の同義語 jump on one's case


To criticize or oppose fiercely and publicly
attack criticise criticize abuse censure condemn berate blast castigate chastise impugn rebuke assail bash denigrate flame reprimand admonish cane denounce monster reprobate slate blister bollock pan revile savage chide knock potshot refute slam vituperate hammer reproach rollick rubbish sledge vilify malign pillory pummelled pummel reprehend roast slash belabour belabor crucify derogate diss lambaste reprove bag carpet deprecate disparage harangue lambast blame excoriate fustigate objurgate scathe trash argue with assault verbally bawl out chew out cut up disagree with dress down fulminate against jump on lay into pile in pull apart put down ream out remonstrate with sail into shoot down slag off start in start on take on tear into vituperate against find fault with give someone hell pick holes in pick to pieces take to pieces take to task bite someone's head off go for the jugular haul over the coals have a go at rap over the knuckles snap someone's head off give a rocket give someone a bad press give someone a bollocking give someone a roasting give someone a rollicking lash out jump down one's throat tear off a strip tear a strip off bad-mouth run down asperse slur flay skewer upbraid decry rail against scold besmirch inveigh against rate belittle cast aspersions on pull to pieces defame slander traduce smear do a hatchet job on calumniate lace into throw brickbats at arraign discredit pour scorn on dis maul drag through the mud libel hit out at speak ill of stigmatize fault give a bad press to insult vilipend slight stigmatise take apart deride slag rant at pitch into lash carp at blacken injure animadvert on give a bad name disgrace rip cavil at depreciate give some stick to dispraise do a number on sully bring into disrepute nitpick about lecture scorch sling mud at rail at blot disapprove of tarnish denunciate tongue-lash dishonour degrade cast a slur on give a black eye scandalize smirch defile rap read the riot act damage discount come down on debase taint scandalise dishonor throw mud at stain drag through the mire call down tear to pieces tell off jaw score soil rail give flak to minimize lower spoil besmear contemn criticize severely muckrake spot fling mud at spread scandal about rip up and down blotch bring discredit to breathe on run smear campaign shame baste dump on minimise keelhaul execrate befoul poor-mouth trash-talk cry down ridicule tear to shreds give something a battering talk down speak evil of dismiss bring shame upon tar and feather reduce disrespect reflect badly on bring shame on rag anathematize find lacking find fault let someone have it blacken the name of give someone a dressing-down rip into nitpick over scoff at rake over the coals curse carp diminish inveigh do down fulminate skin scourge speak badly of trim backbite hit bag on light into complain about tick off nit-pick play down lash into yell at cut down write off detract from kiss off tear down proscribe thunder deplore lampoon spread lies about sully the reputation of scorn judge declaim slap detract animadvert downgrade give a talking-to give something a bad press nag at pass strictures upon lash out at take down embarrass pick at take issue with undermine poison kick up a stink about reject rage give someone bondi blacken the reputation of get angry with nag conduct a smear campaign against rant punish blacken the character of protest gripe about downplay vociferate ream mudsling challenge fume question slang taunt cavil rave at chasten underestimate impeach shellac persecute oppress exprobate badmouth undervalue whip wig ostracize underrate ostracise row drub grouch about quibble about carp about moan about grouse about whine about nitpick speak out zap complain zing hose scarify tie into bellyache about whinge about beef about deflate expostulate about jeer at make a stand call over the coals beat up on sound off about tear apart throw shade criticize strongly shout at pull up express disapproval of prejudice declaim against blemish get at make a fuss about animadvert upon mouth off about swear at give someone a telling-off rag on rip up give someone an earful give someone a caning give someone a mouthful go on about skin alive give someone a wigging pass judgment slap on the wrist put someone on the hot seat pin your ears back give someone what for crawl all over kick up a fuss about put someone on the griddle object to burn someone's ears slap down give someone a row sling mud give someone a rating be critical of be spiteful towards be unkind about be malicious about brand speak of with disfavour take hit out beat destroy heap satirize prosecute