come next pop go break out be subsequent to be a result of follow on peer out manifest oneself reveal oneself pop in show its face show oneself be within view show itself arrive on the scene see the light of day come down become a fact be present go on wind up at incubate reappear flow from hail spread launch catalyze step out conceive emanate from roll out fall supersede kick in exist become manifest catalyse postdate arise from spurt gush begin life first see the light of day originate from pop out be descended be derived take root have one's foundations flare up have one's origin end up supplant turn out from have its origins metamorphose be a direct result shoot up pick up be transmitted be emitted hover bechance be uttered have as an ancestor be a descendant of go next hit come on figure appear indistinctly reveal chance to happen be the consequence be the result be consequent be a consequence intervene recur be derived from see daylight play out proceed from go after appear briefly arise in peek from show partially draw on have as a source have its origins in sally be rooted in be traceable to peep out disembogue sortie debouch move out be attended by roll up come out in the open show your face make appearance heave in sight


To fill out a financial document, typically a check/cheque


To cascade or issue forth from somewhere
flow surge gush pour spurt discharge spill exude ooze seep trickle jet spew spout leak dribble ripple cascade emit well percolate drip flood splash squirt overflow swell gurgle deluge drizzle teem disembogue tumble sputter sluice inundate brim regurgitate purl babble exudate abound pullulate well up well forth stream emanate expel eject disgorge pour out erupt rush excrete bleed send forth shoot belch eruct spew out drain shed release give off throw out give out escape roll run emerge cast out weep course pour forth secrete send out sweat burst spring spray evacuate leach filter vent swoosh vomit extravasate ejaculate radiate sloosh diffuse exhale flow out irradiate let out pass strain spit out void effuse expire cast transude pump spritz spit extrude drop irrupt gush out give vent to empty produce belch forth perspire transmit evolve reek yield fountain filtrate spurt out let off breathe out utter spread glide seep out breathe output send pump out flush out proceed spring up well out leak out osmose dispense project spill out ooze out run out shoot out give expend beam pronounce scatter outsend exhaust dislodge belch out throw off force out come out with expectorate stream forth purge deliver speak spew forth give forth drive out brim over rise egress slide go steam permeate soak stem let flow flush drift slip swirl sweep whirl drain away squeeze transpire splur overflow with water emit liquid run off leave dry taper off filter off creep crawl distill distil put out drool make loose come out of convey disperse deposit break out be discharged eliminate trill disclose come spout out reveal tell hiccup breathe forth throw up ventilate gulp posset cough up repeat arise fan filter through expel air puff out blow gush forth gasp spill over come forth blurt out come out give away groan churn out sigh hurl explode rupture boil heave touch off be ejected burst out burst forth go bang go off voice articulate express vocalize sound declare vocalise


To present formally for discussion or consideration
table present illustrate propose submit deliver give tender demonstrate display state cite express lodge unveil demo introduce proposition relate enter impart pitch raise ventilate adduce argue produce announce exhibit moot offer report broach declare launch propound suggest air expound proffer stage advance expose file preview provide show cast contribute lay manifest bring about bring forward bring up hand out lay out put forward put on put up roll out set before throw up put before the public put on display pose posit move recommend prefer come up with register set forth bring place volunteer press float propone bounce advocate vote put in make a pitch put commit record put on the table counsel advise bring out put on record hand in sell supply have in mind mount allege question query take out assert solicit make known yield bear name refer extend reveal run something up the flagpole test the popularity of bring forth run something up the flagpole to see who salutes furnish nominate project initiate bid ask about ask canvass contend postulate convey get the answer to seek the answer to send in prescribe opine conjecture speculate intimate exhort essay advert say move for press for make a motion mention open dare to say venture evoke trot out harbinger herald inform of get together come out with bring together bring to somebody's attention turn somebody on to open up on make somebody aware of give somebody a taste for spring with touch on establish discuss allude to point out lay before set out proclaim put forth talk about speak of lay down institute claim attest urge request hold promote avow aver approach affirm serve maintain hold out tell recount render specify detail raise a subject note open up talk of quote instance notice hazard identify throw out drop invoke hit on hint at put before refer to make reference to call attention to advert to touch upon frame consider carry forward insist hypothesize peddle purport spring promulgate invite spitball kibitz spread pronounce asseverate plug found start pioneer begin innovate commence reference hypothesise charge support uphold dictate invent usher inaugurate create turn vent translate transpose lay forward ballyhoo throw spotlight on make a pitch for hype publish offer as a suggestion build up put on the map puff aggrandize exalt beat the drum for interject enter on interpose embark on put to put in a bid of make an offer speak one's piece exemplify list enumerate itemize set install suppose make an offer of try out raise subject raise the subject of inform itemise recall recollect describe summon sue appeal arraign indict lay on the line bring in usher in start ball rolling on surmise inquire recite attest to spell out make mention of comment notify remark enquire narrate presume espouse avouch rehearse catalogue particularize guess chronicle delineate explain initiate legal action take to court chart speak up bet set up instal facilitate profess reassert reaffirm wager broadcast particularise catalog dare say give an account of set down finger namedrop namecheck give as an example draw attention to point to


