の同義語 derros


Plural for a person, typically homeless, who lives by asking for money or food
homeless beggars derelicts down-and-outs drifters itinerants migrants tramps transients vagabonds vagrants bagmen beachcombers dossers hobos homeless people knockabouts overlanders streeties sundowners whalers bindlestiffs bums outies bag ladies people of no fixed abode mendicants swagmen wanderers outcasts birds of passage rolling stones paupers travellers travelers bummers bindle stiffs floaters wayfarers rovers gypsies nomads panhandlers pariahs crusties have-nots bankrupts poor people indigents beggarwomen strollers clochards gadabouts maunderers stiffs ramblers roamers guttersnipes beggarmen quandongs insolvents poor unemployed pikeys black sheep hitchhikers loafers grifters castaways stumblebums dawdlers renegades spongers cadgers schnorrers moochers monks mooches scroungers pilgrims explorers starvelings dependents askers spangers palliards supplicants Romanies displaced persons tinkers globetrotters Bedouins DPs tziganes refugees voyagers New Age travellers globe-trotters adventurers rangers winos didicois journeyers New Agers Roms Bohemian hikers mavericks landlopers bag persons down-and-outers bindle punks fences tussockers footsloggers backpackers trekkers walkers excursionists barnstormers Romanichals Romas Gypsies zigeuners beach bums gallivanters meanderers trippers stragglers strays gads gippies chai gyppos sharpers zingaros bohemians incomers expats settlers expatriates asylum seekers emigrants immigrants newcomers evacuees migrators movers departers exile in-migrants

の反対語 derros

derros イディオム

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