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Superlative for characteristic of an elf
playfullest friskiest larkiest naughtiest liveliest merriest jolliest sprightliest gayest perkiest wantonest blithest jauntiest peppiest zippiest unruliest happiest bubbliest mirthfullest tricksiest bounciest airiest funniest zestiest sparkiest jazziest pizzazziest pizazziest snappiest gamest flirtiest raciest highest springiest pertest briskest jumpiest wickedest coyest fairest cutest archest shallowest cheekiest best giddiest silliest dizziest honestest wildest justest squarest most elfish most coltish most frolicsome most rollicking most sportive most sportful most impish most prankish most antic most elfin most skittish most ludic most spirited most gamesome most exuberant most high-spirited most frolicky most full of beans most gleeful most joyous most mischievous most frolic most roguish most jocular most lighthearted most jokey most waggish most fun most jovial most frivolous most puckish most cheerful most vivacious most devilish most zestful most rascally most larkish most jocund most animated most energetic most excitable most comical most elvish most bright-eyed and bushy-tailed most good-humoured most good-humored most blithesome most festive most coquettish most flirtatious most active most vital most animate most kinetic most mettlesome most excited most dashing most gentlemanly most sportsmanlike most superficial most trivial most flippant most sportsmanly most considerate most generous most decent most demure most scatterbrained most empty-headed most devil-may-care most honorable most evenhanded most honourable most reasonable most childish most sporting

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