の同義語 assuming a front


The act or fact of pretending
acting feigning posturing front facade masquerade show guise façade posing charade posture dissimulation hoax subterfuge shamming falsification bluffing illusion pretence pretending pretense affectation counterfeit hoaxing bluff dissemblance humbug pose sham play-acting make-believe a put-on false colours a put-up job putting on a front simulation act faking attitudinizing disguise semblance mask simulacrum veneer veil appearance cover airs cloak playacting deception display trick fakery artifice con imitation deceit schtick self-deception fabrication stall misrepresentation invention putting on an act routine ostentation insincerity shuffling garb evasion stunt snivel smokescreen image travesty parody hokum impression camouflage outward appearance put-on false show false front false pretense double-dealing false appearance dumb act imposture enactment role impersonation concealment cheating dissembling covering counterfeiting masking face screen air false display cover-up pretext pretension exterior look window dressing shroud smoke screen gloss fake color colour blind false colors farce mockery excuse fig leaf smoke and mirrors window-dressing layer curtain coloring mien public image pretentiousness red herring caricature pageant disguisement mantle colouring aspect ruse mimicry beard cartoon feint showing hood trickery wraps expression attitude mannerism pantomime bearing figure joke carriage performance demeanour shield falsehood exaggeration countenance demeanor dress name costume feeling apology blanket coverture penumbra pall cope aura spoof burlesque lampoon claim likeness suggestion effect shade send-up outward show poor substitute manner parade presentation shell outside character visage robe lie misstatement hypocrisy whitewash assumption outward display an act a scene personality identity part light mummery coverup portrayal scheme profession personation revel envelope mere façade stance disguising closeting self stand chaser ploy hamming phoney phony dissimilation smoke-screen personage person fallacy fancy misperception put-up job form persona sweet talk soft soap phoniness approximation false impression shuck and jive fakeness frontage public face assumed role resemblance distortion perversion similitude alikeness seeming mood similarity affinity feel take-off deceptive appearance corruption takeoff apology for excuse for play ridicule poor imitation roast satire mock lampoonery shambles absurdity nonsense malarkey ridiculousness embarrassment circus disgrace laughing stock waste of time piece of futility

の反対語 assuming a front

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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