criticize harshly bring under fire indict cudgel strike smother have a pop at offend review unfavorably satirise protest strongly visit discipline clobber weigh into lay down the law show someone up accuse scream at fluff slog slug rile growl devaluate cheapen lessen compromise humiliate make a protest rant about blacken someone's reputation scratch lacerate lance cut incise jump down someone's throat rebuff incriminate remonstrate round on let fly devalue opprobriate snipe at ride miscall earbash blackguard drag through mud drag someone's name through the mud ruin show up charge with hold forth against trivialize accost wade into let fly at lam into set upon rap knuckles mark down take away have your knife in disdain treat lightly mock cut to bits mete out punishment to be hard on blow up teach a lesson make an example of pick on give the business give bad press give a tongue-lashing be hostile to argue against take exception to be rude to call names blow off cuss out cut to the quick expose to ridicule call out pooh-pooh make light of take swipe at throw stones at hold up to shame sneer at throw shade at look askance get after pick apart disapprove bark at minify sell short misprize deliver a tirade to storm humble trivialise take down a peg look down on discountenance clamor against hold cheap spurn frame sound off to rave spout protest against bluster huff pronounce name adjudge send someone away with a flea in their ear put on the mat blow up at give someone some stick rap someone the knuckles drag over the coals lay out lean on criticize unfairly bad mouth give black eye menace intimidate take a stand misrepresent vociferate about declare unfit send up put away belie point finger at hang something on blow whistle on thumbs down on pin it on lay at one's door sneer send up the river blaspheme strumpet plaster rant and rave call to account hold accountable hold someone to blame complain to hold responsible tell lies about defame someone's character sully someone's reputation run a smear campaign against blacken someone's name demonize dig jinx query dispute demonise kick gainsay contravene oppugn contradict disaffirm break contest traverse cross disavow deny oppose negate doubt negative tar resist object objurate rage against protest strongly at oppose strongly thunder against call into question swipe at cast doubt upon throw doubt on cut to shreds throw the book at pin on cast aspersions upon stick it to thumb nose at make a stand against raise objections to make a protest against complain vociferously about disagree violently with put up a fight against kick against complain bitterly about take a stand against speak out against kick up remonstrate about take great exception to demean marginalize marginalise expostulate foul recriminate mark laugh at cut down to size abominate back-bite label pollute contaminate caricature burlesque villainize expose dirty understate muck gaum mire mar distain begrime grime muddy bemire smudge daub kick in the teeth write false reports about spread tales about make fun of take a swipe at mark wrong drag name through mud drag someone's name through the mire adulterate poor mouth laugh off debauch make unclean corrupt discolour bring to book make impure discolor gossip about backstab gossip lie spite demote lie about give a rough time downcry cast slur on put zingers on snub poormouth comminate disregard insinuate put hooks in loathe cast a slur upon give comeuppance knock off high horse discommend make little of frown detest hate despise yelp yap bawl hurl insults at think little of abhor take dim view of not go for sound off slap in the face hit where one lives express strong disapproval of frown upon have at work over crack down on go after squash abase squelch threap caution sink jeer taint someone's name tarnish someone's name imprecate cast aspersion accuse falsely injure the reputation of blacken someone's character stain someone's good name sully someone's name soil someone's name preach disfavour disfavor gibe disesteem pooh pooh shoot full of holes sour grapes accurse flout scoff chaff characterize slap someone's wrist go on at lose one's temper with have someone on the carpet take to the woodshed keep after scout jibe torment jibe at regard with disgust feel revulsion to feel aversion to feel disgust for put in a bad light rally rib banter razz quiz kid twit lout class categorize classify hold up to ridicule poke fun at heap scorn on show in a bad light ruin the reputation of bring into disfavour rip to shreds make mincemeat of make short work of maltreat damage someone's reputation destroy someone's credibility make sport of treat with contempt flout at poke mullock at hurt identify describe mistreat take the mickey cock a snook at take the piss out of harm characterise call categorise wound mark out label negatively accuse of being outrage cheat aggrieve trespass wrong ill-treat impose upon do wrong to do injury to do a disservice to sin against ill-use take advantage of do the dirty on do an injustice to offend against


