の同義語 noticeably show


A demonstration, such as of a quality or emotion
demonstration illustration manifestation display showing exhibition expression indication presentation elucidation establishment exemplification exposition revelation disclosure proof evidence declaration sign exposure testimony confirmation substantiation communication attestation intimation representation performance affirmation showcase token impression demo conveyance spectacle corroboration testament witness validation expo flaunting exhibit statement assertion embodiment symbol verification taster flash teach-in voucher documentation betrayal parade advertisement front public display affidavit credential testimonial say-so certificate monument mark clue signal suggestion indicator omen portent signifier hint note augury guide pointer forewarning cue symptom telltale warning vestige inkling implication record index lead register prognostic gesture trace preamble explanation prefiguration auspice wink wind notion reminder significant nod indicia adumbration prolegomenon wake-up call harbinger presage foretoken premonition herald foreboding foreshadowing forecast forerunner prediction prognostication tip tip-off suspicion threat boding precursor writing on the wall prophecy idea telltale sign notice sense feeling prompt ill omen whisper angel bodement presentiment word giveaway foregoer straw in the wind prelude outrider alert usher alarm prefiguring notification signification authentication announcement allusion promise caution flavour admonition high sign warning sign flavor nuance dead giveaway flag model innuendo messenger heads-up menace key insinuation prompting whiff aura soupçon tinge hunch alarum reference straw conception mnemonic faintest knowledge prefigurement word of warning foggiest reflection foretaste badge sneaking suspicion faintest notion foggiest notion foggiest idea faintest idea mention tribute beacon announcer basis track divination grounds support atmosphere air taste inference presager undertone touch information prophet misgiving prod Mayday leak vibrations vibes nudge sniff connotation light overtone shade writing hot lead vein red flag advance warning prior warning advice danger sign handwriting on wall vague idea heads up word to the wise bad omen stamp tocsin preview sigil syndrome knell avant-courier imputation certification signature vanguard understanding the writing on the wall bell measure awareness intuition apprehension motion predecessor zeitgeber outlook possibility gauge pledge prenotion apprehensiveness emblem barometer admonishment prognosis guideline recognition evincement catchword foretelling counsel foreknowledge warrant security beckon goods dope gage piece of information backing for support for grounds for reinforcement for gleam info vaticination prognosticating look out whispering beginning early sign rumor presaging glimpse spur jolt stimulus comment remark facts data sign of things to come bellwether forecasting indicant ratio rule formula goad jog flea in ear trail inside wire smoking gun marker message proclamation prophesy help citation discussion SOS tidings notifying slight hint bleep okay blinker confidential information auguring soothsaying recap funny feeling vague feeling signal fire smoke signal preindication recommendation feed twit utterance observation referral sign of the times gentle reminder alarm bells tickler refresher predicting cast word of advice piece of advice sinking feeling aide-memoire follow-up acknowledgement naming specifying footnote acknowledgment signpost handwriting on the wall breath tenor murmur exemplar antecessor grandparent advertiser forefather foreshadow pattern advance guard rumbling rumour fancy trend glimmer shadow tendency echo drift ghost temper subcurrent colouring flicker tang semblance modicum dash evocation propensity undercurrent hidden feeling flow stream eddy tide direction crosscurrent current riptide inclination pull coloring ambience tone ambiance slight knowledge halo patina odor karma smell degree mood intonation odour climate inflection prescience aroma nimbus inflexion scale


A false front or appearance
pretense charade front act appearance false pretense guise illusion likeness masquerade affectation display feigning con dumb act facade fakery falsehood falsification imitation make-believe mask posturing pretension pretext ruse schtick semblance sham showing simulacrum simulation suggestion trickery veil veneer air artifice claim effect hoax face false appearance false front false show outward appearance pose pretence profession airs disguise façade impersonation playacting put-on false display cloak cover posture smokescreen dissimulation camouflage impression deception image fake window dressing look exterior gloss subterfuge bluff screen posing pretentiousness trick play-acting ostentation name cover-up color colour mien stall false colors aspect faking seeming shamming insincerity hokum counterfeit disguisement humbug shroud affectedness deceit fabrication false colours mannerism parody misrepresentation public image travesty snivel superciliousness acting outward pretensions smoke screen role pageant covering beard expression attitude bearing fig leaf arrogance red herring form invention carriage routine countenance artificiality shuffling stunt garb evasion dissemblance feint coloring demeanour double-dealing figure window-dressing colouring performance aura a put-on demeanor snobbery inflation grandiosity excuse a put-up job exaggeration side blind outward show snootiness uppishness layer dress smoke and mirrors put-up job airs and graces going Hollywood assumed manners showing off unnatural imitation putting on airs surface pomposity haughtiness hauteur manner farce pantomime swank presentation shell outside mockery whitewash outward display parade stance attitudinizing stand mimicry attractive appearance manifestation an act visage chaser ploy hamming phoney phony dissimilation shade a scene shape mode mere façade dissembling light approximation manoeuvre character stratagem sweet talk soft soap imposture mummery resemblance bluffing maneuver shuck and jive personation revel costume masking machination pretending similitude alikeness mood similarity affinity feel feeling shield personality identity part hoaxing phoniness mantle blanket portrayal scheme fakeness frontage fraud external appearance outward form self delusion coverture penumbra pall hood cope curtain lie putting on a front assuming a front codology kidology personage person jiving snow persona public face assumed role wraps mere show presence cast outline concealment profile false face coverup PR robe disguising closeting spectre specter spectacle device contrivance move smoke-screen forgery envelope regard jive flimflam expedient dodge wile varnish showmanship eyewash avatar depiction burlesque sell spoof fiction smoke quality packaging public perception public conception property snow job public impression characteristic flavour flavor feature surface show essence trait complexion atmosphere ambience tone attribute stamp smell spirit


A mere display or pomp with no substance
display image impression ostentation pomp window dressing appearance superficiality affectation grandiosity pomposity showiness vainglory flashiness pretentiousness pretension ostentatiousness splendour glitz splendor spectacle exhibition demonstration flamboyance swank extravagance fanfare showing off garishness exhibitionism pageantry flaunting pizzazz glitziness ritziness flourish parade gaudiness pzazz pompousness razzle-dazzle showoff parading vaunting swagger ornateness showboat splash theatricality flash boasting splurge glamour array swankiness bravado glamor splashiness pageant bragging bravura brashness glitter vanity lavishness conceit snobbery hypocrisy dazzle panoply shine magnificence tinsel front razzmatazz resplendence ceremony splendidness tastelessness put-on vulgarity loudness fuss false front frippery affectedness grandness bombast charade fake grandeur disguise phony boastfulness self-importance phoney drama ceremoniousness ceremonial big talk state glory ritual style pretence obtrusiveness conspicuousness pretense inflation airs commotion formality kitschness dash flashness posing posturing braggadocio attitudinizing artificiality pedantry self-advertisement swaggering bad taste superciliousness boast flatulence arrogance to-do brassiness guyver fustian jazziness grandioseness side grandstand play glister thrills grandezza pizazz tawdriness grand gesture meretriciousness chic sparkle flair verve panache solemnity insolence snootiness production performance brio stylishness bother ado flamboyancy floridity hullabaloo ballyhoo stir luridness colorfulness airs and graces strut opulence stateliness gloriousness richness sumptuousness majesty brouhaha hype hubbub publicity trappings sensationalism brilliance radiance regalia éclat prancing attire apparatus dress turnout get-up alarum cheering salute elaboration bluster hoo-ha floweriness grandiloquence raiment insignia garb strutting heroics haughtiness assumption superiority imperiousness masterfulness presumptuousness loftiness self-consequence magniloquence bumptiousness huffiness elaborateness hauteur consequence toploftiness peremptoriness rhetoric lordliness turgidity rodomontade mass gasconade la-di-da snobbishness profusion exhibit exposure scheme example sample arrayal revelation presentation act manifestation unfolding layout frame-up blaze exposition arrangement panorama expo spread fanfaronade high horse sea showing-off trumpet blast rant excess false claim crowing bluff for show talk extravaganza skite tall talk self-glorification fancy talk hot air riot lavish display brag vaunt pretending window-dressing


