の同義語 a patriotic


Having or demonstrating an unwavering devotion toward someone or something
keen faithful constant dependable devoted loyal staunch dutiful steadfast true ardent fanatical impervious steady unfaltering emphatic fervent stalwart trusted enduring firm stout trustworthy zealous committed genuine resolute dedicated impassioned obdurate solid supportive close inexorable reliable strong unwavering allegiant hardened persistent trusty devout fervid perfervid stable unflinching good immovable passionate strict unswerving true-blue true-hearted tried and tested tried and true true to life fast dyed-in-the-wool unchanging attached truthful tried honest incorruptible sure upright hard-core behind one honourable honorable down-the-line pious stanch obedient scrupulous on the level conscientious loving sincere confiding affectionate string along with circumspect straight confirmed liege veracious orthodox card-carrying uncompromising deep-dyed unfailing tried-and-true in good faith die-hard on one's side correct believable true blue righteous just ethical decent virtuous moral principled respectable earnest upstanding right responsible wholehearted right-minded reputable square high-principled enthusiastic noble kosher nice proper unimpeachable all right avid fixed established intense pure worthy moralistic trustable calculable inveterate high-minded saintly mad keen intent single-minded sworn fair secure out-and-out equitable clean elevated eager irreproachable hard-working blameless exemplary law-abiding never-failing up front deep-seated through and through stand-up stubborn driven unhesitating entrenched long-established vehement long-standing deep-rooted gung ho diehard vigorous unshakeable safe sound deep unqualified laudable meritorious praiseworthy fitting conscionable guiltless pledged commendable humane incurable red-hot sinless impeccable anti-corruption immaculate keen as mustard legit aboveboard right-thinking on the up and up certain persevering resolved determined indomitable set settled purposeful tenacious complete serious thoroughgoing thorough absolute utter emotional fiery incorrigible rigid heartfelt flaming profound inflexible admirable bound diligent unmovable unbending truehearted unrepentant full-bore unapologetic unashamed torrid burning straightforward bosom passional charged feverish abiding ingrained unquestioning lawful sensible spirited boon lofty infallible right-down arrant unbribable active assiduous bred-in-the-bone hot-blooded heated instilled saintlike godly through-and-through deeply felt enthused rightful infixed unchangeable angelic clean-living hopped up studious morally correct full-fledged unfeigned pure as the driven snow fair-minded whiter than white squeaky-clean out and out adherent tested squeaky clean well-established deeply ingrained deep-down motivated hopeless rational unflappable reasonable durable unyielding morally right morally acceptable Christian engagé redoubtable as thick as thieves inseparable rooted tough stiff irrepressible undying dyed-in-the wool eternal beyond hope predictable unmistakable effective unshakable concerned attentive admiring consecrated embedded indelible ineradicable decisive positive careful incorrupt unequivocal immutable fortified irremovable as keen as mustard single-hearted old faithful given over to true to the end well established deep-set dug in set firm strong-minded set on dogged untiring obstinate bent decided gritty strong-willed bent on hardboiled buckled down uncorrupted above reproach on up and up above-board of good repute fond adoring big doting exuberant rabid in the clear inculpable irreprehensible untarnished without reproach of excellent character self-righteous fly right level-headed straight-up foolproof above suspicion boy scout guaranteed rock solid always there as good as one's word to be trusted sure-fire worthy of trust tried and trusted mature down home full of integrity adamant changeless immobile veridical creditable undistorted estimable chaste recognized approved tried out fail-safe proven proved certified classic put to the test recognised time-honoured attested safe as houses demonstrated consistent used failsafe of principle impartial above board punctilious innocent seemly holy faultless magnanimous decorous distinguished spiritual chivalrous salt of the earth noble-minded gallant courteous no lie heightened severe immoderate powerful uncontrolled marked acute explosive inordinate intemperate heavy penetrating piercing inflamed vivid potent ferocious melodramatic hellacious excessive consuming blistering intensified furious wild overemotional sentimental fierce emotive all-consuming animated warm hopeful frank candid feeling upfront excited forthright glowing demonstrative warm-blooded incandescent superheated religious blazing ecstatic chronic habitual raw open plain-spoken gotta have tender dying to hot for warmhearted hearty responsive to the core congenital free-spoken round plainspoken meaning what one says real veritable literal truth-telling guileless outspoken unreserved ingenuous precise realistic like it is