To cause anguish or distress to
beset torment plague trouble afflict harass bother worry bedevil torture vex rack oppress annoy persecute harrow pester agonise agonize harry curse hound besiege hassle anguish excruciate nag badger haunt bug beleaguer assail dog affect attack embarrass perplex overwhelm entangle hamper aggress ride weigh down pick on drive up the wall put the squeeze on give a hard time give a bad time give the business fall on fall upon start in on give the needle distress disturb burden upset irk strain irritate pain perturb cause suffering to stress exasperate tax blight try aggravate disquiet agitate discompose grieve crucify unsettle hurt smite discommode gnaw at lie heavy on ail depress wound give someone grief press nettle weigh heavily on importune provoke pursue needle fluster tease rattle fuss fret concern unhinge cause trouble to chafe aggrieve martyr wring punish mistreat mither hector molest alarm cause agony to scourge faze prey on inconvenience tear dismay ruffle scare dun flurry distemper frazzle hagride nag at discomfit derail be a burden to take over confront burn up weigh on face freak out weird out make anxious victimize bait rend gall mortify pique chivvy injure convulse peeve buffet rile maltreat harm devil abuse heckle grip nark ill-treat get discomfort displease grate rasp niggle eat frustrate distract inflict anguish on frost gripe obsess victimise itch goad spite tyrannize wrong alarum exercise undo bend someone's ear hang over tantalize put out frighten tantalise disconcert despair be a burden on hack off tyrannise get down cause anxiety to weigh heavily on one's mind take control of get to make uneasy be a great weight on suffer bedog labor labour muse petition solicit pressurize be in someone's way squirm sear cast down press down on excoriate terrorize tear away at belabour gut pierce stab hunt grizzle terrorise shake weigh cut up unnerve rock devastate sadden throw be prey to deject test discombobulate cause pain to be the victim of dishearten cause disquiet to roust goose appall confuse terrify accost pother rag be afflicted with be plagued with suffer from be troubled by rib put off throw off psych out spook appal urge pressurise offend incommode dash chaff belabor bombard be burdened with be blighted with be bedevilled by go on at possess mess with someone's head do someone's head in sweat out overcharge prey on your mind harp on at thwart foil discriminate against make uncomfortable stir up niggle at cause discomfort to cause concern to grind at weigh heavily on someone's mind egg on bum out be a nuisance to drive bananas miff play cat and mouse be a pest to rub salt in wound put through wringer come back to haunt be a weight on one's mind hang up begrudge upset the applecart crab grudge put someone's nose out of joint louse up get even preoccupy inflict suffering on inflict pain on dish it out stick it to give it to dish out strike take visit sicken disgust rark insult taunt heavy chivy suppress subjugate browbeat nudge crush interrupt bore hinder impede cross subdue rub up the wrong way get on your nerves grate on intrude upon repress enslave impose on get on your wick breathe down someone's neck overcome hegemonize overpower master carp at make somebody's hackles rise get on someone's case exploit subject keep down treat harshly encumber trample despotize overload rule with a rod of iron trample on saddle dominate rule over put down be cruel to hold sway over walk all over rule grind down tyrannize over bring under the yoke rule with an iron hand coerce put screws to trample underfoot weigh heavy upon force bring someone to their knees hold down smother chasten put upon outrage ride roughshod over bring to heel handicap beat down be brutal to overthrow anger infuriate rankle wind up tick off incense gravel madden enrage give someone the hump get across affront roil exacerbate antagonize inflame hump get in your hair hack you off antagonise get under your skin get at drive crazy drive mad disgruntle be on your back gnaw make someone see red get on one's nerves bully drive round the bend rub the wrong way sting tee off get your goat disoblige put your back up get your back up rankle with drive to distraction make angry dissatisfy make waves ridicule intimidate burn keep after keep on at drive round the twist