Grandeur, brilliance, lavishness or splendor
magnificence grandeur majesty glory brilliance stateliness resplendence nobility grandness splendidness gloriousness gorgeousness superbness augustness splendor nobleness sublimeness splendour sumptuousness splendiferousness resplendency opulence luxury stupendousness richness greatness impressiveness lavishness pomp sublimity luxuriousness pageantry distinction glitter grace spectacle loftiness elegance beauty style flourish radiance ritziness exaltedness imposingness ostentation dazzle importance marvelousness pulchritude spectacularity pomp and circumstance display brilliancy ceremony gaudiness showiness glamor solemnity tinsel brightness glitz glamour fineness ornateness éclat panoply excellence finery sight renown pageant triumph poshness dignity extravagance eminence grandiosity awesomeness illustriousness vastness immensity prestige exaltation lustre lushness luster epicness fulsomeness expensiveness royalty kingliness attractiveness formality exquisiteness sparkle awe honour celebrity kudos honor reputation immortality praise pizzazz gilt effulgence preciousness pride great beauty ceremoniousness refinement classiness pzazz gravitas handsomeness wonderfulness superlativeness luxuriance prominence preeminence sophistication transcendency magnitude superbity great importance massiveness hugeness awesome luxe stylishness enormousness immenseness prodigiousness size bigness bulk tremendousness amazingness fabulousness remarkableness exceptional nature powerfulness effectiveness


An opportunity to do or achieve something
chance opening opportunity occasion break shot time turn window look-in moment slot room scope window of opportunity kick at the can kick at the cat golden opportunity start avenue advantage leg up way in first step foot in the door initial opportunity helping hand circumstance condition situation context happenstance state of affairs occurrence event juncture right set of circumstances episode run scene clear run favourable time appropriate time season affair appropriate moment phase field day favourable occasion opportune moment opportune occasion happening exigency intervention favourable moment suitable occasion fortuity appropriate occasion good time point suitable time hour feature coincidence place opportune time suitable moment go possibility crack try attempt play prospect latitude capacity freedom option facility leeway move space stab contingency fling liberty whack outlet elbow room pass convenience room to manoeuvre lucky break elbowroom margin wriggle room wiggle room good fortune chance of a lifetime range demand instant stage allowance span breadth reach bounds depth compass realm bid act right moment extent spectrum radius whirl essay effort inning routine assay bash availability stint endeavour endeavor trial pop slap spell big break go-at indication likelihood vacancy forum outlook gateway probability future resort privilege opportunism luck fighting chance alternative lucky chance say way approach vantage recourse answer entrance free ride job destiny connection aperture deal


Airshow or aerobatics


The state or quality of being light-hearted or cheerful
gaiety cheerfulness glee merriment happiness hilarity animation cheer gladness elation jollity mirth buoyancy effervescence exuberance joviality joyfulness joyousness light-heartedness liveliness vivacity joy delight gayness good humour high spirits jolliness pleasure blitheness euphoria exhilaration exultation jubilation sprightliness blithesomeness bounce brilliance cheeriness chirpiness colour festivity gleefulness glitter good spirits jocundity levity merriness mirthfulness pep sparkle zest zestfulness zing brightness colourfulness gaudiness gladsomeness showiness color colorfulness entertainment frolic geniality good cheer grins joie de vivre lightheartedness pleasantness radiance revel shindig vivaciousness wingding good humor fun jocularity jauntiness enjoyment gayety merrymaking ebullience sport revelry amusement conviviality enthusiasm bliss satisfaction playfulness laughter ecstasy vitality felicity delectation contentment energy excitement spirit rapture rejoicing whoopee verve relish gratification brio vim life vigour zip reveling content vigor perkiness humour revelling beatitude jocoseness humor spiritedness high-spiritedness delirium dynamism dash frivolity jocosity breeziness zeal facetiousness vibrancy contentedness flippancy get-up-and-go cloud nine blissfulness gusto silliness seventh heaven carefreeness blessedness optimism sportiveness pizzazz warm fuzzies activity peppiness ardour oomph thrill go jouissance fervour triviality frolicsomeness frivolousness transport fervor pzazz ardor élan prosperity airiness waggishness jest sunniness comfort paradise foolishness enchantment passion fire well-being diversion laughs exaltation nonsense eagerness play bounciness hopefulness briskness drollery friskiness transports of delight flightiness lustiness comedy irrepressibility wellbeing triumph giddiness lightness elan rhapsody light-mindedness frothiness joking peace of mind childishness vividness trifling fieriness solace esprit folly fruition heaven light-headedness regalement fulfilment zap fulfillment jollification irreverence treat unimportance casualness boisterousness great happiness hysterics sanctity recreation relaxation frolics keenness robustness jazziness vigorousness vibrance fizz superficiality willingness puerility skittishness welly exuberancy luxury avidity bonhomie beguilement relief rec indulgence festiveness volatility roguishness warmth mischievousness funniness panache readiness intoxication living it up mischief spark intensity ferment high swoon elatedness tomfoolery alacrity game sunshine and rainbows knavery waggery shallowness jubilance interest beer and skittles distraction heartiness ravishment spree blast inspiration refreshment feeling great pleasure good time nirvana high time fun and games top of the world bubble gloominess action jokefulness insouciance carefreedom offhandedness nonchalance quickness unseriousness joys of spring peartness kicks convulsions hysteria exultance excitedness smugness sunshine schadenfreude encouragement hope smartness forcefulness drive gladdening joyance transports merry-making larking about bubbliness effusiveness good nature love of life tittup lilt being full of the joys of spring adventure fortunateness timeliness luck impishness lightness of heart anticipation expectancy wonder vim and vigour spell spryness great joy sweetness and light sunshine and lollipops field day treasure prize charm pride tricksiness foolery buffoonery alleviation exulting gem halcyon days Eden Utopia Arcadia utopia glitz larkiness ball pearl jewel coltishness self-confidence pride and joy jesting communion at-oneness glory Elysium cool sportfulness wantonness clowning gamboling romping gambolling riot kick humorousness gambol rascality wit jeu d'esprit scintillation prankishness wittiness vehemence zaniness vacuity fickleness goodwill amenability obligingness gameness zealousness inanity dizziness invigoration whimsy whimsicality fribble daftness flirting toying inconsequentiality coquetting frippery ditziness dippiness avidness earnestness fervency fanaticism sap liking antics alertness picnic jokiness repartee pleasantry absurdity sensuality conviction ardency motivation wholeheartedness devotion hedonism dallying enjoying savor savour lust appetite thirst devotedness desirousness emotion fervidness commitment revitalization self-indulgence passionateness heat impatience hunger fever intenseness address loving life galvanization enlivenment quickening envigoration electrification firing vivification stimulation elevation uplift vitalization excitation leisure divertissement frenzy glow flare flame impetuosity fury empty-headedness white heat keen interest red heat caper antic prank escapade gag occupation pastime restoration trick head rush a rush lark dido feast celebration disport jollies partying roguery rag capriccio jape stunt shines joke shavie monkeyshines leisure activity R and R romp skylarking fling laugh shenanigan giggle exploit skylark practical joke high jinks punch force moxie juice snap hardihood ginger starch gas beans vinegar strength power potency push feistiness stamina enterprise spunk might birr steam initiative determination flair pluck virility bang fortitude endurance muscle toughness love puissance dedication violence gumption style tuck hustle confidence buzz boldness agitation flurry sincerity guts heart fierceness pertness assiduity activeness exertion urgency movement ferocity virtuosity flamboyance flourish resolution application spontaneity stylishness pepper flutter devoutness bite emotionalism jazz self-assurance impact mettle audacity wildness resolve empressement grit charge rhapsodies hot-bloodedness vital spark life force effectiveness horsepower sinew potence firepower seriousness sentiment hardiness affection vengeance capability ability thewiness affectivity thew pith staying power purposefulness capacity strong emotion purpose psyche display impetus aggressiveness ambition light richness fascination nimbleness motion swagger perseverance soul resilience vim and vigor sassiness point bound bob abandon splendour spring get up and go lustre ostentation exhibitionism operativeness momentum efficiency resources efficacy creativity imagination inventiveness bullishness punchiness éclat luster impressiveness sanguineness positiveness flamboyant confidence overdrive splendor calenture full of life burning passion bravura excess severity depth concentration feverishness instigation charisma elegance extremity motive heaven on earth high gear health madness dreamland response anger ado impulse incandescence grievousness tension assertiveness strain piety stimulus hurry stress desire rage piousness provocation inflammation reaction religiousness urge intensity of feeling clout venturesomeness weakness stuff buoyance pulse bloom lifeblood hurrah solemnity fluster vehemency pep talk incitement breath fire in the belly courage flap tumult committedness nerve vital force perturbation daring bravery commotion thrills bustle gallantry indomitability stirring up arousal panic bottle tenacity backbone valour steel balls events drama steadfastness confusion moral fibre courageousness fearlessness intrepidity hullabaloo hubbub fuss happenings hustle and bustle state of anxiety strength of character proceedings incidents eventualities hijinks episodes a buzz a charge caliber cojones calibre a kick dauntlessness quality moral fiber valor makeup Dunkirk spirit goings-on occurrences carryings-on chain of events upper up extreme happiness stars in one's eyes


Excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements


An act or series of acts performed according to a traditional or prescribed form
ceremony ceremonial ritual observance rite formality service liturgy custom form mystery sacrament tradition worship act celebration convention institution office order performance practice solemnity commemoration decorum habit procedure propriety solemnities usage function ordinance parade Sacrament formal courtesy formal procedure routine praxis communion rule way mass mores protocol formula wont method mode tikanga baptism conventionalism etiquette prescription stiffness fashion rubric style manner system proprieties policy staidness norm stuffiness precept canon regulation starch stiff bearing pomp occasion festival rituality pageantry lockstep cultus schedule services red tape formulation prudery confirmation matrimony marriage vow confession oath primness proceedings formalities holy orders rigmarole business ado religious ceremony church service moeurs festivity palaver punctiliousness habitude treatment currency rote trick regime form of worship matter of course belief naming doctrine culture principle birthright fable customs ethics ethic wisdom heritage dictates consuetude established practice customariness vogue precedent folkways design shibboleth mould type character attitude observation mold kaupapa social norm established way sacred cow way of doing things unwritten rule unwritten law baptismal sacramental christening initiatory initiation use behaviour manners rules conduct decency approach social practice pattern how tack tactics recipe technique regimen strategy methodology convenance proceeding behavior law channels ropes process setup modus operandi right practice set formula done thing by the numbers by the book kawa do's and don'ts plan course means standard tenet normality normalcy line modus order of things par exercise mechanism measure scheme programme program operation nuts and bolts course of action conventionality benchmark barometer yardstick condition prescript blueprint idea guideline accepted behaviour average vein dogma arrangement route tactic action theory medium orthodoxy accepted view line of action prevailing attitude accepted belief line of attack the book practise notion phenomenon common normal fact concept social custom code lore societal norm cultural norm behavioral norm folklore punctilio decree political correctness dictate past history background edict statute maxim historical convention road ways and means modality schema tenor wrinkle how-to method of working attack decretum mainstream framework regularity oral history set of procedures logical order logical process frame of reference orderly process set of principles set of guidelines artifice set of channels fixed order systematic process teaching creed criterion institute practical model touchstone view conviction credo opinion state quality gauge genre posture wise book kind sort exemplar religion received wisdom article of faith faith guide measures steps mean stratagem path step workflow gage agenda transaction drill median basis maneuver agendum series of steps manoeuvre angle move scale oral code law of the land plan of action standard operating procedure game plan the numbers set of tactics master plan road map SOP MO grand design point of reference litmus test exercising implementation discipline carrying out activity putting into practice fulfilment enactment play exertion enjoyment pursuit accomplishment employment application fulfillment


A large meeting or conference, especially of members of a political party or a particular profession or group
convention meeting conference assembly congress gathering convocation council powwow conclave forum rally summit symposium caucus meet assemblage huddle confab synod colloquium hui runanga diet reunion clambake chapter con delegation get-together council of delegates council of representatives get together congregation seminar parley session ingathering discussion muster consultation talk concourse colloquy panel roundtable conventicle confabulation audience sit-in foregathering meetup round-robin panel discussion round table rap session body consistory collection dialogue awayday debate turnout jamboree exchange dialog palaver function society company tweetup rendezvous association affair conversation coming together coffee klatch hearing business meeting call board meeting discussion group hearership groupthink committee appointment mobilization summit meeting gabfest group roundup interlocution chinwag webinar encounter crowd communication cabinet forgathering mass throng mobilisation flock talks secret meeting multitude private meeting buzz session round-up open discussion group discussion evening class press conference cluster band crew bunch faction engagement demonstration community junction intersection tryst concentration demo convergence parade date confrontation salon showdown march parliament social function senate celebration conflict moot interview ecclesia folkmoot council of war cattle call mass meeting pow-wow one on one protest march pep rally celebratory meeting townhall meeting meet-up audition question and answer session sitting deliberation period argument plenary sederunt negotiation term give-and-take counsel consult argy-bargy back-and-forth argumentation negotiations ventilation organization meet up corporation representatives legislature legislative body discussions brainstorm pack bevy host herd swarm mediation federation cooperation government fellowship mob horde arbitration conciliation bargaining haggling intercession aggregation bevvy worshipers disciples public people organisation eyeball-to-eyeball earful parlance visit korero wheeling and dealing deliberations straight talk assembled group interchange chat conferring round robin think-in


The process in a woman of discharging blood and other material from the lining of the uterus at intervals of about one lunar month from puberty until the menopause, except during pregnancy


