の同義語 most full hearted


Superlative for involving, or given to, open or heavy displays of emotion
fervidest intensest eagerest earnestest torridest warmest fiercest violentest deepest devoutest keenest strongest vividest stormiest powerfullest mushiest liveliest wildest craziest hottest rabidest extremest acutest hungriest seriousest maddest antsiest greatest thirstiest angriest heartiest steadfastest greediest tenderest ambitiousest severest dottiest stubbornest rashest pottiest truest firmest nuttiest readiest staunchest fondest rawest heaviest stanchest unruliest itchiest honestest loyalest best lovingest biggest mightiest spunkiest sultriest edgiest pepperiest abjectest daftest mournfullest gravest supremest roughest rigidest fullest touchiest ghastliest hardest worst-tempered saddest terriblest fearfullest sharpest dolefulest gamest happiest fastest steadiest viciousest bentest grittiest wackiest sprightliest zestiest pushiest ripest most ardent most fervent most impassioned most passionate most vehement most emotional most heated most passional most perfervid most wholehearted most burning most deep-seated most demonstrative most feverish most fiery most flaming most glowing most heartfelt most incandescent most profound most red-hot most religious most sincere most superheated most warm-blooded most avid most enthusiastic most zealous most excited most urgent most animated most devoted most frenzied most agitated most inspired most inflamed most overwrought most rousing most frantic most ablaze most hyperactive most moving most emotive most overemotional most sentimental most touching most melodramatic most romantic most furious most hectic most tempestuous most overactive most raging most worked up most spirited most starry-eyed most fired up most steamed up most fanatical most dedicated most vigorous most energetic most committed most consuming most gung ho most forceful most desirous most intent most nuts most voracious most solicitous most excitable most obsessed most agog most athirst most heightened most assiduous most impetuous most raring most explosive most impatient most resolute most pumped most obsessive most uncontrollable most driven most motivated most frenetic most zestful most interested most diligent most temperamental most hepped up most single-minded most hyper most impulsive most stoked most incensed most exuberant most juiced most ferocious most bright-eyed and bushy-tailed most willing most infatuated most ebullient most ungovernable most excessive most hooked most amorous most feeling most fanatic most purposeful most compulsive most obstinate most ecstatic most immoderate most distracted most determined most expressive most volatile most restless most raving most enamoured most appetent most enamored most set most dithyrambic most anxious most geeked most high-spirited most keyed up most fixated most forcible most compelling most industrious most fuming most extraordinary most exceptional most hellacious most hopeful most conscientious most stimulated most blistering most genuine most acquisitive most settled most unfeigned most unwavering most tumultuous most inveterate most covetous most significant most wishful most inspiring most irascible most breathless most constant most possessed most afire most eloquent most concerned most responsive most thrilling most decided most affecting most hysterical most bigoted most maniacal most intoxicated most vivacious most overenthusiastic most opinionated most dyed-in-the-wool most unqualified most dynamic most sensitive most bugged most aching most overwhelming most faithful most fevered most poignant most mercurial most dutiful most doting most aggressive most emphatic most bursting most enraged most burgeoning most thriving most restive most effusive most wrathful most tremendous most delirious most aflutter most overexcited most fanciful most febrile most dramatic most insatiable most dinkum most allegiant most reinvigorated most mettlesome most uncontrolled most marked most absorbed most irresistible most gingery most meaningful most inordinate most potent most piercing most penetrating most intemperate most overzealous most radical most involved most engrossed most susceptible most desperate most irrepressible most hard-core most rooted most agitable most dogmatic most ravenous most grasping most overpowering most nutso most occupied most preoccupied most unquenchable most unstoppable most unmanageable most uncontainable most thorough most diehard most rapacious most avaricious most swivel-eyed most prepared most amenable most exciting most heartwarming most smitten most turbulent most acrimonious most cordial most precipitate most headlong most high-powered most stalwart most disposed most relentless most partisan most prepossessed most crazed most manic most sentient most verklempt most thoroughgoing most supportive most adoring most besotted most charmed most enchanted most cyclonic most savage most convulsive most paroxysmal most almighty most doctrinaire most uncompromising most inflexible most hidebound most high-strung most major most touchy-feely most fascinating most inclined most psyched most exquisite most gripping most ill-tempered most lovesick most bewitched most bred-in-the-bone most absorbing most fain most elated most drastic most dreadful most adamant most deliberate most serious-minded most definite most engrossing most enthralling most minded most sectarian most studious most riveting most carried away most thrilled most enraptured most spellbound most fearsome most euphoric most uplifting most soulful most intriguing most interesting most visionary most engaging most persevering most dogged most bent on most hardboiled most persistent most strong-minded most strong-willed most unfaltering most solid most fixed most tenacious most indomitable most intensive most frightful most hard-working most single-hearted most aflame most animate most amatory most excruciating most critical most gaga most pleased most active most wackadoo most wackadoodle most heavy-duty most tried most responsible most turnt most militant most monomaniacal most headstrong most credulous most erratic most domineering most willful most contumacious most partial most addicted most biased most delightful most full of beans most zealotic most exhausting most go-ahead most wild-eyed most orgasmic most indulgent most anacreontic most overindulgent most sisterly most brotherly most erotic

の反対語 most full hearted

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