の同義語 ostensible reason


A false, contrived, or assumed purpose or reason
pretext excuse pretence ploy ruse cover device grounds pretense alibi simulation stratagem subterfuge con feint routine stall cop-out cover story cover-up red herring supposed grounds alleged reason false excuse fig leaf song and dance justification reason defence explanation vindication defense extenuation mitigation rationalization front palliation basis argument expedient rationalisation get-out mitigating circumstances plea evasion cause apology line apologia coverup story fabrication whitewash disguise fish story why and wherefore way around case rationale reasoning account assertion exoneration declaration answer validation logic accounting support thesis claim exculpation evidence statement foundation sense motive acquittal reasons raison d'être premise advocacy allegation approval contention polemic retort apologetics argumentation proof whatfor expostulation motivation thinking theory principle philosophy pleading line of reasoning logical basis appeasement action suit apologism apologetic out right substantiation ratification meaning modification qualification moderation reduction fish tale clearing compurgation revenge endorsement explication proclamation appeal petition exposition presentation postulation confession copout expounding excusing explaining response promotion an excuse whyfor sour grapes the big idea the whole idea whys and wherefores hypothesis jive apologizing return cleanup testimony apologising issue questioning discharge pardon acquittance the why and wherefore profession affirmation reply assurance defending evidence avowal warrant demonstration dialectic absolution connection syllogism ratiocination airtight case extenuating circumstances whitewashing wherefore palliative rationality just cause school of thought good sense whole idea

の反対語 ostensible reason

Music ♫

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