の同義語 be in the hunt


To engage in a competition or contest
compete contend fight vie battle challenge clash rival tussle grapple wrestle jockey race struggle wrangle contest emulate lock horns strive attempt bandy bid collide cross swords encounter essay face face off fence joust oppose spar strive against struggle against take on tilt try wage war pit oneself against cope with go after go for go head to head match strength match wits participate in pitch oneself against run for scramble for seek prize try to beat go for broke jockey for position go for the gold go up against in contest push jostle confront war scuffle meet engage vie with combat feud play off skirmish square off scrimmage run scramble squabble dispute pit match conflict play duel compete with go up against compete against face-off attack crusade campaign agitate contend against buck counter be rivals sweat come to blows tourney be in the running press work speak lobby rivalize match yourself against take part take part in a race maneuver event steeplechase juggle show manoeuvre argue bicker trade blows go for the jugular brave fight a duel go out break a lance enter the lists seek to displace show jump scrap be against brawl be opposed to content against go one on one with face off against go toe to toe with go eyeball to eyeball with contend with be pitted against tug litigate cope withstand stand join battle controvert resist oppugn hassle push for have at tangle with shoot for shoot at deal with nominate yourself put up with go for jugular go for it put yourself forward give your all knock oneself out make play for compete for battle for contend for vie for struggle for try for tussle for fight for try to win fight over challenge for give all one's got mix it up with do battle have a dust-up quarrel exchange blows assault have a punch-up defy tangle lock antlers roughhouse be in conflict clash with engage in conflict skirmish with disagree altercate have a set-to tackle repel box make war have a fight go to war engage in hostilities come into conflict row rassle be at loggerheads be at odds have a dispute cuff grapple with be at each other's throats rough-house campaign against bear arms have a scrap have a barney bump heads put up a fight mix it up stand up to take the field fly in the face of romp slug mount an attack have a row defend break trade punches raise Cain duke it out manhandle tilt with start fighting go for each other slug it out raise your fists meet head-on come to grips try to put out try to extinguish butt heads to fight bandy words chop logic put in opposition set against set as rivals argue against question object to quarrel with argue with cut and thrust fight against come to blows with face down rebel against feud with rally against dissent from assail speak against stoush swedge assault each other do battle with fight with put up an argument oppose action put up a fight against set your face against stand up and be counted against make a stand against take issue with spare no effort take a stand against hit each other punch each other scrimmage with protect rowdy traverse war against attack each other set upon launch battle with begin battle with strike taste battle spar with wrest with scrap with wage war against go the knuckle exchange blows with brush with ply weapons flare up light into bandy with lay into take up arms against mount an attack on enter into combat with fall on take all comers carry on war race with race against fight like Kilkenny cats wage war on take up the gauntlet come to close quarters with shoot bombard give battle to join battle with be at war take up arms engage in combat take the field against march against fight like cat and dog set to conduct a war carry on hostilities

の反対語 be in the hunt

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