A sudden or brief manifestation or occurrence of something
flash burst outburst rush surge blaze eruption explosion fit gush outbreak splash touch wave ebullition flare gust spasm spurt stab storm flicker flurry flush flutter gale paroxysm flare-up sudden display sudden exhibition sudden show brief display brief exhibition attack access agony flood spate upsurge boutade outpouring torrent bout blast effusion blow-up blowup welling up splurt frenzy breakout rash spell seizure bursting throe epidemic fury outflow outflowing blow volley flow break sally passion hurricane occurrence peal stream gushing thunder recrudescence deluge swell throes discharge turn stroke sudden appearance upheaval rapture detonation state dart siege case scene rise howl convulsion vibration hoot dose ripple start manifestation inflammation outcry avalanche pang paddy spot overflow expulsion pangs vomiting quiver huff ebullience bomb blowout emotional outburst fireworks twitch conniption emotional outpouring inrush billow draught heave sweep upwelling draft efflux current spill flux uprush tingle plague roar breaking irruption tumult sortie cascade tide jet run course inundation spout issue welling wind shower puff series emanation barrage fountain outrush drainage drift squall drain breeze string outflux movement roll leakage influx hail bombardment exodus effluence scud succession battery outpour escape swirl trickle motion charge emission waft patch spree salvo squirt spritz williwaw windblast onslaught ooze river seepage effluent sequence dash debouchment breath expression incursion stint stretch trend groundswell spray cannonade chain spring uprising onrush upswing direction streak fusillade blitz period whiff tendency invasion escalation blitzkrieg passage effluvium leaning circulation tideway bubble ebb trail undulation tempest oozing hemorrhage haemorrhage drumfire broadside rain exudation drumbeat eddy progression updraft surging progress ebb and flow onset cycle pour transfer zoom downpour voidance shedding bluster whirl tail exudate diffusion pouring zephyr time whoosh air fluidity windstorm profusion thunderstorm whirlwind arrival shiver frisson thrill emergence trouble ejection draw cloud flatus building up build-up inflow outfall percolation convergence intrusion ingress lapping tenor swing effluxion loss streaming depletion drip continuation continuity leak continuance exuding excretion well up secretion disgorgement venting gust of wind train undertow dribble undercurrent race drag alluvion bath shaft cataclysm introduction penetration inroad wash swishing murmur rise and fall cataract cluster welter encounter waterfall flooding coming in relapse overflowing billowing surf rolling breaker flood tide suffering overrunning monsoon airstream tremor battle Niagara bulge bulging slipstream thermal backdraught backdraft steady flow updraught roller ailment round strong breeze


Hypocritical, sanctimonious or deceptive talk or behavior
cant sanctimony sanctimoniousness hypocrisy insincerity dissembling dissimulation deceit dishonesty pietism pretence pharisaicalness sham pretentiousness piousness humbug Tartufferie pomposity Pharisaism pretense hypocriticalness pecksniffery tokenism lip service empty talk affected piety false piety hypocritical statement pious platitudes sham holiness deception duplicity falsity fraud imposture quackery unctuousness speciousness affectation casuistry double-dealing glibness mockery display lie phoniness pharisaism two-facedness irreverence bigotry bad faith false profession tartuffery deceitfulness deceptiveness self-righteousness posturing falseness smugness disingenuousness hoax mendacity perfidy wile deviousness phoneyness fakeness bluff lies untruthfulness cheating kidology codology put-on religiosity haughtiness conceit complacency piety superciliousness self-satisfaction artificiality moralizing moralising faithlessness duplicitousness mendaciousness slyness shiftiness perfidiousness faithless evasiveness slickness distortion hollowness unfaithfulness backhandedness snide being two-faced con ruse swindle flimflam scam cheat trickery dodge feint hustle phariseeism guile misrepresentation canard feigning subterfuge prank lying faking shamming falsification imposition cunning artifice cozenage concealing dupery counterfeiting bluffing masking crookery cunningness craft crookedness foxiness guilefulness wiliness fakery disguising craftiness false virtue affected superiority propaganda sting trick double standard hiding concealment shrouding veiling hypocritical talk hypocritical behaviour snow job suppression disguise camouflage fast one con game play-acting chicanery fraudulence guise front fabrication facade masquerade façade artfulness treachery underhandedness semblance cover mask veil charade veneer jiggery-pokery hanky-panky pose invention cloak chicane skulduggery simulation false front monkey business playacting falsehood prevarication knavery act airs funny business smokescreen wiles sharp practice cover-up make-believe subtlety fibbing trickiness dissemblance sneakiness legerdemain appearance subtleness posture screen canniness cageyness caginess management monkeyshines sophistry evasion skullduggery gamesmanship shenanigans stall lack of veracity illusion shadiness perjury dirty dealing knavishness equivocation spuriousness coloring shrewdness posing hokum smoke and mirrors fourberie red herring smoke screen jugglery tricks air delusion acting scheming telling stories pretension colouring stratagem counterfeit stunt shroud false show false colours hocus-pocus defrauding improbity dirty pool untruth swindling adulteration fig leaf manipulation corruption cleverness schemes manoeuvres ploys stratagems ruses pretending intrigue shuffling impression fiddling image twist slant ambidexterity trapping ambidextrousness maneuvers covering false appearance outward appearance contrivance pageant cozening overreaching two-timing entrapping betrayal pretext criminality duping hoodwinking unscrupulousness inveracity misrepresenting misstating perversion exaggeration treacherousness imitation unjustness prevaricating unfairness inaccuracy schtick misstatement astuteness graft fallacy subterfuges doctoring debasement tampering amphibology stretch fudging alteration amphiboly routine waffle stonewall fib attitude mutilation garb ostentation dirty work strategy changing snivel travesty parody costume tactics line beguilement ingenuity story false excuse false pretense dumb act dirty tricks committing perjury scheme double-cross false light ploy racket double-crossing shade every trick in the book whitewash face dress a put-on sleight of hand double meaning tall story a put-up job double entendre double talk false display not a true picture run-around song and dance window dressing quibbling routine cop out game misinformation disinformation ability finesse perspicacity illegality surreptitiousness untrustworthiness foul play persona pettifoggery hornswoggling forgery nefariousness dubiousness unlawfulness equivocality manoeuvring misleading fake dishonor dishonour malfeasance corruptness fraudulency dishonourableness unrepresentativeness unreliableness illusoriness inaccurateness unreliability ambiguity disingenuity manipulating deceiving exploitation embezzlement misappropriation footwork rascality performance joke coverup unprincipledness unscrupulosity questionableness questionability visage palace intrigue insidiousness misconduct infidelity bunk lawbreaking infamy lawlessness vitiation misapplication doubtfulness stance impersonation mummery specious reasoning artful argument maneuvering hoaxing mien aspect disguisement beard song equivoque euphemism hedging hedge half-truth personation color colour revel role mannerism chaser hamming phoney phony dissimilation carriage fast shuffle bait and switch shell game fantasy mere façade public image attitudinizing tergiversation disloyalty stand tampering with sweet talk soft soap daydreaming dream imagination unreality jive putting on a front assuming a front weasel word shuck and jive gambit sleight juggle shenanigan device knack manoeuvre play jig gimmick fetch dreaming romancing fancy dualism duality twoness inventing equivocating falsifying misprision treason Judas kiss white lies self-deception dirty trick one-upmanship little white lies maneuver plot setup lure angle switch little game horseplay allurement stab in back sophism hushing up covering up keeping secret obfuscation blarney boondoggle defraudation circumvention juggling trumpery fairy tale role-playing doublespeak indirectness circumlocution waffling flannel paltering beating about the bush pussyfooting around twisting slanting weasel words caricature stretching