To leave or exit a place
exit go leave quit vamoose begone move scarper bail get withdraw split book retire retreat escape blow git exeunt take off clear out clear off shove off push off pull out run along buzz off go off go away bug off walk out bug out bail out cut out step along push on peel off sally forth dig out get out get off take a hike pack up move out pack off make tracks get away take leave pike off pike out make an exit say goodbye go out step out go offstage flake off bid farewell do vanishing act make one's departure flee abandon vacate evacuate flit depart desert embark forsake defect emigrate elope scoot disappear decamp cut scram relinquish sally abscond fly vanish migrate stir part start run off withdraw from depart from go from be gone from head out disappear from retire from check out set out decamp from abscond from run away from make oneself scarce go forth take your leave of bog off cut and run break away move out of make off go away from fly from pull out of bolt from remove oneself set out from absent oneself from ride off flee from slip out beat it escape from disengage from say your goodbyes pack your bags go AWOL do a disappearing act walk away take French leave up sticks sling your hook slope off from do a bunk from hook it do a bunk exit from say one's farewells take oneself off from give the slip step down come away skedaddle bolt run away take a powder set off hit the road be off head off take flight run hightail it get going light out beat a hasty retreat do a runner run for it hightail absent yourself make a run for it make a break for it fly the coop beat a retreat get lost scat skip hit the trail back out start out break head for the hills be on your way voetsak hamba rack off leg it show a clean pair of heels hop it slip away peel out steal away move off set forth remove make a getaway turn tail shoo abstract oneself duck out resign sod off avaunt chuck skip off drop out scamper back off pack in proceed resign from clear walk off give up get along walk out on take to your heels repair nick off do a moonlight flit go jump in the lake go and jump in the lake betake oneself disengage slope off move away make a quick exit naff off haul off step down from travel take it on the lam relocate sneak away set sail skidoo lam head move along opt out abdicate be off with you go on the lam on your bike pull back fall back hotfoot it break out separate adjourn wriggle out pull stakes recoil sneak off set forward make make a move move on pop off break camp bow out resettle step on it cut loose make your escape break free take wing jack in break out of draw away back away take yourself off strike out sail renounce renege dash scurry avoid shun pass transfer race dart rush hurry shrink evade elude hustle get out of be gone make a start get under way draw back levant step aside from run out on get moving go through shoot through push along get stuffed make a break do a Skase make quick exit bow out of hop the twig hop the stick run out do a vanishing act break loose take a long walk on a short pier call it a day burst out drop back get free move back start off zip apostatize ditch revolt rebel finish journey scuttle hasten speed hie trek bag uproot shoot jump move house tergiversate sprint career regress retreat from repudiate recede range detach abandon ship turn your back spur expedite whiz get on the road begin one's journey tear away turn reject change residence clear out from head out from slip leave flat advance give notice hit the bricks emerge double immigrate pull up stakes get out of my sight skip out throw up run off from take off from move out from beeline transmigrate stop work break off part with part company contract out shift one's ground go over change sides secede walk out of break away from sell out leave for go your way chuck in stand down from haul away pull the plug shake a leg seclude oneself back out of hurry up walk away from throw in the towel stop participating in pull away down tools opt out of go like lightning play hooky get away with do a fade make time give ground go back on knock off make a escape make a sharp exit make haste go over the fence take on the lam fall away from turn one's coat get a move on work out of move fast drag away rat on take a walk go scot-free take to flight slink off slink creep sneak skulk leave in a hurry skidaddle have it away make away cruise wend mosey maroon sign out strand absquatulate beat off hurry away absent troop make one's way skiddoo say adieu tear off budge from go out of shift from make for creep off bust depart suddenly segregate free break up say farewell set about fade away go to hell hide run for the hills hotfoot empty blast off conk out dedomicile walk make like a tree and get out of here make like a tree and leave get on your bike make a move from pull go and chase yourself get out of someone's clutches make good one's escape slip through your fingers distance oneself back down fold give way go back go secretly hasten away run from be lost march out leave port take one's farewells duck dodge circumvent bail out from clear from pull out from put forth step aside move from commence ease out ship out spring eschew step on the gas resile pop out step outside abstract go absent without leave go missing go west rat dump defect from change place storm off leave suddenly go off in a huff make a sudden departure get up and go storm out flounce out split up quit the scene go separate ways drop shrink back kite make vacant make empty eject from bound aim scramble steer bear veer move abroad flit from leave hastily leave abruptly disassociate dissociate shy away step back turn away spurn shrink away demit recede from detach yourself stop participating scratch from go to one's room shut oneself away in go one's ways make one's farewells delink cop out kiss goodbye leave high and dry change allegiances turn traitor revolt against secede from go over to the enemy change loyalties break faith be apostate draw exclude oneself make a dash for it leave in the lurch change house change address change jobs passage become independent gain autonomy divide off disaffiliate leave holding the bag kick rocks go forward throw away move overseas take the count throw in the sponge give something a miss make one's exit run like scared rabbit scram from run along from vamoose from hare hurtle sunder out burst out of break loose from leave your country bust out split off start a new life come out make one's escape from egress take leave from head off from remove oneself from cut and run from set off from clear off from check out from weasel out forgo shut oneself away take oneself jump ship zoom make oneself scarce from take a hike from say goodbye to give the slip to slip out from trot belt pelt tear stop discontinue cease drift wander head for cancel halt end terminate charge skirr whizz skitter go south make scarce make a quick getaway dog it depart secretly rove roam voyage retreat to resort process ram hurl drive blast careen rip highball whirl bundle rustle breeze beetle rocket nip motor chase bomb jet whisk step buzz hump blaze course barrel bustle bowl scutter cannonball retire to go to adjourn to cry off dispense with finish with have done with post accelerate depart for set off for withdraw to remove to leave work take a break call it a night close shop clock off finish work finish working shut down finish the working day shift retract divert crack on betake oneself to wend one's way to take off for tergiverse hike globetrot itinerate move quickly be quick nomadize move around travel around move about change your mind


