の同義語 draw oneself up


To show anger or indignation
bridle bristle seethe get angry be indignant be infuriated be maddened rear up see red go crook raise your hackles get your back up get your dander up become indignant take umbrage take offense take offence become annoyed get your hackles up be affronted be offended prickle rage fume storm spit become infuriated flare recoil resent be irritated swell ruffle boil be furious flare up object be defensive be angry wig out go ballistic boil over blow up become upset have one's hackles up feel one's hackles rise explode steam foam foam at the mouth rankle sizzle burn smoulder be livid rant and rave blow a fuse simmer rant rave fly off the handle smolder be enraged be incensed go berserk be beside oneself hit the roof go off the deep end breathe fire go up the wall erupt get worked up spit feathers have a fit froth at the mouth go ape lose your rag jump up and down chafe churn lose control flip bubble ferment get steamed up crack up fulminate get hot under the collar be hot under the collar become enraged throw a fit lose your temper be boiling over lose one's temper be steamed up blow a gasket blow one's stack be wild go mad bluster roar scold lose it blow your top go wild throw a wobbly flip one's wig go non-linear boil with rage be incandescent go into a rage go psycho do one's nut have steam coming out of one's ears get mad go crazy go through the roof go spare be mad go bananas be hopping mad go crackers flip your lid foam at mouth hit the ceiling be in a rage be in a state glower glow fester consume stir smoke become very angry blow one's lid have lost one's temper spark stew be on the warpath breathe fire and slaughter anger be up in arms raise the roof be all steamed up be at boiling point champ at the bit get hot sputter pop one's cork fly into a rage flip out blaze get steamed up about chomp at the bit be passionate be excited be aroused be stirred up be inflamed shout throw a tantrum be irate thunder bellow complain sound off heat become angry become excited become impassioned grow passionate get excited grow vehement become animated heat up get annoyed lose your cool have a cow have a conniption fit go postal go into orbit gnash your teeth burst a blood vessel get all steamed up teem swarm roil moil abound convulse whirl brim surge swirl be abundant be full of be alive with be crawling with fret yell scream splutter have a tantrum make a scene lose the plot snap at let off steam overflow with anger do one's head in work oneself into sweat look daggers tear into do one's nut in

の反対語 draw oneself up

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