の同義語 general intention


The general intention or meaning of an argument or statement
drift meaning gist import purport sense significance implication intention direction signification substance tendency tenor content core denotation essence intent point theme thesis thrust vein aim object scope spirit course design end idea trend general meaning message burden meat pith subject stuff connotation heart bottom line nitty-gritty acceptation subject matter nuts and bolts significancy name of the game nuance bearing nub interpretation understanding intimation suggestion matter topic upshot intendment definition allusion purpose force context nature of beast punch line meat and potatoes thread explanation strain marrow symbolization effect text relevance motif score moral heart of the matter flavour flavor crux character mood kernel keynote nucleus lesson worth root value sum centerpiece net pivot question nubbin designation summary short precept insinuation reason motive focus bull's-eye inference sum and substance view viewpoint centrepiece main point kicker subtext main idea nature of the beast explicit meaning implications consequence ideas rationale importance way argument account path hint indication inclination run evolution tone body nature digest thought specification plot center centre undertone essential point central point proposition undercurrent course of thought circumstance salient point case focal point scenario storyline statement opinion the long and short concise summary reference overtone brass tacks action sequence subcurrent line of reasoning most important fact hidden meaning secondary meaning train of thought adage teaching maxim story line sermon truism moralism saying dictum rule apophthegm proverb motto aphorism epigram saw quintessence basis soul anecdote gnome axiom use goal objective target aspiration long and short main theme central idea central theme important point mission ideal general picture ambition plan wish pretension desire dream mark grail thing bourne bourn holy grail where one's heading issue cornerstone base foundation bedrock keystone concern business essentials principle underpinning bottom affair proposal problem matter at hand principal object essentiality fundamental lynchpin groundwork infrastructure crown resolution discussion concept fundamental point material item theorem field of reference area under discussion field of inquiry fundamentals basics result mainspring premise footing hub linchpin quick backbone standard essential part warp ground motion title study field warp and woof fundamental principle area principal element point at issue matter in hand point in question chief ingredient nexus chapter class most important point principal constituent main ingredient ABC crucial point decisive point ropes grounding outcome conclusion reality details basic idea defining characteristic essential element essential feature policy line line division contention payoff basic principles locus main ingredients occasion matter in question matter of contention head talking point situation leitmotif bone of contention moot point epicenter spotlight axis full value full effect amount whole effect through-line first principle guiding principle temper anchor highlight substructure the facts feeling impression stress chief part cold fact chief thing essential details important matter hard fact crux of the matter bull's eye forefront showpiece attraction seat emphasis atmosphere contents category the name of the game foot epicentre consideration detail aspect information article form substratum blurb report entity understructure piece of information state story news portion feature particular part platform vocabulary takeaway ethos focus of attention subject of thought support rallying point centre of attention center of attention hot spot morale cheer feather feel mode quality humour humor climate lexicon stage bed groundwall prop guts attitude ambience belief disposition lifeblood ethic vibe sound bite frame of reference contextual relationship fundamental nature timbre dominating characteristic prevailing tendency full meaning full text motivating force state of mind frame of mind animating principle

の反対語 general intention

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