の同義語 bring a charge against


Bring action against in court
prosecute sue try indict arraign do accuse cite impeach summon summons charge litigate take to court implead jug put on trial bring legal proceedings against contest institute legal proceedings against someone law bring an action against bring suit against put in the dock take legal action against act against bring action against bring a suit against bring suit have the law on prefer charges pull up put away seek redress bring a criminal charge against bring someone to trial bring to court haul into court involve in litigation prefer charges against put on docket see in court take legal action turn on the heat incriminate denounce defame blame criminate censure denunciate reprehend reprimand criticise reprobate disparage tax discredit impugn criticize inculpate lay charges against bring a case against cast aspersions on call to account bring charges against hold at fault impute frame finger condemn point the finger at hold accountable recriminate allege charge with reproach fault accuse of file charges against lay at one's door point the finger implicate file attack reprove arraign for prosecute for impeach for make accusations about bring to trial for take to court for put on trial for bring charges drag into court lay the blame on petition involve press charges brand attribute name slur rebuke indict for stigmatize take proceedings stigmatise take to task have up hold responsible tax with recriminate for incriminate for pin on serve summons assign guilt to institute legal proceedings lodge complaint lay blame on point finger at file a suit file suit hang something on confront present complain apprehend betray slander arrest libel lay censure with let someone have it blow the whistle file claim hold someone answerable demand beseech claim proceed against hang on enter a plea claim damages follow up bring an action take out after file a claim appeal dispute pin it on bring before the court entrap go to court convict take the law on contest at law go to law grass on inform against set up peg blacken the name of fit up rat on give away drop someone in it pin the blame on stick the blame on lay the blame on someone for stick on impute blame to blame for blow the whistle on attribute liability to hold answerable for whistle-blow attribute to hold accountable for hold responsible for try for implicate in condemn for admonish face with charges saddle serve with a summons rap hold liable find guilty of lay a bad trip on pass the buck assign fault to lay a guilt trip on assign liability to place the blame on consider guilty of point a finger at decry revile castigate vilify proscribe knock pan malign reject besmirch slam excoriate blast slate deplore hammer objurgate vituperate savage anathematize execrate deprecate slag asperse maul declaim derogate slash give something a bad press inveigh against run down fulminate against rail against dress down pour scorn on slag off dis declaim against dispraise have a go at ostracise upbraid lace into rate give some stick to find fault with skin scold animadvert on pull to pieces diss bad-mouth pull apart show up hit out at ostracize lay into

の反対語 bring a charge against

English Vocalbulary

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