Noble and generous in spirit
philanthropic charitable generous benevolent altruistic beneficent unselfish magnanimous kind liberal unstinting humanitarian bountiful munificent bounteous compassionate giving humane selfless bighearted caring philanthropical eleemosynary openhanded good kindhearted ungrudging gracious helpful benignant almsgiving goodhearted solicitous contributing donating prosocial kind-hearted big-hearted open-handed public-spirited do-good socially concerned generous to a fault considerate kindly free unsparing lavish freehanded thoughtful noble big sympathetic freehearted fulsome greathearted self-sacrificing indulgent open chivalrous free-handed great-hearted understanding benign merciful princely decent tolerant hospitable loving all heart large-hearted high-minded warm-hearted lofty tender obliging handsome good-hearted gallant prodigal empathetic gentle loose affectionate friendly honourable soft-hearted honorable just soft warm clement supportive tenderhearted warmhearted good-natured tender-hearted neighbourly well-disposed soft-touch lenient sensitive neighborly honest fair comforting mild empathic maternal responsive pitying lordly elevated open-hearted high nonprofit softhearted great openhearted bleeding-heart moralistic forgiving concerned moderate excellent easy reasonable self-denying amicable not-for-profit non-profit-making attentive human non-profit accommodating sweet feeling sublime motherly fatherly fatherlike forbearing righteous genial nice welfare profuse devoted encouraging unstinted natural cordial willing equitable unstinging upright civilized doting denying doing good works brotherly self-forgetting affable self-effacing commiserative patient civilised bleeding heart virtuous ethical moral principled amiable valiant heroic open-minded well meaning well-meaning community-minded rich acceptable beneficient abundant ample immaculate woke socially aware ready exuberant extravagant plentiful full social-minded respected approving holy pharisaical inoffensive goody-goody spotless angelical esteemed unerring creditable reassuring gratuitous unprejudiced culturally sensitive overgenerous helpful to others idealistic plenteous willingly given approachable uplifting Christian self-forgetful accessible unmarred pietistical chaste pristine graceful pietistic unflawed substantial respectable upstanding conscientious goodish sentimental nonprofitmaking protective inspiring nurturing inspiriting broad-minded mindful aware consoling disinterested sympathizing condoling incorruptible extroverted redeeming virginal untouched prayerful unblamable redeemable commiserating piteous ruthful boosting gratifying stimulating paternal comradely very kind sympathising having heart in right place sparing receptive well disposed loving and giving old softie well-intentioned state public socially conscious loyal fraternal courteous soothing cheering fulfilling fond wholesome angelic lovable easygoing agreeable soft touch cooperative benefic polite calm congenial tactful propitious cheerful likeable unoffensive likable mellow sociable dutiful delightful good-tempered regardful well intentioned good-humoured respectful sweet-tempered heart in right place good-humored pleasant pleasing engaging well-mannered deferential chummy pally touchy-feely personal intimate companionable comprehending worthy knightly Santa Claus has heart in right place civil easy-going complaisant convivial social mannerly amenable welcoming gregarious urbane buddy-buddy matey bonhomous outgoing hearty diplomatic compliant personable clubby careful gentlemanly charming well-bred favorable mild-mannered accepting genteel jovial favourable permissive well mannered ladylike palsy-walsy decorous unassuming conversable clubbable palsy polished pardoning easy to get along with long-suffering peaceable cheery unreserved hail-fellow-well-met harmonious collegial even-tempered cultivated lovely suave maternalistic peaceful parental temperate mollycoddling condoning pampering quiet humble accommodative modest hail-fellow adoring patriarchal mushy cool harmless eager to please refined eager to help extrovert happy perceptive discreet winsome company-loving politic lax uninhibited going easy on couthy regular placid cosy cozy light overindulgent well-behaved avuncular well bred spoiling allowing interested mother yielding excusing permitting stoical sisterly resigned chirpy communal amorous reverent pacific stoic uncomplaining watchful reverential heedful sheltering assuaging dear bland observant lovesome unpresumptuous enthusiastic soft-shell unflappable conciliatory perky winning earnest discerning breezy prepossessing heartening restrained longanimous sweet-natured being big cultured calming courtly appreciative soft-spoken extraverted self-controlled self-restrained swell heartwarming gladdening debonair clubable formal easy to get on with insightful well behaved poised good-mannered well spoken well brought up well-spoken sensible bubbly vulnerable confident soft-centred vigilant undemanding emotional wonderful paternalistic placable happy-go-lucky amical guestfriendly responsible understandable thoughty pitiful informal nonmalignant nonthreatening cosseting communicative relaxed willing to forgive weak spineless boneless worried anxious appealing heartfelt appreciating vicarious beneficial acquiescent ingratiating wholehearted genuine sincere advantageous soft-shelled overpermissive nonjudgmental taking captivating enchanting meek non-malignant kin softie marshmallow familial brother's sibling genealogical affirmative inviting eager as nice as pie simpatico guiding deep copacetic trustworthy profitable incorrupt dependable unmean demure backslapping lamblike useful adaptable pliable handy ardent going along with dovelike obsequious punctilious condescending smooth familiar tight positive shy retiring non-hostile lively proper able to live with favourably disposed well brought-up right straight true user friendly on tap on deck barley-sugar unconstrained unrestrained conflict-free willing to help elegant downright neighborly couth willing to please passionate amatory attention-seeking buddy buddy salutary laid back like-minded square shooting concordant agreeing accordant right nice non-confrontational dove-like cautious fervent close faithful demonstrative reserved down-to-earth unpretentious unobtrusive simple composed stand-up romantic welcome prudent protecting supporting caretaking enamored unctuous intuitive clean-living all right on the up and up well-brought-up squeaky clean right-minded living with judicious bound up close-knit emollient assuasive favoring humoring letting conscious cognizant enduring imperturbable serene unexcitable overfond humouring favouring favorably inclined going easy with enamoured expressing adoration subtle persistent persevering philosophical sensitized reactive impressionable delicate consolatory favorably disposed favourably inclined wise lovey-dovey live with submissive equanimous untiring mild-tempered unruffled self-possessed inexcitable tranquil passive silly over perceiving impressible sensitised knowing emotionable unimposing impassive philosophic fortitudinous finely tuned supersensitive tactical skilful skillful turned on to touchy feely tuned in dexterous deft savvy seemly relieving skilled adroit with the patience of Job dextrous treating with kid gloves easing satisfying rewarding heart-warming analeptic warming bolstering softening revitalising invigorating lightening succouring revivifying health-giving sustaining allaying upholding envigorating remedying alleviating restoring freeing mitigating revitalizing curing succoring solacing abating refreshing

の反対語 a patriotic

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