の同義語 most ware


Superlative for conscious or aware of something, such as facts or feelings
savviest wariest surest keenest sharpest cagiest chariest leeriest safest readiest acutest quickest wisest canniest jealousest gentlest calmest patientest kindest perkiest tenderest shrewdest best-informed lovingest eagerest brightest deepest earnestest most aware most conscious most cognizant most mindful most sensible most witting most sentient most alive most apprehensive most knowing most conversant most acquainted most informed most knowledgeable most perceptive most familiar most versed most abreast most apperceptive most observant most attentive most percipient most discerning most au courant most watchful most vigilant most judicious most awake most certain most understanding most plugged in most enlightened most versant most assured most privy most cluey most grounded most up on most up to date most alert most respectful most heedful most careful most regardful most thoughtful most cautious most solicitous most conscientious most observative most circumspect most guarded most on guard most considerate most prudent most on the lookout most conservative most open-eyed most beady-eyed most restrained most interested most gingerly most sharp-eyed most measured most eagle-eyed most anxious most prepared most hawk-eyed most protective most defensive most concerned most sensitive most focused most discreet most tentative most advertent most intentive most focussed most unhurried most discriminating most scrupulous most agog most suspicious most au fait most gimlet-eyed most zealous most dutiful most sophisticated most self-aware most deferential most deferent most gradual most deliberate most experienced most arrect most duteous most caring most skilled most diplomatic most tactful most moderate most temperate most competent most seasoned most active most wired most reserved most reticent most worried most hesitant most provident most bright-eyed and bushy-tailed most wide-eyed most precautious most calculating most forethoughtful most politic most intent most up-to-date most devoted most searching most penetrating most correct most clear-sighted most intelligent most questioning most expectant most studious most rigorous most committed most diligent most rapt most reckful most assiduous

の反対語 most ware

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