To display or exhibit something
display exhibit present air demo parade produce showcase unveil brandish flaunt offer put on view sport stage unfurl show off supply unfold arrange expose to view feature introduce launch put on put on display roll out set forth trot out lay out set out bare bring to view deal in disport lay bare publish put on show uncloak uncover unmask deliver put before the public expose reveal flash disclose demonstrate manifest flourish strut divulge advertise advertize give broadcast illustrate bring to light evince betray make known unearth showboat bring out do declare mount unbosom discover give away perform submit tell make public indicate communicate put up spill unclothe draw attention to vaunt play depict propose suggest make a show of portray publicize render release put forward announce represent leak direct let out preview express let slip relate report publicise tender wave around bring out into the open act bring forward pose provide let drop make plain come out with carry open bespeak explain dramatize dramatise set before show up lay open promulgate wield project register evidence flash about blow the whistle on show and tell boast let on about swagger let the cat out of the bag make a great show of put before open up display ostentatiously state emblazon blazon recount cast convey describe impart lodge narrate proffer cite array recite advance propound proposition come up with adduce out unclose model enter denude blab make clear undress prove inform execute advise catch out dangle highlight enact hand out call out spill the beans on pull the plug on be evidence of blow wide open confess allow to be seen show to the public parade one's wares strut stuff give the game away give an account of act out whip out put on public view take the wraps off make an exhibition of lay before let it all hang out spread transmit derestrict televise plaster hype strip plug wear detect turn up brag show evidence of mouth promote swank contain include take the lid off crow pull out have on have on show make available gloat grandstand draw out unrobe aggrandize nail debunk pour out put something through its paces detail specify exult in extend hang wave call attention to give publicity to give details of ostend orchestrate declassify admit acknowledge hotdog streak spotlight have characterize install instal list hold aloft organize conduct pose in furnish yield blurt out break out fan it recommend vote bid bounce record mark designate expose information personate smack with make a scene throw in one's face spring on strike a pose bring run coordinate send in turn over playact imitate emote personify impersonate put on a display fly administrate put forth make a motion make a pitch clarify issue set up pull off put together ventilate pitch raise elaborate ham do a number bring down the house mimic characterise be on tread the boards do a turn go on argue explicate moot have hoisted organise broach speak utter say expound decipher resolve elucidate spell out clear up file have run up rehearse chronicle voice lay contribute throw up bring about bring up proclaim vocalize verbalize table pass charge acquaint chart talk enlighten apprise enunciate delineate articulate brief familiarize paint signify spin mention crack bewray nake verbalise gossip familiarise retail verse level clear vocalise sketch weave clue in catch up fill in tell of smoke out find out make manifest make obvious tip off leave word call upon tell on keep posted give evidence of give out spit it out give facts reel off wise up break the news let in on


To establish a fact to be true
confirm demonstrate establish determine illustrate affirm assert attest corroborate prove verify argue back up bear witness indicate point out ratify substantiate support uphold validate vouch ascertain bear out certify circumstantiate elucidate endorse evidence evince exhibit expose note point predicate prescribe present project register reinforce showcase adduce clarify explain expound express justify lay bare lay out make evident make known make out make plain manifest reveal sustain testify to witness discover authenticate demonstrate the truth document establish evidence give substance to the fact that produce evidence produce proof show beyond doubt submit evidence submit proof testify witness to the fact that flag up display denote bespeak declare signify make clear attest to signal be evidence of bear witness to proclaim vouch for specify show clearly betoken get across spell out highlight warrant communicate designate give away settle disclose identify vindicate emphasize show to be true spotlight detail flag advert emphasise call attention to draw attention to refer to point at allude to bring up make obvious mark describe check explicate illuminate clear up demystify mention delineate simplify witness to avouch unriddle state give credence to give substance to betray demonstrate the truth of show us tell us remind of intimate make manifest ostend convey interpret show once and for all back guarantee define construe be an indication of characterize assure be proof of avow aver give proof of characterise enlighten unravel tell swear uncover untangle throw light on put across call out break down go into detail lend weight to draw a picture of run over give the details of flesh out direct attention to give weight to feature divulge impart constitute evidence constitute proof connote reflect represent imply shew spell find mount a case for fix result develop convince be a sign of underline finger announce subscribe constitute proof of constitute evidence of espouse give proof provide evidence add up give evidence be a monument to point to give facts accredit label stamp stand up for have a case make sure of notify record tag profess reassure rubber-stamp okay suss out hold up double-check give force to pin down make certain of objectify realise actualize realize test debunk complete reify try approve initial provide evidence of discuss stand by watermark sign try on try out check up check out teach name write annotate educate put into words unscramble diagram spell it out shed light set the scene enunciate make intelligible guide put in plain English disentangle defog express in words paint a picture report decode translate put in plain words give an explanation of brief unfold put it on record resolve formulate explicitize summarize analyse decipher explicitise analyze commit nail down sew up make safe cinch ice promise secure ensure set out lock on pledge set the seal on pronounce clinch contract provide guaranty arrange lock up effect asseverate seal insure summarise allegorize gloss clear shed light on make simple sort out straighten out clear the air about get something straight make perfectly clear clear the air bring home sum up get over point up show and tell touch on maintain buttress vow claim authorize contend swear to answer for authorise get behind acknowledge allege insist undertake advocate bolster sponsor defend second be responsible for reenforce strengthen swear up and down bear testimony act as a witness countersign notarize stick up for shore up give assurances stand behind give an undertaking give an assurance give a pledge take an oath reassert reaffirm close put the seal on cap wind up underpin underscore constitute recognize legitimize sanction formalize enforce invoke cross heart prove to be genuine adjure underwrite swear on bible asservate sign off on account for speak for give assurance of show the truth of stipulate purport lay down give one's word recognise legitimise formalise argue for protest delegate stand bail for be liable for go bail for assert under oath wager depose to extenuate throw your weight behind stake excuse give grounds for rehabilitate refute rationalize disculpate confute whitewash shield guard disprove protect rationalise offer grounds for password watchword signature agree swear an oath swear to the fact do justice to plead for depose make sure depone avert cosign give nod check on declare true double check stand for give testimony be a witness state on oath say under oath make a deposition do not forget to see satisfy oneself see to it take care be sure to make certain be in no doubt be witness to say so rubber stamp put forth give an affidavit sign for swear by attest to the authenticity of sign and seal


To depict pictorially or artistically
depict characterise characterize describe detail exhibit give a picture of illustrate model outline portray present reflect represent delineate embody epitomise epitomize exemplify mirror picture illuminate symbolise symbolize mimic render express personify typify manifest instantiate demonstrate emblematize encapsulate paint body evince incarnate image incorporate display reproduce define personalize draw materialize substantiate externalize personalise denote realize indicate sketch signify materialise externalise evoke realise stand for suggest exteriorize limn feature objectify evidence character record body forth brand actualize reify concretize mark instance hypostatize designate relate narrate capture interpret give human form to give human shape to be representative of be the embodiment of paint a picture of set out draw a picture of highlight reveal mean spotlight betoken complete recount communicate summarize ostend vivify limelight cite specify identify enact correspond to report state draft be a symbol of produce draught design summarise photograph individualise individuate individualize imitate copy impersonate set forth be the incarnation of make manifest prove expose prefigure correspond give shape to figure simulate put in words catch a likeness paint in words paint a mental picture of act out contain hominify personize live as bring alive give a human face make human class style stamp imply be a typical example of serve as an example of serve as a typical example of pigeonhole typecast peg chronicle classify categorize connote recall convey introduce constitute unfold visualise envisage visualize sum up put in a nutshell conceptualize caricature vision sculpt compose perceive symbol distinguish signalize peculiarize categorise signalise singularize tab make a drawing of project make a diagram of view conjure up a picture of generate plot conceive of conceit map out envision trace mark out conceptualise snap hint track stage perform equal catch film allude to equate factor steward act as be a sign of run down run through conjure up be symbolic of substitute for equate with substitute buy for put on sell for summon up call to mind act in place of serve as assume the role of be a typical sample of play the part of appear as play the part list recite rehearse enumerate itemize catalogue particularize expound frame elaborate explain tabulate stipulate numerate note declare announce mention uncover embellish circumstantiate name catalog recapitulate tell spread analyse quote particularise itemise analyze notify specialise spell out draw up specialize point out fly speck give an account of quote chapter and verse report on sweat details be specific about reel off tick off get down to brass tacks lay out