To send a message, person or object to a given place or location
dispatch send move locate relocate transfer transport forward post ship consign convey remit route shift address freight transmit express shoot pack off send off send out hand-carry carry mail deliver take conduct bring direct bear haul ferry channel funnel cart airmail run fetch lug tote truck drop distribute siphon syphon relay displace pipe pack traject remove schlepp send away beam hand over advance redirect impart shuttle support drive hand on transplant shoulder email piggyback circulate send by post drop off put in the mail hump ride send by mail lift send on dislocate transpose transport in bulk label smuggle put in the post taxi export drop-ship designate superscribe channelize send to take up an appointment assign to a post reposition replant teleport canalize ship out put on board inscribe mark come across with put on put out fork over take round dish out feed lead supply patch wire canalise bring in dismiss bundle off send packing drag pick up collect pass heave tow draw buck trawl get give a lift to pull tug schlep chauffeur convoy yank import fly carry away switch give a ride to airlift guide give a lift sweep hoist go for trail call for escort usher hale take along carry off take away go to get cart off load up stop for come and get shlep heft airdrop winch take over bus move across port gather translate blow puff draggle take off waft streel come carrying interchange exchange change carry on manhandle come by take on humph transship dump obtain retrieve traffic transport by air unload deposit propel push go and get leave drop in for bring back bring to go get send abroad pull along send overseas carry across wash float draw forth get a hold of put off allow to alight bear away sweep away wash away pilot accompany show chaperon steer shepherd see attend herd assist help marshal marshall trailblaze show the way companion belead