eat at shock try your patience cut to the quick mock make your blood boil haze be at turn off disrupt traumatize abrade ruffle one's feathers discourage raise your hackles ire enflame mad make cross discountenance T-off traumatise eat away at wear on razz hurt somebody's feelings steam up give someone the pip get your dander up dispirit gibe horrify get up someone's nose send into a rage chagrin nauseate work on daunt weary embitter drive you up the wall fire up josh confound jar on slight get your hackles up banter dump on roast be on the back of guy scandalize rally prick put to trouble jar stew repel excite sour get across someone slap henpeck dis demoralize rattle one's cage throw off balance debilitate scandalise make miserable shake up make unhappy make fun of rub you up the wrong way poke fun at cheese off mess with get a rise out of take the piss out of make sport of set one's teeth on edge demoralise hit where one lives try the patience of deride stir jeer prod twit stress out joke fear jive floor disappoint psych sweat quiz diss revolt repulse dampen disrespect bite disaffect lead on fool around sap scold cavil jangle wear rouse revile break chide domineer bum fun flip out kid reproach hack tire cow berate sledge stretch craze slam upbraid beat impose peck at fester give offence to criticize dampen spirits be on one's case move pick at rag on cause anguish to make wretched shuck drain scoff at chill acerbate jeer at get someone spoof be a pain in the neck be a thorn in someone's side umbrage make things hot for someone make it hot for someone get on the wrong side of shatter take the mickey criticise jibe at give trouble work up stick in one's craw be a thorn in someone's flesh dull rattle someone's cage wear out make it tough make someone fed up do in make discontented swipe at pull one's leg put in a spot have on knock for six put on the spot derange steam chevy damage carp kid around macerate noodge despoil foray bullyrag tangle drive nuts curdle breath down someone's neck give someone hell puzzle jerk around cut indispose wig insist remind dragoon expel exile empurple grind push one's buttons rile up interfere meddle unman turn incapacitate flip bewilder cramp drive insane insist on brown off discontent get on someone scar push button heat up scorn hit a sour note mess get someone's wick snit pet tiff huff incite exhaust make an enemy of somebody lie heavily on scratch around yap at ask for it grill key up turn on lay up search high heaven zing be hurtful to bleed mourn cause anguish cause suffering cause offense lambaste cause sorrow get on the nerves of barrack boo start put on edge get on set on edge misplease single out lean on beleague bring down cause resentment to cause annoyance to rock the boat make a scene put pressure on run up the wrong way sneer stroke someone's hair the wrong way get in the hair of bring pressure to bear on shout down consternate be in someone's hair get the knife into stick the knife into be disagreeable to push the buttons of break one's heart resent interfere with eat up push someon's buttons disenchant lower find fault make blue drag down put a damper on break the heart of put into a funk inflict trauma deeply upset impose upon cause inconvenience to get on someone's back hiss lie heavy on someone's mind weigh heavy on someone's mind barge in on intrude on flout unstring abominate put jar upon grate upon disdain play dirty irritate greatly hurt deeply work into lather set off set on take a rise out of thumb nose at kick up a fuss kick up a stink wear upon offend morals of horn in on rasp one's nerves devitalize scout dispraise slander put to some trouble throw a curve knock props out make demands on make severe demands on put a strain on tire out take aback create difficulties for flummox fill with loathing butt in on drive you crazy envenom shout at fuddle disparage drive you out of your mind drive you off your head drive you to distraction make somebody's blood boil drive you round the twist make you see red make livid drive out of mind drive you round the bend humble defeat lose patience reluct give a zinger give the cold shoulder jest stump jab dig lout have had enough become bored exhaust someone's patience grate at twitter butt in shout catcalls at make game of poison alienate inflict bear down on damp down sneer at quip override push tear to pieces make nervous make your gorge rise be repugnant to make someone's stomach rise put someone off their stroke wreck wreak befall wisecrack hurt the feelings of put into a flap throw into a tizz jape cause someone to lose their composure cause anxiety be bothered gnaw away at gnaw away be a weight on someone's mind throw