To explain or demonstrate something
teach coach demonstrate educate explain instruct train tutor advise counsel direct mentor show the ropes clarify lecture prepare describe develop explicate expound give instructions give lessons indoctrinate point out give the facts drill brief enlighten inculcate inform nurture school supervise guide lead pilot shepherd walk through illustrate prime help steer upskill give instruction exemplify drum into let in on display exhibit present discipline ostend verse exercise give an idea of learn groom shape lesson mould ready give a demonstration of show how something is done show how something works form aid hone give instruction to advance mold manage cultivate lay it out for put through the grind put through the mill lick into shape show the way put someone through their paces break in demonstrate to make clear influence illuminate preach caution give someone an idea give counselling offer opinions give someone tips make recommendations give guidance give hints give pointers give direction give advice give directions give counsel offer suggestions edify ground condition equip initiate season give lessons to make ready improve brainwash qualify fit accustom rear sharpen acquaint rehearse familiarize foster better uplift elevate update tailor instill familiarise practise practice instil get into shape work out give information to tell whip into shape work over illume introduce habituate break inspire illumine communicate imbue din something into inure clue in clue fill in implant wise up empower tune up make fit familiarize with acquaint with make conversant with give advice to make suitable give counsel to give counselling to give direction to make suggestions to make recommendations to put in the picture be responsible for the education of regiment tend breed arm adapt civilize mature homeschool civilise give character promote support bring up tame harden sponsor notify teach information impart prep base catechize care for make something clear to show the way to explain things to toughen up loosen up get ready shape up warm up get used to orient equip with pound into open eyes polish up din re-educate propagandize persuade convince proselytize teach school predicate rest orientate plant program programme radicalize give a grounding in gen up hang impress upon drill into hammer into improve mind clue up prime in train in instruct in make aware of teach about drill in school in coach in tutor in ground in inform about fanaticize radicalise extremize propagandise proselytise give the lowdown give the low-down supply with facts fill in on break down clue in on clue up on gen up on put in the picture about give the gen about give the low-down on apprise clear hip disclose catch up keep posted


To put in an appearance
arrive show up attend come blow in get in surface turn up appear show your face bob up breeze in check in clock in drop in pop in pop up pull in roll in be present clock on get here get there make an appearance present oneself punch in punch the clock punch the time clock put in an appearance report sign in enter roll up land turn out materialize get through materialise emerge reach make it fall in make the scene visit approach be along come along fall by come on the scene get to ring in present come up alight come on walk on come out sky in come into view barge in reach one's destination get gather go assemble loom announce oneself disembark dismount make yourself known hit make buzz in hit town bust in draw near drop anchor present yourself come to fetch up pitch up set foot in put in appearance roll out pile out be at hand set foot on make it to end up at wind up at break through gain ingress get inside get as far as come forth close in begin occur start unfold arrive on the scene spring in reappear burst through buzz through take place kick in come into come in weigh in pass in set foot go on go to be there join finish up be a guest end up be at wind up grace with your presence walk in find oneself be land up land at go in arrive at wash up land on settle sail into ride up fetch up at stop land up at pull up draw up access drop by make way into step in find itself beach patronise patronize take part be in attendance haunt show yourself frequent gain entrance cross the line gain admission cross threshold touch down cross the threshold intrude


(with object) To convey information
indicate display signal specify reveal designate read record mark denote signify suggest point to express betoken demonstrate manifest evidence imply symbolize evince bespeak symbolise exhibit connote be evidence of be a sign of register represent tell of spell mean intimate betray reflect disclose point toward convey hint at communicate illustrate attest flag up insinuate be symptomatic of be a symptom of import add up to stand for point at be an indication of expose prove present point out testify to say make known witness allude to announce declare bear carry purport infer impart bear witness to signpost refer to pin down smack of spell out proclaim have hint measure intend argue evoke pinpoint feature portend augur be symptomatic give away bear out set forth be marked with amount to give the impression gesture towards pronounce predict result from broadcast foretell conjure up speak speak of advertize advertise stipulate uncover promulgate showcase brandish publish make clear direct drive at bring to mind herald air unveil get at serve as evidence of give the idea deliver promise lead to the belief typify bode contain lead you to believe predicate entail presage prognosticate explain testify omen assert foreshow betide note give evidence of have overtones of have undertones of give a feeling of be associated with have an aura of have an atmosphere of peg sign correspond to have as a reading button down be equivalent to count as approximate to be tantamount to come down to flash wink


To promote the use, sale, or acceptance of
push advertise hype promote publicise publicize advocate plug sell advance endorse market broadcast peddle publish annunciate champion flack inform proclaim spruik apprise declare enunciate popularise popularize post back ballyhoo disclose flash recommend sponsor encourage pitch puff release supply announce communicate herald huckster notify tout circularise circularize flaunt flog promulgate propagandise propagandize aggrandize expose merchandise present trumpet advertize boost divulge exhibit reveal make public traffic in campaign for make known deal in get behind hype up cry up puff up talk up call attention to give a puff to bang the drum for beat the drum for give publicity to give a plug to blazon blaze blare sound placard give out shout from the rooftops bill display trailer trail advise praise uncover spot blurb acquaint drum alert unmask splash state express spread around hard sell build up beat the drum give notice of make a pitch air raise pronounce run with put on the map get on soapbox for shout out crack up soft sell spread abroad bring to public notice come out with set forth package propound utter profess affirm mention voice assert table ventilate moot vent articulate package as preach submit put forward circulate disseminate indicate impart tell preconize convey give utterance to put into words spell out lay down detail deliver outline postulate clarify give expression to give voice to blazon abroad talk about noise abroad bring into the open report distribute issue spread transmit put out spotlight bring to public attention print propagate leak have printed gazette put in print let it be known break bare purvey unveil spill produce bring out proliferate diffuse blow wide open carry pass on bruit bear disperse unfold immortalize immortalise press-agent headline extol write up play up soft-sell billboard make a pitch for skywrite cry


To emerge or materialize, typically unexpectedly
show up appear materialise materialize emerge arise arrive manifest unfold develop transpire rise crystallise crystallize originate erupt form turn up crop up take shape take place come into being come into existence come to light come forth become manifest take form stand out stick out loom surface come into view come into sight become visible come out issue pop up spring up present oneself present itself reveal itself put in an appearance come up emanate blow in make an appearance become apparent show itself expose itself make the scene show oneself bob up spring come on the scene reveal oneself peek appear partly appear slowly peep manifest itself hove into view enter be revealed heave into view arrive on the scene pop in be seen show its face rear its head manifest oneself become evident be present peer out turn out wind up at step out pop pop out rise up hover evolve issue from peep out peek from show partially appear briefly appear indistinctly reveal come on figure broaden deepen progress occur advance flourish merge become known flow grow come together dawn result naturalize leak out naturalise change mature increase be presented make one's debut in society debut enter society proceed make appearance show your face heave in sight enter into the picture fetch up pitch up happen begin actualize commence break start come about eventuate come to pass be within view hap befall be unearthed be discovered be uncovered become public occur suddenly occur abruptly appear unexpectedly appear suddenly appear abruptly exist kick in pass come along burst out be born begin life first see the light of day pan out go down come to the fore ensue enter the picture fall out slip out settle acquire solidify crystalize cultivate jell engender accumulate set condense set in harden shape up fall into place take on character become a reality


