の反対語 excessively excited


Opposite of showing enthusiasm or displaying positive energy about something
apathetic bored indifferent unenthusiastic disinterested unexcited unenthused uninspired callous cold cool could care less couldn't care less dispirited don't give a damn draggy emotionless flat impassive insensible languid listless moony passive stoic stolid uncaring unconcerned unemotional unfeeling uninterested unmoved unresponsive untouched what the hell wimpy blasé half-hearted lackadaisical lukewarm passionless perfunctory subdued tepid unimpressed depressed spiritless turned off easy-going laid-back calm composed uneager dispassionate nonchalant uninvolved detached incurious insouciant frigid phlegmatic reluctant casual dull unmotivated aloof undemonstrative unwilling pococurante uncurious numb complacent unaroused lethargic inattentive unambitious heartless stoical impassible affectless reserved impartial non-committal disinclined weak unpassionate lackluster hesitant lacklustre happy unstimulated reticent disenchanted expressionless undersexed torpid unimpassioned averse blank mild deadpan lazy stony unexpressive peaceful quenched satisfied unworried cold-blooded indisposed heedless uninquisitive disappointed languorous sluggish loath selfish insincere irreligious meek gentle moderate feeble dreading distant wearied ignorant recalcitrant opposed hardhearted unsympathetic neutral nonpartisan nonemotional glacial shiftless faint unaffectionate full disloyal hesitating unimportant impervious negligent restrained icy flippant dim discouraged unaffected hollow demurring content assured remote resistant not caring impersonal self-controlled stony-eyed sexually unresponsive antipathetic carefree disheartened weary cursory disimpassioned wary apprehensive impotent halfhearted inexpressive pokerfaced scornful insecure averse to indifferent to droopy laid back pessimistic careless inhibited diffident placid unconcerned about apathetic towards breathy casual about heedless of apathetic about doubting unconfident empty hardened vacant unfazed unsure not enthusiastic serene fixed collected unflappable uncertain supercilious imperturbable sedate unexcitable dubious unassured doubtful unrevealing insusceptible wooden dry distrustful suspicious unimpressible self-conscious self-doubting unruffled inexcitable lifeless indurated taciturn inscrutable straight-faced dead pan poker-faced self-contained not giving anything away repulsed disenthralled unhappy tired


Opposite of being in a state of increased activity


Opposite of trembling, as from fear or excitement


Opposite of in a state of high anticipation

の同義語 excessively excited

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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