To produce or generate, especially a large number of
spawn produce create cause generate engender effect induce effectuate occasion make prompt bring yield catalyse catalyze provoke trigger invoke do precipitate initiate originate work foster bear promote start bring about result in bring on give rise to lead to translate into draw on spark off set off bring forth make for set in motion contribute to put in motion be conducive to beget breed incite enkindle instigate kindle whip up develop hatch elicit stir up inspire accomplish give birth to achieve introduce begin contrive bring to pass trigger off be the cause of conceive make happen deliver institute evoke procreate realize render establish reproduce form concoct launch work up bring into being realise touch off affect invent inaugurate birth give life to spark arouse devise have design turn out manufacture parent enact sire father kickoff compose advance perform bring into the world cook up set up call forth mother forge end in fashion propagate execute formulate engineer compel give birth cultivate innovate spur secure drive fulfil carry out complete stimulate progenerate attain muster procure brew bring off carry through think up dream up put together bring out influence fulfill drop pull off put in place be at the bottom of come up with build actualize make possible craft construct frame fabricate give perpetrate assemble open mould raise synthesize brainstorm pioneer multiply foment implement coin carry off confect prepare organize found manage mold activate discharge churn out rear rouse discover fix fire up start the ball rolling get things rolling spell knock out wreak contribute mastermind motivate synthesise entail force encourage constitute cause to occur cause to happen organise be brought to bed of throw together knock off start off be delivered of further inflict educe conjure draw mean sway evolve conduct move set in excite enforce present dispose equal imply pose plan imagine scheme abet play a part in stir administer plot have as a result have as a consequence pick be instrumental in get up expedite bring up improvise consummate accelerate necessitate inflame sow the seeds of be the inventor of play a role in administrate finalize compass project agitate impel have a hand in add to be a factor in amount to culminate in be the father of open up usher in be the mother of patent succeed author spitball succeed in arrange for instil instill open the door for push forward finish fester ferment be responsible for have the effect of finish in draw out add up to have a part in conduce to forward help be partly responsible for conduce oil the wheels of come out with conclude model shape be the inspiration for mint actuate fangle run erect piece together patch together bring into existence whip out put up fit together rustle up cobble up sculpture knock together eke out cobble together hammer out rig up structure trump up make up return finalise turn the trick put across toss off provide earn supply afford net pay fetch accrue furnish tender bestow proffer offer admit beam blossom bring in gather in haul in pull in rake in give off pay out sell for process harvest mass-produce follow through with negotiate prosecute bring to fruition put through clinch commit apply put into effect score put into action deliver on sew up make good on arrange exercise get done observe follow through on materialize impose reach take care of make it get there chalk up clock up materialise notch up perfect act out put into practice work out commence finish off meet wrap up go through with be true to transact arrive at bring to completion bring to bear put into operation nail it rack up do the trick machinate do justice to follow land acquire hit rig strike swing maneuver deal with manoeuvre lead put in force settle engage in undertake live up to honor act upon operate win wangle dispatch gain exert employ practice practise piece conquer satisfy honour cast make real handle take care of business abide by make it happen get the job done get it done involve do it bring into play polish off finish up accomplish it finish it fulfil one's task complete it plant pursue act on keep reify incarnate exact manipulate orchestrate draft engage tackle obey ply set install finagle work on pass set down nail finesse heed stage instal use germinate concert confirm determine carry to completion terminate in fill seize grasp serve out deal out authorise bag make a reality knock up make concrete deliver the goods leave refine act acquit oneself of authorize tap draught come through stage-manage survive jockey comply with adhere to keep to conform to crown turn thrash out put on make good put to work put to use go through angle be true be faithful be guilty of round off top off call upon be to blame for capitalize on put forth act in accordance with play games play on see through make it through be faithful to make short work of finalize it achieve it be as good as make the most of sort out stick to put the finishing touches to put the final touches to get through do one proud lay out hit upon be a source of undergo actionize follow up on break the ice break in kick off crystallize deposit find embark on acquit mediate get transpire obtain annex reorganise reorganize corporealize transgress wax take annexe exhibit start in on action take action on kick-start press invite redound to police start up risk meet requirements satisfy requirements result pull be the origin of enable serve stand by get something done grow into crystallise source regulate unleash make the grade gain fulfillment fulfill your potential bear out put screws to cost legislate declare run into grind out carve out make work push through vent bring home the bacon redound tick assume decree follow up follow out follow through provide the means for reach the summit of put finishing touch on idealise bring to perfection idealize summon blueprint inherit polish be successful dispose of score a success appear indulge express visit cut bring into effect put into place cap wind up be engaged in elaborate cogitate engineer a way wrangle shift work it swing it find a way hack arise garner be behind gratify excogitate up and do have an effect on wrest snag go that route resolve ratify sanction dawn bring it to pass give rise to it cause it bring it to fruition realize it implement it wield play out wreck mete out just do it reap capture run with the ball do to a turn spring put into force break be done with vamp drum up becast vamp up chart utilise exploit harness utilize draw up wage proclaim lay down approve lay on magic put over do the job sail through get someplace latch onto agree get out of the way take over cast about sketch out set out strategize lay sketch lay plans dope out diagram describe block out delineate trace keep faith with fulfill one's potential make hay earn one's wings represent quicken put it over put the tin lid on do a bang-up job close seal broker prefabricate run up force upon give vent to symbolize dictate do to a T deploy come into come into possession of accede to be elevated to objectify conjure up bargain fudge together fix in position throw up portray give free rein to make something appear produce as if by magic magic up choose rule figure symbolise opt name decide direct transform treat choreograph coordinate settle on settle upon control bring to life give life make use of call into play avail oneself of avail yourself of convert reach an agreement reach terms on come to terms on tie up supervise see to make ready alter superintend doctor approach attempt work at set about devote oneself to go about be employed occupy oneself with get on with get busy with mount cook shake hands on button up set the seal on transition adjust optimise change optimize vary metamorphose adapt act with attend to recondition redress repair perform on mobilize mobilise fix up pull strings pull wires