To direct the attention of someone to
refer direct delegate point guide pass relegate assign send commit leave transfer consign entrust recommend remit submit deliver route steer marshal marshall usher hand on hand over send on consign to deliver to direct to send to pass on to put in touch with turn over to pass on turn over allot escalate reassign vest designate allocate confide trust hand intrust give cast cede commission repose transmit apportion appropriate place give over handball bequeath will commend transfer responsibility appoint find employment for install enroll find a job for engage ordain slot instal ascribe nominate constitute name enrol attach surrender divert relinquish redirect charge grant channel devolve task alienate abdicate make over alien deed convey change confer sign over bestow hand down yield give up present demise devise endow part with offer abandon cough up render accord hand out impart let someone have turn in renounce waive let go of lay down lend deliver up sacrifice supply reach resign donate provide move dispense furnish depute gift invest shift relocate forfeit contribute throw dispatch proffer pass to legate bequest give to tender detail bestow on confer on give away exchange give out abalienate forward decentralize second dump forgo decentralise forsake toss foist buck abnegate concede vouchsafe chuck circulate serve offload provision bung dispose of produce kick in fork out lodge chip in award hand to afford issue authorize pass down authorise purvey dish out parcel out advance fork over fob off palm off provide with furnish with present with gift with get rid of leave in one's will present to leave to hand round make something over to someone lease confine attorn connect sync forswear deposit render up lose shunt promise employ destine deal set prescribe give the title of give the right of yield up give in equip send out remise relay readdress upload distribute send on errand send on mission hold responsible for lay feed farm out jettison settle pertain belong give custody of leave with give custody give free rein deposit with fix up kit out make available put up disburse transfer to hand over to convey to bring onpass leave to by will disinherit probate disherit grant to invest in entrust to put in the hands of patronise let store loan patronize aid command stake inflict be handed down award to allocate to bless with supply with contribute to impart to allot to donate to hand out to assign to endow with pass round share out pass out dole out deal out mete out fork up post settle on allow to look after let out make trustee put into the hands of put into hands of cater arrange rid unburden divest return cut off shell out pitch in stump up come up with devote pay volunteer throw in fund subsidize share sponsor lay on extradite ante up free from relieve of pony up extend give a donation of make a donation of subscribe replenish pledge subsidise send back come through sweeten the pot sweeten the kitty dower bring back bear assign temporarily


Make a performance of
dramatize exaggerate overdo overstate amplify sensationalise sensationalize catastrophize embellish embroider hyperbolize inflate magnify overemphasise overemphasize overplay overstress aggrandize color colour elaborate gild heighten play-act act blow up burlesque dress up enact execute expand on farcialize melodramatize perform playact present produce splash stage touch up tragedize ham up lay on play up give color to ham it up lay it on lay it on thick make a performance of play on heartstrings play to gallery play to the gallery make a big thing out of make a production of blow up out of all proportion make a mountain out of a molehill overdraw stretch pad overestimate build up fudge enhance puff emphasize expand enlarge blow out of proportion overpitch emphasise make too much of something elaborate on stretch the truth lay it on with a trowel make a drama out of a crisis overdramatize misrepresent boost misreport exalt pyramid falsify pile it on lie romanticize put on make a big thing of romanticise blow something out of all proportion overuse make a production out of overact maximize overwork distort oversell intensify overvalue fabricate brag boast misquote maximise hike overrate over-elaborate varnish add colour make a federal case of overembellish lay it on with a shovel draw the longbow shoot a line draw the long bow flesh out make federal case make a big deal out of something accentuate mug accent make a big thing of it blow it out of all proportion overstate the case show off get carried away point up labor at emphasize too much magnify importance make a song and dance about make a fuss puff up make a mountain out of emote increase give someone a sob story augment add detail to blow-up enlarge on exaggerate information go into detail about spread on thick distend ginger up overelaborate yeast add flesh to jazz up extend swell pump up express emotion escalate cram surcharge widen fill bloat balloon spread disguise beef up drive up swell up go up pervert garble manipulate misrelate poison misstate airbrush belie bend fake massage strain go overboard with belabour carry do to death pile on cook misinterpret overload overreach camp up overburden overtax overindulge hype fatigue belabor overtire pressure quote out of context talk big strain yourself pull the longbow go overboard drive oneself make a thing about make a thing of run riot wear down take out of context put a spin on give a false account of gloss over go too far wear yourself out make a big thing about bite off too much run into the ground corrupt up overexaggerate caricature scam romance cook up pile it on about pretty up go to extremes loud talk lay it on thick about big up lay it on with a trowel about dramatise overdo it stress chew the scenery tear a cat ham strengthen warp attach too much importance to overpraise twist deepen labor labour promote redouble highlight consolidate underline slant step up dwell on harp on amp up attach too much weight to alter raise multiply travesty doctor change compound spin rise impress add to fiddle tamper with broaden fix brighten over-praise intensate jack up adulterate hike up rouse expound on go on about trump up lay too much emphasis on harp on about place too much emphasis on palter prevaricate con go on phony up equivocate drive home chew up the scenery stretch a point theatricalize interlard blow up out of proportion fill out allow too much for overcalculate mount lay too much stress on forge make something out of nothing acclaim go over the top about go on and on about counterfeit dilate applaud praise over-embroider over-embellish over-colour invent concentrate sweeten debase sharpen reinforce overwrite vitiate advance overplay it fester contravene salt put on an act rig traverse gloss deacon four-flush fake it deceive contort frame up fib overcharge run up jump up exacerbate aggravate soft-soap camp it up quicken worsen gain strength inflame pick up parody embellish the truth sweet-talk give fulsome praise pay extravagant compliments lay on with a trowel heat up lighten pour it on set off spike darken add fuel make worse whet point tone up heap on conceal make much of blarney blow smoke miscolor pass off cover up skew angle snow cheese give a false idea of cloak bias beard mask mangle pirate confuse dress glorify coat grace overprize foreground deck window-dress adorn enrich sugar-coat camouflage underscore accelerate spotlight feature supersize stoke punctuate supplement garnish beautify ornament bedeck press illuminate exceed overreckon overassess rate too highly assess too highly think overesteem italicize juggle begild engild plate paint aureate overlay wash tinsel whitewash aurify glitter exaggerate the worth of patch italicise add expatiate focus attention on give prominence to call attention to draw attention to turn spotlight on bring to the fore lay emphasis on put emphasis on bring attention to interfere with think too highly of expect too much of praise too highly think too much of exaggerate the merits of prize too highly tinker with fiddle with turn up soup up


To discover (something hidden, lost, or kept secret) by investigation or searching
unearth discover find expose reveal uncover encounter come across elicit dredge up hit on strike on turn up ascertain delve determine disclose exhibit extract ferret fish out hear hunt out learn root see spark spotlight strike track down uproot ferret out nose out root up smell out sniff out bring to light catch on find out happen upon hit upon stumble on see the light take the wraps off locate dig up detect root out dig out hunt down get scout up scare up run down chance on hunt up descry search out rout out light on stumble upon light upon smoke out run to earth chance upon come upon rummage catch stumble across run across happen on luck into bump into pin down come by come up with meet with disinter stumble onto tumble upon trace spot run into acquire obtain run to ground extricate meet lay your hand on lay fingers on excavate rustle up lay hands on unmask scent out pitch upon arrive at identify get at discern bring into the open find by chance follow the scent of trip over meet by chance pick up secure procure remove buy purchase scrape up forage for edge out reach uncloak rumble capture unveil register collar corral get possession of make out trip on fall in with put one's finger on catch sight of winnow notice bare trace back produce wise up to learn of tumble into get wise to get wind of grub out sight meet up with fall upon happen blunder on look up figure out make certain suss out get on to get to know look for pinpoint come on localize read run against discover unexpectedly find unexpectedly luck upon localise pick up on zero in on espy track