into tizzy cast a pall over gibe at gag overstretch overtax pressure tense jolly disillusion yuck yuk be a burden be a nuisance pretend play jaundice empoison make resentful make bitter desolate disadvantage be autocratic mix up fool about yank someone's chain be facetious avenge crunch overextend discommodate worsen descend upon descend on force upon bring down on overdo acidulate estrange make rancorous bitter venom abase drag darken damp enervate satirize cause someone difficulty cause to feel emotional strain cause to feel mental strain make tense tense up put in traction push to the limit put on trial knock the stuffing out of harsh someone's mellow make one's heart bleed give someone the blues make despondent make desolate pour cold water on cast a gloom upon run down make gloomy bear down make someone's heart bleed make sad reduce to tears knock sideways bring tears to your eyes keep under dash hopes break someone's spirit throw cold water on break someone's heart be a problem to chiack give someone bother make someone go out of his way make ill smoke rot disagree sound snap satirise laugh at make unwell send up make jokes about goof on be sarcastic about poke mullock at sling off at go against the grain be injurious to be sickening be disturbing be distasteful have an adverse effect on be injurious strike down be unsuitable cause illness to cause problems put on pull someone's leg poke borak at flirt with flout at make a monkey of mess around


To express different opinions about something, often angrily
dispute argue quarrel bicker clash disagree squabble wrangle debate discuss feud argufy contend controvert quibble scrap spar altercate brabble brawl jar row spat tiff agitate bandy discept fight hassle canvas canvass moot hash out hash over talk over have a spat bandy words bump heads have words lock horns thrash out exchange views have a tiff toss around bat around bat back and forth cross swords fall out have a disagreement have an altercation kick around have an argument have at it pick a bone take on be at sixes and sevens go at it hammer and tongs fight like cat and dog be at odds differ have a row be at loggerheads fail to agree chop logic battle be at variance have a fight dissent mix it up oppose war have a misunderstanding contest threap set to cavil conflict disaccord be in dispute take issue talk back challenge skirmish caterwaul tangle fence argy-bargy protest against butt heads have it out take exception ventilate argue over put up an argument be at each other's throats make a big thing about talk about gainsay contradict question pettifog exchange views on duel wage war object to explore bandy about bandy around nonconcur have a barney discord demur say object lay into come to blows not see eye to eye be in opposition go at it go over struggle bandy words with somebody encounter light into kick up a row dig scrape raise Cain get into conflict claim review exchange trade zingers nastily argue pick at fratch deliberate negotiate examine jaw scold berate ream maintain cause a scene have shouting match get into a dispute have a difference of opinion shift pretend waffle equivocate avoid flip-flop nitpick carp niggle chicane prevaricate criticize evade be in contention clarify start fighting reason throw around go into take up arms remonstrate take exception to call into question differ from diverge from dissent from sass rehash tongue-lash bawl out call on the carpet raise your fists be at daggers with be at daggers drawn hammer away face down face off verbally fight knock around hem and haw nit-pick hypercriticize catch at straws paralogize blow hot and cold split hairs pick to pieces stick it to pick an argument sock it to get in one's face go one on one put up a struggle have at each other put up a fight make a case zap haggle palter differ in opinion be of a different opinion be incompatible have a different opinion be divided bang heads jump on each other address face vary joust attack go for each other exchange blows ply weapons come to grips do battle scuffle bear arms assault duke it out box air consider talk through confront mess converse about comment on touch on confer about bring up jump on let someone have it rip into each other take issue with contradict each other go for the jugular put your heads together about deliberate about criticise chew over exchange views about weigh up consider the pros and cons of mess with find fault break with get tough with square up come into conflict come up against become involved have a dispute kick about bat about reason about argue about weigh up the pros and cons of

の反対語 jump on one's case

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