To found or pioneer
establish innovate pioneer found invent build design develop devise launch originate produce revolutionise revolutionize engineer forge introduce set up assemble author construct create fashion make put together usher in actualize begin bring about bring into being catalyse catalyze come out with commence compose conceive conceive of concoct contrive cook up craft discover draw up fabricate father give rise to initiate instigate institute kick off modernise modernize spearhead start throw together turn out bring into existence bring on bring to pass effectuate hatch induct knock off knock together knock up machinate put up ring in start out throw up manufacture coin frame mint make up come up with generate form release grind out bang out churn out crank out pump out mass-produce trot out formulate draft draught plan prepare plot think up dream up arrange cast outline delineate map out sketch organize work out block out chart organise evolve map draw lay out think of scheme sketch out shape lay compile rough out trump up get ready mastermind trace brainstorm write choreograph imagine vamp conjure up drum up dope out whip up set out advance legislate pass model effect excogitate decree detail project enact depict brew ratify declare carve out hit on work run up codify mark out sanction implement authorize pursue proclaim authorise carry out mould administer represent lay down mold budget dictate demark silhouette define blueprint ponder pen graph cogitate knock out set make ready dream mark copy spark comp bring plot out strategize about rough ad-lib trace out strategize draw the lines of mark off decide scheme out start up codetermine draw over hammer out determine constitute conceptualize ready calculate intrigue hew hash out improvise prep mock up scribe script set down conceptualise adumbrate orchestrate do play it by ear fake it get off head trip pattern vamp up fudge together fit fix groom conceit ideate tabulate skeleton cut dash off spitball work up realise realize elaborate purpose make a chart of make a diagram of make out list out describe illustrate speculate ruminate visualise envisage thrash out cobble together tailor spark off get picture visualize obtain work on envision program programme demarcate delimit reproduce border record etch pencil go over paint draw round indicate sketch in make a rough draft image bound mark the limits of mark the boundaries of edge render draw plans of comprise execute diagram piece rig translate into compound erect gather collate systemize marshal systematize uncover bring forth moot stumble upon detect find mix connect join anthologize sort out accumulate amass combine collect link conduct systematise piece together rustle up marshall bring together carry through fulfill wage engage in put through fulfil approve confirm carry off pull off negotiate compass follow through with


To encourage or cause a certain event or outcome
invite encourage attract draw generate induce provoke cause court foster create elicit engender incite solicit tempt entice allure arouse woo command countenance entreat lure urge ask for bring on lead to beg for call forth call for bring on oneself flirt with make happen leave the door open to prompt bring about instigate foment produce occasion precipitate trigger initiate promote give rise to risk necessitate spark off beget entail involve end in stir up excite look for implant plant evoke lodge seek mean sow terminate in finish in culminate in redound to be likely to cause be likely to lead to ferment brew raise kindle start pick abet whip up result in effect advance be conducive to contribute to further push forward stimulate help set off add to spur set in motion trigger off put in motion touch off drive be the cause of contribute be instrumental in bring to pass catalyze have a hand in have a part in rouse effectuate conduce to cultivate lead conduce enkindle catalyse be at the bottom of cost inspire activate awaken bring out draw forth fire waken invoke bring into being rally animate call into being wake inflame revive whet summon up stir motivate summon spark bring fan enliven breed vivify awake work up call up conjure up fire up educe make for pique make quicken yield spawn originate bestir influence translate into bring forth draw out set going launch conjure call introduce establish compel agitate actuate extract affect kickoff begin recall move evince hatch work actualize instill muster instil draw on set on do key up egg on sow the seeds of kick-start breathe life into extort exact set on foot set afoot cause to appear start up resurrect goad derive obtain drum up push prod whomp up impassion galvanize exercise fetch call upon invocate prime galvanise build up rev up suscitate thrill institute render inspirit reignite rekindle sharpen spur on turn on get smoking burn up open enact inaugurate develop bring to mind put one in mind of call to mind remind you of remind manifest start off cook up start the ball rolling bring up get things rolling reproduce play a part in incarnate play a role in achieve impel accomplish be a factor in amount to realise realize organise engineer open the door for attain organize be responsible for carry off cause to occur carry through have the effect of add up to cause to happen pull off make possible forward contrive put in place be partly responsible for oil the wheels of bear spell bring off procure give incentive incline

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