To happen or take place
occur happen chance transpire arise befall betide come ensue eventuate materialise materialize result follow manifest develop eventualize fall pass action be hap come about take place turn up come down come off come to pass crop up fall out go down turn out go on pass off appear emerge surface arrive present itself issue do proceed evolve come up spring cook pan out come into being spring up take shape supervene come out come into existence rise break form progress emanate flow unfold stem derive dawn pop up go begin start end up originate work out grow come to light take form fare go off commence be realized flourish be caused by erupt bechance crystallize be produced by set in crystallise make an appearance be brought about by take effect loom come forth upspring become apparent roll up burst out break out actualize come along show up germinate manifest itself go over enter into the picture be born finish up become intervene accompany unravel attend play out advance recur engender originate in end exist mature be consequent on culminate supervene on bear fruit chance to happen come from see the light of day come after pace become a fact propagate uprise sprout foment head be set in motion come into view get along flare up shoot up bob up prove present overtake befit presage shake out execute gel shake catch contract perform hit finish fire chance upon swing be the consequence be the result see daylight have effect be a consequence happen suddenly be consequent metamorphose be a direct result pick up broaden deepen flow from birth spawn launch catalyze offer be seen be revealed accrue catalyse stumble tumble luck occur suddenly come forth suddenly issue from start off spring from emanate from become evident be a consequence of be a result of appear suddenly sprout up appear unexpectedly naturalise increase have one's foundations spurt hail from gush arise from stem from result from merge naturalize leak out come into sight become visible become known come together change blunder on light upon stumble on hit upon show itself arise out of be the result of shape up become manifest be one's fate fall to one's lot be carried though be accomplished be completed be brought to a conclusion explode enter come true come on flame be fulfilled become a reality kick in come into begin suddenly embark on start suddenly blaze up blow up burst forth burst into punch in blow in put in an appearance walk on pass in set foot roll in present oneself succeed come next be attended by follow on be subsequent to conclude pour descend extend derive from have its origin turn out to be trigger produce supersede hatch hail spread postdate conceive turn into unfurl have its origin in be taken be due to be brought on by be found to be supplant spinoff prove out resolve itself terminate be had be got originate from slip out step out come to the fore enter the picture have one's origin go next come to a conclusion work itself out turn out from proceed from go after vent ooze exude well prove to be the case spread out pour forth be transmitted seep pour out gush forth be emitted seep out ooze out seep forth flow out gush out flow forth ooze forth overflow well up trickle close out come to an end round out round off come to a halt be brought to an end be over wrap up wind up draw to a close


To protrude or extend outwardly
stick out bag balloon beetle belly billow bulge bunch jut overhang poke pooch pouch pout project protrude start swell stand out extend extrude obtrude outthrust protend push come through hold out jut out poke out push out thrust out bulge out protuberate distend expand dilate puff out pop loom pop out bloat extend beyond fill out swell out impend be imminent bug out inflate hang out puff up balloon out hang over beetle over lengthen dome be prominent enlarge tumefy intumesce loom out butt out shoot out belly out bilge pooch out stick up pouch out blob point come out elongate hang cantilever bulk emerge stick go beyond prolong lap over ride over show up project outward be swollen balloon up fill bag out billow out spread be conspicuous stretch out peek stick out like a sore thumb thrust rise plump blow up become bloated grow round out become larger become swollen well up puff engorge blow out be inflated swell up become inflated become distended fatten roll surge bounce pitch mushroom toss rise up roll upward extend over jut over protrude over stick out over project over portend bulge over jut out over loom over stand out over command overtop endanger cantilever out poke out over bulge out over impend over tower above flap over droop over be suspended cantilever out over rise above swing over dangle over cast a shadow increase widen stretch amplify augment develop catch the wind distort broaden open protract make larger pump up become wider sag flop flap fatten up put on weight gain weight bulk up get plump droop lop hang loosely


To make a record of
enter record register list log catalog catalogue note document index chronicle docket file inscribe key report schedule chart detail enumerate input mark minute post slate tabulate write book copy diarize enrol enroll indicate insert transcribe type inject introduce note down put down take down write down jot down key in mark down put on file put on record set down make an inventory of make a note of put down on paper put in writing put on paper commit to paper put in write in keyboard typeset enlist set submit matriculate lodge scribble input data join scrawl sign up be admitted add arrange bill programme timetable commit program engross tally apply admit jot pencil take notes keep details sign on sign up for put your name down put in black and white line up put down in black and white be enrolled go in for feed into alphabetize preserve include vote load store affix inventorize poll keep a note of capture fill in cast book down keep account pick up scribble down keep information table code process categorize secure fill out notate mention blog rank place group sort denote volunteer subscribe type in designate inventory make note of keep track of lay on preengage fix up feed in classify be accepted peg tab enter data pen author check in put your name down for take up become a member join up script compose categorise specialise engrave scribe print indite specialize rewrite letter address reproduce typewrite chalk ghost scriven tell autograph squiggle ink doodle knock out knock off make a list of turn out dash off put pen to paper set forth push a pencil bang out write up scratch out begin put down as put down for plan organize time reserve appoint diary organise card engage sew up pencil in slot in write in one's book make arrangements for fix a time for set up get on line archive systematize systemize summarize summarise systematise draft itemize order range trace codify class itemise grade draught compile assort dispose digest methodize rate set out write about lay out excerpt take write out follow outline tag keep track numerate scan audit check describe cite ticket label instance particularize marshal structure take stock particularise compartment separate relegate compartmentalize marshall array take inventory keep a record of distinguish distribute collate condense collect keep count of keep a tab on keep details of keep account of compartmentalise gather together draw up break down keep a record set down in writing set down in black and white tabularize figure formulate present accession


To meet or come together at an agreed time and place
meet assemble gather congregate convene foregather collect rally muster rendezvous converge forgather cluster come together get together reunite appear concentre concenter concentrate confer sit be present be presented flock together meet up enter in crowd flock group conglomerate huddle congress throng convoke swarm mass gang up teem unite herd hang out gather together bunch mingle mobilize pack amass mobilise socialize associate cluster together gang around mob socialise connect combine bunch up collect together make contact join up gather round mix consort corral catch up raise band together pile hive hook up be reunited crowd together meet privately make the scene hang around see each other pull together pour in besiege accumulate mill heap get heads together crowd around focus concur touch focalize encounter organize reconnect show up merge form be closeted network harmonise organise meet behind closed doors mill round press round mill around crowd round reconvene reconcile interact join link line up brigade hem in congregate round converge round press stack pile up pull round up collate cram harmonize compile aggroup reassemble jam squeeze fraternize make friends pair off cower hug have a meeting take up with go into conclave deliberate rejoin huddle together preside huddle up press close draw together throng together snuggle up fraternise run with hang around with blend officiate refamiliarize reacquaint reintroduce meet again get to know again meld amalgamate fuse intermix hold an assembly be in session merge with bleed crush congest overcrowd squish push surge squash fill bundle occupy troop swamp rush lump gather like bees seethe clump form a group stuff load brim charge ram chock bear elbow deluge stream shove sardine justle jam-pack pack 'em in pack like sardines top off inundate jostle cram into press into squeeze into pack into swarm around wedge oneself

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