の同義語 be handed down


(of an asset) To pass by inheritance, typically from parent to child


To be transferred from one person or place to another, especially by inheritance


To pass or transfer from one person or entity to another
devolve transfer delegate entrust transmit consign depute pass surrender commit convey relinquish assign cede give bestow deliver dump grant leave offload alienate foist decentralise decentralize pass on hand down hand on hand over pass down give to hand to part with pass to sign over fob off make over palm off turn over let go of get rid of bequeath trust deed intrust alien repose hand confide vest give over charge commission recommend commend task place allot relegate confer on bestow on make something over to someone appoint abalienate divert refer designate allocate redirect endow lodge channel cast appropriate lay change abdicate reassign apportion confer lease demise grant to put in the hands of settle pertain furnish belong entrust to invest in will devise shunt give the right of give the title of parcel out send on errand hold responsible for send on mission vouchsafe authorize invest authorise vest in give into the charge of give into the care of give into the custody of put into the hands of yield send give up present offer abandon cough up send on render accord hand out impart let someone have dispense turn in renounce waive lay down lend deliver up sacrifice reach supply resign donate provide move remit gift submit shift relocate forfeit contribute throw dispatch proffer legate bequest tender detail give away exchange deliver to give out direct attach forward second buck forgo forsake toss abnegate concede chuck circulate serve provision bung dispose of produce kick in fork out chip in award afford issue send to purvey dish out advance fork over direct to consign to provide with furnish with present with gift with turn over to pass on to leave in one's will present to leave to hand round confine handball attorn connect sync forswear deposit engage render up ordain lose promise employ destine escalate yield up give in equip send out remise relay readdress upload distribute feed bring jettison give custody of leave with give custody give free rein deposit with fix up kit out make available put up disburse transfer to hand over to convey to point onpass disinherit probate disherit guide patronise let store loan patronize aid command stake inflict cater arrange award to allocate to bless with supply with contribute to impart to allot to donate to hand out to assign to endow with pass round share out pass out dole out deal out mete out leave to by will post fork up settle on allow to look after let out make trustee put into hands of rid unburden divest return lay on route cut off shell out pitch in stump up come up with show steer devote pay volunteer throw in fund subsidize share sponsor replenish extradite ante up usher marshal marshall free from relieve of pony up extend give a donation of make a donation of subscribe pledge subsidise send back come through sweeten the pot sweeten the kitty dower bear bring back put in touch with assign temporarily

の反対語 be handed down

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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